Bloodlines Ch.04


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With a final tug on the ropes, he snipped it off with the pruning shears, freeing the way for his purple head. He grabbed her hips and thrust into her to the hilt in a single motion, grunting in satisfaction as her muscles tightened around him.

"Remember, not a sound." He said warningly before grabbing her hips and fucking her furiously, forcing her shoulder into the rough bark.

In no time he was at the edge, and Erica was close as well, he saw. With a final thrust he buried himself inside her, his cock pulsing as cum pumped from him, plastering her insides with warm stickiness. Erica quivered around him, her muscles clenching and unclenching steadily, milking every last drop from him.

"Please Master, may I come?" She gasped weakly, staving off the orgasm with a hairs' breadth.

It took Garth a second to remember his previous command to her the day before. He answered in a husky voice.


She went rigid around him as she gripped him with renewed strength, squeezing him almost painfully and forcing his cum out in the narrow space where his skin was enveloped by hers. She stood shaking rigidly for a few seconds before suddenly unclenching and sagging against the tree, her breath escaping in a whooshing sound.

His softening cock slid out as he held her up and fresh dollops of their mixed juices dripped from her lips to splash softly on the grass beneath them.

Later, back in the house Erica turned to him in bed and asked: "What are you going to use those flowers for anyway?"

"It's for a therapy session tomorrow." He said cryptically, not wanting to say more in case his theory proved wrong.

They nuzzled together and fell asleep in each others' arms.

Alex Summers stepped into the office, a spike of Apprehension evident in him. It was not that he was obviously upset, just that single emotion offsetting the others and reaching what Garth figured would be a normal level for another person. It made a stark contrast to Mr. Summers' usually suppressed emotions however, probably making it very much prominent in the patient's mind.

"Ah, Mr. Summers, do come in." Steven said cheerfully. "Are we still in agreement to let Mr. Hopkins partake in today's session?"

Summers nodded carefully, casting a quick glance at Garth and smiling weakly. "I recon I am," he said in a low voice.

"Excellent!" Steven continued and motioned for him to sit in the chair set out for him. "As we discussed on the phone, I have some medication I would like to test for efficacy. This is a very mild anti-depressant." He indicated a small paper cup with two tiny pills and a glass of water on a tray. "I want you to take these once we have the monitoring equipment set up to better gauge the effect. This particular drug is very mild and has proven to only have minor side effects, and rarely any at all." Steven smiled a disarming smile, obviously trying to put Mr. Summers at ease.

"What does it do?" Summers asked while eyeing the tray with a hint of Suspicion and Interest.

"Not to get too technical," Steven began. "It very slightly alters the chemistry of your brain by upregulating a hormone called Serotonin. It is perfectly safe, I have used this drug for years as an entry-level dose in patients I suspect suffer from depression in any form. I, we, think that your particular situation might be a combination of two separate conditions that compound, thus making treatment difficult. I think this might be the reason for your periodical relapses. Do you still want to proceed, or would you like to know more?"

Summers shook his head a little, then apparently seemed to understand his response could be taken either way and replied. "It's okay, I guess. I mean, if it's as safe as you say, it's worth a shot." Steven beamed a pleased smile at him.

"Very good. I will let Mr. Hopkins fasten the sensors to you before you ingest the drug to allow us to monitor the response." Garth rolled a small apparatus over to Summers and gave him a small nod and a smile. Then he quickly fastened a number of small electrode patches to his temple and throat and connected them to the machine with thin wires. The monitor on the machine showed a graph and a number of beeps and flashing lights that indicated it was on and working. It was all for show, of course, neither Garth nor Steven needed anything but their herbs to see Alex Summers' response to the drugs. Garth proffered the small tray and Summers swallowed the tiny pills with a small nod of thanks.

"Very good," Steven said warmly. "It will take around five minutes for the drugs to begin taking effect. I will let Mr. Hopkins explain his theory about what might be the cause of your ailment."

Garth cleared his throat and sat down on the chair next to Dr. Schill, putting on a neutral expression and what he hoped was a clinical tone as he began to explain.

"I have been considering what you told Dr. Schill about your recurring problems; how you felt an increase in negative thoughts every spring. I want to look a little closer at what, in particular, might be causing this, and especially why springtime and not other times of the year." Summers nodded at him, a guarded look in his eyes. Garth continued. "However, Dr. Schill told me about the general lack of emotion you expressed, and it came to me that you might be suffering from two conditions, separate yet intertwined."

The machine gave off a series of bleeps, and Garth could see how Summers' emotions began to increase and at the same time become slightly fuzzy and bleed together at the edges, showing the drugs were beginning to have an effect. Again, Garth saw the similarities to his neighbor back home, filing the information away for later. Steven gave him a small nod, indicating he could proceed now that the drugs were working.

"I believe," Garth began. "That you may have been suffering from a form of depression, possibly for years, as a result of the guilt you feel for your father's fatal accident." Summers' eyes widened a little and a spike of Alarm rose in him. His emotional levels were now visibly higher than before, though still very much subdued when compared to what Garth considered a normal level. The drugs were apparently mitigating one of his problems, and Steven would be better able to modulate him in his current state. Garth's involvement was limited to triggering a response today, not to actively try and influence Summers. Dr. Schill had made that very clear when they had planned the session that morning.

"Secondly," Garth continued. "I believe the accident might have triggered a certain aversion in your sub-consciousness, not exactly a phobia, per say, but a trigger that every spring send you into a downward spiral of negative thoughts, helped by the depression you appear to have been suffering from. We can see the drugs have started to take effect. How do you feel?"

Summers focused into the distance, then smiled weakly. "I feel, more, I suppose. It's as if everything around me is a little brighter and clearer, not exactly better, I suppose, just, more." He trailed off, his smile widening a little. "I think it's working as you said." Garth nodded in satisfaction, having seen the same in Summers' emotion already.

Garth turned to a covered tray behind him and brought out a twig full of apple blossoms, making sure to not let it come too close to Summers. He rested it on Steven's desk, well away from Summers.

"Now that we seem to be helping with your assumed depression, somewhat, at least, I want to see if can ascertain what this trigger might be." He watched Summers closely as he handed the twig to him. "Can you tell me what this is?"

"It looks like apple blossoms," Summers said simply, not reacting to it very much. "I grew up on a farm with orchards, been seeing these all my life."

Garth felt a small stab of disappointment at his lack of response, but knew this might happen. "You are right, of course," he said, and turned back to the covered tray, choosing a twig of cherry blossoms this time.

"My theory is that what happened to your father has created a link in your mind, forever reminding you of the incident." He turned around and showed Summers the twig, keeping it close to his body and away from Summers.

The response was immediate. Summers drew in a sharp breath, eyes widening as he shrank in upon himself in the chair. He reacted very much like Mrs. Chang had, albeit in a subdued manner, trying to push away from the sweetly smelling pink-white blossoms. His emotions flared, relatively speaking, and Garth saw Steven reach out in a flutter of nebulous strands to stem the panic Summers was no doubt feeling. Garth carefully put the branch down next to the apple twig, seeing how Summers' reaction lessened with distance.

"Try to explain what you are feeling." Steven broke in with his soft tone, his therapy tone, Garth dubbed it. It took a couple of minutes of gentle manipulation by Steven before Summers started talking in a low voice broken by sobs.

"I only wanted to show him the view." He sobbed, tears streaking down his face. "He said he felt dizzy and didn't want to climb the tree, but I kept on nagging."

"Who?" Steven asked carefully.

"My father!" Summers wailed and broke down in a fit of sobbing. After a while he collected himself and continued. "I kept nagging and nagging, and he finally said yes. He was climbing up towards me. I could see he was having problems with his balance but I just wanted him to see!" Another sob. "That's, that's when the branch broke." Summers fell silent again, just staring fixedly at the innocuous branch of sweet blossoms.

"Your father fell from the tree?" Steven prompted him in a gentle, sympathetic voice.

"Yes," Summers began. "He slipped and fell. I could see the panic in his eyes. He looked straight at me when his neck hit a thick branch just above the ground. That sound..." He trailed off into silence, tears running freely down his face.

Steven looked at Garth and mouthed for him to wait outside, nodding towards the door with an encouraging smile. Garth silently got to his feet and moved to the door.

"You feel that you caused your father's accident." He heard Steven begin as he shut the door quietly and blocked off whatever Steven was saying next.

Half an hour later, Alex Summers walked slowly out of the office, eyes red-rimmed and shoulders hunched, but Garth could see his emotions were reasonably balanced and generally at a higher level than before the session. Steven met his eyes and smiled a warm smile, waving him back inside the office.

"You did it!" Steven exclaimed as soon as Garth had shut the door behind himself. "I had hopes we would get through to him, in time, but this was a major breakthrough! I am quite confident I can get through to him and help him overcome this, given time. And it was all your idea!"

Garth beamed at the praise. "I must say," Steven continued, his voice elated. "This was above and beyond all I could have hoped for. You really made a difference in poor Mr. Summers' life, my young acolyte. You really might have a talent for this, and should you ever find yourself going down the path of pursuing a career as a psychiatrist you will always find a place with me."

"I, I... Thank you, Dr. Schill, Steven, I mean. I'd be honored. Though, I've not really given much thought to what I mean to do with my life, not with everything that's happened of late."

Steven nodded sympathetically at him. "I can very much understand, I did not know what to do with my life either, when my powers manifested. This is a large part of the reason for this kind of internship, both as a means of training, but also to expose newly fledged neuropaths to various ways of making a living, and a purpose. I honestly think you could do a lot of good in a place like this."

Garth nodded at his words, considering it as a possible option.

"I am not trying to get you to make any kinds of promises, you understand." Steven said. "I just want you to know I consider you a very promising candidate for this line of work. Now, let us put that aside for now, it is in the distant future in any event, a degree in psychiatry is, after all, the result of years of study. I had not intended to bring you upstairs into the clinic until next week at the earliest, maybe not at all during these two weeks, but I am very much impressed by your insight and aptitude. I suggest you take the rest of the day off for something pleasant, and tomorrow we will begin with a tour of the clinic and a staff meeting to introduce you."

Garth tried, and failed miserably, to hide a self-satisfied grin at the compliment, all the while considering various ways to have a pleasant day off.

Garth took the long route home, stopping to pick up various items for lunch, wanting to surprise Erica with a picnic on the beach, in the 'clothing optional' part, he mused. He went by Elsa's shop, but the door was closed, and a note proclaimed the shop had closed early today due to staffing issues. Garth wondered a little at that, but shrugged it off as he headed for their house. He opened the door silently, wanting to surprise her, almost hoping she would not be home so he could repeat yesterday's session. As he was setting the bags down on the kitchen counter, voices drifted in from the deck outside the living room, the door open and curtains ruffling in the mild breeze. Two voices. Two decidedly feminine voices at that. Kicking off his shoes to better be able to move silently, he walked silently to the open door and peeked out carefully. Two nude women were lying on beach towels outside, skin glistening in the bright sunlight. One, he knew very well, his eyes roaming over Erica's supple body, noting the firm nipples and the sunlight glinting off her piercings. It took a few moments before he recognized the other woman, their faces half hidden from his angle. With a mild surprise, he saw the other woman was none other than Elsa, her large tits seeming smaller as they sagged out to the sides. With a smile, he backed away slowly, beginning to undress silently.

"My, my, my, what have we here?" Garth said cheerfully as he walked out onto the deck between their heads, his cock standing to attention and becoming a natural focal point as both women whirled towards him in surprise. Their reactions were complete opposites. Erica casually let her gaze roam his body, stopping at the stiff member and sensually flicking her tongue over her lips. Elsa, on the other hand rolled away from him as if to cover herself, instead giving him a very nice view of her tanned globes in the process. Without thinking, Garth soothed her Embarrassment and Mortification, and simultaneously pulled on her Lust and Arousal. Elsa looked up at him slowly and turned her body onto the side, giving Garth a nice view of her full breasts. He kept a steady pull on her emotions, ramping up Adventurousness and Exhibitionisms as well, flashing his bright smile at her and pointing his member at her. She melted in a flash as she focused on him intently, all hesitation vanishing.

"I seem to have misplaced my tanning lotion somewhere, would any of you fine ladies have some to spare?" He said the last with a pointed stare at their glistening bodies, letting his gaze roam pointedly. Erica took his cue at once, and reached over for the bottle of lotion.

"Why certainly, Master, would you like us to help you apply it?" Elsa looked sharply at Erica's choice of words, a speculative gleam in her eyes at Garth's title.

"Did you think I would do it myself?" Garth asked quietly, arching an eyebrow at Erica. A spike of Anticipation and Lust surged in her, and to Garth's pleasant surprise, in Elsa too.

"Be thorough, I would hate to have to punish you for missing a spot and giving me a sunburn." He looked pointedly at both in turn. Erica only purred and poured a liberal amount of oil into one hand before giving Elsa the bottle.

Garth groaned in pleasure at the feeling of four hands caressing his body, smearing the oil all over his body. He had lain down on Erica's blanket to avoid being seen from the beach, and both women were hovering above him, hands gliding and caressing as their tits swayed in and out of his vision. Soon they were close to done, only his groin area remaining. He felt all four hands glide up his legs with aching slowness before finally reaching his almost purple cock and full balls, the oil making their caress frictionless and soothing. Garth leaned back and closed his eyes as they started stroking him and fondling his balls slowly, a tightness in his entire body signaling he would not last long.

Their movements became urgent as he started to groan, his precum mixing with the oil and foaming as they worked his cock and balls with all their hands at an increasing pace. At a soft sound he lifted his head and saw the two women locked in a passionate kiss right above his cockhead as they worked him inexorably towards orgasm. He reached out and caressed their tits, marveling at their softness and the differences in shape and firmness, though either was just right to him. Pinched nipples made them groan into each other's mouths, their kiss intensifying. The sight pushed him over the edge and cum shot from him in an arch, landing across their lips and cheeks and dripping down at his stomach. They turned towards him, catching the next few spurts in their mouths as they passed him back and forth like a lollipop they were sharing. His cum coated their faces and was dripping all over himself and their chests.

"You've made a mess. Clean it up." Garth looked down at his body, looking pointedly at the cum all over. Both women purred like cats as they started licking him clean, stopping to share his cum with long kisses every now and then. Next, they started cleaning each other, slowly working their way down and turning until they were locked in a sixty-nine position, with Elsa on top, ass towards Garth. His cock rose again at the sight of Erica's lips as they slid up and down Elsa's other lips, strands of sticky juice connecting them as she drew back for air. Garth got on his knees and pointed his fully awoken cock at Elsa's juicy pussy, smiling at the guttural groan she made as he slowly pushed inside her until his balls rested halfway on her pussy, halfway inside Erica's mouth.

A pleasant afternoon indeed.

The next morning, Garth quietly left the two women asleep in their bed, quickly showered, and dressed for the staff meeting at Dr. Schill's clinic. He noted the many flowering gardens during his walk in, smiling in satisfaction at the cherry blossoms, and generally feeling quite good about himself. The early summer sun promised a warm day, and a chorus of birds chirping and trilling made for a nice backdrop.

Life was good.

Mrs. Griffin greeted him with a pleasant smile and informed him Dr. Schill was upstairs, indicating a door to the left behind her desk, marked 'Private'. It opened up to a well-lit staircase that spiraled up and down. He ascended and came to another door directly above the other, simply marked with the number two.

Garth stepped into a typical hospital corridor running the length of the building, doors interspersed at regular intervals on either side. All in all, it could have been inside any modern hospital, he mused. Dr. Schill stood with a group of others, all doctors, from their white coats. He started towards them slowly to allow them to notice him before he overheard anything he was not supposed to. He stopped at a discrete distance and waited. Steven saw him and indicated he should wait as he quickly finished his conversation and came over.

"Ah, Garth, welcome to The Asylum!" He gestured expansively and laughed at his own joke. "It is not actually called that, you understand, but a certain amount of levity is required to release tension." Garth smiled and nodded his understanding.
