Blue Ops


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Falling on to all fours, I was relieved that I could still stand, with a fair amount of effort. The sheer amount of noise my tumble made would have woken any inhabitants, but I still felt the need to call out. My heart sank when after a short wait, I still got no reply. The diner was empty. Worse still, it looked like it would have been empty for a long time. It was creepy. I shuffled in the direction of the counter and bent over to get to the cabinets below looking for anything I could use when suddenly, Finally, I heard a loud ripping sound - my leggings had finally split at the seam, allowing my now fairly massive butt cheeks to hang out. I actually appreciated the unrestricted space, but spotting their reflection on a mirrored surface made reality crash down on my again - my ass was the same blue my face and breasts had become. More worryingly, without the material holding shape, It was much bigger than I first thought, easily more than quadruple my original circumference at the hip. For the first time I noticed it wasn't just my legs that were gaining size either, but my torso was beginning to fill. The bulk of the mass was around my waist and until now had been expanding along the legs, but there was no denying my abdomen was wider as well.

The juice I could see dripping out of multiple parts of my body included, this was the most horrific thing I'd experienced so far. It wasn't the physical sight of me that began to play on my mind, it was the effort to move was already astounding, even for someone in my peak physical health. If I kept getting bigger I'd be unable to carry on looking for help and worse still, my centre of gravity would eventually shift even more than it already had!

Deciding the Juice I was leaking was a blessing, I stopped trying to swallow and let it flow out of my mouth. Same with that coming out of other places - I stopped holding it in. It wasn't common bodily waste anymore, it was clearly a sweet smelling drinkable liquid. I stopped being concerned with etiquette and allowed it to leave my body, hoping it would slow the growing process. The remaining material on my legs quickly became drenched.

It took about ten minutes to establish there was nothing helpful at this pit stop. No phones or internet access, no maps. All I could find was a note claiming a small settlement existed 'about 5 minutes' west down the road. I had to leave and made my way back to the car. Slowly, carefully lowering myself in to the drenched car seat, I came across my first major issue with size - I couldn't get both my legs in to the car. One was tough enough and required me to slide the seat all the way back. Something I'd been wondering also finally became obvious while looking for the slider under the chair, my breasts had finally began to gain size. So far only by a cup size or two, but their sudden growth had begun only moments ago and very obviously got in my way when I was moving position. The only thing I could do was rest against the passenger chair and drive one footed, Leaving it in first and letting my other leg hang out the door. It worked for a slow mile or two before i realised it was more effort than it was worth. In fact, I remember considering pulling over way before I came off the road and thankfully without too much damage ended up beaching the car. I very clumsily dragged myself out and thanked my fortunes that not only could I see buildings several hundred metres away, but that the car hadn't stopped in a significant ditch. I was worried i'd be something of a beached whale in anything with any steepness to it. During the journey my bulk had increased and I now had much larger breasts, while my ass was getting to the point where i wouldn't have gotten through the double diner doors so easily. I was close to the end of the line and needed to find help. No longer able to see my feet thanks to my gargantuan legs and newly engorged mammaries I took slow, careful steps along the road, Imagining I was walking like a penguin. More than once the humiliating thought of getting seen like this crossed my mind, but I cast those thoughts aside. I was banking on someone seeing what was happening to me. Taking one last look at the car and noticing the obvious trail of juice running behind me, I made my final march to the distant building, the rising sun slowly but surely lighting my way.

My shadow. Oh goodness, my shadow. Walking west with the sun rising, I finally began to see my shape in its fullest through the massive amount of shade it cast. A gigantic hourglass shape, with a much bigger bottom and slowly catching up top. My waist still seemed the smallest part of me, but I was certain that too has gained size. As I jiggled along, I kept reassuring myself I'd be able to fix it. I heard fresh tearing as my top finally burst and what was left of my leggings popped, falling to the floor and leaving me nude from the bottom down and in rags from the waist up. It didn't matter, I'd made it half way to my destination. The soles of my trainers felt hard as the weight of my body crushed them with each step, but I continued, finally reaching a large building with, luckily, an open garage leading in to it's showroom. Stumbling forward I entered, screaming for help at the top of my voice. I wouldn't have made it any further down the street, but there were other buildings in the area. It must be populated and surely someone would be able to hear my cries!? No longer able to bend my legs properly I stood in the empty showroom, waiting for a reply. It was such a tense moment, I could practically hear the juice filling me further. I let out a short, sorrowful sob when I realised this town too, was empty.

Maybe workers would be coming in later? Maybe not. Either way, I had to do something, Lifting my legs was now a massive challenge each time and felt like I was wading through waist high treacle, but I had to persist. I eventually reached the window and using my own syrupy liquid emanating from my nipples smeared a quick message on the glass. 'HELP!'.

Next I looked for a computer. It was a desperate act since I was now considering it to have been purposefully emptied, but miraculously I spotted one on the showroom floor! I 'quickly' wobbled over, suddenly aware of my breasts being big enough to obscure my view below a certain point. Not only this, but my torso was finally beginning to fill, forcing me to walk with my arms slightly raised to accommodate the extra girth. Each step was more a slow, sluggish hop now as my legs became so difficult to raise individually. It was also accompanied by a bottom heavy slop sound as my fleshy calves had started to overlap my feet slightly. I noticed an obvious ripple through my figure with every step and, thanks to my lack of clothing, It vibrated right up my body, causing me to shake surprisingly violently if I didn't centre myself once every few strides. I cant describe it much more than feeling like water in a latex bladder - My body was certainly feeling quite sloshy and a tightness was becoming apparent in my hips, but I knew my body had a lot more give than it appeared. I never once felt so much pressure as to think I was going to pop - not without an outside influence, anyway.

The computer, of course, was password locked. On the desk was a guide pad, claiming passwords were kept in the locker, and I quickly found the key. Bending over to get to the locker almost had stumbling forward, but one of my massive thighs was rested on the desk. Aside for a cracking sound it held firm enough and I pulled out the pad, finally gaining access to the computer. My bending had caused an embarrassing increase of pressure in my body and I felt large amounts of liquid squirt out of my body, while my mouth filled with sickly sweet juice. I spat it out, covering the desk in blue as I typed on the increasingly sticky keys, looking for a search engine. The internet access was extremely slow, but eventually I got online. I remember vocally asking myself what exactly I should type and stalling, my huge breasts hanging low enough to rest on the desk in my slightly slouched position. I hadn't noticed that they too were dripping a large amount of liquid and before I knew it, the monitor suddenly went blank. Shocked, I smacked it a few times before realising what had happened - my Juice had flooded the computer tower! Not only that, there was a large, purple/blue pool of the stuff surrounding where I stood! Bending had forced a lot out of me and ruined what could have been my last hope. To accent the depraved and hopeless scenario, I felt the tattered remains of my t shirt finally tear off my shoulders, confirming their growth as well. I was a huge, nude, mostly inflated berrygirl and out of options but to try and walk further down the road.

Waddling around the desk and back in to the showroom, I noticed my reflection in the glass. My torso and arms were begging to swell up, becoming as large and plump as my legs were. I was beginning to take on a circular shape, and my crotch was pushing downwards as my torso filled, spreading my legs. My arms rested at about a 70 degree angle on my now extended waistline and my shoulders were rounding out, enveloping my neck slightly. Worst of all, my breasts were now comically large. I couldn't stop staring, not least because my movement was now the speed of a very slow elderly woman. To cover a space of several metres required rest, and I was certain I could physically see myself ballooning outwards slowly but surely.

That's where I finally came to a stop - I'd noticed my ground coverage reducing for some time, but finally it became practically none existent. My feet beneath the bulk of my now enormous and rounding calves were at an angle I could only just balance on and beginning to lose contact with the ground, superseded by the mass swelling around them. My breasts finally rested on top of my overgrown midsection, that was now catching up to the size of my legs and my back bloated outward, giving an odd, spherical balance to my body that was difficult to control. I knew I was going to fall one way or the other and put effort to make sure I fell forward, struggling against my bodies increasing dead weight with my ineffective strength. I manged to shift just enough weight to topple in the direction I wanted, my belly, thighs and breasts taking the weight. I barely bent my legs and although I felt a reaction to brace my arms for the fall, they were quite rigidly pointing outwards of my body. My soft waterbed like exterior saved me from kissing the floor. But now was stuck on my belly and still swelling in to a large blubbery like being.

I lay there for about an six hours. I tried screaming, willed people to come and find me, but nobody did. Instead, I got to watch my reflection grow in size until I was a round ball with a face and, luckily, two large breasts cushioning me from rolling forwards any more. What was going through my mind? Everything and nothing. I'd given up on a plan and began to wonder about what could possibly go next. The only thing that changed during the day was the sun's position and the pool of blue juice steadily creeping outward, eventually filling the room and pooling to the height of the steps leading in to the showroom where I imagine it started leaking out on to the street. The amount of liquid I was producing was mind boggling.

Nighttime was the worst. I could hear wildlife and my prone position made me wonder about what exactly I was now - was I a prey for predators or a large piece of... well, fruit. Thought's like this filled me with dread. All I could hear was the sound of pooling liquid. I noted, with no strong feeling on the subject, that the liquid seemed to be producing less and less, as if my transformation was stabilising. There was certainly less pooling in my mouth and it almost felt dry as a result. I began to worry about starvation, but my next realisation hit midway through my second day - I was sustaining myself. The liquid I produced was nourishing me! I was glad I couldn't imagine myself dying without outside interference, and horrified by the fact I might be here for a very long time, unable to move and exposed to the elements.

I was generating enough heat that I wasn't cold. Luckily I was sheltered from wind and rain, as well as in a hot environment. By the third day, I was going slightly insane, calling out for help and mumbling to myself incoherently. I could jiggle my body and did so fairly constantly, trying to wear myself out so that I could sleep at night. As a result, my hair had began to fall out of place, covering my face and obscuring my view. Nothing I could do about it.

Day five came along. My gigantic, heavy body had gotten slightly bigger, with my previously perky, desk sized breasts receding in to my body somewhat, making it slightly more circular. two obvious bumps still remained, preventing my rolling forward but reminding me that I had little control of my body. If they morphed in to me any further I might roll down in to the sticky residue I'd left previously. Would I drown? I still breathed, so I imagined I would. Still clinging on to a hope of a life, I began trying to shift my weight backwards with little success.

After a week had passed, I finally began to accept my fate. I stopped trying to move and began to will some kind of saviour in to existence. My more spherical form hadn't yet tipped forward, but I noticed I was secreting more fluid, like sweat, that was dripping off my body. Not in huge amounts, but from what I could see of my chest it glistened. Part of me wondered if it would lead to deflation, if it was some kind of reversal - I didn't appear to be producing juice en mass any more, so a loss is a loss right? For the first time in days, audible, individual drips could be heard as my body let out the liquid at a slower rate. Every time i coughed or sneezed I felt liquid shoot out of my extremities, and eventually by squeezing my muscles I could force a constant trickle. Not enough to deflate me, in the time i had to practice, but definitely something that I could have exploited, had your fine people not found me on the evening of that day.

They weren't exactly sympathetic either, laughing at my bulbous form and taking pictures. They trudged through my fluids, taking samples and marvelling at the fact that it was "still fresh". They spoke to me of course, asked how I was. Commented on how good a hunt I'd provided - they needed to use drones to spot my truck, it turned out. Rolling me up the ramp and out of the shop was humiliating enough, but getting coated further in my own fluid was a event I wouldn't choose to go through again - they let my head go underwater twice!

My soft exterior at least was comfortable for me to exist in and I barely felt gravel as they rolled me through the street in to the truck. Chatting all the way. A nice southern lady, Miranda I think her name was? She kept me talking. I was relieved to have people around, especially after getting used to the careless prodding and laughing, but surprised at how little they knew about what was going on.

And then.. well, that's it. You know the rest. They took me here and I gave you a brief of events. I have to say I'm relieved - all for good service to the company, I understand why you couldn't let me in on the mission. I'm in the clear now right? You're going to deflate me?"

Genna lay on her front, facing a large two way mirror. The woman she had been talking to left, leaving her with high hopes on her future. Reassuringly, she'd promised Genna a future in the company, solid work, a large raise and new position that superseded her former one. The catch? She was prone to swelling up without regular juicing sessions. Wondering what that meant in the long run, she lay in bliss and finally relaxed, falling sound to sleep as a machine began to lower a pair of gigantic tubes towards her unprotected vagina and anus. A pair of suction devices lowered down in front of her, ready to attach to her nipples and a long masked tube lowered in front of her face, waiting to be inserted in to her mouth. For Genna, her promotion was going to come at a higher price than she's already thought...

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