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"Your girlfriend?"

His smirk went to a smile. "Didn't hear you correct me. Or tell him you were being held here against your will," he said, climbing back into bed, rolling me onto my back to kiss me. I didn't stop him.

"I'm hungry," I said, finally pulling away. "That little pastry was less than an appetizer. Take me home so I can grab my purse."

He laughed. "That is the flimsiest excuse ever, girl. If you are truly hungry, I will just take you back there and get you more, you don't need your purse."

"Ok," I shrugged. "Lets go. I am seriously starved."

He looked at me a moment, then sat up, tossing me my clothes. I got dressed and went to his little bathroom. I found a brush and brushed the mess that was my hair, then came out to see him kicked back on his couch with only his pants on still. He was giving me a considering look.

"I thought you were going to feed me?" I asked, hands going to my hips.

"Oh, I was going to feed you something," he said with a grin. I knew he was joking, at least partially, but it pulled at something low in me and I felt my already sensitive pussy starting to throb again. He raised an eyebrow, like he was surprised at the reaction his words caused. A very pleased smile spread slowly across his lips and his eyes went hooded again. "I was waiting for my deputy to finish up next door before we.."

I heard yelling outside and turned to the door at the same time Tom jumped up off the couch.

"Seriously Cora, you need to just go home, she never should have called you!" Merritt was yelling.

"Fuck off Lonnie, you can't stop me from seeing my husband!" from a woman's voice. Seconds later, there was a pounding on the door.

"God damnit," Tom hissed, going to the door and jerking it open.

The woman on the other side was beautiful in a stunning way. Tall, like model tall, with long legs, long willowy, graceful arms. Her blonde hair was beautifully coiffed in a very southern belle style that looked like she was from a magazine cover. Her dress was long, past her knees, in a mint green that set off her skin tone beautifully. I immediately felt like a child who had just come from playing in a pigpen. Awkward, ugly, short, bruised, broken. Her eyes immediately went to me and narrowed, her lips drawing into a straight line. She started to push past Tom, but he blocked her path. "You aren't welcome here Cora, you need to leave."

"The hell I will! That thing, Tommy, really? That thing is what you are cheating on me with? Did he tell you he is married?" she demanded, directing the last question at me.

I felt anger welling up and a switch flip inside of me. "I guess if you knew how to take care of him, he wouldn't be needing to find satisfaction from somewhere else. My guess is those cold, plastic legs of yours don't hold much appeal anymore."

Tom snorted and tried to hide his smile as the woman screeched in rage and tried to bull past him. He held her at bay easily. "Let me go Tommy! I will snatch that little troll bald headed!"

"She would eat you alive Cora," Tom said with a grin at me. "And stop saying we are married. It's been six years, sign the fucking papers. We stopped being married the moment you opened those legs for Mike Delaney."

"We were drunk, I told you that! I thought he was you!"

"We aren't having this out again. Sign the papers. I haven't pressed it, not till now, but I am moving on and I want it done."

"Why Tommy? For her? How old is she? You could be her father! Is she even of age? Is that why you are trying to divorce me? You only like young girls? Little girls? Are you a pedophile, Tommy? Do I need to keep the boys home, protect them from you?"

"Try it, Cora, see what happens," he snarled angrily. "She is more than old enough, and no, I couldn't be her father. She's a lot older than she looks. Not that that is any of your business. Go home Cora, or I will have Merrit arrest you for trespassing and threatening an officer of the law."

"You won't dare, would you Lonnie?" Cora asked, turning to the man on the porch that I couldn't see.

"I would do whatever Sheriff Last told me to do ma'am. We went to school together Cora, that don't make us friends. What you have been doing to Tom is shitty as hell, we all think so. So yeah, I would arrest you. Probably slap with resisting too. Wanna find out?"

"Fuck you Lonnie! And Fuck you too Tommy!" she wailed tears springing up to her pretty blue eyes. "And you!" she cried at me, pointing. "You are a homewrecking little whore and just you wait until I get my hands on you!"

I smiled at her. "I'm free now," I said happily.

"Girl," Tom warned, giving me an exasperated look. "You caint kill my ex wife."

I shrugged, still smiling at the woman, who was now second guessing her threat. "I wouldn't actually kill her," I corrected. "Just show her that I am not someone she wants to fuck with."

"Mm. I know you. You have no idea when to stop, you'd end her sure. Cora, go home. Did you leave the boys home alone again? You know they aren't old enough for that. Do I need to see about your fitness as a parent?"

"Oh you just shut up! They are fine! Eleven is plenty old enough!"

"Would you like to see if a judge agrees? Go take care of our kids, or I will," he said darkly. She finally left and Tom turned to the unseen deputy on the porch. "I meant what I said. Go take Agnes in. I will be at the station after I get my girlfriend squared away."

He slammed the door and turned to me, his eyes dancing with anger. I wasn't worried, I knew it wasn't directed at me.

"You never said you were still married," I offered, feeling like poking the bear a bit.

He grunted and went to put his shirt on. I followed him to the bedroom. "So I guess this means you aren't going to feed me... anything?" I asked, trying to sound seductive, hoping I didn't sound like an idiot.

His eyes swiveled to me and his fingers missed his shirt on the floor and he had to snatch at it again before getting hold of it and standing to look down at me. I knew he was trying to read my face. Finally, he sat down on his bed and leaned back on one arm. "I probably have time for that," he said with a shrewd smile. I felt myself grinning as I moved closer, closing the distance. When I got close, he grabbed my arm and shoved me down to the bed, his face a hair from mine. "But so help me god, if you bite me with those vicious little teeth, it will be the last thing you do."

I giggled. I couldn't help it. His eyes narrowed and my giggle turned into a full on laugh.

"Yeah, I don't think I am going to let you near me now..." he said, sitting back up and letting me go.

I got up and moved to his lap, straddling him. "It didn't even occur to me until you said it, but you have to admit, it is a little funny. My teeth are the one things that scares you, yet you would almost be willing to look past it..."

"Oh, I understand the humor YOU see in it girl. And I am sure you understand why I am less willing to offer myself up to those little teeth."

I smiled up at him and shrugged, grinding my hips in a slow roll. "I won't bite you... but you would have to teach me how? I mean I mostly know, Dillen had porn, but watching guys do it to each other, I don't think it's the same?"

His gaze turned back to considering as he looked down at me. He put his arms around me, lifting me up to kiss me. His eyes found mine again as he let me back down, then he nodded. "I will teach you, girl. But not yet. Hop up, I will get you some food, then I have to go to the station. After, we can come back here and play all you like."

"You are taking me with you? I thought you were 'squaring me away'?"

"I am, now hop up or I'll have to take you again and it will be another two hours before we get anything done."

"Two hours? That doesn't sound so bad..."

"Girl," he said warningly.

I laughed and got up, then froze. I wasn't supposed to be happy and joking and wanting him... I was here against my will. He had kidnapped me, brought me here to rape me... I was supposed to have kept myself whole for Keane! Keane. So beautiful and sexy. Hot enough to make my mouth water. Besides horny, what else did I feel though? I tried to sort it all in my head, but I shoved it away. It no longer mattered. I wasn't a virgin anymore.

I looked at Tom, who was stomping into his boots. Tall, slender, older man attractive, stoic, commanding. I liked that he was who he was, no bullshit, no second guessing, no wondering where you stood.

But he had betrayed me. Set Eric on me. Brought him here to rape me. To save me? From the demon? Was Keane bad? Did I need saving? Tom thought I did. Did that matter? He still meant for Eric to rape me. He still meant to do it himself if he had to. My thoughts warred with each other and I was so confused.

Tom touched my shoulder lightly. "You here with me girl?" he asked softly.

"Sure," I answered, breathless.

"I know things are a bit confusing right now. I am sorry for not being more forthcoming from the start. We can..."

"It doesn't matter," I said quickly, not wanting to hear more excuses or apologies. "Let's go."

"It matters, girl," he said taking my arm to stop me. "It matters. I know how you feel about me and I hate to see you wall it all away and get your back all up. Let yourself be happy. Stop yanking the chair out from under yourself."

"Look, Tom, I have a lot of shit going on. I know it's cut and dry to you, feelings are feelings and it's black and white and all that, but for me it's not so easy. I can't forget as easily as you, no matter how supposedly good your intentions. Lets just go, we can talk about it later. I really am starving," I said, after my stomach growled for the tenth time.

He picked me up and carried me to his car and I didn't argue. I did wish I had grabbed my shoes though. He stopped at the bakery and got me a half dozen croissants before driving me to the station. He carried me in there as well, and I wasn't as comfortable with that, especially when everyone inside gaped at us.

It was only a woman at the reception desk, the deputy, two more officers and an old woman they had sitting in a chair, but still. I assumed the pinch faced old woman was Agnes. Tom took me to an office in the back labelled 'Sheriff T. Last' and unlocked it. He pushed the door open and set me down, then went back out front. I looked around the dark office, then went to the door to watch.

"Agnes, did you think I wasn't serious when I told you to stop harassing me and calling Cora every time I took a piss?" he asked the old woman.

"Cora is my niece! I am allowed to talk to her and tell her what is going on in my life!" the woman snapped.

"Your life, not mine. My life isn't her business or your business. I am filing harassment and stalking charges against you Agnes. Do you know what that means?"

"Means you are a chicken shit! Hidin' behind a badge to do your dirty business! She's still your wife!"

"Agnes that's bullshit. Brielle is the first girl I have even considered dating since Cora and I split, so I don't know what dirty business you mean. You call her when Joe and Eddie come to cards, you call her when you see me carry in a six pack with my groceries, you call her when it's my weekend with the boys and you see me leave to go somewhere with them. You even called her when Edna Brackenbush came over and asked me to help her clean out her gutters! It has gone on long enough, I have tried to be patient with you and her, but I am done. I found something worth standing up for myself for and I will be damned if I let you crazy females drive her off! I am filing charges. So get yourself a goddamn lawyer. You and her both, because she is signing those fucking papers! Lonnie, get it done. I will call Joel and Ben Monday morning."

He turned, his face red with fury and looked at me in the doorway. His look said he dared me to say anything or correct him and I knew now was not the time. Instead, I went to him and slipped my hand in his, letting him walk me out as far as the door before picking me up. When he got to the car, he turned me and pressed me against the door, then kissed me. I don't know how long he had me there, kissing me with every bit of passion and need in his soul, but the screech of brakes made him pull back.

"Fuck," he whispered. I turned to see Cora jumping out of a car.

"You arrested my AUNT? And jesus Tommy, really? Making out out here like a teenager? She know you can't get it up without a pill? You told her that part yet?"

I laughed at her. "He hasn't had any problems so far," I said. "Must have been the person he was with."

"Girl," he warned, his voice low. More loudly, "Your Aunt is inside. If your here for her, go see her. Where are the boys? And you know you can't park there. I will have Lonnie give you a ticket."

"The boys are fine!" she snapped, marching inside militantly.

Tom pulled out his phone and tapped away a few seconds, then turned back to me and kissed me before putting me in the car. He got in, waited long enough to see Lonnie come out with a ticket book and start writing a ticket for her car parked in a handicap zone.

He took me back to his place and he sat down and watched me. I sat across from him on the couch and waited for him to say his peace, whatever it was. He stood suddenly and picked me up, carrying me back to his bed. For a moment, I thought he meant to take me again, but he just kicked off his boots and lay next to me, facing me. We lay inches apart staring into each others eyes and not speaking.

When I woke, my face was buried in his chest and he was holding me. Evening was coming. I sat up, yawning. He rolled to his back and made a disagreeable noise.

"I need to go home and get my phone," I said, climbing over him to go to the bathroom.

"I can get it tomorrow," he grumbled, helping me over him.

"I can go back now, right? It's all over, I'm not... 'innocent' anymore. He'll leave me alone. Right?" I asked through the bathroom door.

He waited for me to come out before answering. "I don't see why he wouldn't, but it seems prudent to not take a chance."

"I need my phone and I want my shoes. And my things. And I am hungry and I have food. Come on. You can stay there with me, he won't bother me now. You said so yourself, all he wanted was my innocence. Right?"

He made a noise that sounded grumpy.

"Ugh. Come on! If I walk I will probably cut my foot open, get lost and Don will find me and take me back to his basement."

He snorted.

"Fine, at least let me borrow your phone so I can call an UBER."

He gave me a scowl.

"Am I still kidnapped then? You don't trust me? I have to stay here and do what you say and I will never be able to live my own life again? Only the one you allow?"

He stood up and glared down at me, then motioned me out of the room while he pulled his boots on. He carried me out to the car and opened the door, then hovered over me a moment, considering.

"I'm feeding you my cock when we get there," he said, his voice low and full of hunger.

I grinned as he went around and got in. I couldn't help it. I was excited to get home and have him teach me.

The door was still unlocked and it made me pause and look around as Tom came in behind me, also looking around. It was quiet and dark. He turned the light on and walked the house before motioning me to the kitchen.

I fixed myself a bowl of cereal as he sat down in the other chair. "Thought you said you had food here," he groused, scowling at my bowl of cereal.

"I do!" I said, holding up the bowl. "There's also some ravioli from a can in there and some ramen."

"What happened to homemade lasagna?"

"I believe she only cooks for me," Keane said with a smile from the door of the kitchen.

I sat up, setting my bowl down hard as Tom stood.

"Hello luv. Seems you've had an eventful day." I looked at him, my eyes wide. God he was hot. Those big blue eyes seemed to nail my soul to the wall. Was he disappointed? Upset? My heart pounded, I had to find a way to make it up to him! Those lips... so kissable and full, meant just for me. His hands, so big and strong, I could feel them whispering over my skin. I ached for him, I needed him. "D'you miss me Mo Shíorghrá?" he asked, coming in the room.

Tom edged closer and took hold of my arms, trying to pull me out of the chair.

"I don't think I'd be touchin' her if I were you," Keane said, his eyes going to Tom. It wasn't a friendly look.

"It's over," Tom said shakily. "It's done. She's not a virgin anymore, she is of no use to you!"

"You don't think so?" Keane asked, cocking his head. "Little luv, did your google ever give you any answers?" he asked, turning to me, giving me that beautiful smile.

It took my breath away completely. "No," I whispered.

"Would you like to know, then?"

"Yes! Please..."

"Mo Shíorghrá. My eternal love. Do you think I would toss her away just like that then? You thought I only wanted her to bring Celia back? That is what you thought, isn't it? Well you would be wrong. It's her I am wantin'."

"She doesn't want you! And I know the rules! You can't take her unless she agrees!" Tom said, an edge of fear in his voice.

"Do you think she won't be agreein' then?" he asked, his shining smile returning. He was close enough now that he could reach out and touch my face and he did. He looked down at me with that sexy smile, his perfect face, a century of need and want pouring into me. I moaned under the weight of it.

"Don't listen to him! It's not him, it's his power! You don't love him, you don't even like him, he is just sex incarnate. He means nothing else to you, nothing at all! Look at me!" Tom cried, tugging harder on my arm.

"I don't think she's listening to you," Keane smirked. He lifted my face and leaned close. "I'm ready for that kiss Mo Shíorghrá, tonight is the night, the moon is hidden completely. I am ready to take you for my own."

"Brielle! Stop, listen to me!" Tom cried desperately as I leaned into Keane to kiss his perfect lips. "He doesn't love you, he is only trying to get a foothold into our world! He wants to escape his prison of this small neighborhood!"

"If that were so I would have taken her that first night. You've no idea what I want from this girl, you only know what you want for yourself."

"I know she doesn't love you, she loves me! Release you magic on her and let her make a true choice!"

Keane chuckled. "You are so confident she would choose you? A few short years with a shell of a man rather than an eternity with me? Mo Shíorghrá, tell him how foolish he is."

"Keane," I breathed, reaching up to pull him closer, to close the distance between our lips.

"GIRL!" Tom snapped and it made me stop and turn to him, blinking. The command in his voice, the control. I blinked up at him. "Tell him no. Step away from him, come here to me, right now and tell him no."

I felt confusion as another wave of pure want rolled over me. Keane was right here, touching me. Waiting for me to kiss him. I looked up at Keane. "Let me go," I said softly. He immediately released me. I backed away slowly.

"Mo Shíorghrá, do not listen to him! He is a mortal and he is being selfish. He is only thinking of himself. Ask him. Ask him if I can hurt anyone or leave this place by taking you for my wife. Ask him!"

"It... it doesn't matter," I said, my head still foggy. I looked up at Tom.

"Tell him no," Tom commanded gently.

"No," I repeated, turning to Keane. "No! I don't want to marry you. I don't want to kiss you or have sex with you or anything!"

Keane drew up, standing tall and angry. "Look at me Mo Shíorghrá. I can please you like no other. I can give you an eternity of bliss. No one else can offer you that, no one. I am all you've ever wanted and more. Come to me little luv."

I hesitated, looking up at the perfect man. My true dream man.
