BDSM for Siblings Ch. 04


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I snuggled hard with Kendra the rest of the evening, making sure we both had the reassurance we needed. I wasn't used to having my emotions tugged in so many different directions at once, and I needed to know we were still both ok with that.

"Don't worry, babe," Kendra said. "I know you're mine."

"I feel weird though," I said. "Like... even this thing I have with Dak, and you kinda have with him, it's different what I'm feeling for Trin."

"Mmhm, sure it is. 'Cause you've never been even a baby domme before."

"I'm not!"

"You are." Kendra held up her finger and thumb an inch apart. "Just a li'l."

"That's... that's not what I'm doing."

"You're a subby little thing, sure. Doesn't mean it's all you are."


"I mean, watching you feed her like that, that was pretty hot."

"Well how else was I s'posed to--"

"Just slip a plate in through that slot at the bottom. Durr."

"Oh. Right." I sighed. "Well now I'm confused."

"I know, little one. But hey, let's have a few days just for us, ok? Sort ourselves out?"

"Mmm. That sounds nice. I'ma cook you something nice tomorrow."

Kendra grinned. "I'll look forward to it. Maybe... wear the apron and heels while you do?"

"Ugh. You and your sexist fantasies."

"... is that a no?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I'll wear the stupid sexy outfit. I thought you knew me."

"Hehe. Love you, babe."


Kendra and I spent some personal time together, just the two of us. I loved my sibs, but sexy and snuggly times just with my girlfriend were very needed. Even considering my recent infatuation with Trin, and my continued love of messing around with Dak, Kendra was the one I wanted to fall asleep with every night.

Regular messing around with my brother was still very much a thing generally. At least when Kendra and I were in more playful moods.

Though Dak put a bit of a crimp in that when he started seeing someone. I was happy for him and all, but I kind of missed having my little brother wanting to feel me up all the time and sometimes fuck me while I was tied up in some wanton position by my girlfriend.

Even though he participated a lot less once he slid into a relationship, Dak was still around to watch and be a presence during most of my more humiliating moments, so that was nice.

Trinity came over somewhat regularly too. She quickly adopted her collar as an 'always on' kind of thing while she was over. I think she just liked it.

Interestingly, she didn't even necessarily come over for sex. A lot of the time, she really just wanted to be locked in her cage for a while. I respected it. It was, perhaps, a source of peace for her. With a husband and kids, she didn't have a lot of time to herself, and just curling up in her own little spot was a bit of a luxury.

Trin started bringing books with her sometimes, or she'd just hang out with us. When we did have sex or get tied up together, it was so fucking good. I loved those times. But I loved just having my sister around too. I became her caretaker when she was in cage mode, which I still argued with Kendra didn't mean I was at all domme-y, but Kendra mostly just didn't argue and gave me that small, knowing smile like she'd won anyway.

I thought we'd collectively fucked up one day when Dak brought his girlfriend home for the first time. I was suspended naked in the living room while Trinity was curled up reading in her cage. I had a moment of panic when Dak and Stacy walked in and saw us, but they just whispered and giggled, then carried on to his room, so it seemed like she knew what was up already. That was a good sign.


"What do you think of Stacy?"

I shrugged and fed Trinity more pizza through the bars of her cage. "She seems cool. Don't know her that well."

"I mean... she's gotta be pretty cool. I'm always in here, and you're practically always naked."

"And Kendra always has us both collared, yeah."

"She knows we're his sisters, right?"

"Far as I know."

Trinity nodded and ate another bite. "She must be cool then."

"Treats him well too, seems like. They bang a lot, anyway."

Trinity smirked. "There's more to it than that."

"I know. Trust me, I know. I'm just sayin'. Dak's a horny boy. If some girl's gonna be with our brother, it's good that they bang a lot."

"But you two don't have sex anymore?"

"Not so much, no. Which is fine. I mean, I'd like some brother-cock from time to time, but who doesn't?"

"... I mean, everyone else in the world?"

"Shut up. I'm not the only weirdo here."


I finished feeding Trin and went to wash up in the kitchen. Dak came in while I was finishing up the last of the silverware.


"Oh, hey. How's it going?"

"Good. Any pizza left?"

I smirked. "What, you fuck your girlfriend too much and get all hungry?"

"I mean... basically, yeah. Was that a shot at me somehow? 'Cause if so I don't think it really worked the way you wanted."

"Nah. I'm happy for you."

"You're not, like, jealous or anything, right? 'Cause I said we didn't have to come around here if you don't--"

"Dak, I'm happy for you, really. We all have someone, and that's amazing. We all deserve it, yeah?"

"For sure. Just... maybe it's just me being full of myself, but I feel like you really liked when we--"

"I did. I miss that some. But I'm not exactly hurting for sexy times. And it's better that we never got too into what we had, you know?"

"We still have some of it. I mean... you're all nakey right now and--"

"Yeah yeah. What's Stacy think about you checking me out like that?"

Dak looked altogether too pleased with himself. "She's kinda into it. She wants me to pretend I'm her brother sometimes, you know."

"Ha, alright. You're doin' ok then." I kissed his cheek while drying my hands. "Get back in there and fuck her good for me, ok?"

"I'll be sure to let her know you said that."

"Oh my god! Don't tell her!"

"Too late. Gonna say it."

"Ugh, whatever." I threw my wet towel at Dak. "Your own fault if you piss her off."

"I know what I'm doing."

"Uh huh. Whatever. Get going."

I meandered back in to sit with Trinity some. I had to let her out to pee, which involved leading her to the bathroom on a leash. Not for any particular reason, just because. I ignored Kendra's smirk as I led my sister around.

Once Trin was squared away, I curled up with Kendra while she was reading. She tried to focus on her book, but much like a big sook of a dog, I kept gently poking my head at her until she sighed and gave me pets.

"I was almost finished my chapter, you know," she said.

"You can read while you pet me."

"Mmm, technically. You're a little attention slut though, you know."

I giggled. "Can't imagine why you'd say that."

"No," Kendra said as she looked over my nude, collared form that I'd been parading around for everyone in the house, "me either."

"You know Dak's girl is getting him into incest roleplay?"

"No, can't say I did. You jealous?"

"Nope. I think it's great. Kinda miss having him to fuck around with sometimes, but it's fine."

"Poor baby. Trin's not in a sexy mood today either, huh? Whatever will you do with no sibs to fuck?"

I gave Kendra some big, sultry eyes. "Well... we can always pretend you're my sister and--"

"I think we've established I'm your mommy, if anything."

"Sure. I can work with that." I beamed wide. "Mommy, can I lick your pussy for you?"

"... maybe when I'm done my chapter."


"You have to behave until then."

"Do my best."

Kendra kissed me on the forehead and kept petting me while trying to read with her one free hand. I settled in to be quiet and good. Honestly, if she wanted to keep reading it was fine. Just snuggling was enough for now.

But if my Kendra got in a sexy mood and did, in fact, want me to lick her while playing 'mommy,' I'd be all over it.

As it turned out, Kendra ended up eating me out instead, deliberately right in front of Trinity. I was pretty sure Trin hadn't intended to get playful, but she definitely ended up masturbating while watching us from the confines of her cage.

I also got a particularly deep kiss from my sister later on as she was leaving. I absolutely loved our new relationship, sexy times or not.

Stacy spent the night with Dak. I really felt like the two of them were getting pretty serious, which was great.

Kendra and I went to bed together, whereupon I took it upon myself to take care of her and eat her out with just as much dedication and attention to detail as a girl ever could. She started out by insisting I didn't need to, but that didn't last long. I knew what I was about.

Kendra moaned and tangled her fingers in my hair, urging me on. I gave her all the love and adoration she very much deserved. And, in particular, I made sure to tire her out with orgasms so she could have a lovely, cozy sleep.

We fell lay together afterward, all cuddly and warm and loving.

"Love you, babe," Kendra whispered. "You're the best."

That was wrong. She was the best. But for now, I'd accept it.

Secretly, though, I knew in my heart that Kendra was, without a doubt, the best girlfriend ever.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

You are a remarkable writer. I love your work. My only complaint is nothing you've done; its simply that you seem to attract some of the most annoying, pissy, bitchy, whiney saps around. The Anonymous comment from about 2 months ago is a prime example. Goes on and on and on about what should have been and could have been, and letting everyone know how she or he is a "real" expert on "real" BDSM. Ugh. I could go on, but then I'd end up being nearly as annoying as this... well, enough of that. I'm sure its their right to complain here and there, but for those who go on endlessly, Just. Stop. Reading. And go back to some of the stories you've let everyone know you think are better, or more in line with your worldview, or whatever the f--k. Aw shit. Slipped up. I suppose this one just got me rolling my eyes so badly I think I saw my brain. I mean seriously, flying the flag of mediocrity, whining about the lack of conflict, because everybody knows that all the "How to write..." instruction for the small-minded in lieu of creativity instruct the need for conflict. Ugh.

The point is, this was a terrific story. As always, great characters, great story. And the prime center of the story was love, not BDSM, much less making the BDSM fit with "Actual BDSM clubs..." I loved the story, the relationships, all of it. In particular the lovely relationships among the siblings. Without petty drama (or other useless forms of unnecessary conflict) Imagine that. They all loved one another. And Kendra playing the perfect mom to her happy brood. But ultimately, she and Molly were perfect lovers. And of course, as always, the dialog was terrific. All in all another great story, more terrific work. Thank you. And thank you for keeping everyone safe.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The siblings, did their IQ drop? because the brother went to Uni but couldn't string a sentence together and didn't even look up BDSM to see what it entails. Also not mentioned about for long periods, of time even though he was their!! Kendra made them her pets even though the relationship between her and molly was loving in the beginning, that went to molly being a pet led crawling on a leash, and led into the yard naked for her to urinate, also the cage, and her mouth used as a toilet. Molly thought of Kendra as her girlfriend, when she was the mistress and orchestrated the incest with the brother and sister, and through alcohol got the older sister (Actual BDSM clubs don't serve alcohol to keep it Safe, Sane and Consensual) and the other siblings to play. The dialogue between the siblings sounds younger (but for Lit they are over 18) and in the 1st part of the chapter 1 had conversations, when later became more basic. The watersports should have had a preface on the chapter's it's in, as it's not everyone's cup of tea. Also did anybody go to work? Didn't seem like it, you could of woven in this happens at weekends and the only external life, was the older sister and that was brief. Interesting the siblings said it was molly who lead them into this life when it was Kendra, and absolutely anything she did, pushing limits (where there any?) that molly enjoyed even though in the 1st and 2nd chapter's, she did debate it in her mind but went ahead with it anyway. I enjoyed the stories "kisses from hell" and "Queen of the wolves" so much better than this, which is basic and there is no conflict, and as to the BDSM it wasn't, Safe, Sane and Consensual. And watersports, especially using their mouth as a toilet is niche and a very small part of BDSM. For better stories look up "Secret smiles and three little words" "Alex and Emma" "Raw" and "Raw and Broken". *Anony-mouse*

MarsPatrolMarsPatrol12 months ago

I loved the whole story line. You jumped right in, in chapter one and it was off to the races after that. Super fun. Thanks for sharing.

layer1layer112 months ago

Kinda like that this story left me wanting more B+S+S action. Different from the usual 'guy fucks everything' stories and a little frustrating at that, but that tied into the appeal of the denial aspects of the story.

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