Battlefield Ch. 07


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Charlene chuckled as Jake laughed, then Kitty gasped while Trisha smiled wickedly.

"Somebody is very excited about her public punishment, Charlene." She said, both hands busy under the curve of Kitty's bottom.

Charlene smiled. "Would you like to play with her, Trisha?"

"Oh I'd love to. I've wanted to since I first set eyes on her. I won't hurt you, pet. Would that be OK?"

Kitty looked over at Charlene and Dragon, as if seeking permission.

"Do ye want to go play with Trisha and Jake, Kitty?"

"Yes, please. Master. If it pleases you and Mistress. Very much so." She said then gasped as Trisha continued to play with her under the water.

"By all means, Kitty. Enjoy yourself." Charlene said, then leaned into Dragon's embrace as Kitty shrieked an orgasm from Trisha's fingers manipulating her folds under the water and rolling her clit between finger and thumb.

As she came back down, Kitty found herself being cuddled by Jake from behind as Trisha gently massaged her breasts and kissed her neck. She could feel Jake's hard cock pressing against her bottom but he made no move to slip into her, just held her while Trisha explored her.

She opened her eyes to see Charlene and Dragon kissing on the other side of the hot tub and relaxed, if they were doing that, then what she was experiencing must be good. They wanted her safe and they trusted these two with her.

Jake rose, lifting Kitty easily, and Trisha stepped out of the hot tub to grab some towels so they could all dry off. Kitty was held in strong arms as Trisha quickly dried her off, then dried herself and Jake, and then they disappeared into the house.

Kitty was laid down on a warm bed, and the couple then took her from both sides. Jake kissing and caressing her while Trisha did the same on her other side, their hands busy in her middle, fingers working her clit and slit into a froth of passion that got Kitty to cum again fast. This was all new experiences for her.

"Condoms are on the table, Jake." Trisha said as she noted how hard her partner was.

Kitty shook her head. "Don't want 'em. Fuck me good." she muttered.

Jake and Trisha locked eyes, then Trisha shrugged. "The Lady always gets to choose, love. She wants you bare, make it worth it." He grinned and getting into position, slid into Kitty without much preamble.

She arched her back as his long cock slid deep into her very wet slit without hesitation. She was in the moment, a hard cock was in her, and she had a woman with her who was making her feel so good.

Jake was well defined with lean muscle on his tall frame, and he worked out daily with his own job. He had no issue with pumping his iron into this long legged beauty spread beneath him, and as his woman continued to kiss her breasts, suck her nipples, and nuzzle her neck, he drove his cock deep into her, testing the depths of her pussy as he indulged his own senses.

They rolled so that Kitty was astride him, feeling his hard length go all the way into her so that she was, as they say, balls-deep and filled up with him. Trisha continued to kiss her, then Kitty jumped as Trisha's long nails scraped across her still tender bottom, then she groaned as a thumb rubbed her clit and she came around Jake's hard cock.

She fell forward onto Jake and as he continued to slowly pump into her, she again recovered from the orgasm. She knew she had a big one building, but was unable to say anything, it just felt so good.

"She's going to cum hard, love." Trisha said, caressing and kissing Kitty's neck and chest as the girl continued to ride him

Jake chuckled, his hands firmly holding onto Kitty's hips as he enjoyed her movements on him.

"I may not last too much longer either, love. She is quite good at this."

Trisha smiled and kissed Kitty, their mouths and tongues fighting each other as Kitty rolled her hips with passion, feeling the orgasm building. "Then by all means, love. Fill her with a hot load. Let her feel some real love."

Jake began to thrust up as Kitty worked her hips, enjoying the ride and feeling the sensations building, with Trisha's tongue and tender fingers caressing and rubbing her, Kitty felt the orgasm flow, and knew it was going to be big.

"I'm gonna, I'm gonna – I'm cumming!" She cried as the orgasm blew over her, her tight muscle clenching bringing Jake off with a quiet roar as he pumped his seed into her willing pussy, feeling her inner muscles flex and clench around him as her entire body quivered from the orgasm.

Kitty slowly came back to earth, feeling herself in the middle of a snuggly sandwich, warm breasts and curves against her front, with muscles and a semi-hard cock against her back. She sighed, then her eyes went wide. "Sassy." She said, both Jake and Trisha froze.

Kitty sat up, then looked at the two and began to cry, only to be gathered into a warm embrace and cuddled.

"Whatever is wrong?" Jake asked her quietly, both of them keeping their arms around her for comfort, but not containing her at all in case she needed to get up. A safe word had been said, and no power on this earth would prevent them from respecting that hard boundary.

"I cannot do anal. Please don't be mad at me." Kitty mumbled into Trisha's breast.

Trisha chuckled. "It was actually me that was rubbing you there, Kitty. I am sorry that it bothered you. We don't do anything you don't want to do. No fear, no problems, and as your Dragon would say, no worries."

Kitty continued to cry though, memories flooding and mixing with the new sensations that were all around her. She knew she was safe, but there was still fear. These two said they would respect her, but it was very scary after what had happened in weeks and months prior.

"I am sorry to spoil the mood. I am really having a good time. Please, allow me to serve you again? Can I try again?" She asked, looking at them both.

A strong kiss from Trisha and then Jake was her reply. "We thought you'd never ask, pretty girl." Jake said.

Trisha stayed at the house with them while Jake went back to Spokane to work. They had been looking at moving out to the coast for some time, so this helped them along. They were able to move their furniture to the Ballard house that was now empty, even though they lived in the much bigger house. Then Jake got his transfer papers so he could begin working locally. He had never discussed his job, and said it was for security reasons. Nobody ever pried into his business. Trisha was a Paramedic, so she really knew her medical stuff, and Kitty very much enjoyed spending time with them, which left Charlene and Dragon alone to enjoy themselves and the tiny baby growing inside of her.

By the three month mark since Kitty's rescue, things had settled down into a steady routine. The house was full of life and laughter, no stress. People took turns cooking and things were happy like they should be. Trisha and Jake spent time with the rest, and took time for themselves as well. There was no pressure or expectation on them to move out, or to make any changes.

As things tend to do though, reality takes a hard left turn at times and brick walls have a habit of jumping up and smacking you in the face.

Charlene was beginning to swell with pregnancy. Her belly just beginning to expand, and she had the glow about her that most expectant mothers had. Dragon was so happy about that, and also that Kitty had chosen to stay with them, which made both him and Charlene happy. She still enjoyed being sandwiched between Trisha and Jake, and had begun to split her time between the two houses, on the odd occasions that the other couple did not sleep over.

Charlene and Kitty had gone out to get some groceries while Dragon had been working on his bikes. He had two Hayabusas. One was electric, the other was gas. And it was the gas one he was working on, getting it ready for painting so it could be a match to the electric one.

A call on his cell, with just one word heard, which was Kitty crying for help. He was on the bike, roaring down the road, sans helmet and at a speed that ensured he had three patrol cars screaming sirens and lights behind him as he pulled into the grocery store parking lot and then laid the bike on it's side, scraping it badly, to run into the store as the cop cars screamed to a halt behind him.

He skidded to a halt at the sight. John was there. He had Charlene by the neck and she was not touching the ground. He had the cell phone in his paw, and dropped it as he saw Dragon. Charlene was very red in the face and was not moving much, but she was alive. Kitty was cowering by one of the attendants who was trying to protect her and also himself from this giant of an angry man. A store security guard lay on the ground, cap some distance from him, and he was not moving.

"There is the hero of the day. The little man who took my life away." John said, glaring at Dragon.

"Put her down, John." Dragon said as he slowly moved forward, heedless of the potential danger. Charlene needed help, now.

He heard the sound of running feet and then could perceive the police behind him, but they also remained silent, taking in the scene and being immediately aware of the danger.

"You brought the cops." John sneered.

"When I got here, I was doing better than 120. They dinna agree with me speed, so I think they want a conversation wi me later. Put the girl down." Dragon replied.

"You stole her from me." John said.

"You gave her away when you abused her, John."

"She's a slave. She is my slut. Not yours!" John snarled.

"She is a human being, entitled to the same rights as you are. You don't just beat and rape her because you feel she has done wrong." Dragon said. He was now only a few feet away.

"She needed to be punished." John said, almost pleadingly.

"Then spank her backside. Don't whip her until she bleeds and then rape her ass. That's no punishment, man. That's abuse, pure n simple. Now put the girl down and we can talk." Dragon said, preparing himself to make a move that would get Charlene free, but would put him in direct danger.

"Ill show you abuse." John growled and even as Tad cried out, John punched Charlene hard in the stomach and chest four times, then threw her at Dragon, who caught her and went down, making sure he cushioned her fall. The roar was deafening as the police shot John. He fell, six bullets in him, and was dead before he hit the floor.

"Charlene!" Dragon cradled her as Kitty ran over and fell to her knees. Charlene was gasping and in a lot of pain. She looked at them both and struggled to smile, then faded away into darkness.

At the hospital, Tad and Kitty waited anxiously as the doctors worked on Charlene. A police officer sat nearby, keeping an eye on Tad as he had agreed to go to the hospital and stay with his woman and not go anywhere else without an officer because he was technically under arrest for very dangerous driving and highly excessive speed, but under the circumstances, the police were willing to be flexible.

Finally, the Doctor came to talk to them. Even the officer came up to hear the report. Police do have feelings, they are just required to not act on them while on duty.

"I'm sorry to say that your lady friend has suffered severe injuries. Six broken ribs, including one that punctured her right lung. Her spleen is bruised, but not ruptured, so that is good. Unfortunately, the damage and shock has triggered a miscarriage. She has lost the child. She is stabilized, so you can go and see her, but she will be asleep for the next few hours, so don't expect much from her."

"Kitty, stay with her. I'll deal with the police and be back as soon as I can." Dragon said with no emotion, and with a kiss on her lips and then a firm swat to Kitty's bottom, sent her in to be with her friend and mistress.

"Mr. Tadius Ewen McDragough. You were recorded moving at a speed in excess of 127 Mph in a 60 Mph zone. Over a distance of more than six miles." The Recording Officer read the traffic violation report.

"Aye, Sir. I am aware." Tad replied.

"Although we are fully aware of the reason for your excessive speed, you still violated a number of laws, not the least of which was reckless driving and endangerment. In addition, you were not wearing a helmet or protective safety gear."

"Aye, Sir. I do understand, and I submit myself to yon mercy of the police. I plead guilty as charged." Tad replied calmly.

"What's going on here?" Came a voice Tad recognized and turned to see Jake. He was in uniform, as a policeman.

"Excessive speed violation, Captain." Came the reply from the desk sergeant.

"Let me see the report. Mr. McDragough, come sit down with me." Jake said, and with the report in hand, took Tad into an office and closed the door.

"You hit 127 on the I90?" Jake said with a wry grin.

Tad sighed and looked at the floor. "What's happened, Dragon?" Jake asked, sensing there was more to the story. He kept reading, then looked at Tad in shock as he read about the assault and the shooting death.

"The bastard's dead, Jake. But he killed me baby in the process." Tad said, letting his head fall into his hands as Jake put a hand on his shoulder.

"He beat Charlene, then tossed her aside. I managed to catch her, and the police shot him dead. But the damage was done, she miscarried." Tad said, then his shoulders began to shake as the man that was a solid rock finally began to fall apart himself. Jake put his arm around Tad's shoulders and held him as Tad cried.

It took almost ten minutes before Tad finally pulled himself together and sat back up. "Thank ye, Jake. I knew that was coming, I'm just glad it was with somebody that is in the know."

"Go back to Charlene. I'll deal with this. You'll have a fine, maybe some community service. We'll take care of it. Go be with her."

Tad pushed open the hospital room door to see Kitty sleeping on the chair, holding on to Charlene's hand as she lay on the bed, also sleeping. The monitor was quietly beeping as it indicated her heart rate, body temperature and other vitals. It was late at night, but the hospital staff would not deny him this visit. These were his women, and they were suffering.

Kitty woke to his touch on her shoulder, and she buried herself in his arms as they looked at Charlene, sleeping, hooked up to machines, but no longer with the swell to her belly she had had only a day before. The baby was gone.

The next day Charlene was discharged, lightly taped up for her broken ribs, and she was taken home by Dragon, Trisha and Kitty. Trisha took over her care, and despite Charlene's protests, she was made to sit and relax.

Jake came by that day and formally charged Tad with the excessive driving, then explained the judge had already mitigated the sentence to a fine only. No conviction or anything else. Now that they knew he was police, he had no reason to hid it, any tended to get suited up before work and come home in uniform most days. Kitty enjoyed the uniform and Jake found himself on the receiving end of her attention a lot more once he realized she liked a man in that sort of uniform.

Trisha had to be very firm with the younger submissive, and Kitty found herself quite often over Trisha's lap for a hard spanking due to her incessant flirting, then a good long and hard fuck from John as a reward for taking her punishment.

Charlene was very depressed, but was not allowed to dwell on the loss. She was never left alone, and Tad was as attentive as before, if not more so. When he did finally make love to her, it was so gentle and tender that she just cried in his arms, his cock slid up into her, and his strong arms gently folding her against his chest as she sobbed out their loss and her pain at the injuries.

"Hush, Red. It will all work out. You're with me, and that will not ever change." He whispered into her ear as he held her tightly.

"I lost our baby, Tad." She said, hugging him tightly.

"Nay, luv. You dinna lose the wee bairn. It was just not our time yet. We have the time to try again. Yon doctor has said we're still both fertile. If it happens, then it happens. I love ye no matter what."

"You mean that?" She said, looking at him.

"Aye, I've loved you for a long time, just had to get it through me thick skull. You are mine, Red. Nothing is ever gonna change that. Let us sleep now, in the morning, it will all be right."


The Character of Kitty is real. She did suffer like in the story, and was rescued by members of the BDSM community. She went on to have her happy ending and has a loving husband and two wonderful children. If she ever reads this, I hope that she enjoys the characterization.

John Jacobs is totally fictional. A mashup of all the bad Dominants and Masters that I have come across rolled into one sort of twisted character. The real Master who hurt Kitty was nothing like him, although he did really get banned from events because of what he did to her.

Charlene is an amalgam of three different people in my life. A baby was lost, but not through violence, it was still a tragedy that is lived with every day. Writing stories like this helps to heal from that wound.

Lorena and the rest of the community are also real. There is a city in the Pacific Northwest with a very active BDSM lifestyle and the people there will probably recognize aspects of themselves in the story. I hope I did them proud.

As for Tad McDragough, Dragon – He is the man that I always hoped to be. I am him, and he is me. I ride a bike, and I am artfully creative, but with the written word, whereas he is skillful with a brush.

This work is fantasy, not reality, it is my universe, not our reality, so things happen here that would never happen in the real world. This is my playground, hope you liked the break.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
This story

This story was very well written and I liked how it wasn't just pure sex.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The Community

As I read this I was reminded of many of my friends----

2triads made up of extremely loving people. And another dear friend who isna Scottish but has the characteristics of his heritage (Asian)

Was a wonderful read and a great lesson to those - others- not in the life style...

Thank you. An older gentleman Young Dom

fanfarefanfareover 10 years ago
unfortunate reality

I am of the opinion that SSC, should be defined by the D/s Community as Safe, SOBER and Consensual. This is why I do not participate in the local D/s scene as there is way to much abuse of alcohol and drugs by the participants.

One important point that was too swiftly passed over in this story ".....Master was a big guy, over 6 foot, and probably close to 200 pounds. He was well defined, because he worked out at a gym every day, pumping iron....." is how many participants in sports and bodybuilding are abusing steroids and testosterone and other supplements to artificially build muscle mass. And the serious physical and psychological health risks the users incur.

Our popular worship of the uber-apex male through sports has corrupted education and the rest of our society. And will leave a legacy of genetic disabilities that will cripple generations to come.

srcollinssrcollinsover 10 years ago
Great Job!

This is how I like to see D/s. Safe, Sane, and with Consent. You did a great job of showing healing and a novice's introduction to the lifestyle. I appreciate your style. Please write more in this category we need more than sadistic people torturing others.

BrihannaBrihannaover 10 years ago

Thank you for the epilogue and for the story, itself. I empathize with the healing aspects of writing a "fiction based on fact" kind of story. I think that's very different from writing from a completely fictional standpoint with characters who are pure imagination. With writing this kind of story, there is a baseline, a set of memories to which you want to hold true. As I read each chapter over the past week, I was ever mindful of your introduction and wondered and curious if you were one of the characters or a witness only. Thank you for sharing yourself. Take care.

chiangkuchiangkuover 10 years agoAuthor
Thank you for the comments

Thank you all for the comments and votes on this work, which for me has been somewhat cathartic. The reality of these events occurred in 2001, and it has taken me 13 years to finally be able to write about them without feeling any more hurt, loss, or despair.

To the @anon commenter who critiqued the work and pointed out the lack of some character development, I would point out to you that this work is fantasy, not reality. Events can occur in fantasy that do not make a lot of sense, but are used to propel a story forward to a conclusion that the author feels is needed. Also, as I have already received offers to outright buy the rights to this work for publication, I have decided to self-publish it, and as such am working on an expanded version for proper eBook publication, once I can figure out decent cover art.

I truly appreciate all the comments, votes and readers who enjoyed this first work in the Battlefield story arc, there will be more to come, this tale is far from complete. This section however, has ended.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
That's it?

I loved chapters 1-5, they were the best examples of the BDSM genre and lifestyle I've read in a long time. Chapter 6, in comparison, seemed rushed. The scenes forced and some pieces contrived to help bring the story to a faster conclusion. Then there's Chapter 7.... Hmn. Where to begin? Bit characters are suddenly elevated to main protagonist standing, Kitty suddenly realigns herself, those 2 characters suddenly MOVE IN with Dragon, and the main antagonist dies in a flurry of bullets delivered by a nameless group of policemen. Left me so unfulfilled.

I gave you 4 stars overall, but this chapter was a great disappointment.

eaglejet1eaglejet1over 10 years ago
so freaking awesome.

what a wonderful story from start to finish. Many, many emotions involved but mostly love. I loved all of these characters and will definitely read more from you in the future,

Wonderful wonderful!!!

5 more stars from me!

funinthesungirl19funinthesungirl19over 10 years ago
Great story!

I've been reading this as well, though not commenting, and I've loved it. Agree with STG about dropping off the new page so quickly - that seriously sucks! My sympathies - I'm grinding my teeth in irritation for you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Loved it

I loved this story from beginning to end and was really upset that she lost the baby in the way she did. Hope that Charlene and Dragon got to have more babies and am so glad that the sleaze got shot by the police. Look forward to reading any more stories you write.

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