Bard's Tale 06 - Tahna, and more


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"Now to a more delicate but necessary matter. I know it is rude, but as you speak Greek to each other, I assume you follow the Hellene gods?"

The woman nodded affirmatively.

Tia asked, "May I ask do you have a patron you follow before all others?"

"My family and I worship Hestia, Lady."

The priestess nodded. "That's acceptable. I am a servant of the Lawgiver, but you will be permitted a shrine to your goddess within your quarters. If asked questions about my faith, I will answer, but I will not deliberately seek to convert you or your children away from your chosen beliefs, nor demand that you yourself do so as a condition of employment. As I recall, a permanent fire is required for devotees?"

The woman blushed with shame. "I dare not leave a fire unattended, Lady, nor even a candle in Her honor. We are gone for so many hours each day. I keep our dry goods sealed because the building is infested with bugs, mice, and rats. We would starve otherwise."

"A sad but wise precaution," Tia replied. "I'm sure your goddess understands your poverty. I believe that once my kitchen is built to my satisfaction, we can keep a low fire in at least one oven, and allowance for you to feed it once a day in honor of your goddess. Would that be agreeable?"

A tear spilled down the woman's cheek. "That is extremely generous. What you offer me and my family - it's beyond belief! By the gods, I want to accept... but I can't."

"Ah, now I think we get to the heart of the matter. Please tell me why you cannot take this position. Surely you aren't a slave?"

"No, but I have debts." The tired woman pushed away light tresses in need of washing and wiped away the unbidden tear. "It may not be easy for us to leave."

"Are you indentured then?" Tia asked. "For Master Allyn's sake and for the sake of his sisters, I am willing to do much."

"No, nothing official. But this place and my job are part of working off what I owe to a powerful man with strong guards. My late husband's funeral costs were expensive. To my shame, we did not have the funds to give him a proper burial. I loved him and could not bear the idea of his spirit being condemned to wander as a ghost without the proper rites to see him to the Elysian Fields."

"How much do you owe?"

"A hundred and twenty-three gold royals. At least, I think that's the amount. Maybe it's more. There's interest, which I confess I don't understand, but no matter how much I pay, the debt continues to grow. The work we do and much of what we earn goes to rent for this room and to pay on the debt. We barely have enough left over to buy food."

"I daresay you aren't succeeding," Tia countered bluntly. "Rather, you are losing ground, Widow Meadows."

Sighing, Tia could well imagine the situation, having seen it many times before. A woman as sole provider to children, often illiterate, and a debt that "magically" keeps growing. Such criminals depend on circumstances, family pride, as well as bully tactics to pad their needful pockets and indulge their lusts.

Tia said, "You have stepped into the bog and it is sucking you down, and that's the truth of it. It is within my power to extricate you and so I will. Tell me the name of the man who holds your debt marker."

"He goes by the name of Mr. Thanos."

Thanos meant "immortal."

Tia suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. "Cute. Well, tomorrow night after the end of your shift, tell Mr. Thanos to be here in front of this building to settle your debt marker. Do not tell them you quit. Leave that to me. I'm assuming that besides coin, he's been asking you to do private things that a woman might be asked to do to help cover unpaid interest? I thought so. Please, do as I've instructed you, and together we will save your family, Widow Meadows."

Tia looked at the girls, remembering the names the boy had told her. "Master Allyn, you've told me about your sisters, but I have yet to be introduced so as to match their faces to their names."

The boy proudly gave their names again, pointing out each sister in their turn.

"A great pleasure to meet you, Emmy, Ginny, and Marie. I need to return to my family, but before I go, there is one last thing I'd like to do. If I may have your mother's permission, I'd like to provide your evening meal. I assure you it will be hot, delicious, and very filling, leaving hungry tummies full and completely satisfied through the entire night. Does that sound like something you'd like?"

The heads of four children swiveled as one, turning their full attention to their mother. Taken unaware, she nodded to the priestess. "Yes, of course."

Looking to the ceiling and clasping her holy symbol, Tia spoke her petition clearly. "Dearly Beloved, I am about to ask another goddess to allow Your perfect power to provide for a mother and her hungry children. I ask this not for myself but for their sake. Lady Hestia, I am not one of yours, but this family has had too many meals without their growing bellies being filled. They are caught in dreadful circumstances beyond their control. I humbly and respectfully ask that you allow my goddess to provide healthy and filling food for their empty bellies. I will take silence as Your denial."

To the amazement of mother and children, there was a brief sparkle of light as a silver necklace with a small circle etched showing a hearth and a blazing fire appeared on the floor before the widow.

"Go on," Tia said, with a smile. "Hestia, guardian of the home and hearth has heard my plea on your behalf. Moreover, she shows you her divine favor with a necklace for you to wear."

Hands shaking as the display of magic, the astonished woman reverently placed the pendant around her neck.

Before Tia could begin the long spell required for heavenly feast, the area between them shimmered. The priestess felt the energy cost being drawn from her reserve.

A low table appeared and on it were five covered plates. Amongst the plates were several stoppered jugs, a bowl with dolmades, another with fresh, soft butter, and bowls of strawberries and blueberries in larger bowls of ice to keep them the chilled. Lifting the first lid cautiously, the air was immediately filled with scents of hot food, displayed on fancy plates with fancy silverware with which to eat. Wide eyes and grins lit their faces.

Each plate contained moussaka, a dish of fried aubergine (eggplant) with minced, succulent chunks of beef and potatoes, all topped with a creamy béchamel sauce and baked to a golden brown. In addition to the main dish was a salad consisting of chunks of feta cheese, sliced black and green olives, sliced almonds, diced tomatoes, and cucumbers with bits of chives, all covered in a tasty yogurt dressing. Accompanying that were slices of fried chicken strips and tzatziki sauce.

A towel-covered basket contained layers of hot, fresh pita bread. The dessert tray had fat slices of rich chocolate-flavored halva and savory yet sweet baklava squares baked into a crisp yet flaky crust.

At their mother's instruction, they gave brief yet heartfelt thanks to Hestia and "Lady Tia's Lawgiver" before tucking in. Happy noises soon arose as they tasted the meal.

As Widow Meadows looked up for the priestess to further express her gratitude, Tia was nearly out the door.

"Thank you," she called. "For everything! And... and I'll do everything you told me to do."

Tia paused, beaming at her. "I am but the conduit of the power and love of my goddess. Your goddess was gracious enough to let the Lawgiver provide what was needed. Enjoy the meal and eat your fill. From past experience, I tell you the food will remain for two hours. Anything that you want more of, ask for it aloud, and it will magically appear on your plate. Sadly, anything extra cannot be saved, but with this meal it is impossible to overeat. When the spell expires, anything remaining will vanish, including all the dishware. My advice is that tomorrow you take the money your son has given you and see that each of you eat a good and filling breakfast. At lunch, do not stint. Eat meat and vegetables, and in the evening, eat a hearty and healthy dinner. Do the same the next day as well. I will be back in two days, Widow Meadows. You will have to mind your children, because their hunger will gnaw at them, though tonight's feast will go far to easing their hunger. Follow these instructions and all of you will feel the better for it. I expect to see Master Allyn tomorrow morning at the usual time and place. Bless you and your family, Widow Meadows."

She closed the door behind her, standing on the landing a moment to take stock. Watching those hungry waifs dig in had filled her with such happiness.

Lifting her hands heavenward again, she whispered, "Dearly Beloved, it is times like this that I love You more than I can say, and You certainly reward me more than I deserve. It is my honor to serve You. I hope that You continue to guide me as You have thus far. And thank You most of all for our husband and the family we shall soon meet."

Really, Tia? Asking me to intervene with Hestia? Still, this day provides ground for future progress. As for you? You know I have a soft spot for kids. Now Brigit's laughing at me.

"Oh, my," the priestess whispered with concern.

Hestia was open to the intervention, and the amulet is the mother's reward for her faithful devotion and prayers. You have a bit more to do this night yet even as I push you to your limits. Go with my blessing, daughter.

"By Your will, so it is," Tia responded respectfully.

* * * * *

Part 5 - A Heartbeat Away

* * * * *

Quickly descending to the alley, she turned onto the narrow street and headed toward the Grey Wolf Inn, feeling quite content with herself. The magical laundry box should make laundry much easier for the widow. Until there was more for her to do, she could help with other tasks like sweeping, dusting, and mopping, and at the end of the day, be able to have time to spend with her children - something that would no doubt make both her and her children happy.

As for herself, she realized she had a few other obligations to take care of yet. During the winter months, she taught the young children of New Brittany their letters, basic mathematics, and other subjects. Her nephew Mikel currently worked as a reference librarian at City of the Suns had been one of the few who had taken what he was taught and asked for more. Nearly all the others had been content with being able to read and write and then turning their focus on the family trade. Maybe she would talk to her mothers about a suitable replacement teacher. In the meantime, Tia looked forward to getting to know Master Allyn and his sisters.

"One hired, a dozen or more to go!" she said to herself with a chuckle. Though she loved to cook, hiring a good cook dedicated to the task, if not next, was at the top of her list.

Tia was nearly out of the neighborhood when a movement caught her eye. A hand from a prone body hidden by piles of clutter and debris clawed weakly at the nearby wall once, and then fell.

Had it not been for the hand's movement and her facing that direction, she likely would have missed the act entirely, nor seen the body hidden as it was by the alley's plentiful trash.

Coming to a stop, Tia Whisper Wind watched a moment for further activity. There was none, though she counted silently to a hundred.

She glanced around. Sometimes groups of thieves liked to lure in the unwary with traps that played on the natural kindness of others. She didn't have the skills to hide in shadows like Mindal or Tahna possessed, but she didn't see anyone else lurking nearby. The trip to New Brittany, time in the Healing Ward, and dealing with four wayward boys and their rampage had depleted much of her total spell energies. The divine reserves normally available to the high priestess were severely depleted, therefore Tia remained cautious.

"Right. Once seen, it cannot be unseen," she muttered to herself. Remarkably, many of the detection magics she'd cast earlier in the day were still in effect.

** Please note, the following scene describes the aftermath of a brutal sexual assault. If such mental images bother you, please skip ahead to the next marked section. **

Moving some of the trash away, she quickly saw the person was a young woman, possibly in her late teens or early twenties. Physically, at least, she was of comparable age to Tia herself.

The fancy merchant's dress had once been of decent quality, but was stained, bloody, and torn. By the broken nose and labored breathing, she suspected the woman had internal bleeding. There was a definite stink from the barely conscious woman. Definitely the reek of urine and feces. She had probably lain here in her own piss and excrement in the days following her assault, too badly hurt to seek help much less move.

The neighborhood behind her seemed to have a lot of Hellenes, so Tia tried Greek first. "Hello? Are you all right?"

No answer. The fact she was still breathing told Tia she was still alive, but detect life also told her the woman was fading. With no answer, Tia firmly believed she had permission to heal and do whatever was needed; social taboos and cultural issues could be sorted out later.

Reaching over, making sure she touched skin, she cast the simple orison clean. In some ways, her face was worse without the dirt and dried blood. Both of her eyes were swollen shut. Nose enlarged and askew from the break. Two broken teeth and her lip was split. Based on the sagging skin, her cheekbone was also broken. The rest of her face was one of massive bruising. Her assailants had vented a lot of anger onto her body. The brutality of what she saw both appalled and enraged the high priestess.

The arm jerked at Tia's touch. Her voice croaked out, her words slurred and weak. "Pleash... no more... mercy."

Her speech had been Ba'lorian. Switching languages, Tia said, "It's all right, I'm here to help you. I'm going to turn you over. I'll be as careful as I can."

Easing the body over, the young woman stiffened and her mouth moved in a silent scream. As the woman settled onto her back, she panted and whimpered. Tia had definitely heard the grating of bone on bone during the move.

As Tia expected, her dress was torn open in the front so as to provide easy access to her sex. While she was now clean, it brought to stark clarity the many barely healed discolorations, scratches, and even bite marks such cleaning revealed. The woman's nether lips were pink with fresh blood.

Putting aside her personal feelings, the priestess focused on assessing the woman's injuries, and deciding the best course of action.

Opening her daypack, she retrieved her waterskin. Gently lifting the woman's head, she helped the woman to drink a few swallows. A small trail of water spilled down her chin. Tia set aside the waterskin, and used the water to moisten her patient's lips.

"Are you able to talk at all?"

The woman's eyes were brown and her hair dark, and from those places not blue or yellow from the massive bruising, her skin appeared to of lighter complexion than her own lightly bronzed coloring.

"Everything... hurts." Her voice was still gravelly. Fresh blood flecked her lips as she spoke.

"I understand," Tia replied. She recognized the same hoarseness that she'd heard from Tahna just hours before. It was from a voice strained from screaming as she was cruelly abused.

Tia laid her head gently back onto the ground. "You are very critically injured and are dying. I don't think you can be safely moved from this filthy place. If I cause discomfort or pain, I assure you it is not intentional. When the spell takes effect, you will feel a brief warmth everywhere as your body is healed. The warmth will soon pass."

Clasping her holy symbol, Tia quietly murmured the major spell heal. It was one of many of the highest tier spells she'd already cast that day. Those more powerful spells tapped harder into her stamina than those of lesser power. As low as her spell reserves were, Tia felt the power drawing its strength from deep within before charging forth and transferring to the prone woman. As the dying woman's body was enveloped in the nimbus of green light, the power drain left the priestess staggered, panting from the effort, and teetering on the edge of spell shock.

As the woman received the healing energy, she arched her back as if in a rictus of pain while sucking for air. Then she slowly relaxed, grateful for the absence of pain. A few seconds later her eyes blinked open, tracking better as she became more aware of her surroundings. Thirst and hunger began to make themselves known.

Tia's hand shot out to the filthy wall in an effort to keep from falling over. Dizziness tried to drag her down into the darkness. She struggled, and as she successfully resisted, she sighed in gratitude.

** end of section **

A much different woman sat up. While still in filthy rags, her face was young and even somewhat comely. A far cry from mere moments earlier.

Despite the danger to herself, Tia used clean again as she touched the woman's ruined dress. Then, still touching it, she applied more energy, casting the ever-useful Crimbley's mending cloth. As the much-stained dress was magically repaired, Tia gasped as she struggled to remain awake as the power left her body.

After taking a few seconds to catch her breath, the priestess said, "There... that should cover your nakedness." Tia paused to suck down a few breaths of air before continuing. "Are you able to tell me what happened?"

The young woman, her voice hoarse, asked, "May I have... more water?"

Tia handed over the waterskin, and the woman drained the remaining contents in a single go, mindlessly unaware as some spilled down her face. When it was empty, she wiped her chin and licked her lips as she handed it back. Tia capped it and returned it to her daypack.

"Sorry, I don't have more." Using the wall for support, the priestess grunted as she managed to stand only after a great deal of determined effort.

"It truly..." The woman coughed and cleared her throat. "It helped, believe me." She easily got to her feet without issue. "What day is it?"


"Nearly three full days then. I don't think I would have lasted much longer. I owe you my life."

"You needed help." Tia shivered a moment, feeling the first signs of spell shock begin. "Please, let's walk. We both have serious need of food and drink."

The young woman frowned, then looked pensive as they left the alley, entering a larger street. "Can we go that way? I was falsely accused of stealing, and I'd rather not run into my former employer or the men who hurt me."

"Sure. Keep a look out. I really do need to eat and sit for a bit."

"All right. When they... when they finally stopped, they just left me there. I tried to move but it hurt too much. I was sure then I was going to die. I'm sorry, you have healed me... of terrible injuries, and I'm going on about it. I don't mean to be ungrateful."

"It's normal," Tia assured her, panting as she walked.

"You're a priestess of the Lawgiver! I was at death's door and you healed me with one spell. I... don't have any money. They stole my wallet. But I'll pay you back, I promise. Hey, you're wobbling a bit. Here, lean on me."

The two women walked close together, evening crowds finally beginning to thin out somewhat. The day's heat eased off with the onset of twilight.

Tia broke the silence a block later. "What's your name?"

"Jo. Jo Mason. How shall I address you?"

"Mother Tia."

Jo chuckled. "Look at us. Two young women in the prime of life and we're both hobbling along like a pair of grandmothers."