Blackmail Psychology Ch. 06


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Upon walking over to a booth where Andrea was situated, Ana could feel the plug constantly reminding her of its presence with each step. It felt like whatever involuntary arousal she had been experiencing from walking around with the medium plug had been multiplied by ten. And much to Andrea's delight, arousal was written all over Ana's face. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips were a darker shade of red, and then skin around her eyes even had a darker tone to it.

"Was that a fun task, Pet?" Andrea said in a soft tone.

Ana panicked, slowly looking around to see if there was anyone around to hear her getting called a pet in public. This wasn't like the sex shop where anyone that heard them talking was likely to be kink-friendly. These were complete strangers that likely had never heard an adult woman affectionately referred to as a pet. Fortunately the restaurant wasn't particularly crowded. Perhaps Ana was overthinking things.

"Don't worry, I made sure to not say it loudly," Andrea giggled, but then switched to a more serious tone. "If it makes you feel any better, I wouldn't let anyone know about our situation unless I was certain they found it appealing. Now sit."

Andrea patted her hand on the booth's cushion directly next to her, signifying that she wanted Ana to sit next to her rather than across from her. Ana complied, paying special care to not sit down too fast. Once seated she let out an anxious sigh. The plug's presence was unrelenting.

"Now answer my question," Andrea whispered, not wasting any time before jumping back into the conversation.

"Yes, that was a fun task for your pet," Ana whispered back, not realizing she had forgotten to address her owner by name. Fortunately Andrea didn't seem to notice.

"Could you elaborate for me?" Hearing that question prompted Ana to take a deep breath, realizing she was about to say what would probably be her most humiliating statement of the day.

"Your pet had fun putting her large plug in her ass, Andrea," Ana sharply whispered, hating not being able to use the word "I" in her speech, not that her pussy seemed to mind though. As per usual.

"Good girl," Andrea whispered back, just as a waitress walked up to their booth. She was a short woman with black hair, probably around the same age as Andrea.

"Now that you're both here," the waitress said. "Can I get you two something to drink?"

"I'll have an orange juice," Andrea quickly replied.

"And for you?" The waitress inquired to Ana, who was desperately hoping the collar she was wearing would not receive any comments.

Not that their waitress would ever comment on a customer's appearance, but the tall woman seated at the table looked absolutely exhausted. Or was she picking up on some other phenomenon? Either way, something looked off about her.

"Just water for now, thank you."

"Can do," the waitress happily said. "And do you guys know what you'd like to eat?"

"The daily special for me," Andrea piped up before looking at her teacher. Ana felt a twinge of frustration at the implication that she needed to decide now on what to eat and wouldn't get to look over the menu.

"A short stack of chocolate chip pancakes," she said. If she were allowing herself a cheat meal she might as well get something sugary.

"You got it," the waitress said.

After she left, Andrea wasted no time getting back to talking, having already planned out the kind of conversation she wanted to have.

"So, like I said, this meal is my treat for my Pet," she began. "And you are free to ask me any questions you want. Also, you can drop the third person rule. It's just something I wanted us to experiment with."

Ana felt confused by the sudden tenderness from her owner and took a moment to think. Any questions she wanted? There was the obvious one, but it seemed a bit out of character for Andrea to allow something like this. Well, not that she knew Andrea terribly well and could discern what was in or out of character for her. They hadn't even really known each other for much more than a week. She decided to ask the question that had been plaguing her for the past eight days, trusting that Andrea's offer wasn't some sort of cruel joke.

"Andrea," Ana began. "How did you find out about my OnlyFans?"

"I assumed you would ask that," Andrea said, wasting no time with her reply. "But it wasn't me that found out about it."

Ana's confusion with this situation began showing on her countenance. Andrea wasn't the one that found out about it? But how could that make sense? Fortunately Andrea pulled her phone out of her purse, having been expecting such a reaction from her teacher.

"I'll show you what I mean," she said. "But while I'm pulling up my email..."

Andrea glanced away from her phone, staring into Ana's eyes and turning towards her in their side of the booth for a moment.

"First mantra."

Ana's jaw clenched. They were in public! And again, this wasn't like the sex shop where anyone overhearing her was likely to be receptive to kinky protocols. They were in a restaurant where they each had no idea how any strangers would react to hearing Ana's mantra. She glanced around, making sure their unsuspecting waitress wasn't about to hear the whorish words about to be whispered out of her mouth.

"I'm your hot willing slut, Andrea."

"Good girl," Andrea said without glancing up from her phone.

While one of her hands continued typing into her phone, her other hand made its home on Ana's inner thigh and began massaging it. Ana inhaled sharply. Her involuntary orgasm in the restroom had provided her some much needed relief from the incessant arousal she had been dealing with all day, but Andrea's hand would no doubt make it rouse from its dormancy.

"Okay," Andrea merrily said. "This is how I found out."

She slid her phone over to Ana, having pulled up an email. Ana's eyes darted down to the phone's screen, desperately hoping whatever she was about to read would elucidate her unfortunate situation. But what she was about to read would only create more questions. With frantic focus she began reading the message.

It was titled, "an exciting item of information." An odd use of the word item, Ana thought. Plus there were no capital letters. But she chose not to dwell on the choice of words. Next came her discernment that the email had been sent on May 25th at 4:29 PM. That was close to three months ago. And with quiet horror Ana then read through the body of the email.

Dear Andrea Fullerton,

We are messaging you with potentially exciting news. Provided our suspicion that you are highly attracted to Ana Cartwright is correct, you may be interested to find out that she makes pornography of herself that can be viewed by anyone with an OnlyFans account. Given your attraction to blackmail situations as evidenced by your Google search history, we would like to invite you to use this information however you see fit. Please view the link we have placed below.

Then there was a link followed by no email signature, and Ana recognized the URL as the homepage of her OnlyFans profile. Her heart rate shot up as she realized the multitude of implications that this message created. She read over it again and repeated the words in her head, trying to think of how such a message could ever wind up in Andrea's email.

We are messaging you.

Whoever wrote this email was writing as if they belonged to an organization that specialized in finding scandalous material. But what in the world had she done to get caught on their radar? Or was Ana just catastrophizing? She chose not to get caught up in the minuscia as her second round of reading over the email continued.

Given your attraction to blackmail situations. As evidenced by your Google search history.

So Andrea had a long-standing blackmail kink. No surprise there, Ana sarcastically thought. But perhaps the most concerning part of the email was the statement about Andrea's search history. So if everything she was reading was the truth, the persons, plural, responsible for telling Andrea about her OnlyFans were able to access people's Internet activity. And then make connections to their acquaintances that might want to use it for nefarious purposes. A scary thought, given the resources it would take to pull off something like that. With shaky hands Ana looked to her side at Andrea, who had a neutral expression on her face.

"I thought it was scary at first too," she began. "That's why I waited a few months to see if there would be any follow up messages. But nothing ever came."

"Do you think we're safe?" Ana inquired. But then she realized it wouldn't be surprising if Andrea had fabricated the email. Figuring out if it was believable would take some more investigation.

"I haven't seen any signs implying we're not," Andrea said. "Part of why I left you alone from Sunday to Friday. I wanted to see if they would reach out to me again."

Ana took a deep breath before replying. While concern was still very much in her psyche, she realized she had done a bit more catastrophizing about the situation than was warranted. They would need to revisit this discussion another time. She decided to jump into the next of her allowed questions.

"How long is this blackmail going to last, Andrea?" She had to whisper since their waitress was now in sight with their drinks. Andrea waited until after their drinks were on the table before giving her teacher a proper reply.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't call it blackmail. If your pussy were capable of talking do you think she would say that about our situation?" Andrea asked in a snide tone, pausing before continuing on. "But I guess that doesn't count as an answer. At the very latest I guess this will last until one of us has to move away. In my case that will be for grad school at the end of the spring semester."

Internally Ana let out a huge sigh of relief. While the end of the spring semester must have been eight months away, at least she now had an indication that Andrea's cruel intentions would be keeping her on the hook forever, and a few times over the past week it had definitely felt like that was the case.

"But also, like I said last weekend," Andrea continued on before placing her hand back on Ana's inner thigh. "If your pussy ever stops being so wet then we can also call this off. It's no fun having a pet that isn't always horny."

Andrea's hand began massaging her thigh again, sending little electric bolts of pleasure through Ana's leg. Electric bolts of pleasure that seemed to converge directly on her clit, much to Ana's continued dismay. It would be tough to keep her mind working properly with such stimulus.

Ana tried thinking of other questions for her owner, but now that her pussy was fully awake again it was tough to form a coherent thought. Her body was screaming for another orgasm, no thanks to the gentle touch from her student and the feeling of fullness provided by the butt plug.

"Any other questions?" Andrea inquired.

"Uh," Ana stammered, the gentle yet relentless massaging from Andrea's delicate hand not doing her any favors. "Can I ask more questions later, Andrea?" Seeing her teacher struggle to speak made a smug expression come across Andrea's face.

"There will be other times I'll let you ask questions," she began. "But unless I say I'm giving you permission you shouldn't be freely asking me questions whenever you feel like it. If you do," a devious expression came across Andrea's face as she said those words. "The nipple clamps come out."

Ana gulped at the thought of having the Japanese clover clamps on her nipples. In the back of her mind she thought that, while the pain part didn't have any appeal to her, the aesthetic of having something shiny attached to her nipples had a mild allure. But at the same time she felt uneasy knowing those kinds thoughts were threatening to make their way into the forefront of her mind. Two weeks ago she never would have dreamed she'd be caught up in a situation where someone was threatening to use sadomasochistic toys on her nipples.

"Yes Andrea," Ana whispered.

"If no more questions, tell me about your week," Andrea directed, wanting to pivot their conversation. "Did our new arrangement prevent you from meeting any of your obligations?"

Ana thought back to her productive research sessions in her office. And how she had been able to do her client sessions without issue. She hadn't really stopped to appreciate the fact that despite being an owned toy, her research obligations hadn't been impacted. She was even tempted to say it was downright impressive that she was able to study so diligently in her office as a naked pet wearing nothing but a collar.

"Well," Ana began, breaking eye contact with Andrea. "No, Andrea. Once I figured I could wear pantyhose to deal with not having underwear it wasn't so bad." Had Ana kept looking into Andrea's eyes, she would have noticed a mild expression of relief come across her student's face.

"That's good to hear." Andrea said with quiet glee, making sure her voice wasn't too loud. "I knew an amazing psychologist like you wouldn't let things get in your way."

Ana blushed at the unexpected compliment. Did Andrea actually hold some admiration for her? Despite having seen her do such humiliating things? If it were true, then it was a very strange aspect of their relationship for her to ponder.

"If you ever find yourself unable to work because of something I make you do let me know. And I might just let you off the hook if you're being sincere."

Ana didn't know how to react to hearing such tenderness from her student. Was this really the same young woman that had put her through the most stressful weekend of her life a week ago? Was she maybe pulling in her harshness? But, while Ana could appreciate her situation now seeming not so dire, she was not fast to forgive. As a matter of fact, she would never forgive Andrea. This was still the young woman that had forced her through all of the most humiliating experiences of her life condensed into an eight-day span. This was still the young woman that had finger-raped her on her own bed and forced her to have an incredibly shameful orgasm.

"Thank you, Andrea," Ana said, trying her best not to let any of her boiling thoughts make themselves known.

Andrea continued asking about any changes to Ana's life since last Friday, paying careful attention to any indications that she had been too stressed to go about her usual activities. Ana found herself growing increasingly uncomfortable at her student showing what appeared to be sincere concern for her well-being. She wasn't buying it. But fortunately, the perfect distraction came over to them in the form of the waitress delivering their food.

"And here you go," the waitress said as she set down the food. " Anything else I can get for you two?"

"I think we're good for now, thanks though," Andrea replied for both of them.

"Great, I'll be back over to check on the two of you in a little bit."

Perhaps Ana was just getting irritated from thinking of her situation with Andrea, but she thought of their waitress as frustratingly bubbly. She enjoyed the sight of her walking away, then realizing that it was finally time to eat. Being a horny slut over the course of such a stressful morning had really made her work up an appetite.

"Oh, but before you start eating," Andrea said, making piercing eye contact before switching to whispering in Ana's ear. "I want you to know that I'm here to help you have fun, but I'm also still capable of making everyone you know find out about your OnlyFans. Remember that even when I'm being nice to you, which is going to be most of the time from here on out." And then Andrea surprised Ana by planting a kiss on her cheek.

Ana chose not to reply. Or comment on the kiss. Processing what Andrea had just said could happen later, at the moment there was food to be eaten. From there, the two of them ate the respective breakfasts in relative silence. Ana relished getting to have a cheat meal for the first time in who knows how long. And Andrea got a good amount of enjoyment out of eating her meal as well. The rest of their time in the restaurant flew by from Ana's perspective. Before she knew it, she had gobbled up her pancakes and it was time for the check. And Andrea, true to her word, made sure the meal was her treat for them.

"Time to head out," Andrea cheerfully said, gesturing for Ana to stand up so they could walk out to the car. This caused Ana to internally groan. Walking with the large plug in while wearing high heels was an uncomfortable task to say the least. Not that her pussy had any harsh words to say about it. Every step was bliss for the wet slit between Ana's thighs, which were yet again in need of a wipe down. She slowly walked out of the restaurant with Andrea in tow, who waited until the front doors of the restaurant had closed behind them before speaking again.

"I couldn't wait to get out of there so I could tell you where we're going next. You have an appointment at a piercing parlor!"

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officetease38officetease3828 days ago

I really like the psychological aspect of this series.

Slowly breaking Ana down mentally. This is a really good and realistic take on this kind of story, and is paced really well, letting us digest the consequences of one scenario before we move onto the next.

Hopefully there will be more to this series as I'd love to see how it continues and finishes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Wow, this is a great story and I hope that you continue it. Also, like Carnalval said above, this is your story and no matter how you write it, some will like it and some won’t, so do it your way. I personally liked having Ana talk in the third person and doing a piercing and/or tattoo to show permanent ownership is very kinky, so continue on!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Most likely will happen will be the chocolate pancakes Andrea treated Ana will enable Ana to withstand without screaming the installation of discreet sterling silver rings on her luscious nipples by the black woman who tweaked them and drew a dagger frown from Ana.

Instead, they will go back to the breakfast store and bring the black woman with them. Ana will share her pancakes with her even though she has a rumbling stomach and a net worth to afford such pleasures for three of them. They invited the black woman to sleepover in Ana's apartment where Ana was left kneeling naked on the floor totally submissive and not minding the black woman who applied Vaseline on Ana's sore pierced nipples. Andrea asked her to recommend a black run hair store for Ana's Afro style and Ana gave her assent to go there.

The changes in Ana's life by Andrea sparked her to assess her relationships with people's of all kinds regardless of their status and intellect. She became a more giving and less selfish person.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

My respect. The story is coherent, without outbursts of violence, and is very easy to read. And the ending can't be left as it is. I can't wait to find out where Ana will get a piercing, whether she'll be allowed to choose from several options on her first visit, .... I'm looking forward to the sequel.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Fantastic story and brilliant writing. Hope there is still more to come because this story needs an ending.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Thanks for the update! Here’s hoping your life grows a little less hectic.

To the interracial obsessed anonymous: dude, we get it. That’s your kink. No need to spam the comments.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Thumb of Owned teacher fame are ex poo anded.would assign Ana to Bubba as he turns her into s submissive woman punished for minor infractions as her sexual horizons

calmAndStrictcalmAndStrict6 months agoAuthor

Thank you to everyone that’s still reading my stories all these months later. It’s safe to say I’ll be posting more chapters and hopefully concluding this story someday, but life has been really busy. I promise more updates are on their way, I just don’t have an idea of when.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Ana has a luscious breakfast and will go to a piercing studio with Andrea. What happens there?

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