Blue Moon Rising


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That was the first time he spoke my name.

I woke to the sounds of Libby's giggles and Ian's deep laughter. "Nice... she's already working her magic." I grabbed some clothes and snuck into the bathroom. I showered and threw on a little makeup, Vicky Secrets, Jeans and a light sweater. I guess I looked okay. I padded out to the kitchen worried that I might be greeted with indifference. "g'morning".

Ian smiled and his eyes sparkled and crinkled. "Good morning" he pulled me to him and kissed me. He was wearing his jeans and his unbuttoned shirt exposed his magnificent chest and abs. I fastened two of his shirt buttons and he chuckled.

Libby watched us over the rim of her lipstick blotched coffee cup. "Ian was telling me that he was a model in London"

"Really? You didn't tell me that."

"No... I did one photo shoot. Black and white artsy work. I think the guy was bent...some of the poses were... well..."

"I made him pose for me!" God, Libby at her finest. Ian buttoned a few more buttons.

"Coffee?" Ian offered.

"She doesn't drink coffee." Libby said as though confirming my oddness.

Ian sat me down and handed me a glass of OJ, his fingers lingered over mine.

"Thank you. Where are you off to looking all glam Lib?" I was thinking it was for Ian's benefit.

"My sister's, in Boston... just for the weekend"

Ian was resting his hand on my thigh - he gave it a squeeze with that news. I ignored it.

"Do you need a ride to the airport?"

"Thanks, no. Aiden's going to take me"

"I asked him to bring my things over too." Ian gave me an apologetic look.

"Your things"

Ian grimaced.

"All of your things?"

Ian nodded.

"Geeze, I bet he's pissed. Aren't you supposed to be visiting him?"

"You can't make Ian spend an entire two weeks with Aiden. That would be a total waste. I told him he could stay with us. Aren't you off for the next couple of weeks anyway? It's perfect!" Libby smiled sweetly at Ian and got up "I've got to finish packing" she ruffled Ian's hair as she passed.

"Moving in?" I was angry with myself for sounding hopeful.

"Are you angry?" Ian gathered me to him and kissed my neck before I could answer. "Mmmm, you smell like rain ...and lilacs... and Kate. I could eat you for breakfast".

"I'm not angry and I'm not on the menu".

Ian raised an eyebrow in an 'oh really' expression, "Do you mind if I shower first? I'm a little ripe"

He wasn't. He was making my mouth water, "The towels are in that cupboard."

Ian sang while he showered, tweaking some of my out of tune heart strings.

The door bell rang. Aiden had a large leather suitcase in tow and a leather back pack slung over his shoulder.

"Bitch" he pecked me on the lips.

"Whore." I guess we were still friends.

Aiden gave me an accusing glare.


He raised his brows. "Fine fucking mess you've gotten yourself into."

"Um... I seem to remember you orchestrating this... and it isn't a mess. "

"Oh?" He seemed surprised.

Ian entered the room wearing a floral towel around his waist, freshly showered and god-like.

"What the fuck?" Aiden indicated the towel.

"Yeah I You've got my clothes." They did the guy hug thing. "Aid... thanks Man"

"Yeah. Good to see you, for hour?"

"There's no way you'd see any action with me around." Ian teased.

"Fuck off Gooseberry." They laughed.

Ian grabbed his bags. "Call me...we'll do something" he instructed Aiden circling his finger in the air to include the three of us and left to dress.

"He's a cocky fucker" Aiden looked at me "'re attracted to that?"

"Yeah Aiden... that's what I look for in a guy."



Libby pushed through the bedroom door with her abundant matching red luggage.

"Holy fuck Lib! I thought you were just going for the weekend!"

"Shut up Aiden and help me... we're going to be late"

"You're going to be late, my timing is perfect."

They left with doors slamming and abuse flying.

Alone again.

My tummy rumbled, nervous and hungry. I went to the kitchen and sliced some fruit into two bowls, added a dollop of organic yogurt and a perfect strawberry for each top.

I sat at the table and dug in while blindly flicking through one of Libby's magazines. Fine fucking mess I've gotten myself into - Aiden's words echoed in my head.

I knew, without a doubt that I didn't have the power to resist Ian. If he wanted to hang around for a couple of weeks then that's how it would be. I'd just have to deal with the aftermath...after. Resignation calmed my stomach and nerves somewhat.

I stuffed a large chunk of apple in my mouth just as Ian walked in. Hair stylishly tousled, loose jeans hanging on his hips, a hint of boxers, bare chest, shirt flapping behind him. I started choking and spluttering. Ian smacked my back and grabbed a glass of water.

"Jesus... you know what you look like! Are you trying to kill me??!" I took a tentative sip.

"What do I look like?" he sucked his cheeks in and angled his shoulders completing the cat walk look.

We laughed. "If that's what you gave Libby, I'm surprised she didn't jump you"

"Your friend is a nutter."

"Yes, she is," I agreed. "Are you hungry?" I handed him his bowl of fruit.

"I don't know" he poked the fruit with a finger "... I'm not really a fruit kind of guy...but you make it look so delicious with the choking and gagging..." he smiled and started munching.

I sat with him while he ate. His jaw was fascinating to watch, chewing - it looked like it could crush bones.

He scooped up his last mandarin segment and stretched over to me. "Open. I want to feed you."

I obeyed. My center was catching on fire.

"Come here." Ian pulled me to him as I awkwardly swallowed. He kissed my lips lightly then retreated slightly. He wanted me to come to him. I leaned into him, kissed his closed lips, my tongue begging entry. I felt him smile before he opened to me. He resumed command sliding his hands up from my hips to my waist lifting my sweater above my tummy. He licked and nibbled my exposed flesh giving rise to a mass of goose bumps and shivers. Without interruption he unzipped my jeans and let them pool around my feet.

He bit my panties and yanked, they snapped and fell to the floor in tatters. I want to tear your clothes off with my teeth... his earlier words echoed. I quickly pulled my expensive sweater up and off. Once it cleared my face I found myself staring at my gawking neighbor through my French doors. I gasped and Ian turned and growled. Mr. Williams quickly left his pruning and retreated into his home.

I looked into Ian's eyes and I promptly forgot about Mr. What's-his-name who continued to peek through his curtains.

Ian cupped my neatly shaved mound and stroked my pussy . I knew I was as wet as April rains.

"Ready enough for you now?" I asked timidly.

Ian smiled as his fingers dipped and twirled. "That's not what I meant." His expression grew serious, "I'm sorry about last night. I...I just couldn't."

I wanted to ask why but didn't want to spoil the moment.

"The moon."


"You want to know was because of the full moon."

Ian's expression remained serious contradicting his silly words, leaving me confused.

"Here," Ian slipped out of his shirt and held it for me to slip into. "Your neighbor is still watching us."

I peeked over Ian's shoulder and caught the twitch of a curtain. "Perve", I mumbled.

"I don't're the one exposing your naked... dripping... delicious... body to anyone who should pass by." Ian was kissing my shoulders between his words.

I blushed with the realization of my behavior. He was making me act like a starving sex fiend.

Ian grinned, "sex fiend?"

My blush grew deeper, "did I say that out loud? I...."

"No. " Ian studied my face and looked torn. "Come here." He led me to my dark living room -- the curtains were still drawn. "Sit." He looked at me for a long while before speaking.

"The attraction we feel for each other...It may seem a simple peculiarity to you ...but it's far more...complicated...than that. We have a, you and I." He was treading lightly and making me nervous.

I frowned.

"Kate", Listen to me... Listen to me.

I was listening to him and his lips weren't moving.

Please try not to be upset. I'll explain everything...somehow.

"Don't be upset?! are you doing that? I'm losing my fucking mind!!"

No, you're not losing your mind. It's our connection.

"Connection? What do you mean? I don't understand!"


"Stop it! Its freaking me out. Tell me what's going on. Explain this to me...please."

"I never thought I'd have to explain this to a human, I..."

"A human! What do you think you are?!"

"Please Kate! I don't know how to do this."

"Just fucking tell me."

"I'm a werewolf."

"What? A what?? Jesus fucking Christ. You need to leave."

Look at me Kate.

Ian discarded his jeans. Kate moved towards the phone but was halted by a vicious growl.

Wait. Ian bent over and let out a piercing yelp as his bones crackled and muscles contorted, he shook as his skin transformed into a dark chocolate glistening pelt.

A huge wolf stood before me, panting, tongue lolling from the side of his mouth. Familiar green eyes were looking into mine.

"Holy shit...fuck. Ian? No...this can't fucking be happening"

It padded over to me, claws clicking on the hardwood floor. I backed up into a corner and sank to the floor. It nudged my hand with its nose.

Kate, it's me.

I cautiously placed my hand on the wolf's head, "Ian?"

Yes. Ian licked my palm, his tongue long and rough.

"Please...change back...I think I'm going to lose it." I closed my eyes releasing hot tears and started to shake uncontrollably.

Ian returned to his human form as quickly and slipped back into his clothes.

He kissed my tears and held me tight. "It's okay...its okay. Shhhh... Let me tell you our story, how we came to be, what we are today."

I nodded but kept my eyes tightly shut. Ian began his story as it was told to him as a child. He continued, and described how at one time weres protected crops in Europe and the native Americans' beloved Caribou. He spoke of witch trials in Estonia in the 1600s that resulted in the destruction of nearly 100 weres.

"We quickly sank into myth and legend for our own preservation. There are a great number of writings featuring werewolves and films of course, most of it rubbish."

Questions flooded my mind. "Do you eat....people?"

"No! No. I do crave meat, but I get it from a shop just like you. And I'm not very fond of fruit."

"So, you're not going to eat me...what are you doing with me?"

Ian laughed, "I might have if your neighbor hadn't interrupted."

"Wha....Oh. Hmmph"

"We all have our other halves wandering around out there, particularly true for weres. " Ian searched Kate's face for sign of encouragement but the confused look persisted. "Your scent, your flavor...they make my heart scream for you, make me feel alive. You are my other mate."

"I am your...mate?"


"What if I don't want to be?"

"Then I'll leave, broken hearted with my tail between my legs. But the feeling is mutual. I knew it the moment I first saw you. You felt it too." Ian waited patiently while Kate did her best to understand.

"Would you have ...changed... last night if we hadn't stopped?"

"Yes, I believe I would have. It was a full moon, my wolf was near the surface and wanted to take you."

"What do you mean?"

"Make the bond permanent. I wouldn't have been able to leave after that. I want to give you the choice."

"You can't control your...wolf during a full moon?"

"Normally I can, but not around you."

"If I choose...if you make the um, bond permanent... how do we live? As outcasts?"

"No. I spend most of my time in my human form. We would appear as... husband and wife." Ian half expected to see Kate cringe, but she didn't.

"What about...babies?"

Ian caught the image of a litter of puppies from Kate's mind.

"No. No puppies...perhaps twins and we can't change until after puberty. "

"Our children would be werewolves?" I couldn't believe I was asking these questions. I wanted to laugh hysterically but couldn't.

"Yes, but more human and more powerful than I."

"Will I change into a ...a werewolf?"


"If you bit me?"

"No! " Ian answered abruptly putting an end to that line of questioning.

"Is Aiden like you?"

The question annoyed Ian, "No, he's nothing like me. Yes, he is a were."

"Does he know about us...that you think I'm your... mate?"

"I know that you are and yes he does. He could tell in the bar...that's why he had his hands all over piss me off."


"How old are you?" I asked, vaguely recalling some werewolf stories.

"You don't want to know."

"Now I definitely want to know. 40?"

Ian frowned, "Do I look 40?!"

"No." I studied his face. "Late 20s, early 30s I suppose. You're not like vampires are you? Hundreds of years old?" I smiled.


"I was joking. Wait.... are vampires are real too??"


My world was changing into one of monsters and nightmares. Would I miss 'normal', 'mundane' and 'boring'? Is this what I'd been searching for? It seemed to be. Life with a wolf, an old...

"How... old...are you?"

"I was born in 1615. "

" Sixteen...fifteen. More than three hundred years older than me. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this."

"I know."

"So, when I'm, say...80, you'll still look like this?"

"More or less."

"Well. That's not going to work is it!"

"I'll still love you when you're old and wrinkly."

"You love me?"


"How can you possible know that after what...not even 24 hours."

"You feel the same way."

"What I feel is confused."

"About all of this....but not about me."

"Aiden is right! You are a cocky fucker!"

"You and I are made for each other and weres know, absolutely know when they meet their mate. It's as simple as that."

"But I'm not like you....I'm not a werewolf. "

"No, but you feel it too."

"Hmmff. But there's no way that we can stay together. I'm going to be too old for you."

"I'll always be 300 years older than you."

"But you don't look old"

"You know, I learned all of this over years and years. You're trying to compress it into hours. I want you to forget about all of these details and just answer one question for me."


"Do you want to be with me? If for some reason you don't I'll have to get out of here while I still can."

"Jesus. Yes. Yes I do, today. I don't know about tomorrow or the rest of my life!"

"You're being too cerebral. Okay. Today. We'll figure tomorrow out when it gets here."

I smiled. Tiny steps, maybe I could deal with tiny steps.

"I'm starving. Come on, no more fruit. Give me something bloody and rare!"


"I'm joking, a little. A steak would be lovely."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Dry opinion

Nice and innocent

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Please keep going!!!!!!!!!!!!

redgryphonredgryphonover 14 years ago
on the edge of my seat!

thought I would just skim yet another werewolf story but then I couldn't stop reading. Amazing descriptions, great flow, so hot my PC almost melted. Only one problem. I want more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great job!

I hope you continue, I really enjoyed this story and the tension you have created is nicely done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

love the tight style of writing and sense of humor ..

do we have to wait until the next blue moon to rise before we are treated to part 2 ..? ;)

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 14 years ago
Interesting start

This chapter moved pretty quickly, so I wasn't sure if it was meant to be a series or a stand alone. Since it is a series, you could take your time with each chapter and let us get to know that characters and the situation a bit better. Detail is good. Also, it would be helpful if you label the chapters as Ch 1 etc to avoid confusion. I enjoyed it though. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Aging problem...

Maybe Ian can start aging like a human once he and Kate mate permanently.

almost_wildalmost_wildover 14 years ago
can't wait to

You can't leave it there! You can't! :D

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

short, and sweet, and to the point, yet long enough to full you up till you get to the end! doing great so far :] don't keep us waiting to long. can't wiat for the next chapter!

pouncingtigresspouncingtigressover 14 years ago
good story

A very enjoyable and well-written story. I always like it when writers use short snappy dialogue instead of lines and lines of narrative to move a story forward. For a first submission, this looks very professional. Although you/the author lost the first person POV and changed to 3rd person POV in 2 instances near the end of the story.

mechmanasmechmanasover 14 years ago

looking forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I did enjoy this.

This was a different twist. Perhaps, unlike the other comment made, the only way for Libby to be dragged into this would be is she ended up with Aiden. But than now I dont know how i feel about one part. That part that Kate will be aging (looking older and older) while he stays the same. Perhaps he could bite kate?

PennLadyPennLadyover 14 years ago
Fun beginning

All the characters are a lot of fun. Can't wait to see more. For some reason, I'd love to see Libby dragged in to this. Looking forward to more.

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