Betrayal Ch. 02


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The women exchanged looks again, and Betty said, "No, I guess we aren't. Men are clueless to the wiles of women, but we read each other well enough. The last time we were all together she was constantly flirting and teasing when you weren't with her."

"So what?" asked her husband, "You all flirt and tease too: are you all having sex with other men?"

"There are limits to my flirting, and part of my reason is to remind you how lucky you are to have such an attractive wife, Dumbo. But have you ever had to go look for me at a dance because I didn't come back to the table for 20 minutes after leaving to go to the 'powder room'? Remember that? Remember how she said she got sick to her stomach and was hugging the commode, but then went right back to drinking? And what did Will's brother Lewis and his friend Vic have to say afterward?"

Betty's smirk and questions brought Harry up short, and he floundered. "Okay, but you know what liars those two are! We didn't believe a word because Will, John, and I were outside too, and nothing really happened while we were there!"

Laura interjected, staring at her husband, "Harry, John, Corky, Will: has Karen ever rubbed your cock on the dance floor or under the table? Has she ever rubbed her body on you and kissed you?" Will turned red, and stammered, "She was drunk! It didn't mean anything!"

"Are you sure?" Laura asked, "And are Vic and Lewis lying, or are you three lying when you claim 'nothing really happened'? You sound as evasive now as you did when I drug the story out of you the first time."

The women turned to Tim as one, and Laura said, "We're sorry Tim. We would have told you if we had proof, but we did have our suspicions about her. We know she loves you a lot, but something has been off since after Mark was born. We all know she looks, dresses, and acts sexy, but she used to be all over you all the time so we didn't worry. She would tell us girls how much she loved having sex with you, how you were a stallion in bed, and way too many details! But there was no question her life was all about you!

Lately she looks like she's on the prowl after a couple of drinks; we noticed, even if you guys didn't. Maybe, given what you've learned, or think you've learned, she has come to love sex with other people too."

Tim looked speculative, but then chuckled, "It's not that I don't think my wife is capable of taking on all five of these clowns, or that they wouldn't if she offered, but really: five men in twenty minutes? That gives new meaning to the 'minute man' jokes we used to make about these three. That part isn't true is it, ladies?"

Betty replied with a snide chuckle, "Well, it wouldn't be the first time!" and the other wives laughingly agreed. Tim pointed at the three men and then let his finger go lax, mimicking a limp dick; everyone laughed, but all three looked pained and guilty as sin!

Tim was still digesting Will's shaky denial, the guilty looks, and everything the women said and implied when Karl walked up, greeted everyone, and introduced his cousin and her friend to the group. The mood quickly became upbeat as Karl's cousin from Tennessee and her friend from Georgia became the focus. The girls, who were junior roommates at Trinity University in San Antonio, had surprised Karl by walking in right at closing time. They informed him that he was taking them out on the town. He was leaving to join the group at the Biergarten, so he brought them along.

They drank too much, talked too loud, told embarrassing stories about each other, danced too closely with every partner, and, finally, exchanged goodbye kisses that were too long and too wet with people that weren't their spouses.

Throughout the night Tim randomly flipped from melancholy to happy to thoughtful and back to happy. Everyone tried to keep his spirits up, and he was the beneficiary of a good bit of the 'close dancing' as each woman took her turn distracting his mind and his cock. Serena tried to ensure both of them had an orgasm on the dance floor, but even her lean nineteen-year old body couldn't make Tim cum on a dance floor in front of a dozen others. She might have, though, at least a couple of times; the front of his jeans were certainly wet enough from her juices!

At the end of the night he received a bounty: each woman tried to outdo the others in kissing him goodnight. Serena was last, and she practically raped him right in front of the everyone. She slipped her number in his pocket and mouthed, "Call me" before stepping away.

With the 'goodbyes' done, people went to their cars and discussed who was sober enough to drive. Wildman was three-sheets-in-the-wind drunk, and he knew it. He handed Tim the keys and slurred, "You drive. I'm too drunk, and Laura don't drive worth a crap in the dark, right Babe?"

She eyed Tim speculatively, decided he was sober enough, and nodded. Without further ado, Will climbed in the passenger seat.

Tim opened the back door for Laura, but she told him in the tone of voice she used only when she was miffed that she preferred to ride in front so she could make sure he was driving safely. He opened the driver door and she slid into the middle.

They were a little crowded with three in the front seat, and Laura chose to plant one leg on each side of the hump on which the four-on-the-floor gearshift was mounted. The short dress she was wearing meant a lot of leg was showing; Tim looked askance at her lack of modesty, but she stared straight ahead. He teasingly asked Will if driving his stick shift meant he could play with Laura's lovely legs between shifts, but Will didn't answer. They saw that he had already crapped out, with his mouth hanging open.

"I see your husband holds his liquor just as well as he always has," Tim teased Laura.

"He does; and since you bought him several of those drinks you get to carry him inside when we get home!" she replied cattily.

Tim looked at Laura with a smirky smile as he rested his hand on the gearshift positioned between her spread legs; she continued staring straight ahead. He pulled the shifter down and to the left to back out, and rested his hand on her bare leg while he backed up. She turned and stared at him "He didn't say no" Tim explained as he lightly squeezed her leg; she turned to face the front again and said nothing.

He used first gear to get out of the parking lot and onto the winding downhill section of highway that led to their home, and quickly shifted to second to get their speed up. When he shifted, he let his hand slide off to caress her upper calf and knee; he grinned at her, expecting to get fussed at, but she ignored him and continued looking ahead. He was intrigued by her lack of response to his enjoyment of her bare legs, and by what appeared to be a half-smile playing on her mouth.

Tim shifted up to third, and then quickly down to fourth. His wrist pulled her dress up to expose her thighs as he shifted down, and he clamped his hand on the inside of her near thigh, a few inches above her knee. Still no reaction, but her mysterious smile grew slightly.

Tim was more than slightly drunk and horny as hell after the six kisses, but this was Will's wife. Still, Will and Karen had apparently done this and more, so...

He was only teasing at first, but now he was getting turned on by the soft skin and taut muscle of her pretty legs, and curious about how far she would let him go. He gently caressed her skin, and slowly moved his hand higher on her thigh, excusing his behavior by remembering Will's guilt when Laura challenged him about fucking/making out with Karen.

Laura refused to look at him, or speak to him, so he continued his hand's journey up her leg. As his hand climbed, so did the hem of her dress, until his hand rested within a few inches of her prize, and both lovely legs were exposed almost to her panties. Still no reaction, so he brazenly pulled the dress up until he could clearly see the white lace panties that matched the white lace bra that showed through her filmy blouse.

She quietly spoke, "Eyes on the road. We're coming to a stop sign," but she left the dress hem where it was while Tim downshifted, stopped, turned right, and accelerated. The streetlights exposed her widespread, glorious legs, and Tim returned his hand to her inner thigh as soon as he could. She continued to stare straight ahead as if nothing were happening, but when the back of his hand pressed against her wet panties and his fingers explored her slick thighs, she closed her eyes and moaned quietly; he knew then that she was enjoying this tease as much as he was.

They reached their destination in only a few blocks. Tim parked, killed the engine, and looked at Will, assuming he would waken when the engine stopped; he continued sleeping, mouth open. Tim looked at Laura, who turned and looked back at him. "Have you been enjoying yourself?"

"I have," he replied, "and it seems you have too."

Laura sincerely and innocently replied, "I have no idea what you are talking about; I just let you explore a little so you wouldn't go to sleep while driving."

Tim put his right arm around her shoulders and draped his hand over her chest so that his fingers were lying in the opening of her shirt. He turned slightly toward her, and placed his left hand at the top of her thigh with his forefinger snugly against her wet panties, parting her labia and allowing him to rub her clit with his knuckle.

Laura closed her eyes momentarily, opened them, and looked into his eyes, "You know I took it easy on you, right?" she said in a whisper.

"What do you mean?" he quietly queried, while rubbing his knuckle over her nub and pushing the fingers of his right hand inside the opening of her blouse, and then along the top of the bra across her swollen breasts.

"The kiss I gave you. I could have scorched your socks way beyond what that little girl did, but I didn't want you to suffer all night knowing I was in Will's bed and you couldn't have me!"

"I mean, it was a good kiss, Laura, but come on; the kiss that hot young thing gave me was scorching! You really think you could have topped that?" he whispered into her ear, and then flicked his tongue around the inside of her ear.

Laura sunk down a bit, and turned slightly toward him, offering better access to both her pussy and her tits. Tim appreciated the invitation; he quickly captured her right breast in his right hand, and slipped the fingers of his left hand inside her panties. "Umm, you do feel good, but that hot little cousin of Karl's..."

"Doesn't have what I have and doesn't know what I know," she replied, and then pulled his head down to her chest and spread her legs even wider.

Tim moved his mouth to her cleavage and licked; at the same time, he captured her nipple between his fingers, and pulled his middle and ring fingers up between her wet, swollen labia. She unbuttoned another button on her blouse, released the front catch, and pulled his mouth to her left breast. He captured it, laved the nipple, and strummed her clit. She rubbed her hand up and down his cock, pushed his hand further inside her pussy, wiggled her butt, and moaned into his ear.

Laura pulled his hair up and latched her mouth onto his, mashing her lips against his, ran her tongue across his teeth, and then forced it deep into his throat. She moaned into his mouth, stroked his cock through his pants, wiggled her hips to get full use of his finger, and pressed her tit into his hand.

Tim's head was spinning with alcohol and lust as this suddenly wild woman inflamed his senses. He realized dimly that his best friend/her husband was sitting beside the object of his desire. He knew taking things to this level was wrong, and yet it felt so good!

This started as simple teasing and flirting, but it had spiraled out of control and now he held a delicious woman who was as hot, wet, and as ready as he was.

He pulled his hand out of her panties and began to pull them down. He had gotten her lacy little panties as far as her knees when she suddenly sat up, pushed his hands away, smirked, and taunted him: "Okay, Timmy. Tell me: how does that kiss compare to your little college girl?"

Tim's inflamed brain failed to engage; he sat and stared at her smirking face, and then it hit him! He asked, "So you're trying to tell me that was all put on? You were just trying to top Serena?"

"Well, that might not be the ONLY reason. We owed our spouses for the make-out session -- or whatever - that guilty-ass Will finally came clean about after a week of torture," she replied as she pulled her panties up, fastened her bra, buttoned her blouse and then pulled her dress down to mid-thigh. "Plus, you're a pretty good kisser." She gave him a devilish smile, and coyly continued, "I always wondered about your reputation with the ladies. I'm mean, you're okay to look at, but you've never made me flood my panties."

"Bullshit!" Tim quietly interjected. "Those panties are totally flooded! You were totally ready -- in fact, I'm pretty sure you got off a time or two while we were 'kissing'!"

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't, but someone had to remember your best buddy over there and act like an adult."

Tim reached behind her head and roughly pulled her mouth to his. He reenacted the kiss she had instigated earlier, now as the aggressor, and she mewled like a kitten. Tim's hand roamed back up her leg, and she spread them again. His hand reached her sodden panties; he rubbed her pussy, she thrust it against his hand and moaned. He slipped his hand inside, rubbed her inflamed labia, swirled two fingers in her pussy, and, when she humped his hand, lightly pinched her love button, then alternated lightly caressing and rubbing it. She came against his hand with a stifled moan, her body stiff but her pussy clenching and contracting around his fingers.

He smirked, licked his fingers clean of her juices, and proclaimed, "You can't bullshit a bullshitter! I knew you were ready! Wanta sit on my big cock for a while?" he smirked.

She smirked back: "You can't get enough of me can you? Now, let me out of the car and carry my drunk-ass husband inside. We may or may not be even, but until I know for sure, this is as far as it goes."


He awoke Sunday morning with a throbbing head and a queasy stomach, but a couple of aspirin chased with a big glass of water got him up and about. His sons were sitting quietly in the living room watching cartoons.

Laura was in the kitchen, looking quite chipper. She resented not being able to drink last night, but this morning she was pleased. Tim watched her puttering around in the kitchen fixing breakfast; she was wearing a light robe and satin slippers. The outline of that nice rump and those pointy titties was enticing.

Tim walked up behind her. He put his hand on the flare of her hips, kissed her neck, said "Good morning, gorgeous! I sure enjoyed that kiss last night; got another one for me this morning?" She ignored him and kept working, but with his chin over her shoulder, he could see the blush work up her neck from the round mounds of her breasts, which were barely covered by the loose fitting robe.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked cattily, knowing the condition he was in when he went to bed.

He ran his hands up her ribs, cupped each boob, and lightly pinched the nipples. "No, you sexy vixen, it's hard to sleep with a hardon," he whispered in her ear.

She twisted away and spun around; that removed his hands from her tits but caused the robe to fall open. She held her hand out in a 'stop' sign and leaned back against the counter to get a little further from him. He wiggled his eyebrows, leered at her open robe, and said, "Nice tits, Gorgeous, but not as nice as that bare little pussy!" She yelped, pulled her robe closed, and burned bright red.

"Honey, you've got to quit flashing the guests. An asshole like Tim might take you up on it, especially after the kiss you gave him last night at the Biergarten," Will warned as he gingerly made his way to the coffee pot and poured a cup.

Laura blushed, and Tim wondered if Will knew just how nice a 'kiss' he actually got last night. He stepped up to Laura and held out his cup for a refill.

Will grinned and asked, "So, what do you think of my wife? Nice body for a pregnant woman, right?" Tim teased back: "She looked REALLY good based on the glimpse I just got, but if you'll go sleep another hour or two I can more closely examine your lovely wife and be able to offer a more informed opinion. Or, there is another way!"

Turning back to Laura he cajoled, "Gorgeous, if you would just open that robe again, or better yet just step out of it, I will endeavor to answer your husband's question in an informed manner."

Laura, blushing brightly, held her robe tightly around herself and stormed from the room, "You've already seen all you're going to see! You two can make your own breakfast since all you do is ogle and harass the cook!" Will and Tim hurried her down the hall with catcalls and laughter, and then hurried to save the bacon and scrambled eggs from burning. Will pulled the toast made with homemade bread out of the oven, and they sat down to eat.

Will cocked his eyebrow and inquired, "So, Serena - good looking young thing; did you two get along well?"

The recollection of Karl's brunette cousin made Tim grin; he asked, "Have you ever seen a girl with longer legs?" "Possibly," Will responded, "I kept getting distracted. Her skirt was so short it barely covered her bottom, so I'm not positive about the length of her legs. They looked long and lean, but I'd probably have to get another good look while I'm sober to answer with certainty."

"Let me rephrase: have you ever seen a 5'9" girl with longer and lovelier legs and a nicer ass perched atop?" Tim queried. Will faked deep consideration, and then answered, "Now that I think of it...NO! By the way, were her panties flesh colored, or does she keep it bare?"

Tim laughed, threw up his hands, and feigned innocence. Truth was, her pussy was as bare as Laura's. "How about your wife: she looked bare too." Will winked and turned toward the hallway echoing the sound of bare feet on wood.

Laura returned with her hair in a ponytail, Daisy Dukes, and a halter bra. When they whistled, she haughtily told them "I know you two are going to leer at me all day anyway, so I decided to give you something to leer at!" "That skimpy attire will work inside in the central heat, but I can hardly wait to see those nipples when we walk outside in the cold!" Will said. "Don't you agree, Tim?"

"That will be indubitably be tongue-hardening, but I'm also looking forward to watching the goosebumps rise on those lovely legs!" Tim answered in his most seductive voice. Laura blushed again; she dressed like this on purpose, hoping for this reaction to further assure herself she remained attractive despite her pregnancy, but Tim was getting dangerously familiar with her body, and she really was tempted.

"Hey, Will, I have another question: isn't pregnant sex the best you've ever had?"

Will laughed and nodded. "Hey, believe me, Bruh, it gets better and better until about the 8th month!" Tim promised. Will rubbed his hands together and smirked in anticipation.

"If she gets to be too much to handle, give me a call and I'll hurry down to help out!" Tim offered. Will said he had his number saved in favorites and would certainly give him a call if she got out of control

Laura looked less than amused, "You aren't saying you would share your precious wife with that ruffian, are you?"

Will replied with a huge grin, "Well, it wouldn't be the first time we shared a girl, but, no, I WOULD NOT share my precious wife, even with the ruffian who is my best friend!" Laura beamed, and Will added in an aside, "Unless she got to be too much to handle by myself!"