Becoming a Nude in Public Model


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She did so, trying to gracefully reach the ground while still looking good for the camera. She sat with her legs together and to the side and he told her to pose some. So she did, running through some basic poses that she had seen girls do before. Hand out, hands up in the air, legs shifted, though she was careful to keep them closed. That would be too much too soon. Some other people had joined in the photo shoot while she was stuck in place, so she was posing just as much for them as the main camera. A bit of a crowd gathered to get a sight of the naked girl. She felt a little stuck in the moment, but then Richard called her on, so she stood and started walking towards him. But as soon as she stood, someone from that crowd approached, asking for a selfie. So she happily took it because she had to, glad she was getting the opportunity to correct the bad selfie from the last series. But then another person asked for one. And then another. But luckily that was the end. And then by the time she was free and started moving again, she noticed that Richard and Eileen were all the way at the edge of the park, maybe 75 feet away, watching her from a distance.

She looked around and it was just people staring at her. Just strangers, and she was all alone and all naked. That separation was a new level of thrill for this crazy experience. Now she didn't feel like a model for a shoot with a purpose to be nude, she felt like just a naked girl who was stupidly in the middle of a crowd. That was some new terror, but disturbingly also a bit of excitement for her. She started walking towards them and tried to show off some confidence, even in the face of the distance. On the way, she got another comment or two, and another picture that she posed for. But then she was at the end, where there was a large open passageway through a building, leading to a big public square. She would be ending at the statue right at the center, and it was in sight.

Walking through the enclosed passageway brought passersby in close proximity again, since it was narrow. But it was also dark, so she honestly felt like some didn't even notice her nakedness. Ahead though, the square was more crowded than anything yet, so plenty were about to see her. Emerging into the light, this became a one foot in front of the other mindset for her. Just get to the statue. Looking left and right, she realized that there were at least a hundred people milling about, plus the steady stream of cars going by on the adjacent street. 'Fuck this is a lot more people' she was thinking. But that's why she was here. So she continued, stopping to pose for a camera or two and hoping that the bit of shake she felt wasn't visible. Each stage with more people was a surprisingly hard challenge for her. It really shouldn't matter at this point, more people had seen her so far than she had probably ever met in her life and she knew it was going to get a lot worse very soon. But still, a crowd sent a chill down her spine as she waked.

She saw the bag being set down on the statue base, now about 20 feet away. The cameras were there watching her final approach. This set seemed to take a lot longer than the first, but she knew that was probably just because of the talking break. Now 10 feet away, and she had to weave her way through a crowd, and a couple of the people had a shocked reaction to spotting her nude body. But then she made it, and picked up the bag. There were a lot of people standing there, watching her pull the dress out and slide it on. A couple of people took pictures of the process and one guy clapped after she dressed. But then she was covered and could rejoice in the fact that she survived another series, with just a bit of new panic. Overall, she was loving it though, and as soon as the dress was on, her body already craved pulling it off again and having all eyes on it. It would come soon enough.

They quickly started walking away, trying to get out of the crowd, and Richard led her back towards the river. Once out of the people, they told her that she did a good job with that series. He asked if that was too many people, and she wasn't sure what to say at first. Yes it was more than she was ready for, but she knew that she wanted to have the experience of even more people. So she answered, "No, not too many, not yet."

They walked east, around a huge church, and headed straight to a big staircase leading up to a pedestrian terrace. This was another popular shooting location, so she knew what she was getting into. This was Brühl's Terrace, a very dense and popular sightseeing terrace, with great views over the river. She was getting excited at the idea with each step towards it. Often, the girl would walk all the way from one end to the other, interacting with a lot of the tourist pedestrians and street performers. This would be fun for her.

They walked up the stair and regathered over on the side, right at the top. "So Veronica, for this one, we are going to walk that way, and end at the park at the end of the terrace," he said as he pointed east, the way she was expecting. "This one will take about 15 minutes. We can take a 10 minute break if you want, or go ahead and start."

She thought for a second, but her skin was itching to be seen, so she said she was ready to keep going. So they started backing away from her, giving her a chance to look down the terrace. It was fairly full in the immediate distance, but maybe emptier at the end. She had seen it more crowded on other videos, those must have been shot on the weekend. It was the end of the afternoon by now, around 4 she thought. Definitely more people here though than the last two series, and specifically even more people that looked like tourists with cameras who might have a stronger reaction to her. Good. She was ready. Richard waved at her to start, so she did, no delay.

The dress came over her head and she slid out of the shoes. That felt better. She was alarmingly and quickly preferring the nudity to the clothed bits in between. It was still nerve-wracking and something that really challenged her, but it was really turning her on, so her horniness was overriding the fear. She really would need to masturbate soon she thought. The air on her skin and the gasp she got from a passing woman reassured her quickly growing obsession with this feeling. She walked straight towards the cameras and passed off the clothes in her hand, leaving her helplessly exposed in this crowd that was quickly beginning to notice her.

So they started walking, right into the people. Her goal this time was to be a bit more outgoing, a little happier with the people around her. She wanted to show her thrill to the camera. She never quite enjoyed the models who seemed indifferent to be there as much as the ones that really were into it, so she wanted to be what she would enjoy.

First to walk through was a tree filled plaza that formed a solid rectangular tree canopy above. It was dark and shady under it, but she could see the eyes on her. She tried to make eye contact with some of the passersbys and say hello, but few wanted to engage the naked girl. Richard then told her to keep going and he would follow her as they passed a fountain. That was new, and a new thrill. Following him and keeping him in her sight had been a reassuring element through it all, but now she could see just the people. It again felt like when he was far away back in the garden, like she was just a naked girl all alone. Her pussy twinged at that thought. Oh no, she thought, was this kink going to evolve?

She tried to put that out of her mind and continued on, now leaving the trees and facing the open terrace, and she kept going without hesitation. She felt so sexy. The people here were mostly the same kind of people as the last two locations, but there were also more obvious foreigners and also more families. Now this was going to be the reaction she was here for. Almost immediately, she heard someone say "oh my god, she's naked." She look around a bit and spotted what looked like a tourist family, maybe British, all watching her. Father and son with focused eyes, the daughter with interest, and the mother and grandmother with a bit of annoyance and confusion. That variety of reaction almost made her laugh right there. As long as those that enjoyed her got a good view, she was happy. She hoped that the men would think about her naked form later on, with lustful memories. Maybe the daughter too.

There were pictures and laughs and stares as she continued, but it was mostly uneventful. She would periodically stop to pose for a candid shot but no one really wanted to be in them with her. About halfway down the terrace, she finally had a really good interaction. She spotted them walking towards her and knew that something would happen. A large group of young men, around her age, had spotted her from a distance and were walking straight towards her. A shiver went through her. In other situations, a group of men coming right at her in the street would be concerning. Now she was naked too. But she wanted it.

She was stopping to pose for a photo when they reached her. They were loud and laughing a lot, obviously a little drunk, and tried to greet her in German. She responded that she didn't speak it, so they switched to rough English, and asked what she was doing. This went a little like the last conversation, but since they were not Americans, she was significantly less nervous. They were just a group of friends out in the city for the weekend and were excited to see her. It was maybe 7 or 8 guys and they were all trying to get a moment with her and an eyeful. It was very flattering, as she felt like the center of the world. She kind of even flirted with them some, against her logical judgement. Horny Vernoica won that moment. She made herself hold her chest proud, perky tits and hard nipples directed right at the guys.

This was the kind of reaction she had missed from the locker room and the beach: unashamed male attention. It was fucking hot.

After a minute, Richard interrupted and asked if they wanted a picture with her. One or two passed off phones and they circled around her. Back to her typical photo pose, making sure she was all visible. But then suddenly, she was being lifted off the ground and into one guys arms. All she could do was laugh as the feeling of hands on skin went through her. One of his arms was around her bank, with the hand just about at the side of her boob, and the other arm was holding up her legs. The guys were all laughing too. So she smiled right at the cameras and loved the moment. But then he put her down, and the group all thanked her and left. She was going to have to do that again.

Richard was ahead of her again now, and she walked towards him. At this side of the terrace, there were much less people. She waved at a couple of women walking by, trying to look as friendly as she could. They ignored her. Oh well. She looked down at her body and ran her hands up and down it. The feeling of being naked felt so right in the moment. She really was surprised how quickly she adjusted to this, both being naked and being seen. She totally was an exhibitionist, but maybe she was a nudist too. Who needs clothes really?

She and Richard talked for a moment about how she was feeling since there weren't a lot of people around. He said that he could tell she liked it, and she was glad it was coming through. He said that he was glad she was so into this considering what was coming next, which sparked some curiosity and concern, but he wouldn't say any more. Eventually, they made it to the end, where there was another park and a fountain. Richard handed off the bag of clothes and watched her dress. Now, she was slower to cover up. How she hated the constriction of fabric on skin at first. But it was time to be done and move on for the last set.

They talked and walked through the park at first, but then turned towards the city again.

"For the last series, we are going to walk back to the hotel. We'll start right at the bottom of this staircase," he said, pointing ahead. There was a big ornate staircase leading down from the park, into the city. She thought through the geography of the city, which she had studied a lot before the trip, and realized that this walk would take them right through the Neumarkt, a huge town square like area, where there were always a lot of people in past shoots. Definitely more tourists along this walk.

As they walked down the stairs, Richard told her that he wanted her to do something particular on this walk. Once they were in the main open area, she was to walk a wide lap around the square, around the people, while the cameras were going to stay over to the far side and watch from a distance. He said that the girls always got better reactions when the camera wasn't right there. That gave Veronica a jolt of nerves, but it was also exactly what she was fantasizing about earlier, so she was into it.

At the bottom of the stairs, they stepped to the side and talked for a moment more before deciding it was time to start. She could feel her hard nipples rubbing on the dress, so she knew her body was ready to get going again. So once the camera was rolling, she pulled her dress off before even being told to. She wanted it that bad. She casually bundled up the dress and shoes and passed them off, starting what she thought would be her final nude walk of the day. She told herself to savor the experience.

They walked south down Georg-Treu-Platz from the staircase. There were not a ton of people in this area, so it strangely felt like she wasn't even that exposed. The bar of feeling anything from being naked in public was very quickly elevating to the point that half a dozen people didn't mean anything. The power/shame dynamic wasn't in her mind yet, that apparently needed more people. Without the emotional response, she nearly forgot she was naked. That part just felt so right now. So she just looked around and observed the beautiful and historic buildings. It was a picturesque city.

She followed as they turned to the right, and she could see a crowd in the distance. Butterflies were back as she pushed on. No comments or photos yet, as they passed a building and then turned to the left. She was directly facing the huge church and the real exposure was about to begin. Now groups of tourists had noticed her and started snapping some pictures from a distance. She tried to look as happy as she could as she approached them.

One guy clapped nearby, making her laugh and blush. So she waved back in the general direction, and posed for a couple pictures as they continued. As they made it around the large church building, the main square came into view. She was actually initially disappointed, because it was not as full as she'd seen before. It was getting later in the day, so it made sense. But she felt deprived of the full experience she imagined. She had to push on anyway. Richard gestured that she should start walking away and make the loop around the square, so she did, and turned herself away from her safety.

After a couple dozen steps, she could tell this was a different experience than the previous times she walked away from the camera. Here, there was more distance and more crowd, meaning that she very quickly felt out of place and very watched. She looked back, and initially couldn't even find the cameras, but it turned out that they had moved 20 or 30 feet farther while she walked. She decided to not look back for them again though. Now plenty of people were noticing her, and she did in fact get different reactions. A lot more blatant and confused looks, more pictures and laughs and comments. The camera signified that there was a reason she was naked, she guessed. Now that it was out of sight, people could have true reactions to why there was a random nude woman. And those true reactions were stronger and refueled the feeling of breaking the rules, of putting herself into a situation completely out of the ordinary. This was more like if she just pulled off her dress while taking a walk around back home.

She just ignored the comments in other languages, but eventually someone asked her in English if she was ok. It appeared to just be a concerned tourist lady, but when she replied that she was fine, just taking a walk with no clothes on because she wanted to see how it felt, the woman laughed and smiled back, telling her that she envied her confidence. Veronica loved to hear that, since the confidence was her initial fear. She could do it after all.

She was now at the exact opposite side of the square, all naked and alone. She had a couple people ask her for a picture, which she happily offered, showing herself off to the complete stranger's cameras. They were a little more handsy now that they thought she was alone. She wasn't sure how to feel about that at first, but took it as an unavoidable add on to the experience. A couple hands right on her butt, one around her shoulder that drooped basically onto her right breast. She almost just offered to let the guy grab it, but thought better of it because then everyone would want to do that. So she posed and then pushed herself on, to continue through the small but gathering crowd to see her, towards where she assumed Richard was.

Looking ahead at about the three quarter mark, she spotted them watching her, so she waved and make a direct line towards them. When she rejoined, Richard asked how she was feeling. She told him and the camera that she was still enjoying it, but that it was a little scarier away from them, to which Richard laughed and agreed. He said that they were getting close to the end.

They turned down a narrower street, where there were not a ton of people. That let her just think about her experience some more. This had been everything she wanted and she had no idea if this was even the end yet. No regrets at this point. There probably would be a little once she actually saw herself on the internet, but too late now, so why worry. The experiential high pushed her into just accepting the joy that she was actually doing the thing that was always just a dream.

They turned left, and there was the hotel, just across a wide street with trolley tracks. She was facing down the end of her adventure for the day, and was actually a bit sad with each step. Now she had literally no care or perception of the people around her, except for Richard, who was stopped at the side of the street, and holding out the bag. She reached it, and slowly pulled the dress out and on. Richard asked one last time if she enjoyed it on camera, and she happily responded and waved goodbye. The camera was turned off, and it was over, just as soon as it started.

She didn't know it, but her day and her exhibitionism were just beginning. An hour naked was just the teaser for the weekend she was about to have.

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Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel894 months ago

I wonder why the vast majority of leading ladies in ENF stories are slender with C-cup or smaller breasts. It just seems so bizarre to me tha tone single body type would be this ubiquitous to this one genre of erotica. It makes my inner anthropologist fascinated about what that says about the demographics that use this site!

mysensualsecretsmysensualsecrets4 months ago

OMG. Veronica’s irrepressible thoughts of touching herself she can’t resist? Eventually leading to masturbation when spurred on by an enthusiastic audience, she just can’t hold herself back, no matter how hard she tries? I can’t wait for whatever unfolds.

DerekWoodsDerekWoods11 months ago

Really well done, and very realistic down to what I imagine would be real email correspondence. What makes the story is the model's internal thoughts to what she is experiencing at the moment.

jennyphiljennyphil12 months ago

NIP, hopefully leading to sex in public? Our thing!

gaeassongaeassonover 1 year ago

PLEASE keep going.

NakedDanNakedDanover 1 year ago

I’ve watched the videos of nip-activity with a sense of envy for the girls who get to be nude in public. I’ve often wondered what is going through their heads during these shoots. I’ve gone naked at Bay to Breakers in San Francisco, so I know how firsthand how it feels to be naked in public in a crowd (I even used that knowledge to write a whole nude in public novel called The “Volunteer”). You have captured those feelings well, and I’ll be waiting for the next installment of this story.

aster87aster87over 1 year ago

Same as the other comments, this is the first story that tries to capture the mindset of those girls in NIP videos and you nailed it. Looking forward to part 2.

lamppost42lamppost42over 1 year ago

NIP and lots of crowds is a match made in heaven. I'm looking forward to a continuation of this.

TimerisTimerisover 1 year ago

Excellent story -- really captures the NIP type videos.

D_O_LondonerD_O_Londonerover 1 year ago

Brilliant. I love NIP porn and this story seemed realistic. Can’t wait for more.

HapaxlegomenaHapaxlegomenaover 1 year ago

I really enjoyed this. I like NIP sites, and I have thought about writing a story along these lines myself. I will be interested to see how this develops!

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