Bow River


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"We love you, Mum," I replied.

Mum disappeared so I could focus on Olivia, who had that look in her eyes that she needed me to cum in her. Rolling her over, she clutched at me tightly, arms and legs around my body, as I gently pumped her pussy. "That's it," she whispered into my ear, "Fuck your naughty little sister."

I fucked my naughty little sister for a few more minutes until I couldn't hold my orgasm back any longer. When she felt that first throb of my cock as I came, she made sure to kiss me hard, growling into her mouth as she moaned in reply. Our mouths only parted when my climax had passed, continuing to gently thrust into her. Meeting her eyes, I still marvelled at the depth of love reflected back at me.

Given time to recover, I couldn't cum in Olivia without giving Amelia some attention too. Amusingly, she wanted to be taken from behind like her sister the previous night, and I was pleased that she absolutely loved the position, groaning and squealing when I started to thrust a little faster, but when she sat up and leaned back against me, my fingers gently fondling her clit, she climaxed ever so hard, squeezing my cock so tightly, it actually helped set off my orgasm.

"What's anal like?" Olivia asked as we relaxed afterwards.

"Are you interested?"

"I've been told that it's something men expect."

"Well, men can expect whatever they want but it doesn't mean you have to do it. What's it like? If done properly, it can be enjoyable. For many women, it's something they don't particularly want to do, but some will do it to please their partner."

"Do you like anal?" Amelia wondered.

"Honestly, not really. Why would I want that when you both have a beautiful little pussy I can enjoy. I'd rather go down on you both then make love rather than have to prepare you for anal sex. If you want to try it, then we can, but trust me on this one, it's not something I expect nor particularly want."

"What do you want?" Olivia asked.

"My two little sisters in bed like this with me in our place in France, their bellies starting to swell with our children, after we've just enjoyed another long night of lovemaking. And the one thing I do want is to see my two little sisters enjoying each other intimately."

"We'll definitely do that for our handsome big brother," Amelia breathed into my ear, "My big sister between my legs, her tongue licking my pussy up and down, while maybe I'm sucking my big brother's cock."

"Or he's fucking me nice and hard from behind," Olivia breathed into my other ear.

We ate dinner as a family as the two girls both called in sick. Sitting together afterwards, I went into further detail about what I'd been doing since I left home, being as honest as I could with any question that was asked. Mum went to bed earlier as always, noticing her hug was a little longer, a little tighter that evening. "Just come home safe," she whispered.

"I will, Mum. I promise."

My sisters were both worried about me as well. Once I was dressed, they were still naked, lying back with me on the bed until my alarm went off. They were both close to drifting off by the time it did, carefully getting up and positioning them so they were close together. Kissing them each on the cheek, I whispered how much I loved them, and made the same promise that I would come home safe.

Joining Catalina and the others at camp, we spent at least an hour refining the plan until we were all in agreement. Though I was 'Major Mason', and the highest rank there, these soldiers were there of their own volition. Most were friends, having been out on operations with me numerous times. I wasn't going to pull rank in what was a personal matter.

We hit the town at 3am in the morning, working in three person teams, myself being the thirteenth man, working with Catalina and two others. We hit the main pub, where I'd had the meeting with Billy. Barely a sound was made as we moved fast but silent, catching tired goons by surprise. I had no problem spilling blood when necessary. These men were nothing short of thugs, selling drugs, trafficking women, and all sorts of other nefarious activities. I wouldn't weep over their demise.

Billy's office was a treasure trove of information. "We get more information from the base and release it through certain channels," I explained to Catalina.

"We'll be long gone by the time anyone state or federal agents appear," Catalina added.

"That's the plan, though I can travel on any identification. My family will be packing up tomorrow, ready to go as soon as necessary."

Contacting the other groups, we moved to other buildings, ensuring anyone considered a hostile was subdued. We knew the town falling silent would cause concern, but my next target was my old farmstead. Checking the time, we moved quickly towards the old farm as I knew that had been taken for some reason and it was time to find out why.

Headlights off as we approached, I had the vehicles spread out as we approached the farmstead, switching off and approaching by foot a few hundred metres away. The old house was a shell of it once was, and I had no problem dealing with the people we found inside. I was tempted to burn the place down, exorcize the demons, so to speak, but that would likely be a beacon for our enemies.

However, it wasn't all for naught as we found the evidence I'd been expecting. The greenhouses were drug labs. We shot the men who were carrying weapons, but it was obvious those in safety equipment were being forced to work there. Asking a few questions, my heart hardened as I recognised a few of the names. My face was covered in paint, and no-one recognised me to start with, but when I mentioned my name, more than one person knew who I was.

"Kill them, Mason," one of the women said, "They've destroyed our gorgeous little town."

Returning to camp just before sunrise, I was happy with the operation so far but knew there was plenty that could go wrong. "Send a couple of men in teams to watch the base," I ordered, "If it looks like they're getting antsy about things, let me know immediately. I'd rather keep our operation to darkness, but if we need to go in bright and early, so be it."

"What will you do?"

"Make contact with some friends."

Miss Wilson was delighted to see me when I appeared at her front door. Finding myself seated in her living room with a coffee in one hand, a plate with a piece of cake in my other, she smiled politely before asking what I was there for.

"I need your help. Nothing to put you or anyone else in danger. I just need you to be my eyes and ears today around town."

"What do you need to know?"

"Their reaction."

The knowing smile had me chuckling as I was keeping my word. Giving her my number, I drank my coffee, ate my cake, and we talked about life before I departed, and also life in the town before the arrival on Johnson and his people. I stayed for an hour before I needed to go, feeling tiredness hit, aware that evening would be longer and more difficult. Miss Wilson wished me good luck before I left her.

Arriving home, my mother and sisters were waiting for me in the living room, all three hugging me as soon as I appeared through the front door. Sitting me down on the couch, Mum disappeared as I was left laughing as both sisters were naked very quickly, cuddling into either side, Mum returning with a bottle of whiskey for me and two glasses.

"Should have known," Mum stated.

"Want to get naked, Mum?" I asked. Seeing her blush was amusing, but I'll be honest, Mum was still a good-looking woman for someone in their early their early fifties. "Not too uncomfortable?"

"If my little girls want to be naked with their brother, I'm not going to stop them. Do you not drink whiskey, girls?"

"Not right now," Olivia whispered, snuggling into my left.

"We just want to cuddle," Amelia added in a soft voice.

Sipping at my drink, I placed the empty glass down and relaxed, finding my arm pulled so I'd follow my sister to bed. They helped me undress before I fell into bed, enjoying a long nap, before I was woken by the feeling of someone pleasuring me, opening my eyes to see my little sisters both licking and sucking on my cock.

I remained silent as I just watched them, smiling at them, as they both gazed up at me, ever so happy to be pleasuring their big brother in return. I only spoke when I ready to cum, watching cum erupt from my cock to land on their faces. "So warm," Amelia giggled.

"I said I was going to let my big brother cum on my face, Amelia."

"It's so naughty. I can't wait until he cums all over my body too!"

After I had both sisters enjoy time on my face, we got up and showered together before joining our mother for dinner. While we were eating, I received numerous messages from people around town. Asking what I was being told, I let them know that we'd stirred up the hornets' nest, but with no evidence of who was responsible, the centre of town was eerily quiet.

Finishing dinner, I walked out to my vehicle and returned with a bag. Opening it up, I withdrew and placed a weapon on the table. My sisters looked scared, but Mum met my eyes and nodded. "I know how to use a gun, Mark. I'll protect the girls and the house."

"The only other person I'll send here is Catalina, Mum. Anyone else, do not open the door, and if they try and enter, you shoot and you shoot to kill."

"I understand, Mark."

"Good. Girls, do whatever our mother says. Okay?" Both of them nodded nervously. "Good girls." Checking my watch, I smiled before glancing back at them. "I have a couple of hours. Want to make love before I go?"

When we were finished later, both clung to me tightly, arms and legs across me, bodies pressed against my side, my arms around them as they both softly cried. I promised them more than once that I'd be fine, but I understood their worries. I'd just come home and now I was off to fight another dangerous enemy.

It was soon time to leave, my little sisters getting up to help me dress, unable to take my eyes off their beautiful naked bodies, stopping to kiss them constantly. By the time I was ready, they'd calmed down, Mum waiting for us at the dining table. "I love hearing you three make love," she said, "Part of me would love to watch one day."

"When we're in France, Mum," Olivia said, "You can watch as your son conceives a child with both of your daughters."

The three saw me off the front door, Mum hugging me first before giving one last moment with my sisters. Both needed a little cry again as I hugged them both tightly. "I had no idea how much I could love someone until I walked into that pub and saw you both for the first time," I told them, "But what I have learned is that I was missing something all these years. After tonight, I promise I'll never be gone for longer than one night in the future."

"I love you," Amelia whispered, "My brother and future husband."

"And father of our babies," Olivia added, "I love you too."

Catalina and the crew were waiting for me. Informing them of what I'd learned earlier, Catalina and I surveyed the centre of town. The pubs were dark and quiet. There was an eerie silence that was unusual. No-one on the streets. Most parking bays were empty. Checking the two main buildings, the bodies had been cleared away and there were signs in the office that it had been effectively abandoned.

"He knows someone will be coming," Catalina stated, "Good thing we knew that would happen."

"We move the timetable back. When's the best time to launch an attack?"

"Before dawn and the change of guard."

"Exactly." Checking my watch, I met her eyes, her face covered in war paint too. "We leave here at 2am. Ditch our vehicles at 4am. Make contact at 5am."

"Got word to friendlies at the mine?"

"The miners are innocents. The network has done its best to get word to them, basically keep their heads down once the shit hits the fan."

Returning to camp, we went over the maps again and again, mixing in some photos I'd taken during my original recon. I emphasised the target was Barry Johnson. Cut the head off the snake and the rest of them would disappear. When it was time to head off, there was the typical confidence on display, geeing each other up.

The drive towards the mine was quiet as I drove, Catalina next to me as always. "You'll stay in contact once this is over?" she asked when we were around ten minutes out.

"I'll introduce you to the family once we're safe and sound overseas."

"I'd love to meet your sisters." Giving her a glance, she smiled at me. "I understand, Mason. They're lucky young women."

Taking her hand and squeezing it, I whispered, "Thank you."

A mine at 5am in the morning is as busy as 5pm in the afternoon. We hit from four different directions. With all the noise, the gunfire wouldn't have been heard by anyone to start with, but it was a unique sound, and someone would investigate it quickly enough. Whenever approached friendlies, they seemed to know who we were immediately, abandoning vehicles and heading in the direction we pointed.

A mine is an enormous facility. The plan was for my small team to hit the office, the other three would go further. I knew there was going to be one tunnel where something illegal was going on. Keeping in constant communication, reporting in whenever an enemy fell or we sent friendlies away, I made my way towards the main building. Very few lights were on, but I was only concerned about the top floor.

Leaving the two men to guard the entrance, Catalina entered with me, clearing each room as we headed towards the top floor. Making it to the top floor, I opened the door to be greeted by the CEO at his desk. His eyes gave him away as Billy was waiting to the side.

Eyes. Body language. A simple tick. It gives you away. Moving quickly as a team, I felt the bullet pass by as I stepped into the middle of the room, Billy quickly faced by two targets. I put a bullet into his shoulder, his gun falling to the floor.

"Cover him," I ordered, jerking my head at Johnson.

Stepping towards Billy, he didn't recognise me for a moment until I stepped closer, and he saw the whites of my eyes. I grinned before I explained who I was. "Ever heard of Mark Mason?"

He might not have known of me, but he recognised the surname. When he grinned, I knew he was going to die in a few seconds. "Yeah, I knew your father. He died like a coward, on his knees... If only he'd sold the fucking farm instead of trying to be a hero..."

I stepped back and pulled the trigger. "That farm belongs to us," I stated, "To the Mason family."

Swinging to look at Barry Johnson, I could see the rage on his face. Glancing out the window, there was no missing the gunfire still erupting around the mine. I did wonder if someone was going to call in the cops, but considering they'd shown no interest in what had gone on in town, I had a feeling they could see the writing on the wall and were now trying to save their own skins.

"Bow River isn't yours, Mister Johnson," I stated, walking around his desk and perching myself next to him, leaning back against the mahogany side, Catalina covering him from the other side. "All you've done since arriving is destroy what was once a beautiful country town. Most of us didn't have a lot, but we had our families, that sense of community and togetherness that many of these places have. The sort of place where you'd leave your front door open, trusting in your neighbours."

"You can't win, Mason," he taunted, "I have allies up to state level and beyond. You'll see a prison cell long before I will."

I smiled and his one faded. "Who said anything about arresting you? I agree with you, Mister Johnson. This is an entirely illegal, unsanctioned operation. The Australian Government knows nothing about this. My own organisation knows this was a purely person matter." I gestured at my uniform. "I don't have any handcuffs. Do you, Catalina?"

"Never carry them while I'm at work, Mason. We're sent in to kill people, not arrest them."

"Thing is, I'm not just going to shoot you like a dog, like I did Billy. That was deserved. I had a feeling he had something to do with my father. You were involved too. But I won't just shoot you. I have something else planned."

Forcing him up, I prodded him in the back and led him outside. The mine had fallen mostly silent as Catalina took over prodding him as I led us onto the main path down into the mine. In communication with one of the small teams, they'd found one of the labs I expected was operating there. Forcing him into the mine, I glanced around to see some high-tech equipment and a myriad of drugs being readied for export, no doubt not just around the country but more than likely north to Asia and perhaps even across the Pacific to the Americas.

"Explosives are ready, sir."

"I had someone check all the shafts, Johnson. This isn't even on any of the plans. I'm not sure how long the air will last once we collapse the entrance. What I do know is that there is no way out. I find it rather fitting that this will be your tomb."

Just to make sure he didn't get any ideas about escaping; I left a bullet in each of his knees before I walked away.

The explosion wasn't enormous though it certainly echoed around the mine, and I did wonder if it was heard elsewhere, such as in Bow River. There was a large crowd of miners, plus another group of people who had been press-ganged into working for Johnson in regard to his more illegal activities. I didn't tell them who I was, as I didn't want anything coming back on me or my family, but told them that, for the time being, the mine would be closed. However, they were to keep eye on the news over the next few days as they were going to learn plenty of things about their former employer.

Returning to camp, Catalina and the others immediately started to pack away. Thanking all the men for coming to help, I received warm grins and assurances they owed me for saving their arses more than once. As for Catalina, I took her hand and led her towards my vehicle.

Pulling up outside the house, I led her towards the house. Opening the door, I announced it was me, Mum and my sisters appearing from the living room, the three hugging me immediately, enjoying the cuddle, before they let me go and I could introduce Catalina.

"Do you love my son?" Mum asked as we sat down for breakfast.

"No, he's just a really good fuck," she replied, "Not just a good fuck, a great fuck. I ring him up occasionally just to get that dick. Know what I mean?"

"God yes, it's some great dick," Amelia murmured before she covered her mouth.

"Sweetie, don't worry about it," Catalina assured her, "I understand, and I'm happy for both of you. I could see it in his eyes as soon as I saw him that he was in love." My sisters both smiled at me as she added, "I won't expect sex again, but I could always use a friend."

"Would you like three more?" Mum asked. Catalina looked away, blushing slightly, first time I ever saw her react that way.

"I miss my mother," she whispered.

Before I knew it, Mum was hugging Catalina while my sisters were hugging me. "Where is she?" Mum asked softly.

"Died when I was younger. Dad had already disappeared, so I entered the system. It's why we're chosen."

Breakfast was a delight before Catalina announced she had to leave with the others, but I assured my mother and sisters that Catalina lived close enough that we could see her often. Driving her back to camp, she was away with her thoughts, only hugging me before she was about to leave.

"Okay, your sisters are too bloody adorable," she stated, "But I love what your mother told me. I could always use a few friends."

"Are you going to keep working?"

"I'm not sure. If you're not working anymore..."

"I can't keep doing it now, not with what I have to lose." I paused before adding, "We should move closer to each other."
