Blood Servant Pt. 02


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She cuddled up again, even clingier if possible. She may be in charge of that, but it was clear she reveled in the deep closeness we felt in that moment. I hoped that never changed.

"Should we join the others?"

I said softly, "It was an impossibly tight squeeze for four of us on a king-sized bed, I don't think five will fit at all. I want to hold you, and at the same time I've never not held Katrina all night and been there when she woke up. What do you think?"

She giggled, "I could sleep on you?"

I laughed, "I'm game if you want to try."

I don't know how the fuck we did it, but we fit all five of us on that bed that night. I just hoped Katrina had a bed on order, because while it was nice being smothered under three women while my hand at least was on Katrina, it wasn't something I'd want to do every night.

Being on four legs was strange, not to mention having a tail. It was about thirty minutes until dawn, we'd woken up just ninety minutes earlier, and I'd pounded or been pounded by all four of my mates. Having control of my libido meant even my first round went the distance, and I only dropped one load in all of them while I extracted six or more to sate them for a few hours after wakeup.

Cassidy had wanted to go on a quick run, and I decided it was as good a time as any to give it a shot. We wouldn't go far. My three vampires would send a sense of urgency through our bond if the enemy made a move while we were gone, and we had to get out of there fast.

My sexy fox stared at me in shock, and she examined and sniffed me. I assumed I could take the form of a fox because my blood was in her and that guided my affinity to a certain extent. But I suspected if I injected some of my blood into an animal, my power would then learn that form. It was something I wasn't too keen on experimenting with, but I liked the idea of hunting with my shifter mate.

My vampires all looked pretty amazed too, and I shook violently as they all started to pet me.

Cassidy chuffed in amusement, and we took off into the woods. There wasn't much around where we were, a few stores off the interstate and lots of wilderness and farmland.

The instincts to control my fox body seemed to be part of the package, if really strange. It was a bit awkward at first, until I stopped trying to control it, and just decided to walk or run and let my body and instincts handle those tasks.

We weren't out all that long, and one of my vampires had picked up a bunch of breakfast sandwiches across the street. We shifted back, got dressed, and started to eat.

My Katrina was in a sophisticated white business dress, with black accents and shoes. She looked like a million bucks, and she was so incredibly beautiful I caught myself staring while eating my sandwiches. I'd put my busty blonde in a casual swishy red skirt and red halter top, which showed off a lot of stomach and cleavage. She was stunning as well, if in a different way. I'd picked out a casual white sundress for Alexa, with lots of green from stems, along with purple, red, blue, and pink flowers. She looked delicious, and she'd been thrilled by my choice.

Alexa was the only one I wasn't staring at, but only because she was draping herself on the back of my chair, playing with my hair and shoulders while pushing her generously rounded C cups into the back of my head. That went back to yesterday, about me being open to her affection without assuming it was a seduction or about sex. I was enjoying it a whole lot, but it was a pure affection that I felt off of her.

Cassidy of course, as usual, dressed herself. She was in a casual sundress as well, hers a warm yellow color, with no bra or panties, and a pair of easily removed strappy sandals. I suspected she wanted to be ready for shifting at very short or no notice at all, and a single garment would come off her body extremely fast.

After I finished my sandwich, I crooked my finger at Regina who blushed, but came over tentatively. I pulled her into my lap, and I stroked her back with one hand and her leg with the other, which had her looking at me dreamily. Mission accomplished, my Regina was needy the other way, she needed my attention, while with Alexa I just needed to accept it.

Katrina came over and stole a quick kiss, and I caressed her for a moment too. My Katrina could go either way, and I was pretty good at telling what she wanted and when she wanted it. At the moment, she just wanted one reassuring touch.

"Alright, so you can shift now?"

I nodded, "Not sure how that happened, but I recognized the ability in me as soon as I saw Cass shift for the first time yesterday. I hadn't really had time to explore it. I suspect I could take on other animal forms as well, if I bonded with them. It's not something that will help in battle though, so it's not all that important. Outside of being able to run with Cass I mean."

Cassidy grinned, "Love you too."

I winked.

Katrina frowned, "Do you think you could command the animals you bond?"

I shrugged, "Maybe? But it would be limited to what they could understand. At the very least right from the start, before I trained them, they would see me as someone not to hurt, and their superior in dominance."

Katrina shook her head as she looked down at her phone, "We need to go, the enemy is on the move."

She frowned, "That is, six of the SUVs are on the way here, timed to arrive at nightfall. One SUV is still there at the motel they stayed in. That... could be a trap. They can't be that stupid, can they? To split up again like that?"

I started to cast three sunlight shields, while the ladies grabbed the bags.

Alexa replied, "It seems like it. Did the spy see them get in the SUVs, or are they positioned far away and only saw the SUVs leave?"

Katrina tilted her head, "You think they put one or two in each, and they left four or five behind. Which means if we backtrack long enough to take out that one team, there could be up to thirty-six of them waiting in ambush?"

Regina said, "I agree, it has to be a trap, creating an obvious opening like that at the start of the day."

Alexa smirked, "Unless they want us to question it, and go after the six supposed poorly manned vehicles, which is the real trap."

Katrina chuckled, "Let me think about this, but a double bluff isn't out of the question. They may have even stuffed seven in the six SUVs, and the SUV back at the hotel is meaningless. I mean, there might not even be one team back there."

She shook her head, "Load up, I'll call the reporting spy and find out the details of exactly what they saw."

We all nodded, and headed out, as Katrina made the call.

She hung up as she started the car, and said, "They're a few hundred yards down the road, but they saw all six teams load up and get in using binoculars, so there's a single team back at the motel. I even have the room number, fourteen."

I said, "Still a trap. If it was me setting that trap, I'd have used all twenty-one remaining mages to ward that room to withstand a siege. They probably hope to fend us off long enough for the other teams to circle back around and hem us in, then take us out."

Katrina tilted her head, then said, "I bet that's it. So, counters?"

I nodded, "Hotwire their SUV, and ram it into the hotel room. It should snap their wards. Day old wards won't be that strong, even if twenty-one of them are supporting it."

Cassidy said, "I'll do that, and hop out right before it hits."

"I feel a little sorry for the owner of the motel, but as soon as Cassidy is clear I can blow it."

Katrina shook her head, "Hold off on that. The motel room will be extremely tight quarters, assume their vampires will be protecting the mages who will hit us hard with affinities."

"My shields will hold against that long enough, if we take them down quickly."

Speaking of which, I started casting those shields as well, including around the car.

Katrina nodded, "Good. If you don't feel the ward, or something doesn't feel right, we'll abort and run west again."

Alexa said, "Understood. And I agree, we're too outgunned to try to power through surprises we haven't accounted for in our tactics."

Katrina frowned down at her phone, "We'll have two minutes to finish it and get out of there, the six SUVs used the exit we just passed to turn around."

She also hit the gas and went ninety the rest of the way. Probably to prevent them from catching up and closing that time gap, which was small enough as it was.

We pulled off the highway.

I frowned, "I can sense the wards from here, they're obnoxious."

Katrina asked, "Part of the trap? Should we abort?"

I replied, "Maybe not. It's sloppy, but... Magic wards are hidden to not annoy the mages they're protecting, like at their estate. It'd be like living next to a buzzing transformer. But for quick and dirty wards in a temporary situation they may have just sunk all the magic into making it an effective barrier."

Katrina relaxed slightly, "We're a go then," as she turned into the parking lot. I cast another shield spell at the SUV, but not against physical attacks, just magic. I didn't want them blowing up Cassidy. Cassidy jumped out and ran for the SUV, and she smashed in the driver's side window and then jumped up inside.

The rest of us piled out of the car, and then shamelessly used someone else's van to block line of sight from the motel room's window. I didn't want to have to fight spells before we could breach and even start the fight. We also stood far enough back so if anyone blew it up, then my shields would take the hit easily.

Shamelessly, because I doubt the van's owner, whoever it was, would appreciate the use we were putting to it.

The SUVs engine cranked up, and Cassidy threw it in reverse and flew across the parking lot, then put it in drive and gunned it. It shot forward and picked up speed, and at the last second she jumped out. The SUV crashed into the physical ward barrier, and the ward snapped.

It also stopped the SUV cold, so the newly crushed bumper barely kissed the wall and did no damage to the building.

"Ninety seconds, charge."

We raced for the motel room, and I released a spell that caused the large window to implode into the motel room. It wouldn't do much damage, but it might make the vampires flinch and cover their eyes to protect them, and the mages should be experiencing backlash from the ward being broken.

Assuming of course, they didn't make the wards with eighteen mages, and the three in the hotel room weren't a part of it just in case.

The flames shooting out at us told me my pessimistic thought was probably right, and our shields protected us as we leapt into the room, Cassidy's fox right behind us. I dodged through the vamps, and trusted in the ladies to have my back, as I lunged at one of the mages near the back wall.

Two sent fire my way, while a third was casting a spell. I targeted the spellcaster first, and I punched him hard in the chest. His shield took it, and he bounced off the wall. I'll admit it, I grinned rather maniacally as I beat his chest with powerful and impossibly fast jabs from both my fists. His nearness to the wall, and bouncing, had him hitting the wall and my fists several times a second, like a quickly bouncing punching bag.

It was the sixth or seventh hit, and less than two seconds in, when my hand hit flesh and blood, and then crushed his chest.

My magic was draining fast from the streams of fire hitting me and one of the lady's shield, but the second one wasn't as strong as the first one, and I killed him on the fourth punch. Once it was down to the last, the drain on my shields was negligible and I was keeping up with his attack easily as I moved in to take him down. He was a little tougher than the second, but not as strong as the first, and went down on the sixth punch, about a second and a half later.

Maybe Kaori had reason to fear me, it seemed being physically tough like a vampire and magically strong was a wickedly effective combination. Still, I'd have left the bitch alone, why kill my whole family coming after me. I couldn't imagine it wasn't about me and my new magic, nothing else made sense. Though, I didn't know enough to make sense of it yet.

As the last one went down, I felt a sharp pain from my connection to Alexa, and spun around with a surge of protective rage that turned everything red.

Alexa was hurt, and not healing fast, but two of the vampires were down, and Cassidy hovered over Alexa protectively while Regina and Katrina absolutely destroyed him in seconds.

Katrina said, "Forty-five seconds, let's get out of here."

I ran over and scooped up Alexa, and we ran for the car. I held her bridal carry style, and she was already sucking on my neck and digging her teeth in before I slid into the backseat with her. Regina took the front with Katrina, and my sexy fox shifter jumped in and started to shift as Katrina turned on the car.

Alexa healed quickly, with the fresh infusion of blood and power, and I was at maybe thirty percent of my magic. Facing three mages at once, even with my physical prowess, hadn't been easy. Well, it had been easy, all I'd done is punch them until their shields broke, but I'd taken a lot of their magic on my shield at the same time.

Katrina hit the gas as Alexa licked the bite wound closed, and then let out a deep sigh as she slid onto the seat next to me.

Katrina slammed on the breaks, "Fuck. We should've had another half minute."

They must've driven over a hundred miles an hour to close that time gap in such a short distance.

I looked up from Alexa. Two SUVs were blocking the driveway while two were parked in front of them and two behind, and the enemy started piling out. The six SUVs in a row not only blocked the driveway, but they also made it impossible to hop the curb and make the street that way.

She threw it in reverse and nailed the gas. There was only one exit in the hotel parking lot, but that didn't stop Katrina from whipping the car around, throwing it in drive, and gunning it into the large field next to the hotel.

Then my magic started to drain fast, as the shield around the BMW started to take hits.

I said, "They're hitting the shield hard, I can't hold long against eighteen fucking mages for long."

By not long, I meant another eight seconds for the next round of spells to arrive.

Then the BMW shook hard, as two vampires slammed their elbows into the passenger side front and back windows, smashing them in. Of course, they were faster than the car.

On the good side, the spells to blow up the car with us in it stopped, no doubt their allies not wanting to kill the eighteen vampires who were quickly surrounding the car and reaching inside to pull us out at forty miles an hour driving through a field.

One went up in a pyre of flames, as I cast the fast and easy two word incinerate spell. Which was kind of fucked up. Why weren't they being shielded by their allies, like I was shielding my mistresses and shifter lover.

The back of the car spun out to the side as one of them kicked the quarter panel, and two of them jumped onto the hood and punched through the windshield.

I'll be honest, my heart was racing like a gazelle, my sphincter was tight enough to turn coal into diamonds. I was also out of my mind terrified. We were outnumbered and totally screwed, and I was running horribly low on magic as my personal shield spells protected me and my ladies from the vampire claws trying to slice, grab, and pull out.

Then we bounced over a curb wildly, and we were on a side street. Katrina floored it, and we were going at least sixty when she cut the wheel onto the main state highway toward I-40. The last straw was me incinerating a second vampire, one of the two on the hood, and the other rolled off and the ones on the sides fell back.

The car was dented, broken front windshield, and two broken windows as we pulled onto I-40 with screeching tires, and my regal vampire gunned it. On the good side, all of the glass was in the car from being smashed in. so, a simple reversal spell didn't take that much magic, and at least the windows were restored.

The lack of whistling wind was a relief, and the sudden silence a shock.

"Holy shit. I'm really low on magic. I need an hour to recharge."

Katrina said, "We won't be stopping at least that long. We'll pick up a new car in North Little Rock. We'll also ditch our phones and credit cards, buy that burner, and head to New York once we're sure we're off their radar. That was a little too close, and I'm not going to push our luck like that again."

Cassidy nodded, "Without the SUV crash idea, we'd have never pulled it off in time, and their trap would've worked."

"You okay?" I asked in a low voice, Alexa was draped against me and holding me tight, while Cassidy was merely cuddled in from the other side. I was stroking the gorgeous black-haired beauty's back and hair.

Alexa nodded, "Thanks for the blood. That was... close."

Katrina said, "Her vampire was at least seventy years older. She did good to hold out as long as she did. Of course, that made me twenty years older, so Regina and I took him down fast."

Alexa shivered, "Only with his blood, I've never been this strong before. If I hadn't made him my blood servant last night, I'd have probably died. Not by much, but by enough."

Katrina shook her head, "I'd have moved in sooner, and let Cassidy fight alone for the few seconds it took. I thought you were okay, but we all moved as soon as he took a chunk out of you."

Alexa nodded, "Love you too, mistress."

Katrina giggled.

"Regardless, they started the hunt with sixty, and they're down to thirty-six. Taking out twenty-four isn't bad, and only part one of the plan. Like I said, Little Rock we go to ground, and then head to New York when we're sure we've shaken the spies and hunters."

I said, "Technically, thirty-four, I got two of the vampires with incinerate, so two of their six remaining teams are down by one."

Sounded like a plan to me. Something told me they wouldn't be as easy to shake off as we hoped, but I was confident we'd get it done. If not, well it wouldn't matter, we'd be dead.

Chapter Eight

The night was still relatively early when we started to approach Little Rock, and the enemy was close enough on our asses that Katrina decided to keep going to Oklahoma City. It was another five hours which would put us in near dawn. It just seemed wise to go to ground after the enemy stopped for the night as well.

I'd also long since taken care of a needy Cassidy and Alexa after the fight and adrenaline crash with my fingertips. To my surprise it'd been a wild and teasing Alexa that had sucked a load out of me as well.

Katrina said, "I've been thinking. About the clan situation, and the request for turns for those that bring one to me. Our numbers are down to thirty-three, so we could really use them anyway, being down from our original thirty-nine. If the rest of the third looking for love all did it, we'd be up to forty-one vampires."

Right, there were just eight more of those, given three of that third were now mine.

Katrina must've felt that in my emotions, because she grinned and winked at me in the rear-view mirror.

"The blood drinking?" I asked curiously.

Katrina said, "Well, for those that are bi, they could go with Regina's solution. Two female blood servants to share. Or, another option is no blood servants at all. Instead, they could drink from the club exclusively, and then rush home together and fuck like rabbits."

Regina giggled.

Alexa made a humming noise, then said, "That would work. The second one more than the first one I'd imagine," she blushed, "Although, I don't seem to mind sharing our juice box."

Despite calling me a juice box, she looked at me with warm affection and respect in her eyes. Clearly joking.
