Big Dick Johnson's Booty Adventure


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When she began to come down from it, she pushed herself upright and sighed, "Not enough yet. Hope you've got more."

"Oh baby, do I." John grinned and lifted her from his shaft. They stood and he turned her around, rubbing his cock against her lower back. He crouched and rose, sliding his thick head up against her asshole. She bit her lip and hissed sharply as her extremely tight hole was stretched inevitably open. He felt her like an iron vice around him and took a few slow thrusts to work his way entirely into her.

"Gods, John. Your cock is skewering me." Boudicca groaned, her ass a maelstrom of pleasures edged with a tinge of pain.

"Oh it's gonna get better." John said, lifting her legs out from under her. She moaned loudly as the last inch of his cock sank inside. Her pussy was pouring out his cum in this position, the milky liquid just splashing constantly into the hot tub, "It looks to me like you need to make some room."

"What?" She groaned.

He answered by kneeling down and lowering the both of them into the water. He held her thighs tightly and positioned her pussy-first onto a hot tub jet. She screamed in shock and her ass felt like it was trying to cut his dick off. She grabbed the edge of the tub in a white knuckled clench and pushed back against him, trying to get off the jet.

"Uh uh. Stay right there. I'm gonna fuck you while you're lost in a sea of orgasms." He said, thrusting down to push her closer to the jet. She moaned loudly and wailed incoherent words in Celtic. He gripped her shaking waist tightly and pulled back, thrusting slowly into her as she was tormented by the ecstasy of the jet pulsating against her pussy.

He fucked her hard and she screamed, letting out constant streams of Celtic as her body was assaulted endlessly with orgasms. After a few minutes of this treatment, he buried himself completely in her ass and loosed his biggest load yet. He bucked against her and held her down against the jet, letting it batter her clitoris ruthlessly. His cum flooded her insides and filled her body slowly. His balls churned and shuddered, semen flowing as fast as the supercharged orbs could make it. He came for minutes. Plural. His dick didn't lessen during the time and he kept at it until Boudicca slumped over the side of the tub and coughed up a huge splash of white.

His cock pulsated as he dragged free of her and cum sprayed all up her wet curtain of red curls. He jerked himself wildly and screamed as probably close to a gallon of cum coated Boudicca's back, ass, head, thighs, hair, and pretty much every other piece of skin he could aim for. It left him panting and he had to grab the edge of the tub not to fall over.

"Holy shit." Joey's voice came up first, "Dude, are you even human?"

John panted and smiled back at her. He rolled his neck and stood back upright. At the same time, Boudicca stirred and turned around slowly. She gingerly moved away from the water jet and sank down into the water. Cum washed from her in thick cloud and the water became entirely opaque. She was breathing heavily and looked up at John, "That... That... Is... All?"

John stared at her for a second and then he laughed. Good, hearty laugh from deep in his belly. He threw his head back and held his side, "Fantastic! Simply fantastic! You're as dick hungry as Kaylee!"

"Hey. She's only taken it for like half an hour. I still want more if you two are done." Kaylee complained.

Boudicca growled, "Only if he admits defeat."

"Never!" John laughed and shoved his dick at Boudicca's face.


Hours... Hours upon hours. Boudicca was a cumslut possessed. She didn't give in until they both passed out early the next morning. Everyone else had crawled out of the tub and gone to wash up and sleep. John didn't relent and he fucked Boudicca without stop.

When he stirred the next morning, his throat was dry and his body ached. He forced his eyes open and found the gorgeous redhead next to him, sticky from head to toe with cum. He blinked his eyes and groaned weakly. It took him a minute to regain enough faculties to sit upright.

Beside him, the hot tub was a fucking disaster. Literally. It was full to the brim with thick white cum and it burbled weakly like a swamp. He looked down at his dick, "Hungry little shit." It remained mute and unconcerned about the repercussions of it's full libido.

He nudged Boudicca's arm. She groaned and turned her head. He sighed and reached over, wiping the cum off her plastered eyelids. She grumbled and opened then with a Celtic curse. Her eyes were bleary as she looked around. Her gaze went from John to the semen tank to her own messy body. She tried to move and a massive deluge of cum erupted from her pussy and ass. A whimper escaped her and she hissed, "By the Gods, what did we do?"

"I don't know but I don't think either of us won." John groaned as he got to his feet. His legs were weak and he felt like he hadn't eaten in six months. He offered a hand to Boudicca.

She took it and got to her feet, still leaking, "Please tell me you have a bath that isn't that?" She glanced at the cum tub.

"Yes I..." John glanced at the tub as well, and realized there was something moving in it. Two somethings.

With loud gasps, two forms rose up out of the bubbling cum. One of them gave a whorish moan and the other giggled loudly. John stared in awe as Eve wiped off her face and smiled up at him, "Good morning Mate! I love the bath you made for us! I never dreamed of being able to swim in your seed!"

"Yea... This is heaven." Cleopatra cooed, not even bothering to wipe her eyes clear. Her hands were completely occupied with things beneath the surface.

"Sir, madam, if you come this way? The shower is hot and I have prepared the appropriate conditioner to help the lady cleanse her hair with minimal fuss." Jeeves was suddenly at their side, gesturing back at the yacht's door.

"Yea, Jeeves, that sounds great." John groaned and he led Boudicca back to a shower.



The Time Device was finally repaired.

Eleven and John stood on the bridge. She had woke him up and urged him up here. The women were starting to rouse and Eve was the first one to join them. Her naked body pressed up against John and she kissed him. He wrapped an arm around her and looked at Eleven, "So where do you think we should to next? Boudicca was a good find. What other kinds of women could I find?"

"Well, I advise we go back to the future first. My time." Eleven said, looking at Eve and then him.

Cleopatra and Kaylee stepped through the doorway and looked around. Kaylee raised an eyebrow, "We setting off this early? What's the deal?"

John pointed at Eleven, "Apparently we need to go back to her time for something."

"All the women are pregnant. Eve is the furthest along at nearly a month. We cannot risk them." Eleven said just as Elvira appeared behind them.

Kaylee squeaked, "All? What? But I..."

"Forgot to take birth control for the last week and a half and with his virility, it was a miracle it didn't happen anyway." Eleven finished.

"Oh." Kaylee huffed.

"Of course I am bearing his young. I couldn't be happier." Eve giggled, staring lovingly at John.

"Twas expected when we be plowing like two wild youngsters eloped on the sea." Elvira laughed heartily f.

Joey and Boudicca joined them last and John turned to address his gathered women. He smiled to the lot of them, "We have been together, sailing through time in search for the greatest asses to ride my dick."

"And for humans to save your species in the future." Eleven sighed.

"That too. Now we have come far enough that we must go back to the future. So let's go find out where we'll all be living." John said with a laugh.

"John, I thought we were going to find dozens? Why just us?" Joey cocked her head.

"You're all just the first. I have no intention of staying for long. I love each and every one of you, but I dream of a world where my libido can run free." John said, glancing at Boudicca. She winced and shook her head.

"Fair point." Kaylee giggled, "Come on, sugar daddy. Show me where I get to spend the rest of my life."

"Eleven?" John looked at her.

She shrugged and spoke, "Go ahead ship. Get us back to the future. Something you should know though, John. It's going to be a bit of a trek. The future has been without humans for thousands upon thousands of years. Nature has taken back everything."

As the ship rose to speed, Joey groaned, "We're not going to have to live like savages in huts, are we?"

"And what would be wrong with that? Can you not hunt or defend yourself?" Boudicca asked, "Worry not, tiny woman, I will look out for you."

Joey glared at her, "I'm not Cleopatra. You won't lay me out with one punch and if I put the mental whammy on you, you'll stay down."

"Hey!" Cleopatra snapped, "She got lucky!"

John laughed and grabbed Boudicca around the middle. He hefted the gorgeous Celtic queen off the ground before she could respond in her own heated manner. The bridge fell to a cacophony of laughter as a nimbus of light grew around the bow of the ship.


In the far flung reaches of the future, the Big Johnson, cruised smoothly out of its time bubble and through the waves of the Atlantic. They were along the coast of the American south east.

"So, there is no way we can bring the Johnson up the river. We'll have to take the smaller boat you have in the dock." Eleven explained to them.

"Ah hell no. I'm riding my hoverboard." Joey scoffed.

"I'm with crazy pigtails. I intend to sail myself." Elvira said, jabbing a finger at Joey.

"You too I'm guessing?" John looked at Kaylee.

She batted her eyelashes at him, "It's not my fault they're so much fuuuuun."

John rolled his eyes, "That leaves me, Eleven, Jeeves, Queenie, Eve, and Boudicca in the speedboat."

"Me, sir? Am I not staying with the ship?" Jeeves asked from the back of the bridge where he stood in the shadows.

"Nope. We need you along Jeeves because I want everyone along to help set up. Ideally, the Big Johnson will only be used to collect women now. We don't need it to live anymore." John shook his head.

"Ah. Well I do hope for facilities as nice as I have now." Jeeves nodded.

"Come on everyone. Let's hit the boat." John led them down into the lowest level of the ship. Hoverboards were readied and the rest of them stepped into The Little John. It was a thousand horsepower speedboat with seating for eight. A lift lowered the boat into the water as the side of the Big Johnson of the opened.

John grinned evilly and dropped the throttle. The engine roared deeply and the nose lifted sharply. Eve squealed and wrapped her arms tightly around John. The rest of them seemed a little nonplussed. Around them, Joey and Elvira launched past on their hoverboards. Kaylee stayed a little closer to them, since nobody but Eleven knew where they were going.

"So where to?" John yelled back over the engine as the ship leveled out at a wind ripping speed.

"Up the river there. About six miles. Then we have a two mile hike inland to find our destination." Eleven yelled back.

John followed her directions with a nod. The coast looked wild. Really, really wild; as in a hugely overgrown jungle kind of wild. There didn't appear to be any signs of human existence. As they traveled up the river, it only became clearer that there hadn't been a single human here in millennia. John slowed the boat as the river started to meander with long sweeping curves. He looked back at Eleven and she leaned forward, "I told you. Humans have been extinct for thousands upon thousands of years. Everything has been returned to a completely natural state."

"You aren't worried at all about this human regrowth facility being overgrown?" John called back.

Eleven sighed, "It is certainly a possibility. I've never been here myself. I have no way of being sure except to trust it to still be there. It was designed to survive longer than this anyway. A quarter million years was the expected sealed lifetime. Of course, tectonic activity or unexpected space debris could damage or compromise it." There was a few moments of silence, "But I have to believe it is intact. Without it, our chances of success are exponentially less."

Joey slowed down and curved around to float beside them, "Well?"

"Not too far. But it'll be a hike through the jungle. Let the others know to land where I beach the boat." John called to her.

She waved in acknowledgment and veered off to relay it to Elvira.

A handful of quiet minutes and Eleven pointed at a bend in the shore. John ran the boat up on the muddy bank and it sloughed to a stop, half of it sunk in the mud. They climbed up the bow and leapt to the driest part of the shore. The three hoverboards circled around and dropped near them as Jeeves was tying the boat to an enormous tree.

"So... I notice there aren't any roads or anything. Where do we go?" Kaylee asked uncertainly.

"It is just under two miles directly that way." Eleven said, pointing at the dense jungle.

"Then let us be off." Jeeves said and he reached in the back of his jacket. With a small jerk, he pulled a heavy looking square machete from it's sheathe. Without a word to any of them, he began to hack into the vegetation and make a clear path.

John barked out a laugh, "Is there anything this guy isn't prepared for? A machete! Fuck me."

"Here?" Eve popped up at his elbow.

"It was an expression Eve." John sighed with a smile.

"Without going into detail, I have spent a number of years in the jungles of South America. This more equatorial swamp jungle isn't so bad. Not as thick." Jeeves said as he lopped a bush down and hacked through a few hanging vines. "Two miles should take us about an hour."

"Jeeves, someday you're going to have to tell us what you did before I hired you." John shook his head as he and the girls fell in step behind Jeeves.

"Perhaps someday, sir. What I can tell you is that you have been my most entertaining employer yet." Jeeves nodded and slashed a bush apart.

"This reminds me of home. Are there any big hunters?" Eve asked as they walked.

"Big hunters?" John looked at her.

"I think she means dinosaurs. The tyrannosaurus and such." Eleven suggested, "And no, Eve, there are not. The largest predators here will be bears or cougars. Crocodiles and such in the swamps too."

"Oh. Well that's good." Eve nodded.

About forty five minutes later and they were all sweating. Jeeves had done away with his jacket and he had been wearing a black harness beneath it. On the harness was a pair of knives, a few small pouches, his revolver and the sheathe for the machete. John offered to take over but he insisted he would be fine.

Jeeve's estimation had been just about right. He cut his way through a thicket of vines and they came out onto a clearing. The entire trek had apparently been a slow climb because they stood on the side of a steep hill, overlooking a long valley. Set in the middle of the valley was the biggest building any of them had ever seen.

A massive dome a mile across filled the valley floor. It was made of a tarnished silver frame that formed thousands of triangles. Solid black material filled the triangles and green growth crawled up the sides of the dome. It appeared to be intact but that was hard to tell from this distance.

"Alright. From here we can use the hoverboards." Joey whooped, slinging her board off her shoulder.

Jeeves and Eleven looked at John. He shrugged, "Couple of trips. Everyone is tired and we could get down there in a few moments."

Eleven nodded in agreement, "I'll go down first with Joey and find the entrance."

She took Elvira's board and the two floated down towards the dome. A few minutes, and a few trips later, the lot of them were standing down before a hugely overgrown entrance while Jeeves hacked a hole through all the overgrowth.

"Everything looks good from this side. The structure seems intact." Eleven said as Jeeves pulled the plants away from the doors. She walked forward and pressed a button beside them. There was a still moment while the sound of whirring machinery hummed through the doors. Then they pulled open with a hiss.

"No security? Just a button?" Joey raised an eyebrow as they looked into the dark entrance.

"Security from who, Joey?" Eleven pointed out.

"Ah. Right." She caught on.

A light flickered to life and showed then a short steel hallway. Maybe eight feet tall and ten feet wide with only two or three paces to the other set of doors.

"It sure doesn't look that old." Cleopatra glanced inside. "The hallways of ancient tombs and pyramids of my people would only last a few generations before the desert would start to reclaim them."

"This was sealed much better." Eleven led the way inside. The next set of doors opened when she approached and led the way into the dome.

Inside, lights flared to life high above them and they stared around in awe.

A smoothly stone floor covered everything they could see. Buildings of a uniform shape sat in rows from where they stood to the other side of the dome. Some were larger, some were smaller, but all were square buildings without windows. Everything had the same sterile feel to it. They began walking forward and their footsteps clacked strangely in the silent dome. Kaylee groaned, "Well... This is disappointing."

"Did you honestly expect high class accommodations? This was built with function in mind, not pleasure." Eleven said as walked.

"It feels like the tomb of a long lost Pharaoh." Cleopatra shivered.

Jeeves pulled his jacket back on and adjusted his tie, "I have no doubt that, given access to the yacht, I can bring back plenty of amenities to liven it up."

They looked at the buildings as they reached the center of the dome. Eleven led them to the largest three story building in the middle. She gestured to the dome, "Wait out here and look up."

"Alright. At what?" John crossed his arms and stared upward.

There was a humming from all around them and the lights turned off abruptly. The thousands of tiny pricks of light appeared in all directions. The light grew and grew until the blue sky above was shining down on them through the enormous framework of triangles above them.

"Oh that is much better." Boudicca approved, looking at the lush valley around them. The bottom ten feet of the dome was still utterly darkened by the plants growing on it.

Eleven came back out and smiled, "It may be functional, but the need for some beauty is understood. Come, we have a lot of work to do in order to get this place running."


Two months later.

There were now thirty women living in the future. Between John and Jeeves, there was plenty of cum going around and a whole lot of pregnant women craving dick. They often took the Big Johnson out on weekends to gather more women. Jeeves especially was having a wonderful time exploring mankind's past. John spent most of his days plowing one lusty woman after another. Right now, he was lounging in bed on a rare morning with only Kaylee was around.

"This is our life now, isn't it? Farming, adventuring, and rebuilding society." Kaylee yawned sleepily, cuddling up close to him. He slipped his hand down and groped her ass. She rolled her eyes, "Yes, fucking too."

"Is it that bad of life?" John said turning to her and letting his dick flop against her thighs.

She shook her head, "That's not what I was saying. I like this life. I'm just surprised that this is really what came of me buying you a lotto ticket."

"Yea, and I still haven't finished paying you back for that." John smirked, rolling over to straddle her waist. His cock throbbed hard against her boobs. He pushed it up between the massive tits and started to fondle her.