Bloodlines Ch.04


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Steven came up from his downstairs office at the end of the day and motioned Garth to join him in a smaller meeting room down the hall. Garth followed him in and sat, helping himself to a can of soda.

"So, how was your day?" Steven began as he sat down as well, declining a drink.

"Exhausting, though not as much as yesterday." Garth answered honestly. "Last night I hardly had time to eat supper before I fell asleep."

"It will become easier with time," Steven assured him. "The first few times you work with the power with the level of focus this demands is, taxing, to say the least. I will admit I am impressed by how well you have kept up, most new recruits more or less collapse during the second day, those that even get to work in the clinic at all before their last day." Garth sat back, wondering at the significance of that. If Steven was sincere, he had been judged ready a full week before most other recruits.

"I have spoken to Dr. Sievert and Dr. Smith as well, to hear what their impression of your performance is, and they are, to put it simply, shocked at your level of control. They both gave a very detailed account of your display during lunch as well. Dr. Sievert in particular is a hard man to please, but even he called your little stunt prodigious." Garth smiled at the praise, even more pleased since he had not even worked hard to do that.

"What neither of them knows is that I walked in on you earlier today as well." Garth looked up sharply at that, focusing intently on Steven."'From what they told me, and what I saw for myself, I can only surmise that you actually held back. Quite a bit in fact." He arched an eyebrow at Garth in question. Garth smiled sheepishly, his cheeks burning a little.

"Well," he said. "I didn't want to come across as arrogant. I just wanted to show off a little, and I only did it to help solve the problem you had set before me." He looked up at the older man, gauging his reaction, seeking approval for his choice of action.

Steven was silent for a few minutes, his eyes intense on Garth's own. Finally, he shook himself and chuckled softly. "Well, at least you had the sense to moderate yourself. That speaks well of your self-control, and thought for how your actions are perceived, I suppose. What I saw you do to Tina and Lucie far surpasses what my junior doctors are able to do, and they have been doing this for over a year, not to mention the fact that they have been using their power for over five." His look turned pensive. "I believe Dr. Sievert's choice of words is quite apt. You really are quite the prodigy, especially if you continue to develop your skills and power at such a rate."

He shook himself a little and seemed to reach a conclusion. "I take it you were able to solve my task?"

Garth nodded. "I think so. I'm fairly certain Lucie and Sofia were the ones who approached you." He looked at Steven who nodded and smiled.

"You are quite right, of course, though I expected no less from you yesterday, and certainly no less after what I have seen and heard today. How did you go about finding it out?"

Garth gave a brief account of his plan, how he first got an impression of the relative levels of emotions the nurses projected, their baseline as he dubbed it. Then he told of his two encounters and the realization that some of them were more susceptible to being manipulated.

"So young," Steven said slowly after a full minute of silence. "Prodigy indeed."

He regarded Garth seriously a little longer, the silence stretching until it almost became uncomfortable. Again, Steven seemed to reach a conclusion.

"Starting Monday, I want you to start taking an active part in the therapy sessions. Only the least severe cases, of course, but you have more than earned the right. I would ask you avoid more showing off, however, I would hate for my junior doctors to feel inferior." He chuckled dryly, then rose to leave. "As a side note, I myself did not discern the difference in susceptibility between people until I had worked with my power for a full year, and that was considered quite remarkable then. You just did it in well under a quarter of that time." He shook his head in wonder again and walked out.

"Enjoy the weekend and give my best to the lovely Miss Frei. See you Monday morning at nine sharp!"

Garth banged the door open and Erica literally lifted from the couch where she sat reading a book. She stood and quickly hid the book behind her back as she met his eyes.

"Master," she croaked. "I had not expected you home for a while yet. Is something wrong?"

Garth eyed her up and down, taking in her nude body, the sunlight just glinting off one of her piercings. He arched an eyebrow at her. "What were you reading?" He said quietly. "Show me!" He pulled on her Obedience and Loyalty, emotions he had seen her display more prominently as they grew comfortable in their roles as Master and, slave, he supposed. Erica's eyes widened a little and she seemed reluctant.

"It's, it's nothing Master. Just a silly book."

"Show me!" He growled, adding a slight pull on her Fear. "Now!"

She snapped to attention and walked slowly around the couch holding the book behind her back. It made her pert breasts stand out quite nicely, Garth thought.

"On your knees." He said in a low voice. "Let me see it." She knelt in front of him and held the book up in both hands, like an offering. Garth took it and looked at the cover. Big letters across the front named it 'Lolita'. Garth had only heard briefly about the book, never having been much into erotic literature. He knew enough about it to have some idea of the contents, however.

"Hmm," He mused aloud. "This is an interesting choice of a book. It fits, I suppose. But I had not imagined you wanted to be treated as a little girl."

Erica started to protest but he cut her off with a raised finger. "I am not displeased, exactly, but I think I need to give you a reminder of your station. You do not get to presume, only obey." Her emotions roiled in a chaotic whirl, liberally helped by his many tiny modifications. He reached over to the small table by the door and got two elastic bands and handed them to her.

"Put your hair in two braids, one on either side like a small school girl, quickly!"

She complied with the practiced ease of someone used to long hair. Longer than his, at any rate. Garth left her to it and walked over to the couch and sat. Erica remained sitting when she was done, and he was pleased she did not rise without leave.

"Come here and lie down across my lap, arch your back and present your ass." A shiver of Anticipation and a little Dread intertwined in her as she walked over and draped herself as commanded. Garth noted a hint of moisture along her slit as her pussy peeked out below her shapely mounds. He grabbed one and squeezed, enjoying the show as her lips parted slightly with the movement, more moisture seeping out.

"Now," he said in a firm voice. "How many spanks do you deserve? How bad have you been while I was not around?"

She stammered incoherently for a few seconds, but Garth broke her off again. "If I deem the amount insufficient, I will triple it." He tried to sound ominous, and judging from her shiver it worked.

"Fifteen?" Erica said in a faint voice after a few seconds. Her voice trembled a little in mixed Anxiety and Arousal. Garth pretended to think it over for a bit, letting her squirm a little as she awaited his reaction. He had decided ten would be the minimum he would accept beforehand.

"Very well," he said, letting a note of feigned annoyance creep into his voice. "Count out loud." He swung his hand back and delivered a stinging blow that sent ripples across her buttocks.

"One! Thank you Master!" Her voice was pitched high from the sudden Pain, but Garth could see Arousal rising as well, as expected.

"Two!" The other buttock this time.

"Three! Four! Five!" She panted a little as he shook his hand to relieve the stinging sensation.

"Thank you Master." She said in a breathy voice. He slowly stroked her pussy with his thumb, noting the drop of grool that threatened to drip onto his pants. He scooped it up and fed it to her, letting her lick his finger clean.

"SixSevenEightNineTen!" She all but screamed as he struck the same cheek rapid-fire, a deep red glow showing the spot he had hit. She shifted a little, slowly grinding her hip into his bulge, not by accident, he decided as she started humping slowly up and down.

"I did not say you could move," he said gruffly, trying to hide his own arousal. From her spike of Mirth, he decided he must have failed to contain his own reaction.






She fell silent, panting from the exertion.

"You did not say thank you," he said in a low voice. Just as she drew breath to say it, he hammered a vicious blow to the already tender spot on her cheek. She shrieked and almost sobbed, her whole body arching at the intense sensation. Garth was a little afraid he had overdone it and quickly soothed her emotions, speaking softly to calm her.

"There, there. You did good." He pressed one hand to the small of her back, then started slowly massaging her moist lips with the other hand, pulling firmly on her Arousal and Lust as he soothed her Pain and Anxiety along with a host of related emotions. His fingers soon became wet with her juices and he started spreading her wetness up to her puckered anal opening, pressing his thumb slowly inside it while working her clit between his middle and index finger. She quickly approached the edge, he saw, and held her there in suspense. He did not allow her to come.

He held her on the brink for a full minute more, gleefully watching her struggle to contain the pressure building inside her. The he released her suddenly, pulling his fingers out and withdrawing his touch upon her emotions, creating a vacuum.

"You have not earned the right to come. Yet." Disappointment flared along with Frustration and she mewled pitifully, making all kinds of frustrated sounds, but kept from saying anything. He pushed her gently off himself, noting the way his pants had a big wet spot where his precum had seeped through. It would not do for what he had planned. He stood as she knelt on the carpet before him, her head bowed.

"You have made me soil myself it seems, you will have to fix that." She looked up, a hopeful look in her eyes, no doubt at the prospect of getting to play with his stiff cock yet.

"Undress me. With your teeth." She smiled wickedly and licked her lips, sitting up to begin.

"But you are not allowed to touch my cock. Only remove my clothes." Her face fell, but she gathered herself and got to work. Once his pants and boxers were in a heap around his ankles, he frowned down at his own cock, seeing how the entire head was covered in sticky fluids. She had performed well enough, only once bumping his cock with her cheek as she drew his boxers down and he sprang free, slapping against her. He decided she had earned a small reward.

"It will not do to put new clothes over this," he said and looked pointedly down at his near purple head and the slightly foamy precum. "You may clean me, but only ten seconds! I will count."

She was on him in less than a second, and before he even got to say 'one', she had her nose in his pubes and the tightness of her larynx massaged his head deliciously. He counted slowly to ten, not really wanting to end it, but also wanting to build the suspense in preparation for tomorrow's beach trip with Elsa.

"Enough!" He said with a slight gasp as she sucked on his cock like a vacuum, drawing the last drops of precum from him. She sat back with a wicked smile, licking her lips and looking quite pleased with herself. His cock grew impossibly harder, his entire length bobbing up and down in time with his beating heart.

"Go fetch me a new pair of pants, the tan ones in my closet. And the green dress for yourself."

"No underwear?" She asked in feigned innocence.

"No underwear," he confirmed.

She stood slowly, making sure he had time to admire her body, a note of defiance in her posture as she turned and sashayed to the bedroom, swaying her firm, red ass much more than was necessary. She came back a few moments later, clothes draped over her arm. He accepted the pants and started pulling them on, indicating she should dress as well. He had quite a bit of problems getting the button to close above his hard member, but he managed. Erica watched him hungrily all the while; her dress had slid on in seconds, after all.

"Are we going somewhere, Master?" She asked softly.

"We need supplies for tomorrow's trip to the beach. We will need to keep our strength up, after all." Anticipation skyrocketed in her as he said it and she grinned at him, and at the promise of fun to come.

They strolled slowly down the garden lane towards the market district together. Garth was intensely aware of the rough fabric grinding against his perpetually stiff cock, and he was glad for the long linen shirt to cover what was almost certainly another wet spot spreading. He kept one hand possessively on Erica's lower back, from time to time sliding it down to massage her sore buttocks gently. All the while, he kept a steady, if slow, pull on her Arousal, Lust and Horniness, keeping her on a low simmer and putting her on edge.

They rounded a corner onto the main street of the market area, tiny shops of all kinds of foodstuffs on either side. There was an open market with stalls of fresh produce at the end. Slowly, they wandered down the street, discussing what to bring and settling on an assortment of meats and various condiments. Fresh bread would have to wait until the next morning, on their way to the beach, as the detour was not long.

Bags of delicacies in hand, they stepped into the winery, a narrow shop filled with racks of shelves stretching far back with wines of every kind. An elderly woman sat behind a small counter up front, greeting them pleasantly and inquiring as to their needs.

"I was thinking something light, to go with bread and white meat, but also complex enough to stand out on its own." Garth was not exactly a great connoisseur of wines, but he knew enough to get what he wanted.

"Ah," she said pleasantly, apparently pleased at having a customer who knew his business. "I think you will find something to your liking on the second shelf from the back on the right side. The lower two shelves are all wines from local vineyards but quite good, at least for the price. They are dry to medium dry. Fresh, with hints of flowers and spice. They should stand up well to your choice of foods, but also robust enough to just be sipped in pleasant company." She looked them over knowingly, taking in the slight blush in Erica's cheeks as he ramped up the pull on her emotions slightly. "My knees ache something fierce, I am afraid, but do call if you need assistance," she finished pleasantly.

They made their way to the back and found the shelf, orderly rows of bottles displaying their labels. Garth followed closely behind Erica, pressing his groin into her back several times, to spikes of Mortification and Embarrassment each time. He looked over her shoulder, kissing the crook of her neck lightly as he did, and searched the labels.

"Those two," he said to Erica, sneaking his arm under hers and pointing. He made sure to slide the arm along the outside of her breast as he did and she shivered slightly at his touch. She slowly started lowering to her knees to get them.

"Knees straight!" He hissed in a low voice and pulled firmly on her Exhibitionism, the compound emotion requiring a small array of individual threads. Instead of rising, she straightened her knees slowly as she continued to stretch down, sliding her firm backside up his legs and across his groin. Just as she started to grip one bottle, he slid a hand up her thigh and plunged two fingers straight into her pussy, blocking the view forward with his body. She stiffened as his fingers slid inside without resistance, her lips pulsing and gripping him as she clenched her muscles.

She gasped in contentment as he slowly pulled his fingers out, and then pushed them back in. Her hands shook a little as she got the two bottles, but her grip remained firm. Fingers still inside her, he pushed his thumb against her sphincter, gripping her in a bowling grip and steering them both to face the front of them shop. He tightened his grip as she finished her turn, his thumb slipping inside as well. Erica stopped short, pushing his fingers even deeper inside.

"Please, Master," she pleaded in a breathy whisper. "It's, it's too much!" Garth nibbled a little at her neck and sank his fingers a fraction deeper, keeping her right on the brink for a second, the slowly withdrew his hand from her warm, moist insides. Erica walked on unsteady legs forward. Her entire being, body and emotions, quivering with the effort of holding the impending orgasm in. Garth eased ever so slightly up on his manipulations, giving her a small respite.

They came back up to the counter, and Erica set the bottles down. Garth noticed how the old lady's eyes flickered briefly past Erica's chest, a small, knowing smile spreading across her lips. "Ah, to be young and in love," she said wistfully.

"An excellent choice, I think." She said as she eyed the bottles. "These will be just right for the warm weather we are having. Could I interest you in something sparkling as well? To celebrate, perhaps?" She arched an eyebrow in question and looked Garth in the eyes.

"Why, that sounds like an excellent idea!" Garth said. "Do you have anything to recommend?"

She turned and brought forth an old-looking bottle of a fairly exclusive sparkling wine, a network of wires securing the dusty cap. Garth recognized the label and arched an eyebrow in surprise.

"Ah, that is a very good choice, but it is somewhat outside the price range I had imagined," Garth said cautiously. That one bottle would probably cost more than the other two put together, several times over.

"I see," the lady said simply, hefting the bottle a little. "Well, the thing is; I have had this bottle for quite some time, and none of my usual customers know enough to appreciate it, and it is mature now. In another year or so, it will have declined. I all but consider it a loss already, to be frank. For a discerning young gentleman as yourself, I think we can come to an agreement. It would be a shame to let such a fine vintage go to waste, after all." Garth nodded at that, pleased at the possibility of getting the exclusive bottle at a bargain. He resisted the urge to manipulate the woman, not wanting to take advantage of her. Erica, however, was in no such luck as he ramped his attentions up a tiny notch after her brief respite.

"Team three to base, over." Carson's radio gave off a tiny spark with every s-sound in his austere office. He picked up the radio and answered.

"This is base, report team three. Over."

"Mr. Schieler and Miss Frei are out in public, shopping food it would seem. We are getting a moderate signal from him, though the sphere of influence seems to be concentrated on Miss Frei for now. Please advise. Over."

Carson grunted sourly at that, his restrained imagination envious of the young brat and his many encounters with women. "Randy little goat," he muttered to himself before replying.

"So long as his influence is focused on Miss Frei alone, leave them be. If he should start increasing the sphere of influence, you are free to approach him and remind him of his restrictions. Over and out." Carson allowed himself a few seconds of the familiar envy towards those with the power before ruthlessly forcing it away and focusing on his reports.

The two agents looked at each other, then back out at Garth and Erica's backs as they continued down towards the open market.