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I was on the verge of vomiting, I had to get all that cold spunk off my legs and feet. I got in the water while it was still cold and shoved my feet under the flow. The pressure wasn't enough to make it come off, I was going to have to touch it. I vomited, going to my knees, then immediately grabbed a cloth and tried to scrub it away. I was sobbing and my stomach heaved as I scrubbed myself raw.

"Easy girl," Tom said gently.

"Fuck you asshole!" I screamed angrily. "You brought him here to RAPE me! What is WRONG with you?!?"

"I told you, it had to be done. And I didn't think that I could do it..."

"Get out! You got what you wanted, get out!"

"Easy girl, get yourself washed up and I will make you some food. Eric is getting dressed, he should be gone by the time you are done."

"Fuck you both! Get out. I don't want you here!"

"We need to talk, girl. Clean up and come out here."

I looked up at him angrily, his head poking into the sliding glass door of the shower. "Do you really need to watch me you fucking creep?"

"Girl," he said in exasperation. "Get off the floor and wash up. I don't have time to humor you today."

"Fuck you!"

"Am I going to need to motivate you, girl?" he asked darkly.

I stumbled to a standing position and glared at him. "I don't care about your reasons, or intentions. I care about what you tried to do. I will see you pay if I have to buy myself a fucking gun and..."

He shot his hand out and grabbed a fistful of my hair, shoving my face against the tile close to him. I gasped, my eyes rolling up to him as I tried to push myself back with my good hand. His face was an inch from mine, his hand in my hair, his arm along the side of my face and shoulder. It was solid and strong and unwavering, that hand. My breath caught as I felt excitement build and I looked up at him again. His face went from angry to a hooded expression, like he could sense, or see the shift in my excitement. My mouth opened to speak, but I couldn't think of anything to say. My eyes went to his lips and he leaned slightly closer. He was so close, his breath tickled my lips.

"Be quick, Lille Jagerfly," he whispered softly. He let me go gently and slid the door shut.

I stood trembling for a moment, trying to sort out my feelings. I should be pissed at him, but his strong, no bullshit sense of command was sexy as hell. He was in control and I liked that. I didn't even know I liked that until he had showed me. I swallowed hard and started washing again. What about Keane? He was so hot and sexy, but what else? Yeah he was a wet dream walking and he turned me on like a faucet, but other than sex, what was he? I tried hard to sort my feelings out, but had come to no conclusions when the water started cooling. I got out and dressed quickly in more yoga pants, jeans still being out of my abilities. A hoodie was easy and made me feel less vulnerable.

I peeked out, down the hall. It was quiet. I slipped out, as quietly as I could. Tom was in the chair, next to the front door, facing me.

"Eric is gone. He should be heading back, but he has enough leave that he may try and hang around. Come back."

"I can take care of myself," I said quickly. "So long as I don't have someone selling me out."

He gave me a rueful smile. "There is one more thing I need to show you before I leave you alone for good," he said, standing. "I will grab you some breakfast on the way, you need to eat."

"Soak up the drugs you slipped me?" I asked angrily.

"Among other things. Get your shoes."

"I'm not going anywhere with you!"

He sighed and half smirked. "You are going, even if I have to throw you over my shoulder. It's important."

"Fuck you," I snapped, turning to go back to my room. I shoved the door shut and turned the lock, only to discover that it kept turning. It was as if there was no mechanism in it, it was just for show.

Tom opened the door, pushing lightly and I threw my weight against it. He pushed it open easily and scooped his hand around my waist to lift me. I struggled and he flipped me, pinning me against the wall. He put his face next to mine as I stilled, his mouth against my jaw. "I am taking you for a ride girl, you can be good or I can hog tie you and put you in my trunk. Which is it?"

I felt myself trembling, his body pressed against mine. I could smell his aftershave, it was masculine and spicy. My heart was pounding, my adrenaline so high it was making me shake. I could feel me nice clean panties getting wet as my body responded to his exertion of control over me.

He grunted softly and lifted me a little higher to sit me in the crook of his arm. He walked me out of the house and I threw my arms around his neck so I wouldn't fall. He lowered me into the passenger seat gently and shut the door before hurrying around to the drivers side. The look he gave me when he got in was considering. I was so tense, I felt like something was about to snap. He pulled away quietly and drove me into town, stopping briefly at the bakery. He left me locked in the car and when he got back in, I realized I had not once tried to walk away once he had put me in his car. Had he drugged me again? No. I felt fine. Normal. Like me. Excited and full of expectation. He set a small paper bag in my lap and handed me a cup of coffee. There was a croissant in the bag and it was still warm. Flaky and delicious. I was starving!

He chuckled as I ate it and I managed to glare at him around a mouthful. He pulled up in front of a house on a high mound. All the houses on the street required concrete stairs built into the yard. He came around and picked me up, setting me in the crook of his arm again. He carried me up the stairs to the house and unlocked the door.

"Is this your house?" I asked, scowling again.

"Yup," he answered, swinging me around to put me on an old couch. It was a small, cute house, filled with what looked like thrift store furniture from the seventies. Very masculine, very minimalistic. He went back to the door and slid the bolt and locked it.

"Why did you bring me here? What do you need to show me?"

"I have seen girls after they are raped. I know how they act. They DON'T get excited when they are grabbed roughly. Like you did in the shower. You should have been hysterical, crying, upset, not wanting to be touched. All you cared about was getting Don's jizz off of you. I don't know what happened, I don't know why Eric lied about it, but I know you were not raped last night. Also, you flat out said it. 'What I tried to do'. Not 'what I did'. I see that look girl, don't try to run. Door is locked, I have the key. You ain't goin anywhere. And I am thinkin' you don't really want to anyway, do you?"

"So why here?" I asked breathlessly, trying to stall for time.

"Because my house is out of the radius of his influence. What did he tell you? What did he say?"

"He who?" I asked playing dumb. "Eric? He said he wouldn't touch me if I came back to Chicago and dated him, gave him a chance. Said he wanted to see me happy, not hurt me. Wanted to make me feel good."

"At least have the decency to look me in the eye when you lie to me girl," he said with another smirk.

I looked back up at him. The front door seemed to be the only way out. There was another door, but I could see the corner of a bed. I knew it was just the bedroom. The bathroom was probably attached to it. The kitchenette was open to the living room, there was nothing, no other way out. The excitement heightened. What the hell was wrong with me? His smile was knowing as he knelt in front of me, putting a large, strong hand on my leg. I pushed it off, my face burning.

"Girl, we both know how this has to go."

"I thought you said you couldn't do it?" I asked angrily, looking around again, this time for a weapon to use.

"Yeah, that was before I got to know you," he said with a chuckle. "Doubt I will have an issue anymore. Don't think you will be objecting much either." He leaned closer, catching my wrists and transferring them to one hand before putting his hand on my thigh again. He wasn't being rough, or holding me too tightly. He wanted me to give in to him, not fight.

I leaned forward, looking from his eyes to his mouth, parting my lips as if I wanted to kiss him. He moved to meet me halfway and I used his own momentum to headbutt his lip.


What no one tells you and you never see in movies, is that that fucking hurts. A lot. My head was ringing like a bell. He pulled back a bit and spit out blood on his floor, then looked back at me, watching my eyes go out of focus.

"Well that was stupid," he said, his tone disappointed. My world spun and it took a moment to realize I was actually being moved and it wasn't just my ringing head. White took over my vision and as it cleared, I could see it was a ceiling. White, square, empty. I blinked and tried to clear the fog and pain. "Knocked yourself silly, didn't ya? Good try though. Next time don't use the front of your head. You good now girl?"

I was being shifted and jerked around. When he pushed my arms above my head and fabric appeared, I realized he was undressing me. Roughly. I resisted, but it was mostly token. Any movement made my head throb. Finally, it began to abate and I rolled to my side, trying to feel for the edge of the bed. What I found was a wall. His bed was pushed up against the wall. I turned and he was on the other side of it, pulling off his button down shirt. I paused to appreciate the view without realizing what I was doing. He had a small patch of curly brown hair on his chest and I had half expected some abs and pecs. He wasn't cut, not like I had imagined, but he was hard and wiry. All muscle, even if it wasn't defined like a body builder. When his hands went to his pants, my eyes followed and he paused. I looked up at him and he was watching me with an eyebrow lifted.

Right. I wasn't supposed to be watching him like a hungry and undersexed lover, I was supposed to be getting away from him. He was about to rape me. Against my will. I managed to sit up and my hand went to hy head to see if there was blood. It felt like there should be blood. There was a small bump, but no blood.

"Get your wits back yet?" he asked, shucking his pants. My eyes went to him again. His cock was long and hard. Not as thick as Erics, but not small by any means. It was longer by a few inches, though I could be wrong. I hadn't looked too closely at Eric. I blinked again. What the hell was wrong with me? Comparing the dick sizes of my two would be rapists?

"I think I have a concussion," I mumbled with a scowl.

He laughed as he climbed into his bed. "Tell yourself what you need to girl," he said, pausing as I curled up in the corner, putting my feet in front of me. I was ready to kick him the moment he got close. He inched closer, watching me warily with a shine in his eye. I tensed as he got almost within reach and just as I was about to launch my feet at him, he shot forward and grabbed both of my ankles, yanking me underneath him and pinning me with a fluid motion.

I hardly had time to yelp before he was pinning my hands above my head. He was holding his head out of my reach this time as he smirked down at me and I lay beneath him, frozen in fear, shock and excitement. His hips were between my legs, which felt completely useless splayed out on either side of him. I could feel his hard cock on my thigh, pelvic bone and hip with the angle he had me pinned at. He was up on one elbow, the one attached to the hand holding my wrists, and he looked down at me, naked and prone beneath him.

His look went from hooded and excited to full predator as his free hand moved down to play over my ribs and up to my breast. His hips ground against me and I could feel my excitement building as his cock pulsed against my thigh.

I closed my eyes and groaned, feeling my pussy getting wet all over again. I didn't want this! I pushed Tom out of my thoughts, this plain, ordinary man was no match at all for the gorgeous hunk who would come for me tonight. He wouldn't come for me, not if I let Tom do this. I thought of those beautiful blue eyes, his sexy black curls, those perfectly kissable lips and his dreamy voice.

My will reinforced, I opened my eyes to tell Tom to get off of me, to make him get off of me. His brown eyes, so confident and commanding filled my vision. His lips touched mine and I whimpered as he kissed me. I felt the same sense of safety and warmth wash over me that I had felt the day before. I kissed him back, telling myself it was only a kiss. A kiss couldn't hurt and he felt so wonderful.

He shifted, moving, but kept his lips locked on mine as he lifted his hips. It was my moment, I told myself. I twisted and yanked my knee up with all my might, trying to aim for his groin. He rolled just enough that my knee hit his hip. He grunted, but his lips never left mine and I never stopped kissing him. It was maddening.

He moved again and his free hand slid down between my legs, rolling in the wetness along my slit. He moaned and his kiss became more needy, more passionate. He rolled his fingertips over my pussy, searching. He hit his mark and I pulled away from his mouth to cry out, my back arching, pushing my hips towards his fingers.

"Mmmm," he moaned against my neck as his fingers began working. "You are so hot and wet girl, I want to taste you."

I sucked air in and held my breath, the thought of his mouth on my pussy making me feel elated and hot. My entire body responded to his words, all of me flushing as I began breathing again, panting. He didn't wait for me to agree, he took my reaction as acquiescence. He released my hands and moved down, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck, breasts, and stomach before pushing my legs apart and running his hot tongue along my slit. I moaned wantonly and told myself that this was fine. This wouldn't hurt anything. I could enjoy this and god I wanted to. It felt so good. I buried the fingers of my good hand in his hair as he slid his tongue into my pussy as far as he could. He shifted me, lifting my hips higher so he had a better angle to tongue fuck me before moving up to swirl his tongue around my clit and making me scream for him. He closed his lips around me, locking them over that sweet spot and using his tongue to build my need to explosive levels.

"Oh! Yeess, oh, please, yes... ohh, don't!" I panted, "don't stop!" I was so close to coming when he pulled back suddenly and went back to licking my slit and tongue fucking me. "Oooooh!" I moaned, needing release. This was both torture and ecstasy. He lifted me higher suddenly and moved down to tongue my asshole. "No!" I gasped, clenching and pulling back. His hands tightened on my hips, yanking me roughly closer as he continued to swirl his tongue around that tight little opening. He worked his way back up, bringing me back to the brink, and then back down again to tongue my asshole. He did that several times until I stopped tensing up, then he shoved his tongue into my ass and tongue fucked my asshole as I squirmed. When he moved back up, he latched on to my clit with a will and moved his hand to slide a finger into my pussy. He met no resistance as I welcomed him, pushing my hips to greet him. His finger slid in and out, keeping time with the flicks of his tongue. How was he so fucking good at this?!? When I came, I saw literal spots in my vision, screaming and clamping down on his finger so hard he could no longer fuck me with it. My toes pointed and locked up, my legs and arms and back all locked up as it rose higher and higher. He refused to stop, his mouth working me until I finally came down and turned into a languid puddle on his bed.

He finally slowed, slid his finger out and kissed my pussy gently before leaving a trail of wet, sloppy kisses back up to my neck and jaw. He hesitated a moment before kissing my mouth, as if he thought I might object. When I tasted myself on him, I wondered if that was why. Was that supposed to turn me off? I wasn't sure. I didn't really care. I kissed him, still blissed out and feeling on top of the world. His hands on me, caressing my face, stroking my hair, they felt amazing. He felt amazing. He moved slightly and went back to kissing my jaw and I closed my eyes and let him, happy to sink into a contented delirium.

His hand on my hip, pulling my leg high, brought me out of it. I could feel him, lining his cock up to my slit, so wet and ready for him. This is what I had to stop, he could not take my virginity!

"This may hurt a bit girl," he whispered, just as I cried, "STOP!"

He did not stop. He pushed into me with ridiculous ease, my own juices easing his passage. There was pain, he was thicker than my vibrator, but it wasn't bad. It only felt good, filling me to a pleasantly full feeling.

"Oh?" I managed as he began to slowly move in and out of me. It was done, there was nothing I could do now, so why not enjoy it? I slipped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his hips as he made love to me. It was beautiful and perfect as he kissed me, stroked my cheek and took his time. I held him, whispering to him how wonderful it felt, how good it was, my mind getting lost in his arms. I never once thought of Keane, only the man above me, completely in control but still gentle and loving.

His pace began to pick up and the pleasure picked up with it. "Oh! Oh, yes, I like that.." I moaned as he lifted himself higher for more leverage. He moved faster and harder and I let out a wail of pure pleasure that spurred him to ram harder. He was pounding into me, I could feel him hitting an inner wall, but it felt good. "Yes! Yes, more!" I begged. He went to his knees and grabbed my hips, pulling me up. He jackhammered into me, bouncing me off of his hips, only to yank me right back against him as he thrust. I screamed with the mix of pleasure and pain and it rose several octaves as the first wave of another orgasm swept over me.

He roared, a deafening snarl as he bore me down to the bed, coming as I locked my pussy around his cock again and again. His throbbing dick warred with my clenching pussy as I milked him dry, forcing him to shoot every bit of his cum into me.

He collapsed on top of me, panting. I held on to him as tightly as he was holding on to me as we both tried to catch our breath. He finally half rolled off of me, pulling out as he did and lay next to me, holding me. I turned up to him and he leaned down to kiss me.

We both jerked when there was a loud knock at the door. "What the hell?" he half whispered, sitting up and rolling out of bed. He shoved his legs in his jeans and yelled, "Who is it?!?"

"Uhh, Sheriff Last?"

"Merrit? Is that you?"

"Yessir. Umm, can you open the door sir?"

I sat up and moved to the end of the bed so I could see as Tom opened the front door. A short man in a police uniform stepped in. "Hey, Tom, sorry to bother you on leave... Uhh, we got a noise complaint? Neighbor said someone was being murdered over here?"

Tom snorted and looked over his shoulder at me. The officer followed his gaze to me and I felt myself blush. "Sorry," I offered with a shrug.

"I'll try and keep her more quiet," Tom said teasingly. "Tell Agnes she knows damn good and well no one was being hurt, she watched me bring my girlfriend in here. Tell her to mind her own damn business. And if Cora shows up here, I'll bring Agnes in on stalking and harassment charges. It's no one's business who I bring home, least of all my ex wifes. Tell her, and I mean it. If Cora knocks on this door, I will take her in. I'm done."

"Uhh, yes sir," the boy said red faced. He left with a nod at me and Tom locked the door and came back to the bedroom. He stopped in the doorway, looking me over with his satisfied smirk.

"Need a glass of water?"
