Better Revenge Thru Science Pt. 02


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After they finished and got dressed, Nancy turned to George.

"So, when are your buddies going to take Ron?" she asked.

"Probably tomorrow afternoon after you leave for school. They're going to follow him in their van and grab him at the earliest convenience," George said. "We know of a good place over by the lake. They're going to fuck him real good, then I'm going to shoot him right between the eyes. After that, we'll dispose of his body in the lake so he can become fish food."

"I wish you wouldn't do it," she said.

"Well, it's gonna happen and there ain't shit you or anyone else can do about it," John said. "Now, don't get all brave and shit. Don't say a fucking thing to anyone about it, you hear? Otherwise, we'll tell the cops it was all your idea." Nancy nodded her head, slowly. Ron could see she wasn't comfortable about any of this.

They left the room and Nancy began sobbing. After several minutes, she went into the bathroom to shower and clean up for school. After the video ended, he checked his vitals and his body measurements to compare from the previous day and was happy to see there was almost no change from the last time he checked. He decided not to give himself any more of his concoction until the morning, when he would probably need it.

Just then, his phone rang. It was his mother. He answered it, knowing pretty much what she was going to say.

"Ron, you need to meet me at the hospital," she said. "They're taking Dad and the boys down."

"For what?" he asked.

"Something's wrong with their... things," she said.

"Things?" Ron asked. "What things?"

"You know, their... penises," she said.

"What did they do, try to screw a light socket?" he asked.

"Don't be sarcastic, Ron," she said. "They're in pain. Their penises have turned all black. I had to call 911 and they came out with an ambulance. I also called Lisa and she's on her way there as well. Please, can you meet me at the hospital?"

"Okay, give me a couple minutes, I have an errand to run," he said.

"Thanks, Ron," she said before hanging up. Ron opened his phone book and dialed the number he was looking for.

"Police Department, Homicide," said the woman who answered.

"Yes, I'd like to speak to someone about a plot to commit rape and murder," Ron said.

"One moment, please," the woman said. After a minute of electronic music, a man's voice came on the line.

"Homicide, Detective Sparks," the man said.

"Detective, my name is Ron Black, and I'd like to report a plot to commit rape and murder," Ron said.

"Tell me what you know, sir," Detective Sparks said. Ron gave a brief sketch of the situation and told him everything he heard his brothers say.

"Do you know where the perpetrators are now?" Detective Sparks asked when Ron finished.

"They're on their way to the hospital," Ron said. "They may even be in surgery now for all I know."

"What are they in the hospital for?" the detective asked.

"Something about their penises," Ron said. "From what my mother told me on the phone, it sounds like they may have to be amputated."

"I see," Detective Sparks said.

"I'm on my way down there now," Ron said. "Can you or one of your officers meet me there? I have them plotting this out on video and I can let you have a copy."

"Absolutely," the detective said. "We'll see you there."

Ron hung up the phone and laughed as he copied the incriminating videos to a thumb drive. Locking everything up, he headed to the hospital, carrying his laptop and the thumb drive. He found a place to park and headed for the Emergency Room. Once inside, he spoke to the person at the front desk and was directed to the area where the three men were undergoing surgery. He spotted Lisa and his mother talking to a man in a cheap suit. A uniformed police officer was with them.

"Hi, Mom," Ron said as he approached them. "How's Dad and the boys?"

"Not good," she said, crying. "They're in surgery now. The doctor said they have to amputate their penises."

"Hmmm," Ron said. "Sorry to hear that."

The suit looked at Ron.

"Are you Ron Black?" he asked. Ron nodded his head.

"I am," Ron said. "And you must be Detective Sparks."

"Yes," he said. He pointed to a couple chairs in the waiting area. "Care to talk about this?"

"Sure," Ron said. His mother spoke up.

"What's this all about, Ron?" she asked. "What's going on?"

"Well, Mom, since this will affect you as well, you probably should know," Ron said. He motioned for Lisa to follow them as well. After they sat down, Ron pulled out his laptop and plugged in the thumb drive. June and Lisa gasped as they saw Nancy with the three men. "Okay," Ron said. "Listen to this." He played the video loud enough so Detective Sparks, his mother and Lisa could all hear what was being said.

He fast-forwarded through the sex scenes to play the end, but June saw enough to know what was going on. Her eyes grew wide as she saw the three men take Nancy. Ron played the part at the end where George and John laid out the plan. When it was finished, he ended the video, pulled out the drive and handed it to Detective Sparks.

"Do you have any idea who their accomplices might be?" Detective Sparks asked.

"No sir, I don't," Ron said. "It could be someone they work with or someone they go drinking with." Sparks looked at June.

"Did you know anything about this?" he asked her. June shook her head.

"No, Detective, I had no idea," she said. "If I had, I would've cut their dicks off myself." He smiled and nodded his head.

"I understand," he said. He looked back at Ron.

"You didn't see any van on your way over here?" he asked.

"No, I didn't," Ron said.

"Okay. So whatever they plan to do, it'll probably be in the morning," he said. "You say your wife is in school right now?"

"Supposedly," Ron said.

"I see," Sparks said. "I'll have to bring her in for questioning. I don't know if the DA will want to charge her or not. She doesn't appear to be a conspirator, but she's still an accomplice, even if it's after the fact. He may want to offer her a plea deal. I don't know."

"Do what you have to, Detective," Ron said. "I've already started divorce proceedings and I had planned to kick her out of the house tonight."

"Oh?" the detective asked. "Do you know where she's going to stay?"

"Yes, I do," Ron said. He gave the detective the address of the studio apartment he got for her that day.

"Thanks," he said. "I'll talk to the District Attorney about all this and see how he wants to handle it. In the meantime, I'll have Officer Greene over there stay with the three men. I doubt they'll be going anywhere. Mrs. Black, we'll also need to do a search of your home."

"Please," she said. "Do whatever is necessary."

"While you're at it, Detective," Ron said. "Could you look for some video?"

"What kind of video?" the detective asked. Lisa's face turned red as Ron looked at her.

"Lisa, maybe you should talk with Mom in private for a minute, let her know what's going on." Ron suggested. She nodded her head and took her mother by the arm.

"What's going on, Ron?" June asked.

"Lisa will tell you," Ron said. He turned back to the detective. "My attorney told me today that he spoke to the District Attorney as well and he's interested in following up on our cases. I have reason to believe my older sister was molested by the same three men a few years back. They claimed to have video of it and used that threat to keep her quiet." Detective Sparks closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

"Holy fuck," he said quietly. "Okay, I'll get with the DA and see what he says. In the meantime, I'll have some officers in your neighborhood. If we see a van anywhere near your place, we'll deal with it. Will you be okay by yourself?"

"I'll be fine, detective," Ron said. Just then, they heard wailing from down the hall. Looking up, they saw June bent over, her hand over her mouth. She knows, Ron thought. Good girl, Lisa, he said to himself. Detective Sparks looked at Ron.

"You take care of them," he said. "I'll take care of the other three." Ron nodded his head.

"Thanks, detective, I will," Ron said. Detective Sparks spoke to Officer Greene then went to June and Lisa. After he spoke to them for a few minutes, he walked out, giving Ron a nod and a wave.

About an hour or so later, the doctor came out of the surgical suite and walked up to June and Lisa. Ron joined them as they went into one of the private conference rooms.

"We've finished the operation on your husband and two sons," the doctor told June. "We had to amputate all but an inch of their penises. Unfortunately, they were completely rotted and had to be removed. We may have to remove their testicles as well. They're in recovery now, and will probably be there for about an hour. We'll have them taken to their rooms then. Just so you know, they can still urinate, but they'll never be able to engage in any sexual activity. We're going to keep them here for a few days to heal and make sure that whatever this is doesn't spread. Do you know what they might have been doing to cause this?"

"They had sex with my wife a few hours before 911 was called," Ron said. The doctor looked at him and nodded his head.

"When was the last time you had sex with her?" he asked.

"Maybe a day or two before this happened," he said.

"I've never heard of sexual activity causing something like this, but maybe you should get tested for STDs anyway," the doctor said. "We can do that here if you wish."

"I think that would be a good idea," Ron said.

"The nurse will let you know what rooms they'll be in," the doctor said as he prepared to leave. "We'll be in touch if there are any complications."

"Thank you doctor," June said. As the doctor left the room, Ron saw a nurse approach him. He listened as they talked quietly. He only made out bits of the conversation, but clearly heard the doctor ask, "Four more? Just like the first three?" He heard the nurse's response clearly: "Yes, just like those other three men. They're in surgery now." Ron smiled to himself.

An hour later, Ron, June and Lisa were escorted to the two adjacent rooms where Bob, George and John were now resting. As they walked in the first room where George and Bob were, they saw Officer Greene sitting in the hall between the doors. They also noticed the handcuffs on both men. A nurse was checking the monitors attached to both men.

"June..." George began before she cut him off.

"Shut up, asshole," she said, shocking the nurse. "I saw the video of you three fucking Nancy. You're Goddamn lucky that doctor cut your dicks off. If he hadn't, I sure as well would. And I'm going to do everything I can to make sure all three of you go to jail for what you planned to do to Ron and what you did to Lisa, you sorry-assed piece of shit. And by the way, I'm divorcing you. I should have done it a long time ago." She looked at George. "And you. I should have aborted you when I had the chance. You make me sick to my stomach. You're dead to me. All three of you are dead to me and I never want to see you again as long as I live."

"Mom, please," George began. "This is all his fault," he added, pointing at Ron.

"Bullshit," she said. "Remember, I saw the video. I watched you. I heard what you planned to do to your own brother. You're not my son anymore and I hope to God they give you the death penalty." She turned on her heel and left the room to give John a similar speech. Ron smiled as he looked at the two men in their beds.

"So," he said. "You were going to shoot me after you had me gang-raped. How's that working out for you? Tell me, is it true the three of you molested Lisa?"

"Yeah, so what?" George growled through his pain. "I told you a long time ago I was going to make you pay. As for Lisa, she got what she deserved. Prancing around in those shorts of hers. What did she expect?"

"So you're blaming her for what you did to her?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, what are you going to do about it, squirt?" George asked. "We won't be in prison forever, asshole. Mark my words. When we're out, I'm going to hunt both you and Lisa down and finish the job. I'm going to fucking kill both of you."

"Shut up, George," Bob said.

"No, no, let him talk," Ron said. "I want to hear how he plans to kill us."

"It'll be a surprise," George hissed. "You'll never see me coming, you limp-dick asshole." Ron laughed.

"At least I still HAVE a dick," Ron said. He looked around and saw the nurse staring at them, her eyes wide. "Did you hear what he said?" he asked her. She nodded her head.

"Yes, I did," she said. "And I'll be more than happy to testify." She handed Ron a card with her name and contact info.

"And so did I," said a voice at the door. Ron turned to see Officer Greene at the door. The large black man's body took up nearly the entire door and he had a scowl on his face. Ron nodded his head and turned back to George, pulling an audio recorder out of his pocket. He pressed a couple buttons and all of them heard George's recorded confession.

"Well, asshole," Ron said. "That's three of us who heard your confession, and I have it all recorded. I'll make sure the DA gets this. By the way, the doctor says he may have to remove your testicles. And he also said you'll never be able to engage in sexual activity. But I don't think that'll be much of a problem where you're going. I understand people like you don't do too well in prison." Officer Greene and the nurse chuckled at that. "Have a nice day," Ron said on his way out the door.

He walked into John's room to see his older brother shackled to his bed just like George and Bob. He walked up to John with a smile on his face.

"By the way, dickhead," Ron said. "Your asshole brother confessed to your crimes. There were three witnesses and I have it all recorded for the DA. I just wanted you to know. Like I told them, the doctor said he may have to remove your testicles. You'll be able to urinate, but you'll never have sex again. I'm sure Bubba will be able to take care of that when you get to prison, though." He chuckled as John's face turned green. Ron said nothing, but turned and walked away, June and Lisa joining him.

They walked to the hospital's coffee shop and sat at a table as Ron bought them a latte. June looked like she was about to start crying.

"What's going to happen to me, Ron?" she asked through her tears. "I have no income, no job, no skills, nothing. We're going to lose the house and everything."

"We'll get to that in a minute, Mom," Ron said. "I want to know something from you first."

"What's that?" she asked through her tears.

"Did you ever really love me as a child?" he asked. She blinked as she looked at him, surprised.

"Of course I did, Ron," she said. "I still do. You're my son. You know that."

"No, Mom, I don't," he said. "You berated me as a kid, constantly telling me I should be like the other boys. Granted, you never abused me, and you weren't quite as cold and hard as Dad and the boys, but I don't ever remember you telling me that you loved me. When I was in college, you never even sent me so much as a card for Christmas or my birthday. Why?"

"I'm sorry, Ron," she said. "That was your father's doing. He was so overbearing and they were always so jealous of you. He was afraid you'd turn into a 'mama's boy.' It only got worse after you left and he lost his job."

"Did he ever abuse you?" Ron asked. Her face turned red and she looked away, embarrassed. After a moment, she wiped a tear from her eye and responded.

"A few times, but I guess I deserved it," she said.

"No, Mom, you didn't deserve it," Ron said. "If anyone deserves it, it's those three assholes upstairs. Did you know what they were doing to Lisa? By the way, Lisa, George confessed and I have it on audio."

"No, Ron, I never knew," she said, tears rolling down her cheeks. "If I had, I would've shot them myself."

"Did you know that Grandpa bought the mortgage on your house?" he asked. She shook her head.

"No, I didn't," she said. "Your father took care of all that stuff and I was never allowed to see any of the statements. I don't even know how to pay the bills or write a check. He gave me cash to buy groceries and that was it. Sometimes, he gave me a few extra dollars for clothes or to get my hair done." Ron looked at Lisa and saw her nodding her head slightly.

"Well, Grandpa put your house in his trust and Dad paid a little bit for rent every month," Ron said. "That's the only reason you never lost the house. Grandpa put Lisa and I in charge of the trust, so we can pretty much do what we want with it. I have no problem with you staying there as long as you want, and I think Lisa agrees with me."

"I do," Lisa said. Ron nodded his head.

"We also talked about setting you up with a fund so you can take care of yourself," he said. "Lisa and I can help you get on your feet and show you how to handle your bills if you want. Hell, I'll even pay for your divorce. Grandpa's attorney is handling mine and I'm sure he'll take care of yours as well." June looked at Ron, her eyes overflowing with tears.

"You would do all that for me?" she asked. "Even after everything that's happened?"

"Yes, Mom," Ron said. "I would." June broke down sobbing. Lisa wrapped her arms around June, tears falling from her eyes. "Something Grandpa once told me about tempering justice with a bit of mercy." June looked up at him.

"You're a lot like your grandfather," she said. Ron smiled.

"Thanks," he said. "I like to think so."

"I'm talking about my father," she said. "You never met him. He died before you were born. You even look a lot like him. I think you really would have liked him. He and your father never got along. They argued all the time. Maybe that's why your father never took to you. You reminded him too much of my dad." That made sense to Ron. June looked at Ron after she settled down.

"So what are you going to do about Nancy?" she asked.

"I'm started divorce proceedings and I'm kicking her out tonight," Ron said. "Assuming she's not in jail."

"I don't blame you," she said. "I'm so sorry about everything, Ron. I do love you. You'll always be my baby boy." Ron smiled at that.

"I love you too, Mom," he said. They stood up from the table.

"Can you ever forgive me?" June asked. Ron wrapped his arms around her.

"Of course I forgive you," he said as she held him tight for several minutes.

"I've got to get home," June said after they ended their hug. "I'm a mess." June and Lisa hugged for a few minutes. After June left, Lisa looked at Ron.

"That was a sweet thing you did, Ron," she said. "Thanks." He looked back at her before giving her a hug.

"Any time," he said. "What she said makes sense to me. I guess with Dad out of commission, I'll have to take care of Grandpa's funeral arrangements now."

"I'll help you with that," she said.

"Thanks," he said. "I'll need all the help I can get." He looked at his watch. "I guess I'd better get home and get ready to deal with Nancy."

"Okay," she said. "Let me know how it goes. Call if you need anything."


To be continued...

Note: In 2016, a 50-year-old man from Nicaragua had his penis amputated after he got it stuck in a bottle he used as a sex toy. According to doctors, the organ died after the flow of blood was stopped. In 2019, another man had to have part of his penis removed after a painful two-day erection. Penectomies have also been used to treat certain medical conditions and in the event of botched childhood circumcisions. Oddly enough, some have even done it voluntarily.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

June's story of why she neglected her youngest child was not at all convincing. Have you seen a mother cat defending her litter, even the runt of the litter? If you go near them, and she doesn't know you, she'll tear your eyes out. That's the way a mother protects her child. And June now says " if I had known what they were doing to Lisa, I would have cut their dicks off." If she was so courageous to do that, how come she couldn't defend her youngest when he was continuously treated so badly, even by her asshole of a father? Not convincing at all.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

June cunt wakes up. The bitch enabled her husband and sons bad behavior

Helen1899Helen18996 months ago

That last anon just as no idea. This is a classical Saddletramp story, well OTT. on purpose,. H e writes by his rules and you can like it or loathe it, he doesn't care. Me I love all that I read.of his and want to move on now.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Such a nonsensical story. Pretty sure I've read an almost identical one where it turns out the MC was a result of an affair the mum had, totally made more sense as to why dad would hate MC.

That the MC is being generous to a wife that was a part of plans to kill him is just insane.

One wonders whether this story is an experiment to see how moronic the readers of LW actually are.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

You have done injustice to the heroien

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Overall, a good story. One minor error was when Ron and Lisa looked at the apartment, he said :

It does," Ron said. Marsha took them to the apartment so they could see it. It was very small, but it was clean and included the minimum furnishings. With Nancy being at school all the time, Ron figured it was more than sufficient. "I'll take it," Ron told Nancy.

Obviously, it should have been Marsha's name.

One other comment. Ron was too nice to his soon to be ex-wife. Maybe, that was because when he saw what his bother's were going to do to him, she didn't want him to be hurt. You could tell she had some feelings for Ron. Still, he in my opinion was too kind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

June was a failure as a mother!!!

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

so he invented a chemical that would rot their penis's but not Nancy's vagina?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I liked his revenge .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I really enjoyed this story. For once the cheaters get what's coming to them...jail and their dicks being amputated, and the wife becoming an ex-wife who is now broke. And the MC gets to keep the house. It's a real shame that Mark had to die though, as he was the only real good person in the story. I still gave it 5 stars, as it doesn't follow the LW template, and is an enjoyable read.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 2 years ago

Really enjoy this story set, third time reading. Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

nthusiastic Maybe his wife had him get it removed because he was not big enough. While waiting for his penil transplant she got used to bigger dicks and when his was only 6 inches fully erect she couldn't take it as it was too small.

So she brought men home with bigger dicks and they all belittled him to the point where he lost his manhood.

She then had him remove the new dick.

The reason you will find nothing about it on the net is that the husband shot the wife and ALL her big dicked lovers and the Government did not want it to be known that Imperialist Western type murders happen in China.

nthusiasticnthusiasticover 2 years ago

Penis Transplant

One of the first successful penis transplants happened in China. Evidently it was a medical success and fully functioning. Unfortunately several months later, his wife made him return to the hospital to have it removed. There was no mention of why. (I’m not kidding. It was in a medical peer reviewed journal a few years ago in a footnote. I did more research to follow up enough to confirm.) So if they can find some donors . . . LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
"Oddly enough, some have even done it voluntarily" Yes there are.

In parts of Asia if a boy shows "female" characters, First of all he is ridiculed by his peers making him pariah with in his so called friends . And taking advantage of this gangs of people (who force/ convince people to do it) move in pretending to be his friends giving him sympathetic ear. Slowly their influence is so much that this boy runs away from home. And as part of the celebrations of him becoming independent, He is given Alcohol and drugs and then Voila it is done in back rooms. And these boys are forced into prostitution, drugs and anything you name it.

dgfergiedgfergieover 2 years ago

Now that's a bit of lasting revenge! What else do we have instore? good story, you have quite the imagination.

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