Break-In Ch. 04


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Cindy said "I can tell you're upset about something. Is it this Locklear case Savannah's bringing?"

Miriam said "Does it show that much?"

"Yes." Cindy said, not saying that she could 'see' what most others could not. "And I get the idea that you feel like you're between a rock and a hard place. That case is going to get very politically charged, and it could hurt you very badly in the next elections."

Miriam said "Iiiii... I'm not sure I should be talking to you about it."

Cindy said "Listen. I know you are feuding with the Sheriff and with Don, and I know it's a very bad situation for all of us. But this isn't about them. Look, I'm left-of-center politically, but I'm also a political atheist, and I don't get into all the activist crap. And I and just about everyone else thought you were right-of-center, so we're stunned that you're letting Savannah charge Locklear, and frame it as a vigilante case, especially when the Police are still investigating it."

Miriam sighed, then said "I'll tell you what I've told Griswold and Troy... Savannah is my ADA, and it's not for them nor you to tell me what to do---"

Cindy held up her hand. "Miriam... please. I'm not trying to tell you what to do with your ADAs, so please don't go there with me. Drop the shields for just a second, and let's talk openly and honestly about this. What Savannah is doing is bothering you, and I just want to understand, for myself, not for the Sheriff nor the Police, why you're letting her do that, and not reining her in."

Miriam stared at Cindy for a second, and Cindy stared back. Finally, Miriam said "It wasn't supposed to be this way. I approved Savannah going to the Grand Jury because I believe Locklear didn't have to fire his weapon. They had put down their guns, which were fakes, and he could have just held them in place until the Police arrived."

Miriam: "It was the Press that escalated it into a vigilante case, and went political with it. I never wanted nor expected that. And when I called Bettina about it, she just laughed in my face. There is one thing the Iron Crowbar and I agree upon: I despise the Mainstream Media as much as he does."

Cindy: "I don't blame you. So why don't you talk to Savannah, get her to pull back?"

Miriam said "Because if I do, or if we drop the case, the Media won't call Savannah out on it, they'll attack me. And you were right, they'll destroy my election chances. If you want Ted Mason or Gil Krasney winning the next D.A. election, you'll get it if I pull back on this now."

"Krasney?" Cindy asked, surprised.

"Oh yes." Miriam said. "He would give up the State A.G. job to become D.A. here again... just so he can fuck up the Police and especially the Iron Crowbar. I'm really not Don Troy's enemy, even though he apparently thinks I am. But Gil Krasney is."

Cindy said "I'm not saying this to argue, or tell you what to do, but will you let me tell you what Don is really thinking?" Miriam shrugged and nodded, so Cindy said "Don is the greatest Detective any of us have ever seen. Hell, he's better than Sherlock Holmes and The Batman in fiction."

Cindy: "Don never intended to become a cop; it just happened. He does not need that job; he could be successful in anything he wants to do. But since he committed to become a cop, he does his job to the best of his ability. The only problem with that is that Don is extremely direct. He plows straight through obstacles rather than negotiate them. He'd be a lousy politician; he has no sense of negotiation."

Cindy: "As an example: a lot of people called him a racist after he very straightforwardly crushed the race riots last year. He's not a racist, far from it. But he naively was colorblind about it all; he never really considered the political issues and ramifications. And he may have been correct to do that, but it certainly caused angst."

Cindy: "And again, this is not a shot at you, but just explaining where he's coming from. Like I said, Don is the greatest Detective I've ever known. He took down Westboro, the Consultant of Crime. He destroyed the White Supremacy groups as well as those ginning up the Black riots. He has overcome Federal corruption, both in The City and also their attempts to frame him for crimes he did not commit, even after they destroyed his home and tried to murder his daughter and a Police Dog."

Cindy: "And I've known Paulina Patterson even longer, since before Don even moved to the Town & County. She has been a fantastic ADA, and she and Don have worked well together... not only making my cousin Tasha, but in putting away some really bad criminals. She might well have been murdered by Westboro if Don had not shown up."

Cindy: "So I understand where you're coming from, about assigning your people to cases as you see fit... but Don does not. He simply does not understand... no, he refuses to understand... why you have torn apart that successful situation. And after Savannah cut his knees out from under him in the Davalos case, he's doing what he does... he's taking the direct path by refusing to work with her, and by making his own plea deals."

Cindy: "So I'm not trying to change your mind on anything, just showing you the other side. And all I ask of you is to consider things going forward, starting with this Locklear case. If Savannah goes forward with it, she will lose, and lose badly."

Wow, she actually listened to me, Cindy thought to herself. But she also could feel that her words had had little effect on the District Attorney. And then she saw Miriam Walters's face change, ever so slightly, just a bit of a sparkle in those beady black eyes. What's that about? Cindy wondered.

Miriam said "I'll consider what you have said. But you're right... the Locklear case is locked in, and it's Savannah's case... win or lose." And Cindy caught the vibe...

Part 23 - Authors

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the redheaded MILF reporterette at 7:00am, Monday, June 14th, from the roof of the building at Riverside and College, with Police Headquarters in the distance behind her. "Commander Donald Troy escalates the Locklear case with a wrongful arrest!"

After the hard-charging intro music, Bettina began: "Police arrested Harriet Hogue, widow of Chuck Hogue, who was slain by his business parter Stanley Locklear just over a week ago. Mrs. Hogue was charged with Obstruction of Justice and Lying to Police. Let's go to trusted reporter Amber Harris for more. Amber!"

"That's right, Bettina!" shouted the athletic blonde reporterette from the copse of trees next to the Courthouse, with said Courthouse in her background. "Mrs. Hogue is expected to be arraigned this morning. ADA Savannah Fineman says she will urge the presiding Judge to drop the charges, citing insufficient evidence, claiming that Commander Donald Troy's specious charges are just bullying tactics that Donald Troy is well known for. Commander Troy has refused to respond to multiple, repeated requests by Channel Two News for comment."

Amber: "ADA Fineman has also told Channel Two News that she is giving Marla Locklear total Immunity from prosecution in exchange for her truthful testimony against her husband Stanley Locklear, who is accused of two counts of first degree murder in a vigilante action that left his business partners dead."

Amber: "ADA Fineman also cited her reasons for adding aggravating circumstances to the charges against Locklear, which makes his trial a Death Penalty case. ADA Fineman is alleging that the two men actually were unarmed and not holding weapons when they were shot, and that Locklear's actions were an intentional act of vigilantism. Back to you, Bettina!"

Bettina: "Amber, what does District Attorney Miriam Walters have to say about this case?"

Amber: "Bettina, D.A. Walters declined to appear on camera for an interview with KXTC, but she issued a statement saying that the case is ADA Fineman's responsibility to prosecute."

"Thank you, Amber!" Bettina said happily. "That was trusted reporter Amber Harris with that important story. Political experts say the Police actions and arrest are legally incorrect, and that ADA Fineman is correct to make the case one of vigilantism as well as failure to retreat from the danger without using guns."

Bettina: "And in other news, Climate Justice has been denied as the lawsuits against Chief Deputy Sheriff Cindy Ross have been dismissed. Let's go to highly respected political reporter Carl Lemay for more. Carl!"

"That's right, Bettina!" said the slender black reporter, wearing a well-fitting suit, with County Jail in his distant background. "After Judge Franklin Washington dismissed the lawsuit and lifted the stay on developing the land in the dispute, Ms. Ross immediately had workers clearing the land, mercilessly cutting down old growth trees on the mountainside behind where she intends to build her home. She also had the properties next to her homestead, which she also owned, recklessly cleared of trees."

Lemay: "The PCGW and other entities involved in the lawsuit made an emergency appeal to Judge Leahy of the Appellate Court, and asked for an injunction to prevent the land clearing until their appeals were exhausted. Judge Leahy did issue the stay, but it was immediately overturned by Federal Judge K.M. Landis as well as State Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert Johnson."

Lemay:" "Chief Deputy Sheriff Ross immediately began clearing the land, making further legal action by the Climate Justice groups relatively moot. Ms. Ross could face heavy fines if the appeals succeed and the lawsuit is reinstated and the Climate Justice groups win... but the trees are gone, and the environment needlessly damaged."

Lemay: "In a statement to Channel Two News, the Climate Justice groups have sworn vengeance against Chief Deputy Ross on behalf of the Environment. And Dr. Lionel Carmela has also promised that there will be retribution if Ms. Ross does not support Climate issues with a large purchase of carbon offsets to atone for her radical, ultra-Conservative actions. Back to you, Bettina..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"That was fast." Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle said as she, Chief Deputy Cindy Ross, Deputy Chief Tanya P. Muscone, Chief Sean Moynahan, Commander Donald Troy (me), and Sheriff Antonio Griswold watched the propaganda-cast and drank coffee in the Chief's Conference Room.

Teresa said to Cindy: "You had those crews ready to go to cut down those trees the moment you legally were allowed to."

"Damn right I did." Cindy replied. "I can pay a fine. But like Lemay surprisingly noted, the trees are gone, they can't be put back, and I'm going to have a view."

Indeed, the Green Crowbar had paid the crew ahead of time a large bonus to be on call at any moment, and as soon as Judge Washington ruled in her favor, she had those crews at work before the radical groups's lawyers could get the paperwork to appeal filed.

Tanya asked "Why did you clear the trees on the property next door? You planning to sell it?"

Cindy said "Yes. Edward R. Steele has already purchased an option on the property. As soon as we get the legal stuff cleared once and for all, he'll buy it and start building a house. I'm starting my house immediately."

Tanya said "If Edward moves, what does that mean for his Council position? And Marie's schools?"

I said "Marie will continue to be in the Town High school system, as her mother's employment at the University allows."

Sheriff Griswold growled: "As to Edward... yes, that property, and yours Cindy, is in Ian McGhillie's district, which is one of the five County seats on the Council. And don't let this get out of this room, but I have heard that Mr. McGhillie is strongly considering retiring and not running for re-election to the Council."

"Wow." I said. "And J.P. Goldman has already said he won't run again, and Selena Steele is going to run for his Council seat. As some wise person once said... 'the only constant is change'."

I then said "I'd like for Chief Deputy Ross to explain to us why Bettina and Amber made sure to include D.A. Miriam Walters in their lynching of Stanley Locklear." I had felt her vibe all the way across the table when that had been said.

The Green Crowbar's head whirled around as she affixed her ice blue eyes on me. "What do you mean?" she said, somewhat as a challenge.

I said "The wording of Miriam's statement was... interesting, was it not?" All eyes went to Cindy.

Cindy replied: "The Media is your bugaboo, Don, not mine. You'll have to ask Bettina and Amber what they're doing with that."

I said no more, but Cindy was clearly shaken up by what I'd said. She should've known, I thought to myself, that not much gets past me. She should've known...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

8:15am, Monday, June 14th. All of the Detectives in MCD, Vice, and Intel assembled in Classroom 'J' at the 'invitation' of the Police Commander. Once they were inside, the Sheriff, Teresa, and I brought in boxes of books.

Sheriff Griswold took to the podium as Teresa and I gave out the books, which had paper slips denoting each particular recipient. "This is the second book in my three-part series. And this time I had a co-author, who met his deadlines before I did. I don't know how he finds the time."

The book was titled 'The Art and Science of Detection', subtitled 'Interviews and Interrogations'. (Author's note: the first book is in 'The Other World', Ch. 02.) And the co-authors were listed as 'Antonio Griswold and Donald Troy'.

"Aww, this photo on the back cover is awesome!" Joanne Warner practically squealed. On the left side of the photo was Sheriff Griswold sitting on the bench in front of the statue of President Jefferson in Courthouse Square. He was wearing his Sheriff's uniform with brown jacket, his full 'fruit salad' of ribbons, and the MOV around his next. To his left was Your Iron Crowbar, in my Police uniform with 'fruit salad' and MOV.

But what Joanne loved was the extremely handsome Police Dog sitting between us. Yes, the redoubtable Bowser was striking a pose, stylin' and profilin', wearing his bandana and Police badge.

The Sheriff's dedication was to his late wife and son, and to all the LEOs he'd ever served with. My dedication said "To my children. May all of them achieve greatness." The books were autographed by the Sheriff, all with personal notes. They'd have to come to me to add my autograph.

"Y'all read this book," the Sheriff said, "and then I'll work with you, together and separately, on your interrogation skills. You're all good, but we all can be better... well, I don't know if anyone will ever be able to sit across from a perp like the Iron Crowbar does, and say 'I'll tell you what happened, and you correct me if I go astray.'." There was laughter that turned into applause.

I said "Any and all of you could do that."

Cindy said "No disrespect to anyone, Don, and I love it when you do it. But no, none of us can do that. And I doubt anyone ever will."

One person will, I thought to myself. One person will...

Part 24 - Epilogue

10:00am, Monday, June 14th. Teresa came into my office and handed me her copy of the book. The Sheriff had written "It has been a joy to watch you rise to what you have become. Don't ever stop reaching for greatness."

Now how was I supposed to top that? I thought to myself. Still, I tried: "To my most loyal Angel. Your courage is exceeded only by the greatness of your heart. All my love," and my name.

"Awww," Teresa said as she read what I'd written. Then she said "Sir, can I ask you a question?"

"If you stop calling me 'sir' when we're not in public." I said whimsically.

Teresa nodded, then said "Uh... that project you're working on. It's about Catholic priests abusing children. Maybe Cardinal O'Leery himself?"

I didn't flinch. I said "Yes, that's what this case is about. How did you know?"

Teresa said "It's the only thing I could think of that you'd have a reason to keep from me. And when Tanya asked you about looking into Louella Hopper murder, I remembered that one of the things she was working on at the time was Catholic priest molestations."

"That..." I said after a pause, "... is Iron Crowbar thinking. Truly Crowbar-worthy." I held up the red crowbar and said "It's yours whenever you want it."

"I don't." Teresa said. "You'll give that straight to Carole. You know it, I know it, she knows it... hell, it's unanimous."

I grinned, then took the file folders out of my safe. As I handed them to her, I said "I have seen the good that converting to Catholic Christianity has done for you, and this is going to shake that faith to the core. So I wanted to make damn sure I had my ducks in a row on it before I told you. Ditto that for Father Romano."

Teresa looked me straight in the eye and said "I appreciate that, sir. But you don't have to worry. My first loyalties are to you, and then to the TCPD Badge. The Church will have to take its place behind those."

I nodded, fully realizing the implications of her stated order of her loyalties. She opened the file and began reading...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Later that afternoon, Teresa and I went to the offices of the Town & County Examiner. Owner and Executive Publisher Alison McFarland greeted us enthusiastically.

In answer to our small-talk inquiries, Alison said "Yes, the paper is doing pretty well as a weekly, printing the engagements, weddings, goings-on of the Ladies Auxiliary and the Kiwanis and Lions Club charity drives, and getting advertising. But it's the online advertising that is really paying off. So, what brings the rabidly anti-Media Police Commander to my humble office?"

I smiled, as both Alison and I knew that she was the exception to my anti-Media rule. I said "I have a cold case. I don't have the time I need to fully pursue it, and it may be one of those times where being a Police Officer is more of a hindrance than a help to me in my investigations. But it might be perfect for you, Keith Madden, and Geiger to look into, and it could be good for your 'Unresolved' podcasts." (Author's note: 'Unresolved' for more on Alison's podcasts.)

I continued: "If you get the goods on this perp, something legally actionable that I can use to bring this bastard to justice, hand it to me and let me do it. Even if you don't, there's a Pulitzer in it for you. But I'll warn you now... it's going to be dangerous, and the sheer power of those that will try to stop you cannot be underestimated."

Alison said "Worse than what you faced when the Swamp Frogs came after you?"

"Yes." I said, dead serious. Alison could see in my gray eyes as I stared into hers that I was not kidding around. "And if you accept this, I need to know that you will be totally committed to it, and won't back out."

"Okay, what is it?" she said. I handed her the file folder. When she read the name of our prey, she gasped and looked up at me in shock...

Finis... for now.

Author's note: This story, including the trail of Stanley Locklear, will continue in stories in the near future. In the meantime, who is guilty? Stanley? Marla? Harriet? All of them? None of them? Stay tuned...

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chytownchytown5 months ago

*****Thanks for the read.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum7 months ago

Think Claire is lacking some crowbar attention like she got when she came back.

I would address the Anonymous commentors who lay cheap shots at WW. If you are going to leave a negative or sarcastic comment under Anonymous give WW a chance for rebuttal. In the past I have used Anonymous but put a name to the comment if you want an answer to question. WW is doing the writing for you free of charge. I’ve read from Todd and Melina to now Break In and all the comments following each story/chapter. So be respectful to WW.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
They never change

I've been around longer than my fair share, and have met a number of people like Claire. In the literary world it may be possible to mend them. In the real world I have never met one who could be changed. They blunder through life causing chaos and angst. You can learn to tolerate them, stay away from them, or let them give you ulcers.

As usual, a great story well worth a 5

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

A tad disappointed that the Locklear case was not resolved but it is the writer's perogative to defer it. A lot of issues coming to the fore and so much confusion or obfuscation concerning many characters; was hiring Clare a huge mistake, why does Joanne keep making the same mistake case after case, why does Cindy keep challenging Don, etc. About the only ones you can be sure of are Don, Griswold, Teresa and probably some of Don's kids.

Great writing, another 5 ⛤

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 1 year agoAuthor
Next story submitted.

The first chapter of the next story, "Deliver Us From Evil", has been submitted.

Paying Patreon patrons (Level 1-4) will receive the story tomorrow (11/1/22) morning. I will be posting the stories to Patreon first. Click on the Contact tab and click "Webpage" to reach my Patreon site.

Stay tuned for more announcements.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
Reading comprehension

Alright I admit it; I glossed over a few words at the end of the story. Like many others I was stupidly waiting for Break-In Chapter 5. That's on me. Good story, I would think it's unfinished, but it is the author's license to end where they end. We the public look forward to as many stories as you are willing to write, in your time frame of course. I often post as anonymous because I don't harangue the author but do make the occasional observation and conclusion based on precedent. I've even asked if author's are okay or doing well upon occasion, when it appears that they don't post in their average periodic rate as if life doesn't spring up and lay waste to best laid plans et. al. So, doing well WW? Hope life is good, and we'll see ya at the next published item, whenever it might be. - Cheers, Anon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

good storhy and I M nonynura as I lost my id. reADERS SHOLD REMEMBER YOU TOLD US 30 Days we could expect somethng and yoju have been very consistent but a few times gaVE US SOMETHING SOONER. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, SORRY AT 85 DONT TYPE SO GOOD ANYMORE.

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 1 year agoAuthor

Okay, I keep getting emails from "Anonymous", to which I cannot reply because there's no return email, asking when I'm going to post the next chapter of 'Break-in'. READ THE LAST PARAGRAPH! This WAS the end of 'Break-In', and the trial of Stanley Locklear will be part of future story!

Also, I am getting tired of people who think they are ENTITLED but post as 'Anonymous' making a subtle demand that I post IMMEDIATELY by asking if I am ill. Yeah, I'm sick all right... sick and tired of the ENTITLEMENT attitude of Snowflakes.

P.S. Patreon patrons have the right to complain, but should do so on Patreon, not here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

WW, I'm becoming concerned. Are you ill?

ThorlolThorlolover 1 year ago

Sooo, will the next installment actually resolve the case? Because I am actually a bit disappointed. 4 Chapters and no plotline was resolved. Stanley Locklear was not resolved, the feud between the D.A office and the police was not resolved and I dont know if anything in-house needed to be resolved but it seems like there is a lot of tension. So yeah, 4 chapters without anything substantial left me rather empty, sadly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love this story and await the next installment.

I am concerned that while I was traveling Climate Injustice came out but is no longer available on the site. I hope you are able to resubmit.

Thank you


pk2curiouspk2curiousover 1 year ago

Marla & Harriet . Both snakes in the grass . Separately guilty . Stanely may be guilty . It will be hard to prove .

666iceman666icemanover 1 year ago

Savannah is a paid lacky of the 'Swamp Frogs'. Mirium will try to cover her ass and to look as if she has come to the correct decision, But the I/C is aware of Cindy and her talk as Miss Peabody is the I/C grapevine in that area.

Mrs Houge is a suspect of particular interest as she detests anyone who does not follow her ideals. She will snuff her own Husband to show she expects nothing but pure submission to her and her alone. I feel that, without 'proper data' she thought that Stanley would shoot his wife and Tom whome she could not control and so be it if Chuck got injured, All good for the devorce and the cash she would gain form both directions. As we know .

Marla was not liked by eitherof the partners wives and she was a long time lover of Tom and felt her Husband could be shot by Tom who would save her from her husband who went overboard on a little sexual role play. So Tom shoots Stanley and Chuck and wounds Marla, and said he overpowered Stanley etc etc.

Yes all without proper data and thankfull never had a case like this whilst involved with Law Enforcement. Had many like Claire and a couple like the I/C Angles who looked after me (I always turned up with good coffee and cakes)

Another 14/10 double cheeseburger and double 5*.

Can not wait for Savannah amd her DA to get their come-up-ence (Crowbar Version).


drycreeksdrycreeksover 1 year ago

Geeze ur killin me. What no trial ending ? Another great story. Cant wait for the next installment. Ur work is always enjoyed n appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

That’s a dirty trick ending without a solution! :p

I guessed Marla being pregnant with Toms child. My dilemma is that I’m failing to see how that translates to any motive for her to set him up to be killed. I’m sure the answer is there, I’m just not seeing it.

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