Big Dick Johnson's Booty Adventure


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"Good enough for me." Cleopatra said, stepping out onto the balcony around the bridge. She pointed the gun down at an anomaly and pulled the trigger. The same blue beam seemed to just fade it away. Elvira went out the other side and started to do the same. The anomalies were floating out of the storm around them and towards the ship.

Eve hurried over silently and grabbed John's free arm, clinging tightly to him. She had wide, terrified eyes, and she looked urgently at him.

"What are they? The psychic pressure is killing me!" Joey whimpered, slumping to the floor against the wall as she cradled her head in her hands.

"Anomalies in time. Something damaged the time device. I don't know, Eleven didn't explain it all that well. She said they were like you and Cleopatra and the other girls, but you were stable anomalies where these are unstable ones." John said, looking out at the bow of the Big Johnson and towards the neverending storm.

"Just make them stop!" Joey put her head between her knees in an attempt to block them out.

John nodded and hurried out the door, Eve trailing along behind him. He left Kaylee to defend the bridge while he and the other two shot the approaching anomalies. They weren't exactly terrifying enemies. They just floated slowly towards them from all sides, vaguely human looking orange clouds. They weren't fast nor cunning, just coming straight at the closest living thing. Eleven's pistols made quick work of them and the ship floundered on through the storm.

It took almost fifteen minutes for things to subside and the Time Device to correct itself. The storm faded along with the remaining anomalies and they were deposited on some calm, cool waters. In the distance, a vast shore rose from the horizon covered in thick green trees and vibrant rolling fields.

"What a relief." John sighed as he walked back into the bridge.

Joey was still sitting in the corner and still looking a little pale. Her face was more relaxed though and she looked up at him. "I have no idea what was going on but I am so glad it's over. My head feels like it's going to split open."

Eleven joined them on the bridge, "I've gotten things stable for now. But I am going to need quite some time to fix it. Two weeks or so by my estimate. The damage wasn't extensive but the repairs must be incredibly precise."

"So now we're not diving through hell, what the fuck was all that?" John asked, waving the pistol around idly.

"Don't do that." Eleven took the gun from him, "Do you want to remove yourself or one of the others from the time stream?"

"Sorry. You never really explained anything that well and we were all a bit frantic." John huffed, watching her collect up all the pistols.

"What happened was something damaged a few of the wires connecting to the time device. These were wires that helped make a stable barrier around the ship to protect it from time. The big splashes of color and light when we're traveling? That's the barrier. But with it damaged and unstable, we were exposed to the stream of time we travel through and we were unable to make an exit portal. Anomalies from other parts of time and space that were never meant to exist are washed here like the silt in a riverbed. They are attracted to living things because of your connection to reality and if they had touched you, you would've become destabilized like them." Eleven explained without taking a breath.

"And the pistols?" John raised an eyebrow.

"Time Pistols. They strike not at matter but at its time stream. With the anomalies always having a tenuous connection at best, it breaks it very easily. But to one of you, it could destabilize you just as easily." Eleven scolded him.

"Oh! Well, yea. Probably not a thing to toy around with. Where are we, do you know?" John cocked his head.

Eleven pointed at the distant shore, "England. Somewhere near Norfolk in your day. A few decades after Cleopatra's time, around 50 AD."

John frowned and crossed his arms, "What can I find here? Queen Elizabeth? No, too early. What kind of sweet pussy can I find?"

Eleven thought for a second but Kaylee spoke up first, "The Celts! Queen Boudica! Tell me you wouldn't love a fiery redhead!"

"Yes! Exactly yes! Let's find me a sweet Irish wench to fuck!" John whooped.

"Wait a second, will she know English? They're Celtic." Kaylee pointed out.

"Who needs to speak with a dick in your mouth?" Cleopatra smirked, "I like the idea of having another Queen around. Some class would be refreshing. Who is this Boudica anyway?"

John teased her, "You'll have to wait and find out."

"So are we all just going to go get her?" Joey asked.

"I don't think we want everyone along. Keep some here in case if Eleven needs help or someone tries to attack the ship." John shook his head.

Cleopatra looked around at all of them, "So who's going then?"

John pursed his lips, "Elvira and Joey. The other three of you stay here. I'm sure Jeeves wouldn't mind some help cleaning things up."

"I have to stay?" Eve looked betrayed and sad. John sighed and thought for a second.

"Joey, how well do these hoverboards hold up to weight? Can they carry two?" John asked, "I intended for us to make it a quick trip across the country side. We have three boards. Mine and the one that Kaylee bought..." Kaylee blushed and shuffled her feet. Her shopping trip had been quite outlandish. "And you have your board. I was planning on each of us taking one and hoofing it back if we can't share. If we can, then Boudica would be with you or Elvira."

"You think she can ride one?" Kaylee cocked her head.

"You think Elvira can?" Joey laughed, looking at the pirate.

Elvira scowled at her and rested a hand on her saber, "I have been sailing ships since before you were born, girl. I don't know what a hoverboard is but I am certain I can handle it."

"Uh..." Joey stared flatly at her and then she burst out in a deep laugh. She grabbed her middle and then her head, "Oh! Oh! Ha ha! Oh my head! Damn it... Laughing after all that... Not a good idea."

"Serves you right." Elvira growled.

"So what about the boards? Can they handle two?" John asked.

"The two of you definitely. Those aftermarket boards can carry a half ton and still get halfway to Mach one. But mine, I wouldn't trust anyone else on. All the custom work I put into it was done with just me in mind." Joey sighed, rubbing her throbbing temple.

"Alright. Eve, you can come along. But you have to put on some clothes." John said, smacking her bare ass.

Eve's face brightened, "Yes my mate!"

"So it's just me and Queenie here left with the butler, huh?" Kaylee sighed, cramming her hands in her pockets.

"You say that as if my company is distasteful." Cleopatra scoffed.

Kaylee turned and dug here fingers into Cleopatra's ass, "Would you like to show me how tasteful you are?"

John stared between them, "Doing that while I'm gone? I hate you two."

The girls laughed at him.



It was the morning after John had left on the hoverboards with Joey, Elvira and Eve. Cleopatra and Kaylee had remained behind while Eleven was down in the hold toiling away on the impossibly difficult job of repairing the Time Device.

Before the sun rose, Jeeves awoke. He had no alarm as he had never needed one. He had an impeccable inner clock and in forty five years of life it had never failed him. He pushed back the heavy covers and slipped out of the bed. The ship was calm and quiet, waves splashing lightly on the hull. They were anchored out in the North Sea a quarter mile from the coast.

Jeeves covered a yawn and walked into his private bathroom. He had to admit the quality of accommodations he had been provided with. The bedroom was spacious, the bathroom was fancy and the deluxe tub was pure heaven. He turned on the light and groomed himself. Once he was sure his look and cleanliness was perfect, he dug in the closet and pulled out one of seven identical suits he brought with him. Tailored of fine silk and cotton, they were thousands of dollars each. He pulled it on and fixed it perfect.

The sky was streaked with purple outside the window as he walked back into his bedroom. He made his bed, slipped on his shoes and tended to the large leafy marijuana plants he had growing in his room. Once he was satisfied, he headed down the hall to the kitchen. John and company wouldn't likely be back today, and they definitely wouldn't be back for breakfast. So that left him with a young woman, a queen and an android to care for.

He immediately set to making waffles. A pristine white apron protected his suit and he began pulling out ingredients. Of everything he had done in life, he liked cooking the most, and variety of life he had lived was extensive. He had been a butler and caretaker for the last ten years. But before that, he had done all manner of other things.

His life started as a son of a mercenary. Of course, he wasn't named Jeeves, but nobody actually knew his real name. He changed it frequently. When he was growing up, he lived around guns and death for years. At thirteen his father was killed. He took up his position immediately. Six more years and four hundred and eighty-two kills before he moved onto bigger prospects. He began to work for governments, assassinating targets all over the world. He murdered leaders of small countries, set off intrafactional wars, and steered the political direction of many third world nations. He prevented World War three a multitude of times by assassinating prominent military figures in numerous countries and the US government paid him well to do it.

At thirty he decided killing was no longer worthwhile. It didn't hold enjoyment for him anymore. So he went onto smuggling, corruption and illegal arms trade. Five more years and he tried a few more jobs. He decided the illegal side of things maybe wasn't for him. He moved to Florida, picked up a social security number and started a life. He ran a store, worked a library and took a college course in music. He took up hobbies like deep sea fishing and treasure hunting with metal detectors. He learned to play six different instruments, wrote a book and painted a few masterpieces. He was a savant in anything he attempted.

Forty years old and he was contacted by someone from his passed to be a bodyguard to a famous person. Nobody important but he took the job because they said it entailed him playing the part of a butler and never telling the person he was protecting. A challenging prospect that interested him. A few years there and he got hired by the infamous Charlie Sheen as caretaker for his estate. It had been an over the top job and he held it until Charlie's big meltdown.

After that he spent a year just sort of floating around until he heard about this guy who won the largest lottery pull in history. John hired him as soon as he said he could cook and clean and take care of his yacht while they sailed the world. The money wasn't important, twenty million was barely a drop compared to the hundreds of millions he had access to. What was interesting was this man's demeanor about the money and his immediate want to explore the world. Sailing the seas on a whim was something he hadn't done yet, so he took to it.

He got more than he could've ever expected.

While the threat to his life was exhilarating, what excited him so much was meeting these different figures from history. Cleopatra, for example, was much different than he could've anticipated. She was witty and forceful, but sensual and heady.

The first trip to the future where they met Eleven had been an event to remember. It was mind boggling to think about. Jeeves couldn't wait to see what Boudica was like, such a legendary figure in European history.

He dished waffles and sausage patties onto plates and set the plates on a tray with milk, orange juice, coffee, water, syrup and a small bowl of fruit. It lifted easily onto his shoulder and he stepped out into the hall. Listening for a second told him that Eleven was still down in the hold and the other girls were only just getting around up in John's room. Jeeves took the meal down the hall, up the stairs and out onto the back deck. He began setting it out on the table and Kaylee walked half asleep out the door.

"Every morning Jeeves. How do you time it so well?" Kaylee mumbled sleepily as she walked over and sat down.

"Just my job Madam. Wouldn't be such a pleasant wake up if you didn't have food, would it?" Jeeves said with a smile, setting out the last of the meal. He slung the tray under his arm and bowed courteously, "Can I get you anything else ma'am?"

"Nah. Food smells great." Kaylee said as she helped herself to a copiously sugared cup of coffee.

He nodded and headed back inside to clean up the kitchen. Without John here, he wouldn't have nearly the clean up in his room as he usually did. That gave him at least ninety minutes of free time until he'd need to clean up breakfast and get to scrubbing the windows. A veritable vacation.

Back in his room, he sat down with a slice of cheesecake, a cup of coffee, spiked of course with a little of his own fantastic weed, and a book. He unbuttoned his trousers and sipped at his coffee. Little moments to himself like this made life perfect.

The book was a rousing story of a gorgeous young woman beset by a half-dozen large Grecian men cut with heavy muscle and oiled to bronze. He read as they caressed and cradled the woman and gave his cock a good stroke. He was not too much bigger than average, but his cock was immaculately crafted like the rest of him with finely trimmed hair and an attractive circumcision.

His book was interrupted by the tap of a shoe at the end of the hall. He set it down, stood up and fixed his appearance. His hand touched the doorknob just as Eleven raised her hand to knock.

"Yes ma'am?" Jeeves asked.

"Jeeves. I find myself stuck in my attempt to repair the Time Device. I need a second set of hands and... Well, obviously I can't trust anyone else with their hands on it. Fantastic friends and such a fertile bunch but I'm worried their talents may not be conducive to the work I am doing. I wouldn't mind asking Joey, with her background in custom Hoverboards, but she isn't here." Eleven said, twisting a hand about as if to exemplify how tedious asking for help was.

"Of course, I'll be glad to help." Jeeves nodded, lamenting the interruption. He hadn't even had enough coffee to get a pleasant tingling high started.

Eleven nodded and walked away, Jeeves following behind her. He had to admit that John did have good taste in women. Wild, lusty women. Even Eleven filled out that skintight outfit of hers quite delightfully. He would really need to finish his jerk quickly to get through the rest of the day comfortably.

Down on the lower deck, Eleven had half the Time Device open and there were parts carefully strewn about the floor. She gestured Jeeves over and pointed inside it. Jeeves blanched at the impossibly complex looking innards and he waited for Eleven to explain.

"I can't easily repair the severed cable without partial disassembly. I've done that, but now I'm trying to put it back together. I regret my lack of third arm because I need to hold this in a precise spot down to the nanometer. That takes both hands and so I can't weld it in place. All I need from you is to touch that welding torch to the end of the wire and it will fuse it back together." Eleven said, handing him a small black wand-like device.

"Okay. Just tell me where and when." Jeeves nodded.

She lowered her hands into the opened Device and lifted a wire to a small part of a blue-hued electrical board. It took her a few moments to get it in place and double cheek everything. She nodded, "Just touch the end of that to the tip of the wire I'm holding. One second will do and then back it away."

Jeeves nodded and carefully did as she said. The black welding torch gave a slight crackle and there was a puff of light and smoke. He pulled back quickly and Eleven nodded, "Good! Thank you for the help Jeeves."

"No problem ma'am. Will you be needing anything else?" He asked politely.

"No, but perhaps you should go copulate with Kaylee and Cleopatra. I sense you are aroused and desiring. You are not yet outside of your fertile period, you can assist John in repopulation. In fact, I had hoped to insist you would." Eleven said without pretense.

Jeeves felt a touch of warmth in his cheeks, "I couldn't do that ma'am. It's not my place to lay with Master Johnson's friends." Jeeves shook his head, "I am capable of handling it myself."

She turned with a sigh, "Handling it yourself is a waste. At the least let me pleasure you. When we finish collecting women, I wouldn't be opposed to collecting your semen and using it to impregnate females. Everything I can do to further humanity... Not to mention, you are not unpleasant to look at."

"Shouldn't you continue working? We both have responsibilities to attend to." Jeeves said, shaking his head again.

She stepped towards him and put her hand on his crotch, "My number one responsibility is the resurgence of the human species. If helping you over this ridiculous restriction of mating for the future of your kind takes a few minutes out of my repairs, then I can easily take some time to do so."

Her hand felt around his throbbing hard member and she skillfully released his dick from its confines. Jeeves stood obediently still and let her kneel down and begin to suck on him. Secretly, he was quite enjoying this. He had needed to fuck something since the first day he was on this boat, but his professionalism was much more powerful than his lust.

"Oh, ma'am! You are very good at that!" Jeeves moaned, feeling her slip him right down her throat and lap her tongue against his balls. She slurped and pulled back, tugging on his shaft pleasurably.

"I am a machine built to gather humans and make them fuck until the species is restored. Giving a good blowjob is rather important." Eleven chuckled, her dainty hand dancing up and down his wet shaft. "You'd be amazed at what my fingers can do in a pussy."

"I'm sure!" Jeeves groaned pleasurably as she returned to slurping on his head.

He couldn't help himself. He put his hands on her head and slowly slid his hips back and forth. The feeling of fucking her mouth was wonderful and soon his pace had gone beyond what he had intended. His balls were slapping wetly on her chin and she was hungrily swallowing his precum.

Eleven was excited to feel him so lustful. She needed more male candidates and if she could get Jeeves to agree, that would be a good start. She did her best to pleasure him, that is to say she got him to bend over and cram his dick entirely down his throat while his cum erupted forth in uncontrollable spurts.

"Miss! I'm sorry! It just feels so good!" Jeeves gasped as he held onto her head and rode out his orgasm. He twitched and pulled himself back, sighing with relief.

Eleven licked her lips and gave him a devious smile, "And you say you shouldn't fuck any of the girls. They would love you."

Jeeves shook his head and collected himself rapidly. He fixed his pants and ran a hand quickly through his messy hair. "You may be right. But it is not my place to decide. I thank you for your help, I am feeling quite relieved. I really must get back to my duties and you have your own work to do."

"Alright. But don't ever be scared to come find me. Holding it in isn't good for your fertility." Eleven smirked and she turned her back. Jeeve's eyes went to her wiggling, skin-tight bottom form just a second. Were he a man with any less self control, he would have leapt on that.

He was quick to look away and adjust his collar. Best not test his self control any more than needed. A drip of sweat glistened on his brow and he hurried off to clean up breakfast, self control intact... For now.
