Bad Wife, Bad Life, Time to Move On


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Sasha worked out hard, several hours a week. But, her workout outfits were tights with a giant oversized t-shirt.

Sasha was gorgeous and very fit. Now that I knew, I recognized that Sasha's wardrobe, including her weekend outfits (large t-shirts), was designed to reduce unwanted attention. She also always wore very little makeup, which I always respected in a woman.

As for John, he was a 60 second man. So, when they were intimate in a video, I only had to listen to the audio for a couple of minutes.


After four weeks of watching everyone, I quit my job.

I had built their software from the ground up and decided to create and sell an addon. A Sales module that also included predictive planning. I also knew John was going to have ask for my help to get his current projects completed on time.

In addition, one of the oldest parts of the code, had not been modified in several years. Somehow the source code got corrupted and there were no backups. The missed backups would look like an innocent overlook on IT's part, which it actually was.

I started my new job working from home, so my work activities never changed.

Two weeks later, John was begging me to come back. I finally negotiated a contract rate double my previous hourly rate. John thought it was fine, because he planned on only using me for a short while. I thought it was great, because I was salaried before, and with all my overtime, my new salary with my old hours, would quadruple my previous salary.

I went back and re-wrote the source code from memory. Of course, I couldn't exactly remember every line, so I improved a few things and I added additional features that were requested from Sales.

Unfortunately, the other modules did not work perfectly with the new module, so changes had to be made to them. Lucky for me the new features made my Sales module work even better.

The customers loved the new features in John's software. They also loved my new software company's Sales and Planning software that so easily integrated with it.

After 30 days, my contract was extended indefinitely.


The following week my wife got an interesting letter in the mail, from an attorney. Seems she had a great uncle die recently and the attorneys wanted to discuss it with her.

We met with them the following Tuesday. Her great uncle died a few years ago and had no family he wanted to leave his fortune too. He had created a trust, to provide a monthly allowance in the amount of $4000 per month. If the qualified relative were to have a child and name it after him or his deceased wife, the trust fund would increase to $20,0000 per month. He had died some years ago, but other closer relatives had eventually disqualified themselves, so now the lawyers were speaking to her.

The only caveat was that she "my wife' had to be of outstanding moral character. Her great uncle had been married 3 times, after his first wife had passed away from cancer. The last 2 wives had cheated on him and he had divorced them.

So, no divorce for adultery would be accepted. Thus, why Kay's 2 sisters were not in attendance.

The lawyers had us sign some paperwork and they gave us our first check for $4,012. They said the next would be directly deposited into our joint bank account the first of every month.

Katy was all smiles leaving the office. She talked all the way home how she was going to immediately quit taking birth control and we were going to have another baby. She wanted that $20,0000 per month.

Once we got home, I told her we 'need to talk'. She was so happy she didn't notice my tone.

We sat at the kitchen table. I had to tell her to quit texting on her phone.

I said, "I quit my job a year ago and things are not going so well". I was actually pumping my earnings back into programmers to get code done.

Katy, "What, and you're just now telling me now?".

"I quit to start my own software company. It is working, it is just taking me longer than expected."

Katy, "Well that doesn't matter now, we have lots of money and we are going to get more". She then jumped up and came around the table to give me a big kiss.

Before she could, I told her "I am not going to fuck you ever again".

She saw the cold look in my eye. She turned red as a tomato and screamed "WHAT!".

"I said, I am not going to fuck you ever again".

She screamed "Who do you think you are you little ass wipe!".

I held my hand up with a wait gesture. With my other hand I opened my cell phone and pulled up her sex video. I said, "Remember when your sisters received those sex tapes from the Mechanic's wife? I never told you, but you and I received one as well. I deleted the copy you received so you never knew. But I kept the copy I received, just in case".

I showed her the video.

I finally truly knew what the words 'Gob smacked' meant. She was standing in front of me, eyes wide open in shock, mouth hanging open, her tongue partly hanging over her lip, her arms hanging limply down her sides, and slightly hunched over as she watched the video.

I told her that I had met with the Mechanic's wife and pleaded with her to let us reconcile. I told her that I let you have sex with other women, because it was a sexual need I couldn't fulfill. She told me she would let it go.

For a brief second, I saw a tiny bit of compassion in my wife's eyes. Then it was gone and the conniving look was back.

"That's past history! What do you mean you will not have sex with me!".

I yelled "We haven't had sex in over a year! Why do you think I want to start fucking you now?"

Kay looked bewildered and said "Because of the money dear. $20,0000 per month is a lot of money". "Don't be mad at me, I have been really stressed lately, that is all behind us now. Please babe I love you. Can't we just forget about the past and look forward to the future and our new baby?".

"No" I said, "You have treated me horribly since we got married".

The bitch wife was back, "Listen to me you worthless shit, we are going to have sex and make a baby or I am going to divorce you! Do you understand?".

I just glared at her.

While jabbing her finger at my face Kay yelled, "I'm also not going to share the $4,000 per month either!".

I relaxed and calmly replied in my most innocent voice, "Fine by me, I am going to be filing for divorce due to adultery. Can you give me the phone number of the attorney we just visited? They seemed competent. I'm sure I can find a good divorce attorney with their firm".

To Kay's credit she calmed down instantly. She quickly realized I had the advantage.

She returned to her seat and spoke calmly. "It was only sex with her, I don't love her, I only love you, there is no need for us to give up on all the years we have been together".

"Well, I'm just catching up on the new rules to our relationship. You know the lying and cheating".

Kay, "That was a mistake, I love you and want us back the way we were".

"I agree with you and I think we should go up to our bedroom and have sex right now".

Kay excitedly, "I knew you loved me!".

"No that was lying. Did you see where I looked you straight in the eye and you bought what I was saying? Interesting to see it from the other side, isn't it".

Kay, "Don't play with our love. If you ever really loved me you would try to make this work".

"All right, you are right, I will work harder on our relationship going forward".

Kay, "I knew you loved me. You want to make it up to me in the bedroom?".

"No, I am never going to fuck you ever again".

Kay, looking surprised, "But you just said you were going to work harder on our relationship?".

"Yes, I did, that was lying. I am seeing how this got easier for you to do. The more you do it the easier it gets".

Kay looked like she was about to cry. Crocodile tears.

"I'm sorry I'm just kidding"

Kay, doing her 'pity me' look, "Do you really mean it?".

"No, not at all. Wow, the lying makes communicating with someone who trusts you, so much easier".

"I also have been lying all these years, my parents are billionaires and we never have to worry about money ever again. I'll never leave you and you'll have an unlimited allowance the rest of your life".

Kay, with her bottom lip hanging out, "Not funny".

"Hey, isn't it hard to have a conversation with someone, who will lie right to your face to get what they want?".

Kay, "I said I was sorry. I won't ever lie to you again. Will you stop lying to me?".

"I will stop lying to you".

Kay paused and a tear rolled down her cheek.

Kay, "I love you with all my heart, your kids love you, my sisters and parents think you are the best husband in the world".

I said, "I'm not so sure I believe you. They seemed pretty disrespectful the other day?"

Kay, "No! You know that isn't true, they were just kidding. In fact, let's have a party this weekend so you can see how much everyone adores you."

"Well, that does sound fun. Is Mark and Ron going to be there too?".

Kay, "Sure, the whole family. Will this Saturday afternoon be OK with you?".

"Sure, honey that would be great"

Kay, "You're not fibbing to me again, are you?".

"No, having everyone over should be a very memorable experience".

Kay, "Great, a big party for my loving husband, to show how much everyone loves him".

She came around the table and gave me big hug while I stayed sitting. She even kissed me on the top of my head. Lucky me.

I had been sleeping in the guest room for over a year. I had also installed a dead bolt shortly after I moved in. I always kept my room locked.

Around 5:00 am I was awoken by the sound of an alarm clock going off in the house. Shortly after, someone picked the simple lock on the door and tried to get into my room. The dead bolt worked.

I guess someone thought they could slip into my bed early in the morning and take advantage of my morning wood.


Kay called all the relatives. Listening into the phone calls was hilarious.

Kay had to bribe her sisters to come over, by promising some of her $4000 to them. Ron and Mark were easy, she promised to have a threesome with them, if they came and were good. Her parents did not like it until they heard about the $20,000 a month. Dad was already scheming with my wife, how after the baby was born, they could screw me out of the money.

What did hurt a little was watching Kay having to convince Sally and Kevin, my own children, to be nice to me. She mentioned money and both begrudgingly agreed. Not liking their attitude, she threatened to take all their allowance, their phones, home computers, and any future car, if they messed this up. They smiled and said they would be perfect children for their dad.

Don't worry, it didn't hurt too bad, 7 years ago I began thinking of them as angry step-children. Which was pretty much how they treated me and how much authority I had over them.

You would have thought I won the lottery. Everyone was so nice.

I could see them all grinding their teeth, with their fake smiles.

Everyone was extremely nice, so I took the opportunity to be polite with everyone.

My kids - I mentioned how lovely they were behaving; they didn't even seem like my own kids.

Kathy - I mentioned how I had run into her boss the other day coming out of the downtown hotel. He seemed to be in a bit of a hurry.

I had intentionally run into him coming out of the hotel and talked to him for 20 minutes about programming opportunities.

Kathy had to hide in the hotel lobby bathroom when she came out of the hotel elevators, because she saw me talking to the man she had just fucked. And yes, he is married with 4 children and a loving wife. Kathy has been trying to attach herself to a wealthier man. Of course, they are just banging her for fun.

Katy - I mentioned I had bumped into her aunt the other day. She introduced me to a very good looking young blond girl who she was having lunch with. The girl lived nearby the restaurant. Katia looked like she was going to cry and scurried off to the bathroom. The area the girl lived in was the gay area of town.

Ron and Mark - They were hanging out near the bar, as usual. I asked them what they were doing socially, now that they were single. They discussed a few bars and clubs they went too. When they mentioned one place I scowled. They asked why the look? I mentioned that single guys at my work said never to go there. There were 2 divorced guys that liked to get straight guys drunk and suck their dicks against their will. Both guys turned white. Yes, I had bugged their new apartment. Can't neglect my hobby.

Father-in-law - I told my father-in-law that I thought I saw him and his brother downtown at a restaurant, with his brother's niece. The bartender said her name was Ainsley? The look on the mother-in-law's face would have wilted steel at that point. I had a voice recording of the father-in-law, uncle and from what was said, a tranny with a very big dick, in a hotel room later that day.

My father-in-law suddenly had a need to refresh his drink, even though it was completely full. I guess my father-in-law never discussed his dates with Ainsley with his wife, or the cost for Ainsley's time.

Finally, my mother-in-law - Her and I were alone next to the pool. No one would dare interrupt their mother talking to me.

I said, "Isn't it so nice to see everyone back together again?".

Mother-in-law, "Why yes, it is".

"I'm glad Ron and Mark were able to stay friends and become roommates after the divorce".

My mother-in-law did not answer, but by the look in her eye I knew she suspected that Ron and Mark were now more than just friends. Knowing her, she had fucked them both and probably at the same time.

Hell, after witnessing what she did with her husband and his brother, my mother-in-law was probably the person who first made Ron and Mark play with each other. I hadn't seen anything since I started my hobby. She was spending most of her time training her Husband and brother-in-law.

"I think Katy and Kathy will bounce back and find someone soon. If not, the kids will be eventually be gone and they will only be in their mid-forties by then".

Mother-in-law, "Yes they still have a lot of life ahead of them". I could see the pain behind her eyes. Single, public divorces due to adultery, two kids, and working as a waitress and a secretary. It leaves little time for romance or finding a good guy willing to take on the headaches and financial burden of 2 kids. Plus, at least 10 more years till all the grandkids were out of her house.

"My kids seem to be doing better in school this year. I think Kevin is going to make a couple B's and the rest C's this year. He will be the genius amongst all your grandchildren. We will have to do something special for him to try and inspire all your grand kids to try harder at school".

Mother-in-law, absentmindedly "Yes, that does sound best".

"Maybe a party at your house for all the grand kids. A pool party. Is the pool still working? I haven't seen the pool cover off in years". I knew they had emptied the pool years ago to cut expenses.

Mother-in-law, "Oh the lake would be so much nicer". Her eyes got a little harder.

"Your husband seems to be doing well. His brother and him were all laughs and chuckles when I saw them having lunch together with your niece, in the hotel restaurant downtown. They were having so much fun I didn't want to interrupt, and I was late getting back to the office. I took a picture when I saw them. Do you want to see?".

Mother-in-law, "Why yes I would, I didn't get a chance to say hi to my brother-in-law's niece".

I showed her the picture. It showed a very young thin girl in a red dress sitting in a booth with two elderly gentlemen.

My father-in-law was sitting across from her. His brother was sitting against the wall between the girl and my father-in-law. If you had a sharp eye, you would notice that there was a pair of red high heeled shoes under the table, which could just be seen under the hanging table cloth. But what was not in the shoes, were 2 feet. And, my father in laws napkin across his lap seemed very high off his lap.

It took me 3 hours to erase the feet in the shoes and 'raise' the napkin on his lap. It seemed only fair, I only got a voice recording from the hotel room.

After almost a minute staring at the photo, she looked me in the eye and said under hear breath, "She does look so pretty, I haven't seen her in so long. I wish she had more time to visit. Can you send me that photo? it is such a good picture of her." Her eyes were seathing with hate now.

I glanced out of the corner of my eye to see everyone was watching us. My mother-in-law was being quiet. In her entire life she was never quiet. She spent every minute of her life telling others how to live their lives and where they screwed up for not listening to her.

"So, I guess Kay has told you about her little windfall?"

Mother-in-law, "Why yes, I think it is a wonderful opportunity for you two to get ahead in life. I think you should jump at another chance to have a baby and secure your financial future, especially with your job not doing so well".

There it was, that conniving look back in her eyes. Her chance to vent some evil at me.

"Well, Kay and I have been having some marital problems these last few years. If we can overcome our issues, we will see."

Mother-in-law, "Well you know she loves you, and we are talking about a great deal of money".

I actually envisioned her salivating from her mouth as she spoke. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, as she said the work 'money'.

"Well, I hope you will encourage her to do whatever it takes to make our marriage work".

Mother-in-law, with an open sneer on her face, "Well don't take too long, she has other options".

And there is was. I knew she couldn't resist.

I said, "Other options???" and leaned further back in my chair.

"Well, her sisters are on record for adultery in court, so that's out of the question".

"You are incapable of conceiving a child, so that's out of the question".

"If my wife tries to divorce me, I will sue on the grounds of adultery. I have iron clad proof of her dalliances, so that's out of the question".

"If my wife gets pregnant by someone else a DNA test will quickly identify the baby is the result of adultery, so that's out of the question".

"Of course, I was a little worried that I might have an accident with so much money involved. So, I hired an attorney and gave him all the evidence of adultery, in case I get ill, so that's out of the question".

"But then, I'm sure some attorney will have some bright idea to try to get around the rules. Of course, you would have to help with all the expensive lawyer fees and take any risks".

"Of course, the minute any law suit arrived on my doorstep, I would immediately have my wife stop giving any money to whomever is suing me, so that's out of the question".

"And there is the risk. Are you willing to risk your precarious financial situation for something that will eventually fail? Something that will leave you homeless, with no retirement?".

"I guess you could move in with one of your daughters somewhere. Not Kay of course. After legally attacking your son in law you would not be welcome here, so that's out of the question".

"You could move into a small apartment with your daughters and their children. But, neither make enough money for rent on a four-bedroom apartment, so that's out of the question".

"So, what other options were you referring too, my dear mother?".

My mother-in-law was actually speechless. Her mouth was actually hanging open, twitching. This was not a natural state for her.

Out of my peripheral I could see everyone at the party, including the kids, also staring with their mouths open, wondering what was going on. I was pleasantly smiling and my mother-in-law looked like a fish trying to breath air.