Because She Asked Him To Ch. 01


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It's lucky Dean couldn't see my expression, or that would have given the whole game away.

Dean froze, though it felt like his penis grew two sizes larger. I groaned as I tried to take it. Pain flared as my most precious place was distended with his weapon. Almost immediately I felt the perverse feeling of pain becoming pleasure, and the blood pounded in my ears, surging through my racing heart to my quivering pussy.

Then he resumed, pounding me so hard I lost my balance, falling to one side. He was hitting parts of me I didn't know I had. He fucked me harder, our slaps and moans echoing through the room.

I came again.

"Hff, hff, ah, yes, yes! Hff, hff, ahhh!"

He'd pounded my mind blank. I couldn't think. What were we talking about again?

"I almost believed you - you dirty girl." He panted.

"Call me Dawn!" I screamed, getting desperate now as my strength drained away. "Fill her again!"

Dean hesitated. Presumably out of a sense of loyalty. Poor reluctant fool.

"Say it! Tell me how much you love fucking me!"

"Ohh Dawn" he began awkwardly, "I love your hot pussy. You know, I've always imagined you naked, your big tits bouncing," he warmed to his topic, "but I never thought of fucking you like this. Aimee suggested it. You know, my wife? Your best friend? What'd she say if she saw this?"

"She'd love it, the dirty bitch!" I gasped, every word a truth I didn't dare share with anyone before. "She'd want you to cum inside me."

"Oh, Dawn that's so kinky. I'd want her to eat my cum out of you." he doubled down on his rhythm, making my boobs bounce despite my bra. "Did you ever think about it, Ai... er, Dawn? Eating your best friend's dripping hot pussy?"

Suddenly I could imagine Dawn in front of me, legs spread, pearly white cream dripping out. Eating Dawn's used pussy was something I'd surprisingly never even considered, but I knew I had to now. It sounded fucking delicious. I almost came right then.

"I do! All I can think of now is her eating my juicy cunt! Do it, cum inside me now, lover. Aimee will clean me, Aimee will eat it, Aimee loves it, she can't wait." I bent down to his ear, and whispered. "Fuck a baby into me... hff, hff, breed meee!" I gasped, fighting a monumental orgasm, "Hff, hff, cummm deep in meeee!"

Just as my legs spread of their own volition, as my toes curled, as my ass clenched, I felt him cum too. His cock swelled to improbable sizes inside me, before he shot his load into me. His warmth bathed my womb in waves of boiling cum.

Then it was all over, and I felt exhausted. As the excitement drained away, the soreness started to set in. I leaned down and kissed my husband. He was fast asleep. He was more of a stallion now than when I'd met him.

Slowly, gingerly I eased my poor abused pussy off his cock. It slid out, inch by inch, and as it left me empty I felt my passage try to close up again. To keep his cum inside, or so I'd like to think. I probably wasn't fertile yet. Finally free, I staggered off the bed and tried to stand straight. Next time I'd do the whole position thing. For now, I had an urgent appointment in my bathroom.

I looked up at the trusty handcuffs - good job, girls, I congratulated them mentally.

Blowing the sleeping Dean a kiss, I waddled to the bathroom, trying to keep his load inside from dripping to the floor.

I had a satisfied smirk on my face. Everything was going to be great. I'd never let shame hold me back again.

As for what happened next? Let me go clean up a little, fetch a drink, and I'll tell you all about it.


Author's exceptionally vain postscript: Ah, now I feel refreshed. I'm gonna go try work on my sixth total rewrite of B&F chapter 10. Which ironically puts it back in line with, like, the very first version (*sobbing*)

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erog1timeerog1time5 months ago

After reading the Bound and Free series I was used to the authors introspective character style of writing and I enjoyed this story as well. What I can't handle is this dense character, Dean not KNOWING he was having sex with someone not his wife. I find that so far fetched it kinda ruined the story for me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I don't know why the comments are so negative. I enjoyed it for what it is. Unless I missed something, we don't know who the blindfolded rider was. It could have been elaborate roleplay, even if it seems like the author hinted otherwise. I like that the author left us with the same knowledge as the MC about the situation. This was especially good as you consider that it was essentially a writing exercise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What else is new? How many stories in this category portray the MC a wimp and stupid as a rock. 90% of authors that post in LW are idiots and write garbage stories like this one. My 1 key is getting a daily workout. It's a wonder the number hasn't rubbed off yet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Me too, first page, off in La La Land. You need a much more intelligent audience, or a much more intelligible writing style. Did I use those words write? Yeah, way above my pay grade. But thanks for the effort. You made it look so easy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I am dizzy and confused. So many words and no story. This was really poorly written or author was writing that Dean was insane or they are both high on drugs or the author was non-functioning drunk when writing or Dawn has magical powers through her ginormous boobs that makes Dean and wife have sex.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I got lost on the first page. Help please…

So 10 years ago Aimee a 26 year old Asian bad driver and seemingly lifelong college coed, keeps crashing her car to get Dean’s attention. It works he dumps his wife at age 24 and marries Aimee at age 26. Clearly a marriage made in heaven. He gets her pregnant when he is 27, (Aimee is now 36, kid is 6 and assuming the kid is Dean’s) and she cuts him off starting at age 28 (Dean is 2 years younger than Aimee). How bad was his first marriage with Debbie that living in a loveless, sexless marriage with a reckless child endangering driver (dear god how many more accidents occurred with their child in her car over those 6 years) with alcohol problems, seems so much better to him. Holy shit!! And that’s just the first four paragraphs…

katibkatibover 2 years ago

Looked for a story; could not find it.

Rocky62Rocky62over 2 years ago

Nut up buddy, even a fictional buddy

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Didnt think this epic fail through did ya!!

Wasn't good at any point, he's weak enough to be a great little cuck and she's crazy enough to be my ex-wife.

Big ole nope

mattenwmattenwover 2 years ago

What does this author like about it when a married woman with a child goes nuts? It just ends horribly! And what idiot lets the woman's friend send him a nude picture without letting the wife know? Unbelievable. I think, like other commentators, this can only end in disaster!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She'd be in jail for illegal restraint and a variety of other charges. And then would come the divorce. Bitches be crazy.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerover 2 years ago

If this guy really put up with his selfish, cunt, bitchy wife only "allowing" her husband to have sex once or twice a month, at their young age, then the pathetic, spineless, arsehole deserves the way she treats him. He really is a weak, pathetic apology of a man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She’s crazy.

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