Being Jim Ch. 07: Barbra's Wish


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"Ohhhhhhhh God... YES! RIGHT THERE! Ohhhhhh GOD! JIM..." She nearly screamed as I felt her whole body still and tense like a giant steel spring. She was peaking... she was at the very for the final straw, that last little push that will send her soaring.

Still furiously stroking with the fingers of my right hand, sucking and chewing and lashing her clit with my mouth as my chin is nearly buried in her wide spread lips... I began to hum a tuneless song. I imagined my lips and mouth were on a kazoo. When the vibrations hit Barb they struck first through her highly sensitive and overworked clit that was still in my mouth. The results were instantaneous and explosive.

"GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" Barb roared as her head and neck wrenched almost over backwards. Her hands were still on my head but they were frozen as if in mid push to push me away, her fingers splayed and straining.

Those long glorious legs were straining and pressing into the bed as her torso and pelvis and hips rose and fell in waves and jolts as if she were being electrocuted. It literally got to be too much and I was pushed or thrown aside as Barb's body spasmed and quaked. I could never get enough of this... of watching this, experiencing her crescendo of physical bliss, the smell of her excitement, the taste, the feel of the way her inner walls grab hold and grasp at my fingers or other parts of my anatomy. When Barbra's hands fell away from my head to her sides I knew she was finally settling back down as her breathing was almost returned to normal even if still panting.

I rose up once more to crawl along the top of the bed and kissed my way up Barb's body. I made a few delicate kisses here and there along her abdomen, around her belly button, around her rib cage and beneath her side slipping breasts. I paused just shy of kissing or paying attention to her nipples at this time though as I was letting my lady cool down and come back to her senses as it were.

I kissed my way along her shoulder to the curve of her neck, her jaw line and eventually a long slow gentle kiss on her lips.

"Mmmmmm" Intoned Barb as I stretched out to her right lying on my left side , my elbow bent and propping my head up on my left hand. Barb turned her head to face me, her eyes half closed and she had that post orgasmic blissful smile beaming at me.

"So? What do you think? Was that a second or third knot?" I asked playfully wondering if she even got the reference or caught it earlier when I was in the thick of things.

"Oh My god Jim! Really?" She exclaimed and then began to softly chuckle even as she was still trying to catch her breath. Then she reached down with her right hand and latched onto my proud little pistol and asked.

"I wonder if I could tie a knot in THIS?" And then she rolled over and pushed me with her left hand on my shoulder to make me lay on my back as she clambered atop of me. Straddling my waist and placing both hands on my chest she leered down at me with that feral grin of hers that told me she was in a highly excited state and I was in for it. What "it" was remained to be seen of course but I was ready and willing for anything she had in mind.

Barb puffed a breath of air to blow a stray strand of her long dark red hair out of her face as she contemplated what she was going to do with me next. Then she paused and reached up with both hands and pulled a tortoise shell hair band out of her hair and off the top of her head to run her fingers through her hair. Once she had it all back under control she re positioned the hair band leaving her face clear and all that long dark luxurious red hair falling down her back and over her shoulders. Once that aggravation was eliminated, if temporarily, Barb again fixed her hungry gaze on my adoring eyes.

"Now then... Where were we?" She asked coquettishly, the sweet smile belying the hunger in her eyes.

"I think you were about to tie a knot in part of my body... but I think it might be a little too... hard... to tie anything with it." I said with a grin and bumped my hips up a bit to emphasize my readiness for anything else Barb might think of.

With one hand resting on my abdomen, Barb reached behind her with the other and grasped me and squeeze. I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from crying out and my eyes got big with surprise. Barb's smile tightened as she knew that she was now in control and I would eagerly follow her lead. Releasing her death grip on my manhood she brought both hands to my abdomen and pressed down as she leaned down to drag her succulent breasts across my chest as she brought her lips to mine. My hands slowly slid up her sides to just above her hips.

Breaking our soft but passionate kiss barb pulled back smiling and rose up on her knees so that she could reach between her legs and grasp me once again, but gently this time and she guided my eager apprentice to her dripping heavenly gateway. The heat made me shudder as the sensitive mushroom parted those swollen and ready outer lips to find its way to Barb's core. Her eyes grew slightly larger, as they always did when we joined in this intimate dance. With both hands back and pressing palms flat on my abdomen, Barb lowered herself onto me slowly, wiggling ever so slightly from side to side to get herself situated... or perhaps to get me situated inside of her. She wiggled, little by little until at last I was all in, or mostly anyway. If I twitched my hips a bit rising up a fraction or so more would penetrate that sacred divide.

Barb arched her back and twitched her own hips and there... a little bit more... closer still. I could feel her inner walls and muscles clenching and releasing as she consciously moved her insides with kegel exercises or something similar. All I know was that it was absolutely mind blowing. I marveled at the sensations she and I were giving one another. This was not a hurried thing, this was all about feeling every little nuance and sensation shared. It was almost Tantric in nature but I knew it was only the calm before the lustful storm that would soon blow up between us.

I watched Barbra's face as she displayed the wonder and immense pleasure she was feeling, the closed eyes, the sweet almost euphoric smile on her lips. Her face tilted slightly upwards as if searching the heavens. And heaven I saw too... Barb's tantalizing breast swaying slightly with her every breath, the nipples erect and almost painfully hard and swollen just begging to be touched, caressed, kissed... sucked and even bitten perhaps. I resisted the temptation to take one in each hand and paw at them like a star struck teenager but it was hard to do. I had surrendered the lead to this amazing woman and I would wait patiently to see what she wanted and needed from me to complete this quest. I knew I would get mine in due time. Barb had never left me wanting... well... she always left me wanting more but she took care of me at least for the time being.

I knew the game was on when Barb rolled her head down to look at me again, that beatific smile had shifted again and took on that wanton leer that I knew was the calling card of her beast. That ravenous inner she devil that raged to be let out and take control to get what was hers. She began to move. Those slow oscillating circular motions that centered directly on our joined bodies. It almost felt to me as if a strong hand had gripped the base of my cock and was squeezing and pulling it away from my body in very very small movements. The movement was as enticing to watch as it was to feel. Barb's waist and abdomen rippled with her hula hoop motion and her breasts swayed and tipped forward and back hypnotically. I released my hold on her hips and brought my hands to each of Barb's arms wrapping my hands around her wrists.

Barbra tilted her head back, still smiling and rolled her neck from side to side as if flexing before tilting back down to stare into my eyes. Her eyelids narrowed and her brows arched slightly as if to silently ask if I was ready for the next little twist. I just continued to grin like an idiot I'm sure, but slid my hands up her forearms to the elbows and then on up to her shoulders where I gripped them firmly. Barb leaned her head over briefly and laid her cheek on my right hand before straightening back up and pursing her lips. Adding to the gyrations she was already doing, Barb began raising and lowering herself on me ever so slightly. The resulting sensations nearly overwhelmed me, again. I closed my eyes and moaned softly as the new sensations swept over me. I could feel Barb's fingers beginning to dig into my flesh so I knew she was feeling the same sensations as I. The low moan she let slip only confirmed that thought.

As the sensations grew and intensified, we both grew still hungrier for more, Barb rode higher and higher and moved faster and faster with her building need. Still gripping her shoulders I held on for all I was worth knowing that she hadn't even hit her stride yet, it would get wilder yet. And it did. Barb released my abdomen and moved her hands up to my own shoulders to give herself even more leverage as she again increased the rise and fall of her hips. I could feel her insides practically vibrating as she moved. She was so wet that each time we came together there was a wet slapping sound now.

I too was lost in the rising tide of ecstasy as my own hips were rising in contrast to her motions. As she slammed down onto me I was meeting her with my own thrusts upwards. The only noise I was making was a visceral grunting and gasping in concert with Barb's almost constant low moaning now as she raced headlong towards her building climax. My hands moved from her shoulders to either side of her neck as I pulled her head and face down to mine. Her breasts smashing and flattening against my chest as she stopped moving for a moment and we locked lips and shared a brief but passionate and breathless kiss.

Barb then pushed herself back up and I released her neck and reached for her hands. We interlaced our fingers palm to palm as she once more resumed her nearly frenetic rise and fall. Both of our mouths were open at this point as we were gasping for air with short ragged breaths. Our eyes locked on one another's as we both sensed the finish line swiftly approaching. And then there it was... Barb tensed her entire body and all motion stopped save for all those wonderful motions and movement inside of her. Barb's back and neck arched and she leaned backwards almost as if she would topple over if not for our hands still intertwined and locked together. Her grip was intense. Then the scale was tipped and her body began to convulse and shake as it always did in the throes of her climax. I on the other hand was lagging just a few moments behind Barb as I continued to surge up and down beneath her driving myself as deeply as I could with each stroke until her convulsions tipped me over the edge as well. With one final thrust, my back arched nearly off the bed as I drove home deep inside of Barb's amazing body I felt my own release begin. Surging and pumping all that I had to give and I gave it gladly. But as always my own release heralded the binding and blinding overload of my body and mind as the light dimmed to a pinpoint and my tunnel vision winked out into darkness.

When I came to my senses again I could feel Barb lying atop of me, her head resting on my right shoulder as she gasped and huffed still trying to catch her breath. I could feel her right hand stroking the left side of my face affectionately. I could also feel myself still inside Barb's twitching heated sex. Oh god what a fantastic feeling that is. I would never tire of that sensation for as long as I live. Seeing that I was back in the waking world Barb smiled that sweet sleepy thoroughly pleased smile of hers and spoke to me in those hushed sultry whispers that lovers do.

"Hi there..." She blinked slowly and then I felt her chest move with a slow silent chuckle. "So? Was that two or three knots Mister Cherry Master?" She asked teasingly.

"I think that must have been a fourth one if I counted correctly." I smiled and ran my right and left hands along Barb's sides and hips to rest on her sweat dampened back side, one hand on each cheek. I frowned a little disappointed as I felt my once stalwart manhood relax and slide gently out of that amazing whetted oasis between Barb's legs. It came out with a quiet little squishy plop and drooped over to my thigh as if to take a nap. Barb too pouted a little but then resumed that sweet happy smile as she closed her eyes and snuggled her cheek into my shoulder and sighed contentedly.

"Barb?" I started to speak as I felt that all too familiar heralding sensation moving up the backs of my legs. I was about to slip into the paroxysms of my cursed aftershock. I knew that Barb was familiar with them now too as she had witnessed many of them but I still liked to give her a little warning if I could because I knew all too well I had no control over my body when it hits me. I felt Barb stiffen somewhat as she still laid atop of me. I brought both of my hands to my sides and gripped the bed covers. That was my last conscious recollection before my body stiffened and then launched into the brief throes of my aftershock. The spasms and twitching and muscles firing without direction or conscious thought. I saw the fireworks as I always do inside my eyelids... and then it was over.

The first coherent thought was that my heart seemed to be beating louder than usual this time, in fact it sounded a lot like a pressure cooker releasing steam and pressure through that little pop-off valve. And then I realized that it was Barbra, she was holding me tightly her head next to mine as she was cheek to cheek and she was repeating softly over and over "Shh shh shh, it's okay... shhh... it's okay..."

As my mind cleared and I began to function again I reveled in the closeness and intimacy that Barbra was showering on me. Still astride my waist her bare body pressed against my own, her breasts smashed between us, and her arms... her arms were cradling my head as she ran her fingers through my hair and shushed me like a child having a nightmare. I couldn't help but to smile at the irony of it all. Her instincts were to nurture me and make me feel better when it was her very own actions that brought me to this seemingly painful conclusion. But despite the appearances it was and is by no means painful for me at all, merely embarrassing when it's witnessed by someone unfamiliar with it for the first time. Some women freak out and just can't deal with it, others find it fascinating or even amusing when they realize that it was their doing... or at least partly so. Barb however, for whatever reason tended to be a nurturer. Perhaps it was her maternal instinct. No matter I really liked her fawning over me and I would never berate her or make fun of it.

Barbra knew I was back when she felt my arms and hands wrap around her waist and pull her more firmly into me and I began kissing her neck and shoulder. I actually felt her shudder and heard that almost silent little moan escape her lips at the tail end of another motherly little shushing sound. With the kissing of her neck and shoulder Barbra melted into my embrace and sighed momentarily before pushing herself up to separate our faces enough to look me in the eyes.

"Jim I don't know if I will ever completely get used to that... In all my life I've never known anyone else that has that happen to them." She said searching my face and looking deeply into my eyes to make sure I was not hurting in any way. I smiled up at her and said.

"It's all your fault you know... tying me into knots and all that." I winked at her. "No, seriously, it's not painful at all... just an aggravation at worst. Just hang on when it happens." I added and shrugged, not knowing what else to say about it all. Barb just gave me that soft smile and then grimaced and pulled her bottom lip into her teeth to bite it.

"Well lover I need to get over something else at the moment, let me go so I can run to the bathroom." She said and leaned down to give me a peck on the lips before rolling to one side and clambering for the edge of the bed. I watched her stand up and step to the blackout curtain and part it, her naked body flowing like a bit of physical poetry. I listened for the audible signs of her progression... the toilet seat cover coming up and smacking the water tank behind it the whooshing sound of an overdue bladder release and the little soft sigh of her relaxing. There was a brief rattle of the toilet paper roll being pulled and then a moment or two later the inevitable flushing sound. I heard the vanity door under the sink open and some rummaging sounds before another brief pause to be followed by yet another whooshing sound but shorter lived this time. There was more rattling and then another flush. Something was tossed in the wastebasket beside the sink and then water running. Moments later Barb came back through the blackout curtain and she was smiling contentedly as she climbed once more onto my bed and walked on her hands and knees over to me and then lay down next to me throwing her right leg and right arm over me possessively.

"All freshened up?" I asked conversationally.

"Yeah... I figured I might as well get it over with." She responded as she snuggled her cheek into my right shoulder and idly ran the fingers of her right hand through the sparse hairs on my chest as she made tantalizing little circles around my left nipple.

"So... no round two this afternoon?" I opined with a bit of a silent chuckle.

"Lover if you want to go again I will be happy to join you but I do have to be going soon, I have a few errands to run before I call it a night and I do have to work tomorrow morning." She said with a sigh.

"I think I'm fine for the time being. You do seem to take a lot out of me... when we are together." I tilted my head to the right and lightly bonked her forehead.

"Well I'll take anything you want to give me you know." She chuckled and teasingly pinched my left nipple playfully. "So you'll put in your paperwork for vacation tomorrow evening?" She asked.

"Yeah, I've already spoken to my supervisor on the phone, there are no conflicts with the schedule so there won't be a problem. The paperwork is just a formality." I confirmed.

"So when will your vacation start? What day?" She asked quietly, her mental gears turning, she was in planning mode.

"Technically, it begins Next Sunday night, a week from tonight at 11:00 PM. But as my regular days off this week will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I will have a total of ten days off in a row." I explained.

"Oh that is nice!" Barb said in a happy tone. "So you wouldn't have a problem leaving say Friday morning?" She asked giving me a hopeful glance with her right hand now resting flat against my chest.

"No problem at all." I admitted. "Is that when you want to leave?" I asked.

"Maybe, I still need to find out about the reservations in St. Ignace, what with it being a holiday weekend and everyone trying to find a place close to the bridge for the walk... I had asked for Friday night through Wednesday morning making it five nights in all. As of this morning I hadn't heard back yet but I'm calling again in the morning to double check on things." She said as she slipped into thought again.

"Five nights? Wow Barb, that will be the longest I've been away from home in... well... longer than I can remember. I think I was gone five days once on spring break when I was in school at the University but that was only four nights and one of those we spent sleeping on the beach." I chuckled.

"Well I don't think you want to sleep on the beach on Lake Michigan but we can have a picnic if you want. In fact I had kind of planned a day trip that would involve just that... if you want to that is." Barb offered, her words trailing off in that almost little girl voice that was laced with uncertainty and a little pleading perhaps. I knew that this trip meant a great deal to her and she really really wanted it to be special. So, I wanted it to be really really special for her and anything I could do to make it that way I would be more than happy to do or go along with.
