Big Bang Theory Gang Bang Orgy Ch. 07


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Amy urged Bernadette onto her back, she lowered her pussy to Bernie's mouth and she spread Bernie's thighs and began licking away her pussy. All of a sudden there was a stiff cock at Amy's pussy and Bernie moved aside slightly and she watched closely as Cole's cock parted Amy's cuntlips and was soon buried deep in her pussy.

Amy grunted loudly and began sucking at Bernie's clit and cunt hole faster and faster. She screamed out as an orgasm wracked her body. Cole plowed deeper and harder into Amy and he knew watching the two women eating one another, he wasn't going to last long. He pulled his cock out of her pussy and started to shoot cum all over her ass and dripping pussy.

Overtaken with lust, Bernie gripped Cole's spurting cock and guided it into her mouth and she sucked loudly at it as she accepted the last couple of spurts into her mouth and down her throat.

Back in the bedroom they had switched around. Kurt was on his back and Penny was riding his cock up and down She slammed her lush body down viciously, her large tits jumped and rolled on her body as she raced towards yet another orgasm.

Zak was standing on the bed, his hands were pressed against the ceiling as he tried to steady himself. His cock was plowing in and out of her mouth and it was coated with her throat saliva, the thick gooey saliva allowed him to slide deep into her throat and he couldn't hold off any longer. Digging his hands into her tousled hair, he pulled his cock from her mouth and started cumming all over her face from forehead, to chin and down onto her neck and sticky tits.

Kurt thrust hard upward and diddling her clit he heard her scream as her face was drenched with Zak's cum and her pussy was now being saturated with his cum. She shook violently and losing her balance she fell off of Kurt and the remainder of his cum shot across her gorgeous ass and tapered back.

The three of them collapsed onto the bed totally spent. After what seemed like forever, first Kurt and after he was done, Zak went into the bathroom to shower and dress.

Cole had dressed while they were in the shower and slipped out without saying a word to anyone.

Penny came out of the bedroom looking like a cheap dime-store whore. Dried cum was clinging to her thighs, belly and chest. Her hair was clumped together with dried cum and her once gorgeous face was also covered in dry cum. She looked at Amy and Bernadette who were now dressed and looked just as good as they did when they left last night for the pub. They cleaned up in the kitchen and made Penny think she was the only slut in the apartment.

Zak and Kurt came out of the bedroom dressed and looked Penny up and down and Kurt laughed out loud; "Well Penny, what will your fiancée say if he saw the way you look now!" He looked over at Zak and gave him a fist-bump; "I guess once a whore, always a whore. Come on Zak, breakfast is on me!"

Zak laughed; "Where Kurt, I don't see any food on you?"

Kurt threw his arm over Zak's shoulder and as he left the apartment, he looked back at the disheveled Penny; "You may want to check your phone Penny, you'll not be so high and mighty now!"

Penny had a look of horror on her face as she ran around the apartment naked looking for her phone; "Where is it, where the fuck is my phone Bernadette! Amy do you know where the fuck my phone is?"

"No, not really Penny. I saw Kurt with it last night, but didn't think anything of it then. I hope he didn't hide it or loss it! Why don't you take a shower and get some clothes on. Bernadette and I will look for it and we'll strip the bed and change the sheets. You may want to light some candles or open the windows for a while, it smells like a brothel in the bedroom!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right, please find it, Kurt got me worried and I have a feeling he did something I won't like!" She closed the bathroom door and soon the shower went on and it seemed like forever before she came out.

When she came out she looked a whole lot better. She was wearing her short robe, it was tied loosely about her waist and she looked relieved when she saw her phone in Bernadette's hand. She powered it up and noticed her bedroom was smelling better and the bed was remade with clean bedding.

When she looked at the phone and saw eight missed calls from Leonard and an e-mail from him with a couple attachments, her mind went blank. She sat down on the sofa and a tense shutter coursed through her body when she began playing the missed calls. She relaxed when the first six were from Leonard who was upset she wasn't picking up. She opened the next one and as she listened, all of the blood drained from her face and she looked up at Bernadette and Amy with horror. "Oh my god Amy, Bernie, I really fucked up! He's never going to forgive me and I don't blame him!"

Bernadette picked up the phone and hit replay and she sucked in her breath and with a stunned look on her face she handed it to Amy. Amy looked at Penny with the same stunned look and handed the phone back to Penny.

Penny hurried and listened to the next voicemail, it had come in about half-an-hour after the last one. She put it on speaker and they all heard Leonard's voice; "Needless to say Penny, I'm very, very disappointed in what I heard. I just wanted to let you know, I still love you and I hope we can work through this. I'm not giving up on us, but things WILL have to change!"

Penny dropped the phone and hugged both Amy and Bernadette; "Oh my god, I can't believe he's going to forgive me for this. I now know without a doubt he's the right man for me and if we can work through this, I will be his, and his only!"

She picked up the phone and played the last voicemail. She noticed there was an attachment alone with the voicemail. She hit speaker again and Leonard's voice was solemn and without any inflexion; "Ah Penny, disregard that last voicemail, we're through! Open the attachment and you'll know why!"

Penny began to cry openly and looked from Amy, to Bernadette and back to Amy again; "What, why, what happened, oh my god, what did I do!" With shaking fingers she opened the attachment and she was shocked and began sobbing uncontrollably. She dropped the phone and ran into the bedroom and slammed the door shut, throwing herself onto the bed, her crying got louder and louder!

Bernadette and Amy watched the attachment, they didn't have to watch, they saw in happening right before their eyes last night. Amy sucked in her breath when she saw herself riding Zak and letting out a long, nearly silent groan; "I think Sheldon and I are through too!" She got up and walked out the door looking like a zombie as she did so.

Bernadette did not know what to do, but after a few minutes she knocked on the door and opening it she moved over to Penny and placing her hand on her shoulder, she felt Penny flinch. She turned to Bernadette and spat out; It was you, why would you send that to Leonard? I know it was you because the rest of us were all in the video, it had to be you! GET OUT, GET OUT NOW, I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" She turned back and buried her face in the pillow and began to sob again uncontrollably.

Bernadette got up without saying a word and walked slowly to the door and out of Penny's life.

After about an hour Penny finally stopped crying and finding her phone saw she still had the e-mail with a video attached to it. She was afraid to open it, thinking it may be another video of what she did last night. She soon found out it was a lot worse than anything she could imagine.

Opening the video she sat there without blinking and was in shock as she watched Leonard speak without any sign of emotion, she cried softly as she watched the broken man pour out his soul and she knew she had hurt him so bad, so bad it could never be repaired.

Just after she finished watching it, her phone rang and she saw the call was from her father and she knew she probably lost him too. She rejected the call and headed back into the bedroom to cry herself to sleep, if she could.

She knew Leonard was gone, but she composed a letter and knew if she gave it to Sheldon, somehow he's get it to him.

"My Dearest Leonard;

I know I screwed up to the point no one should be forgiven for what I did and how much hurt I inflicted upon you. I just wanted you to know; I love you and always will. If you could just do me one favor, watch the movie Moulin Rouge with Nicole Kidman. In that movie there is a song Ewan McGregor sings to Nicole Kidman, it's called, Come What May! It will wrap up all my feelings for you up in a tiny tight package!" One other favor if you would, have a happy life and I hope you find someone who loves you as much as you loved me and believe it or not, as much as I love you. I will live the rest of my life trying to make-up for the pain I have caused you and if by some twist of faith, you find it in your heart to forgive me, I'll be waiting for you, there will never be another Leonard Hofstadter.

Always Yours and never again anyone else's


After hours on end of begging Sheldon, she convinced him to give the letter to Leonard. "I can't tell you where he is now, I promised and for once in my life, this is one secret I AM going to keep!"

"I understand Sheldon and I will not ask you to break your promise. I'm happy you forgave Amy for her indiscretions and I'm happy to see she's your new roommate. When are you two tying the knot?"

"What am I a sailor? What does living together in SEPARATE bedrooms have to do with knots!"

"Marriage Sheldon, it's an expression, getting married is also known as tying the knot!"

"Why didn't you just say that Penny, talking to you is tiring, please leave now I need to rest!"


Leonard went back to New Jersey to try and get his life back on track. After numerous, intense sessions with his mother, Leonard was now a new man. No longer was he a doormat for anyone, not even Beverly, his mother. He got his professional life back on track and was given a fellowship at Princeton University. While there he made an amazing discovery concerning the Higgs Boson Collider and to his surprise and amazement, was rewarded with the Nobel Prize in Physics. He was given a blank check to head up any physics department at the university of his choice.

President Siebert from CalTech contacted him and offered him the department head of physics at the school.

"President Siebert, it's a very lucrative offer, but how could I possibly be the head of the physics department and also be Sheldon Cooper's superior."

"Well Dr. Hofstadter, I've looked into your recent background and found out your demeanor and outlook on life has changed dramatically. If you want the job, you have free rein with Dr. Cooper. You can deal with him however you see fit, and yes you even have the authority to fire him if you see fit!"

Leonard smiled to himself; "If the terms to my employment are met, I'll take the job. Remember, I have free rein with all the people in my department."

"Your terms are met and yes you can fire Dr. Cooper if you want to."

Leonard moved back to Pasadena and loved the penthouse apartment overlooking the Pacific Ocean. He was given a Lamborghini and a very liberal expense account. The first thing he did when he arrived in Pasadena was to give Alice a call. The phone went to voicemail. He tried time and time again over the course of a week. He finally got a hold of her, she was on vacation in Hawaii, not really her vacation, but her honeymoon.

Leonard went into a slight depression; the two of them spoke for nearly an hour. Leonard was feeling better the longer they talked.

"Leonard, after not hearing from you for nearly six months, I figured you had moved on. After spending that magical night and following morning with you I realized you, or someone exactly like you is what I needed and wanted. I searched and finally went to an internet dating site and put down all of the qualities you possessed. I decided I wasn't going to settle for anything less. About three months ago I met Shaun. Between you and I, he's not you, when you were born, the mold was broken, but he's damn close."

"Listen Leonard; please hear me out before you speak. I was contacted several times by Penny, it seems after she got it out of Sheldon who I was, he gave her my number. We even met a few times, I know how much she has hurt you, but it sure looks like she's a changed woman. She's been working regularly now as an actress and has done several commercials and a couple bit parts on NCIS."

"Yeah I know I've seen them and every time I have, a new flood of emotions run through me, some good and some dark. What does that have to do with you and me?"

"I know you have feelings for me, but I guess I'm just like you, I'm good and can't betray my husband, so please put that out of your mind, it isn't going to happen."

"There is a gorgeous blonde out there who DOES love you and would do anything to have you back. Between you and I, you own her ass now! What do you think about meeting with her? To make it less awkward, I could come alone and act as referee."

Leonard was looking down at his hands and after a brief moment, he took a deep breath and looking up at Alice, a tiny tear rolled down his cheek; "Why the hell was I so stubborn? I knew you had feeling for me and I blew it, I always blow it!"

"Don't think that way, I will always have feelings for you!"

He let out a grunt.

"What, what's the matter Leonard?"

A tiny smile crossed his lips; "When Penny and I started up after out two year break-up, I tried to push things along and she tried to slow things down. She too said the same thing you just did, I'll always have feelings for you! I told her then inserting always changes the entire meeting of the statement, but with you it fits and I understand!" He chuckled; "Alice, I'll always have feelings for you too!"

She smiled; "There, that's the Leonard I remembered, always smiling, with the positive outlook!"

"You have no idea Alice. After months of therapy, believe it or not, I'm a changed man. I'm no longer anyone's doormat and if Penny or Sheldon thinks I'm letting them back into my life and have things go back the way they were, they are all sadly mistaken! With my new position as head of the physics department as CalTech, Sheldon will be my subordinate, I'll warn him once, I'll warn him a second time, but after that, he'll either knuckle under or I will fire his ass. I already got the approval of the board of regents to back me up, no matter how important he is to the university. I have a Nobel prize in physics and that pulls a hellava lot more weight than he does!"

Alice stood up and began to clap; "Bravo Leonard, bravo, I really love the new and improved Leonard. Now just act that way in front of Penny, with NO backing down. Just remember, she needs you more than you need her!"

"Oh I'm not so sure about that Alice, I would hope to act as strong as I feel right now, but I'm afraid if I see her face to face, I'll fall apart and revert back to that blubbering idiot!"

She let out a disgusted laugh; "Oh no you won't because I'll be there, what do you say?"

The End!

Dear readers; I'm at a crossroad right now! I have three completely different ways to take the story from here. One is to take Penny back, but with a more dominant Leonard. The second is to tease her about taking her back while he treats her the same way she treated him in the past. The last way is to meet with her and after a long discussion, refuse to take her back, at least for the foreseeable future.

I would like the readers input, but am torn about where to take the story next!

Please vote and let me know what to do next either by comments, or e-mail. Thank You

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Good to see Kurt in action. I was hoping that Wyatt would comfort Penny with some loving sex, but not yet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Take penny back but have him and his mom get her back sexually.then have those three go after Bernadette for starting all this stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

He definitely needs to either get with Alex or just have one really hot fling with her before he takes Penny back.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Option One

Definitely Option One.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
next chapter

First choice, take her back but more dominant

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Option 1 and Alice should get them back together by seducing them into a threesome when shes acting as referee

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Story Option

Option 1. Penny and Leonard get back together but on his terms, after he goes a round with Alex.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Author said 36C boobs

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Have Alex and Lenard do something. she wants it so bad.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
option one

i would go for option one, they get back together but Penny has to earn every bit of his forgiveness & trust over and over again by doing sexual stuff with/for him

epic123epic123about 10 years ago
Both are wrong

First of all Have Alex with Leonard. Second I checked on internet and Penny is a 34C. Keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Penny has 34B breasts. Don't exaggerate

freakersball1988freakersball1988about 10 years ago
I'm a sucker for Leonard and Penny.

So I think they should end up back together. But I'm sure we will all enjoy it no matter what route you decide to take. Thanks for coming back to this story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

he meets with penny, but penny eventually controls him again because even with therapy a person is still who they always are.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Refuse Penny, go with Alex, but

Leonard meets with Penny and they decide to move on. Leonard promotes Alex to a research lead and they work on a big project together. They become a couple. Although Penny says she is happy for them, inside it breaks her. She sleeps all around Hollywood (cameos abound), but pines for how Leonard loved her for more than just her bodacious body. Meanwhile, Leonard realizes that he and Alex are more and more like great co-workers rather than lovers. He uses the depts resources to spy on Penny, including collecting Penny's nude scenes, finding a sex tape and he even uses a research satellite to track her to a Polynesian orgy. Alex discovers this, and shows it to Raj. He uses it to get Leonard's job (and Alex), and he sends Leonard, Howard, Sheldon, Bernadette and Amy to get Penny from the island. It turns out she was actually be held there against her will by Richard Branson and Professor Proton. The gang have to participate in the increasingly twisted orgy in order to save Penny from what looks like a ritual sacrifice (but turns out to just be a scene for the billionaire's private reel). And....scene..

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