Beautiful Girls


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"But aren't Well you know?" I began.

"Mason, you can say it. We have to be able to talk about things. Really I don't know what I am. I don't really think that anybody knows. I've never met a single person who thinks of themselves as a gay person or a straight person. Most of the people I know just think of themselves as people. And as people, there are certain things that we find attractive. I know a lot of guys who only ever look at my tits. They only go out with women who are large breasted. That is what turns them on. That's their personal preference. I know some guys who are not turned on by women at all. They only like guys. That's their personal preference. For some reason my mouth fascinates you, doesn't it?"

"Natalie just likes getting fucked apparently. She claimed for years that she loved me, but just didn't seem to understand how badly it hurts when the person who claims to love you needs someone else to satisfy them. It makes you feel...less than..." she said.

"Well what about you?" I asked. "What's your preference?"

"I prefer," she began. "I crave knowing that the person I'm with loves me. I don't really care if it's a woman, a man, a three toed sloth or a Mustang. I can just feel it in here..." she pointed at her chest. "...If a person who's special to me, feels the same way."

She turned around and turned off the light. Then she got under the comforter with me. "Mason, you've been in mourning for a very long time. Melanie's mom is always going to be very special to all of us. I'm never going to take her place in your heart. But I think that you've already made a place in your heart for me. And as for me, I only ended up with Natalie because you were unavailable. Even if I had met you while Nat and I were together, if she hadn't cheated, I never would have left her. You and I are the same. This is new for both of us. I know what I want. I want us to be together. And I want that with all of my heart. You don't have to make a commitment to me now, but I think we owe it to ourselves to at least give it a try. If it doesn't work out, we'll just go back to being miserable. Now...where were we?"

"We were at the point where I tell you that I really do love you," I said.

"I already know that, Mason," she said. I could hear her happiness in her voice. "But could you show me?"

I started on her breasts from where we left off. But this time, I was on top of her with my rapidly inflating penis between her legs. I cupped and gently squeezed her breast as I sucked hungrily on her nipples. I licked and worked my way down her soft tummy until I got to the top of her wispy black hairs. I could smell her readiness and just lost my head and plunged my tongue into her essence all at once. Within seconds she was thrashing about and I was rewarded for my efforts by a gush of sweet tasting nectar. "Holy shit, we have to talk about that," she said. Her voice trembled and wavered as she said it.

"Are you going to..." she asked.

Instead of answering, I did. She exhaled and sighed at the same time as I slowly, patiently pushed my throbbing member into her well lubricated chasm. I sank to her depths in one very long, very slow stroke until my balls were resting on her ass and she wrapped those thick legs around me.

"It feels so different from the fake ones," she said. "It's soft and hard at the same time. And it's so warm, Honey."

Then we started slowly stroking and pushing against each other. "Mason, we are going to do this EVERY day," she hissed. As we continued, things between us intensified. We started moving faster and harder as if we were both trying to scratch an itch with the other's sex organs. Before I knew it, what had started out and was meant to be gentle love making and an expression of our mutual affection, became hard core fucking. My sweet, innocent, Jill was making strange grunting sounds and begging me to fuck her harder.

Out of nowhere, I lost all control and just started pounding her until I just painted her insides with creamy sperm. She locked her lips onto mine and screamed into my mouth as she joined me in orgasmic bliss. For the rest of the night we slept locked together. We'd wake up, make love again and fall back to sleep, still entwined in each other's arms.

The next thing I remember was that the sun was beaming through the windows and we'd slept half of the next day away. I really think that the only reason we woke up then was because the phone rang.

Jill unwrapped one of her arms from around me and knocked the phone off the hook and then grabbed around on the nightstand until she found it.

"Good morning," she said. Her voice was still hoarse from sleep but her tone was really cheerful. That was a good sign. I didn't want her to have any regrets about what we'd done.

"Yep, I am. And I did. Of course he is. Wanna talk to him? Okay, that sounds like a plan. It gives us a week to get some clothes on and get out of bed. Bye," she said cheerfully. Then she looked over at me.

"I think you broke it," she said. That lower lip was stuck out and my heart melted.

"Jill, are you okay with...." I began.

"No, I'm not," she said. "I'm not O fucking kay. I'm like Sugar Frosted Flakes. Even with my busted pussy, I'm Grrrrrrreaaaaaat!"

I just looked at her and smiled. "I just didn't want you to have any regrets," I said.

"My only regret is that it took so long for it to happen," she chirped. "So what are you going to do about my broken pussy?"

I just looked at her sheepishly. "Well you didn't seem to be complaining at the time," I said.

"Stop changing the subject Mason," she said. "I have an idea. Have you ever had a dog?"

"Well yeah," I said. "You want to go out and buy a dog?"

"No dummy," she said. "For a while, I want it to just be us. I want to go everywhere with you and do everything with you and get to know you even better. But you how when a dog is hurt, either he or the other dogs around him lick his wounds to help them heal..." she blushed at me.

"Do you remember what that led to last night?" I asked. She just nodded her head up and down vigorously.

"Seriously Mason," she said. "I didn't get a chance to ask you last night, but where did you..."

"Go on," I smirked. "We're supposed to be able to ask each other anything, remember?"

"Well, a lot of the women I know who've had sex with both men and women always tell me...well even the women who have only been with men always claim that men are terrible at eating pussy. They say that it's because men only look at it as something to do to get you warmed up so they can fuck you or get you to suck their dicks, but..."She paused as if she was trying to figure out how to word something.

"Go on," I said.

"Well Shit, Mason," she exclaimed. "You made me cum twice before you even got started good. Your tongue is different from Nat's and she's all I had to compare it to. It was rougher and it really felt good. But it wasn't like the girls said. You were down there like you enjoyed it and wanted to be there. I had to make you stop before I blacked out and we didn't get to..."

"Didn't get to what?" I asked.

"I don't want to say that word," she said. "It's nasty."

"You were pretty nasty there yourself last night," I said. "But why don't you want to say make love?"

"We may have started out making love," she said. "But we just lost control and we ended up fucking. And it was great."

"Um...WE lost control?" I asked.

"Shut up," she said. "It was my first time. Besides from now on everything we do is WE. So there."

That was the start of something beautiful. We spent oodles of time together. We had barbecues with our families and we took trips together. Our life was what I considered perfect but I have to admit that I had my doubts. For one thing, there was the age difference. We are nineteen years apart. She's only one year older than my daughter. But deep down inside, I guess the things that bothered me the most was that she'd spent most of her life in love with a woman.

What if I was just a phase she was going through? I think that I'm the only guy on the planet who comes home every day terrified of smelling strange perfume. When we were out in public, she never took her eyes off of me. She didn't pay any attention to other men, or women either. Jill never gave me any reason to doubt her, but I still worried.

We did go through a few problems but we faced them together. One of those was just before her divorce was finalized. Natalie asked for a change in their settlement agreement. I guess she'd heard about the money that Jill had gotten and wanted some of it. The judge looked at our case and figured out what was really happening. He saw that it had been Nat who actually caused the divorce and that at the time of the actual divorce neither of the girls had any money. All of the money that Jill had gotten had come after they were divorced so Nat didn't have a leg to stand on. I guess that got Natalie back in Jill's mind. She mentioned her to me a couple of times.

And I suppose that it was inevitable. The only problem for me was that it came far too quickly. I came home early one afternoon and smelled a strange perfume in my house. I heard voices talking in low tones. I looked out onto our deck from the kitchen where I couldn't be seen.

"Don't you miss me, Jill? Don't you miss the way things used to be? We were perfect together," said Natalie. "And now we'd be even better. You have enough money that we wouldn't have to work for a while. We could just play all day and every night. We could travel; just the two of us. I'm over the boy thing, now, forever. There's really only one good thing that men can do for you. But AFTER they fix your car, they still want to hang around." Natalie laughed at her own joke but I didn't hear Jill joining in.

"How long do we have before Mason gets home?" asked Natalie. "I'm kind of horny."

That's the first thing that you've said so far that I agree with," said Jill. "I'm already wet just thinking about it." She quickly closed her legs.

"You are, you slut," said Natalie. Jill started smiling.

"What if Mason came home," said Natalie. "Maybe we could have a three-way."

"Don't even fucking think about it," snapped Jill suddenly. "Mason isn't like that. He doesn't need two women and he doesn't have that fantasy. I'm more than enough for him. And..." She stopped talking.

"Mason, is that you, Honey?" I didn't say anything.

"I thought I heard him come in," she said. "Anyway, let's get back to what we were talking about."

"So you said something about being horny," said Natalie. "Maybe we could do something real quick."

"It won't help," snapped Jill.

"Well it could be a start," said Natalie. "I know you miss me, so why don't we just run off together?"

"Because you silly bitch, when I said I was horny, I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about Mason. When I think of all the time I wasted on you, I just feel stupid. Mason loves me and I love him. I'd never risk that for anything or anyone, especially not you," said Jill.

"But you called me," snapped Natalie.

"Yes, I did," smiled Jill. "I always try to keep my word. And part of our divorce agreement was that I'd talk to you after the divorce was final. We talked. We're done. See ya. I need to move on into the next stage of my life with nothing hanging over me from the old days."

"But how can you treat me like this?" wailed Natalie. "I...I love you." Jill stepped away from the table and came into the kitchen looking around. She looked right at me and smiled. Her smile lit up the room. Natalie came in right after her.

"Hi, Honey," she said. I leaned over and kissed her.

"I'll go upstairs so you guys can talk," I said. "Hey Nat. No hard feelings about the divorce."

"Um no," she said. "I wish I'd had you as MY lawyer. You destroyed Gunner. Last I heard he was pumping gas in Kentucky."

"Sorry, I'm overly protective of the people I love," I said. "But you'll find someone else, even with all of those damned tattoos, you're a beautiful girl." I looked at Jill and smiled. "You're both beautiful girls."

"Save it for court," said Jill.

"Who are we suing now?" I asked.

"I'm suing you," said Jill. I looked at her strangely.

"For what?" I asked. I knew there was a joke coming but she was serious.

"Let's see," she said. "You've destroyed my reputation. You've used me for your own sexual gratification to start..."

"How did I destroy your reputation?" I asked. "And you got some gratification too."

She walked over and rubbed her butt against me, while Natalie watched.

"Yeah I did," she smiled. "But in about another seven or eight weeks when my belly blows up and everyone knows that I'm pregnant and not married what will people think of me?" she asked, with that bottom lip stuck out.

"You're pregnant?" I asked in shock. "How did..."

"Um, I think YOU did it," she said. "Natalie and I were together for a long time and it never happened then. So I've never been on the pill or anything. And with you sticking that thing in me all hours of the day and night, what did you expect?"

Natalie's mouth dropped open and she just stood there watching as Jill jumped into my arms and we started kissing.

"Can we settle this out of court?" I asked.

"We could settle it in bed," said Jill.

"I was thinking more along the lines of jewelry store and church rentals," I said.

"Maybe tomorrow," she said. "I am holding auditions for my future husband tonight though."

"And where are those auditions being held?" I asked.

"Upstairs, second door on the right," she said smiling as we started up the stairs.

"That's our bedroom isn't it?" I asked.

"Why, yes it is?" she said grabbing my hand.

"Isn't that where this started?" I asked.

"Yep," she said. "Natalie, let yourself out. Don't steal anything. It was nice knowing you."

Do I even have to say that we lived happily ever after?

The end.

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MidwestSouthernerMidwestSoutherner10 days ago

Other than your lamentable obsession with the Phurd Moustang, you are one damn fine writer.

The sentimentality of this story was just right, not mawkish or overblown. And the relationships were the focus, not the genital friction.

A female friend once schooled me in the reality of sex years ago. The number one sexual organ for all humans is the one between the ears. This story was right on target.

Billy_Ray_BanBilly_Ray_Banabout 2 months ago

StangStar06 has been one of my very favorite authors on Lit. I had begun reading his material long before I joined Lit as a member. His last story posted on Lit was in 2016 - 8 years ago. I saw a post from him from 2020 during the pandemic on another site - but that's about all. I'm sure that life gets in the way for many authors. It's not uncommon to see an author put out a flurry of stories over a number of years - and then just disappear. In any event, I enjoyed this story as well as his other offerings. It took me a while to figure out that the M/C was in fact, a woman. It was masterfully done. I hope that if circumstances allow it - that I'll come across more from this author down the road sometime. 4/5 BRB

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I got turned on to you by another author and I am thrilled about it. I have more of your work that I want to read but so far it’s been outstanding. You have a natural style of writing conversations so they are more realistic than most and your characters are believable because you give them real life flaws that many people have to contend with. If this five star story is any indicator of your writing ability then the rest of your works should be a joy to get involved in. Thanks for posting this story.


Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 2 months ago

rare story of yours that didn't connect with me.

fishgetterfishgetter2 months ago

Isn't it queer how the queers in this tale ended up?

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I want to express my irritation at the comments posted by those who buy in to the notion that 'heterosexual' and 'homosexual' are 'just labels' and that we can all enjoy relationships with anyone of whatever of the gender 'choices' available to us now. I don't object to people identifying as whatever they see themselves as but I do object to them thinking that makes them superior to us mere mortals.

I am biologically male and I identify as a heterosexual man. That doesn't make me better than those who have a different orientation but it doesn't make me worse either and I can categorically state right here that no matter how much somebody who is biologically male decides that he loves me, I'll respect his orientation and his feelings but I will never and I do mean NEVER enter into any kind of physical or romantic relationship with him. I'm just not wired that way. If you have a different orientation from mine I'll respect that. All I ask is that in return you respect mine.

As to the story, it was thoroughly enjoyable as SS06 always is.


LechemanLecheman3 months ago

Reading again and still thoroughly enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good lord. This story was just dumb.

The dialogue this author uses is supposed to be funny? Clever? It's horrible.

And can someone tell trainerofbimbos to STFU with his comments? Please.

It's a stupid inane story and he's writing a heartfelt book about his life and inner most thoughts. It's a retarded story and he's a

pouring out his feelings about it like its important for us to all know.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"I've always heard that most of us only use forty to fifty percent of our brain power. I'm not sure that's true." Actually, it's more like 10%. Forty to Fifty percent is unheard of... I have met a man who was a total Genius and get this, He also had "common sense" a rarity among most genius's.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A really good tale. LIke I've said before; age (and gender) is only an issue if you let it be. Thanks for your story. 5 stars.

somewhere east of Omaha

arnowolarnowol4 months ago

At first I didn't understand that it was a lesbian couple (probably due to the German-English translation). When I realized it, I didn't want to read this "long" story anymore. In the end I continued reading it and didn't regret it. Had fun!! 5*****!!!!!

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

I'm 10 years older than my wife (married almost two decades now) and I don't know how I would feel if that number was 19. I'm already doing my best to try and stay healthy and exercise so that I can have a shot at not just seeing my kids get married, but maybe even hold a grandchild or two. That's the bittersweet part of these may/december romances - I'm probably going to leave my wife and kids long before they go and I know it's going to be hard on them. All I can do is my best - try to keep making those happy memories for them and hang on as long as I can. Anyway, as for the story - I really liked it. Obviously I sympathize with Mason on a lot of levels, but I also think that Jill and Natalie were just not meant to be together, they want different things in life and have different priorities and values. Hell, even their mutual childhood friend didn't like Natalie all that much and that makes sense - their differences weren't probably so bad when they were younger, but as you get older a lot of those issue amplify themselves. The one thing that I was surprised about was how eager Melanie was to help get Jill and her Dad together. I would have thought she would be revolted by the idea, but I guess in her mind she knew Jill's character and disposition and really cared more about her fathers mental and emotional wellbeing than any kind of scandal. I feel like that part of the story should have had some conflict, with Melanie slowly coming around when she realized that all she was doing was keeping two people who loved each other apart. Her going all-in right away felt hard for me to understand. Anyway, great story a total 5/5 for me.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I like this story. Of course it’s fantasy, about like Santa Clause or Sasquatch, but it’s a hell of a lot more entertaining than either one of those. The Stangster

hit a home run with this one. I wish he’d come back and write a sequel for it.


Buster2UBuster2U5 months ago

10 Big Blazing Stars for writer Mr StanStar! This wonderful Epic story should be made into a movie for the HallMark channel! Hearbreak, betrayal, revenge and destruction, rekindled love. What a Story, what an Epic Journey. Thank You SS for all the hard work, though,, imagination and heard work put into this. Buster2U

Kernow2023Kernow20235 months ago

good funny story

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I really wish SS06 was still writing. Or is he publishing / posting somewhere else?

Another great tale.

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