Big Dick Johnson's Booty Adventure


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The Big Johnson sank into the distance behind them. The hoverboards were skimming smoothly a few feet above the waves and the cool salty air felt good after the madness they had just gone through.

John stood confidently on his board with Eve clinging to him for dear life, her loose white sundress fluttering about. On his left, Elvira cruised along on the second hoverboard. It had taken her a few minutes and a tumble in the waves that left her long black coat dripping, but she picked it up as quickly as she said she would.

Between the two of them, Joey and John had agreed it best to keep it below racing speeds. They had a week or two until Eleven would be done repairing the ship so there wasn't any need to hurry. Eleven had shown them a map of the local area and pointed out where, historically, the Iceni Tribe was supposed to be located. That was where they were headed, according to the compass in John's hand.

"I can hardly conceive what a buncha bloody cutthroats could do with a dozen of these. Ya could assault a ship and make off with the loot before anyone could fight back." Elvira said, looking down at the board and then back up at John.

He couldn't actually hear her, the wind speed was far too high. But Joey knew a psychic trick that she and some friends used all the time when they were riding. A psychic thread fed through each of them on the surface of their consciousness, allowing them to speak and hear with complete surety.

"I've done similar more than once. It can be pretty tricky if you're not careful. There is no protection if you crash on a board. Its just you going very fast into a rather hard object." Joey said with a chuckle, "When we approach the shore here, press down lightly on the back of the board and the nose will rise. Don't get scared you'll come off. Keep your feet planted and you won't go anywhere but right up to the top of the cliffs."

"Aye." Elvira nodded and they started to rise together. The boards made a smooth, sweeping curve upward until they cleared the steep seaside cliffs. Deep, rolling green hills played out before them and thick forests dotted the grassy fields.

The grass swayed in their wake and they slowly picked up the pace. Elvira was getting steadier and she leaned into the speed better. Everything was going well. For the next hour or so, they just cruised and enjoyed the sights until a settlement came into view on the horizon.

Set back among some trees was a large village made of squat wood houses and wrapped in a rough palisade. It looked like there were dozens and dozens of thatched roofs, enough to house a few hundred people. The smoke of cooking fires rose into the air and they could see Celtic warriors standing around the wall. They were garbed in leather and furs, wielding large wooden shields and heavy swords or spears.

Upon their approach, a great commotion broke out in the village. Warriors poured out of the gate in the wooden wall and they rushed to surround them. John stepped off the hoverboard and handed it to Eve. Beside him, Joey and Elvira also got off and stood beside her.

The Celts surrounded them and the intimidation was quite thorough. Men and women both stood half naked and covered in blue-green tattoos. Their weapons glinted in the afternoon sun and one of them barked something in a language they didn't understand.

"English. Anyone speak English?" John asked loudly, suddenly realizing how bad of idea it might've been to rush up on a Celtic tribe. Eleven had given him something to use in an emergency, but he really didn't want to waste it.

The Celts murmured among themselves and Joey sighed, "I'll handle it."

She held out a hand towards one of the closest and the inaudible murmur of psychic power radiated from her. She spoke something in Celtic and the only word John understood was Boudicca.

The crowd suddenly stilled and quieted. A younger looking man near the back suddenly took off back towards the village. John looked at Joey, "What did you just do?"

"I commandeered someone's knowledge of the Celtic language. I told them we were here for Boudicca and nobody else. I said she needed to come out here immediately." Joey said.

"Oh. Shit. Well I think you might've just challenged her." John said, looking around at the calmly waiting Celts.

After another minute, the crowd parted and a gorgeous woman stepped through. She was as tall as John with a wild head of hair that fell to her waist in long waves of deep red. She wore a fairly plain green dress that did little to hide the muscular curves of her body or the huge bulge of her breasts. She had creamy pale skin that was splattered with freckles all over. Celtic tattoos trailed down her forehead, spread down her arms and disappeared under her dress. They reappeared at her thighs where the dress cut off and spread down to her bare, dirty feet. A leather sash across her waist held a sheath and she walked with the naked blade in hand. She could be no other than Queen Boudicca.

She spoke something in Celtic and Joey replied. Bouddica rolled her eyes and spoke again in rough English, "I am told you challenge me. Who are you to think you have the right?"

"I am the Captain of the Big Johnson and the leader of a group trying to save the world. If I challenge you in anything, it is sexual prowess and the ability to withstand the pleasure I can give." John said with a cheeky smile.

Boudicca's face reddened and she frowned, "You would dare be so impertinent!" She raised her sword to swing at him.

John jerked back and reached for the device in his pocket. But before he could click the button, there was the clang of swords and he found Elvira standing before him, "I be the Dread Pirate Blackbeard and ye'll not be striking my captain!" She shoved Boudicca back and raised her cutlass before her, "On your toes, wench!"

She swung forward and forced Boudicca to defend. The Celts around them roared and stepped towards them but a sharp word from Boudicca stopped them in their tracks. They all sheathed and stowed their various weapons as they backed up to form a large ring around them. Boudicca barked out orders and stepped back from Elvira until they were on opposite ends of the circle.

"What?" John raised an eyebrow.

"Come on. The challenge has been accepted. She is going to fight Elvira and nobody is to interfere. Pretty certain that includes us." Joey said, pulling him back.

The Celts widened the circle to give them room to join it. Boudicca raised her sword above her, "The spirits of my ancestors witness, I accept your challenge and fight to the death. Only one shall leave this circle." She lowered her sword to point at Elvira, "Your blood will feed my pigs."

Elvira stripped out of her coat, leaving her in just her fluffy white shirt and black shorts. Her rings clacked on the handle of her cutlass and she smiled, "I'll scrawl it on ye grave."

The women roared and lunged at one another. John kept a tight hand on the device in his pocket and watched nervously. He didn't want either of these beauties hurt, but he didn't think the Celts would take too kindly to him interfering... At least not until the time was right.

They struck back and forth. Boudicca was clearly the stronger with her muscular form and heavier sword. But Elvira was more than fast enough to dance around her powerful swings and long reach. She drew first blood after a minute by slashing Boudica's sword arm. Her cutlass was very fast and it slipped past Boudicca's defenses easily.

Elvira couldn't stay close too long though because even if she only got struck by Boudicca's fist, it would land on her like a bolt from heaven. The Celtic Queen was practically Amazonian in her strength.

This all meant that the fight went on like a game of cat and mouse with Elvira constantly dancing in for strikes and bouncing back to stay alive. Her talent really was impressive. But in the end it wasn't much of a contest because, where Boudicca knew combat and war, Elvira knew underhanded trickery. She slipped skillfully under Boudicca's arm, lashed out at her thigh and then in the moment she was distracted from the pain, Elvira jumped. She dropped her sword and leapt on her shoulders. In the blink of an eye, she had a small dagger in her hand and she yanked it back at Bouddica's throat.

John's thumb snapped down on the button in his pocket. There was a blink of light around him and a sudden quieting of the world. All around then, everything came to a screeching halt. Elvira's dagger was an inch from Boudicca and both of their eyes were flaring with rage. Bouddica could see her death and Elvira tasted victory.

"Whew." John sighed with relief. He had about six minutes to work, according to what Eleven had told him. It was a similar device to what she had used in Egypt except that he had a band jostling on his left wrist that made him immune.

He hurried over to the two women fighting before him and swept up Elvira's cutlass. He put it back in her sheathe and collected the woman from Bouddica's hunched shoulders. He came over and took the hoverboard from Eve's frozen hands. It wouldn't do anything but float in frozen time, but that would be enough. It would start working the moment he unfroze it and so they could make a quick get away.

He stood Elvira on her board and put Eve behind her, clasping her waist. She quickly stood Joey on her own board and then went over to the Celtic beauty. She wasn't as soft as the other girls in his group, but that leant a whole different kind of beauty to her. He could see the muscle in her arms and feel it in her middle when he picked her up. He stripped her of all weapons and settled her on his board.

The device in his pocket vibrated and warned him of sixty seconds left. He quickly pushed each hoverboard out of the circle and at least a few paces from the circle of Celts before climbing up behind Boudicca. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and chest, hoping to restrain her at least somewhat. The device buzzed harder, only ten seconds left.

He took a breath and counted the last few out. There was a small fizzle and time resumed. The hoverboards hummed and the roar of sound met his ears. Boudicca thrashed in his arms as he yelled, "ELVIRA! JOEY! RUN!"

Joey was the quickest on the uptake. Within a half second she realized what had happened and she rocketed away with a blast of air. John was racing after her with Boudicca thrashing in his arms. She was still utterly confused and screaming incoherently.

Behind then, Elvira jerked in shock and looked about. Eve was clinging to her waist with wide eyes. She pointed forward suddenly, "Mate! My mate! Go after him!"

Elvira didn't wait to question it. Blood was pounding in her ears from the fight and she leaned forward, urging the board into a wild escape. Behind the two of them, the Celts had taken just a few precious seconds to look around wildly to find their missing queen. They roared and chased after them, but the hoverboards were far too fast.

John couldn't restrain Boudicca any longer. She thrashed free of his grasp and hurled sideways off the board. He had already started slowing down and so she just tumbled into the grass. They were more than a mile from the camp already and the Celts had turned around. Time really didn't take very long to reassert the real copy of someone.

Bouddica yelled sharply in Celtic, pointing at John as she stomped back towards the village.

Elvira cruised down in front of her and pulled out her cutlass. She leapt off the hoverboard and left Eve standing on it, shaking slightly.

"Ye be stopping right there!" Elvira raised the cutlass to Boudicca's throat.

"What just happened?" Boudicca yelled with a deep accent, "You were going to bury a knife in my throat and then we were out here!"

"Let me explain that. I used this." John said, pulling the small round device from his pocket, "It projects a temporary field that stops time. When she was about to kill you, I saved your life."

Boudicca just looked at him, a glower on her face.

"Is everything okay, my Mate?" Eve asked uncertainly as she stumbled off the hoverboard and towards him. He put an arm around her and nodded. She looked immeasurably comforted to be touching him again.

"So you save my life with whatever magic stone you have and you expect me to thank you? Serve you? What is it you want of me?" Boudicca growled, crossing her arms.

"Honestly? I want you to come with me to save the world by riding my huge dick until you scream." John said, groping Eve's ass.

"First I am raped by the Romans and my daughters taken from me. Now I have magic men from the other side of the world. Have them gods so cursed me with this beauty that I would be desired by so many?" Boudicca said, spitting on the ground in distaste.

"Look, you don't have to be so negative about it. I'm giving you a fantastic life here! I promise you will never know such pleasures." John said, waving at Elvira and Joey.

"He not be lying. I was his prisoner too until he fucked me so hard I thought I had been dragged into the depths by Davey Jones." Elvira said, sheathing her cutlass.

Boudicca looked around at them, "What of my people. I cannot leave them. I cannot walk away from them just because you asked. Kill me or let me go."

Elvira laughed heartily at that, "Yarrhar! I thought the same til they showed me own ship still sailing with me at the helm!"

"I don't understand." Boudicca shook her head.

"Boudicca, you're back there, right now. There are two of you in this world now. History remembers and reveres the great things you did. You will soon lead a charge with your people that will carve a bloody furrow through Roman lands and you will nearly take London for yourself. You will shake the mightiest empire in history to its very core and there will but a few hundred of you to thousands of Romans." John said passionately, "You alone will convince the mightiest army in all the world right now to look elsewhere because the Celtic people are too dangerous to be taken. Your revenge is yet to come and I can show you what greatness you achieve. But only if you come with me."

"How do you know what I will do if I have not done it yet? How did you know I intended to march within the month?" Boudicca asked suspiciously.

"We're from the future. I am collecting the greatest women from history to help save the world. You were an easy choice." John said.

Boudicca blushed a touch, "Okay. Fine. If what you say is true and my people are not without me, then I will come."

"Great! Let's mount up. Boudicca, you're with Elvira. Try not to fall off. The board will keep you steady as long as you keep your feet firmly on it. Hold onto Elvira and you'll be fine." John said, stepping up onto his own hoverboard. He pulled Eve up with him and looked over at Joey. She was smiling from ear to ear and a psychic thought came to him, 'You are amazing at this! Boudicca! I can't believe it!'

John could only smile as they raced off.


The Big Johnson was far off the coast and they stood on the same cliffs they had passed on the way here.

"I'll never be tired 'o that. What a grand vessel." Elvira sighed as she watched the Johnson gleam under the setting sun.

"That is your ship? What is it made of? Is it a ship of pure metal?" Boudicca asked as she stared at it

"It's a futuristic ship. It's our home for a while though, so I hope you'll enjoy it." John said, clasping his hands around Eve's middle while she leaned back against him.

Joey nudged Boudicca's elbow as she passed, "We've even got a hot tub!" Her hoverboard's trail disappeared down the cliffside and she whooped loudly, racing off towards the ship.

"What in the name of the gods is a hot tub?" Boudicca asked, looking between them.

"I be as clueless as ye are." Elvira shrugged.

John laughed, "I think we'll all be finding out tonight! First though, Jeeves needs to cook us up a proper feast! Got done in a day what should've taken weeks! What luck!"

Eve cried out in surprise when he kicked off and launched them over the cliff. The drop made his heart pound and Eve wailed in terror. The water sprayed up around them when he leveled off the dive to carry them forward. The Johnson grew larger still as they approached and he carried them up to the back deck where Cleopatra and Kaylee sat enjoying fizzy drinks and a little music.

"Back so soon?" Kaylee looked up at him as he and Eve got off the board. Joey shot overhead, enjoying the wild exhilaration of her ride.

"We already got her. It was fast and lucky! Here they come." John said, pointing at Elvira and Boudicca as they approached the boat at a calmer pace. The two of them set down on the deck and Cleopatra walked over, "So this is the legendary Boudicca you were after. She doesn't look like a queen."

Boudicca stepped forward and socked Cleopatra across the face hard enough to put her out cold on the deck. She spat on her and growled, "I am the queen of my people. I'll not be looked down upon."

Kaylee cried out in surprise and hurried to her side. Cleopatra was completely out and blood dribbled from her broken nose.

"That's an Irish temper for you." John laughed, "Go get Jeeves. He knows everything else, I bet he knows first aid too. Boudicca, I'd like you to know that you just cold cocked the Queen of the Nile, Cleopatra."

"Really? Well, she is certainly as beautiful as the rumors say. Not much in a fight though." Boudicca said, flexing her hand.

"In the future though, would you mind not knocking out anyone on my boat? I like everyone here and a fight would just set a bad mood." John said as he walked over to her.

"How do you know English?" Joey asked.

"Trading with Englishman." Boudicca said and she glowered at Elvira, who stood close to her.

Elvira glared at her, "Don't try me. I bested you once already."

"Oh please, you tricked me. Hardly an honorable fight. If we did this no weapons and naked as it should be, I would break you." Boudicca scoffed, waving Elvira off.

"Why you cur..." Elvira growled.

"Come along. Elvira, stay out here and cool off a bit. We all need some time to relax. Boudicca, this way please." John said, leading her into the ship and up the stairs to his room. Eve trailed along, staying very close to John.

"That pirate woman has problems." Boudicca said, watching the door close itself behind them, "Is your whole boat magic?"

"Technology. It's all just machinery. Think of a hinge on a door. This is a very fancy version of that." John said, stripping off his shirt.

"You boast about the pleasure you can give and you have women vouching openly about your prowess... But you're not much to look at. My warriors are all bigger than you." Boudicca said, looking down his bare chest.

"Are they?" John said and he shoved down his trousers.

Boudicca's eyes went as wide as her face and her cheeks flushed red. She couldn't help staring at the enormity of it. Eve pulled off her sundress and knelt, completely naked before him. She began to suck on his cock and it grew to full hardness in seconds. Eve giggled while she stroked it, "My mate is the most powerful and most amazing. Just look at how many women he has. You should be in awe of him."

Boudicca looked down at the ebony skinned woman and watched as her plump butt bounced back and forth happily, her mouth wrapping around the thick cock. She watched her take the enormous thing all the way down her throat and couldn't help but lick her lips. She'd never tasted a cock that big before and the size of his balls spoke of his amazing virility.

"Oh yea... Good. Eve, you are getting good at that." John groaned, petting her hair as she slurped and sucked.

A twinge curled through Boudicca and she licked her lips. It was like a mystical force drawing her forward, towards John's huge cock. She couldn't deny her want for it. Her body grew hotter and she slowly untied her dress. It fell about her ankles and John stared up at her.