Broken Pt. 06


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"Good morning, Jacob," Pauline greeted as I walked in.

"Hey, big bro." Emily had this wide smile on her lips when she said that.

"Ah, that's why there was no hot water," I muttered to myself, noting their wet hair. "I would appreciate it if you didn't waste all the hot water when I have to work," I said as I walked over to the coffee pot to get my kick-start for the morning.

"I'm sorry, Jacob, I had hoped it would have built back up by the time you woke up," Pauline uttered as she stood over the stove making sunny-side-up eggs and bacon for our breakfast. "Since we're going to church after dropping you off at work, we wouldn't have time to run home to take our showers."

"Some reason why you have to go so early?" I asked. Personally, I didn't see why it mattered attending church so damn early on a Sunday.

"We like to partake in the early morning sermon, then enjoy our Sunday school classes, then join the late morning one at ten-thirty." I kept my thoughts to myself as I poured my cup of coffee. If they wanted to waste their Sunday morning, who was I to tell them not to. Knowing that it would keep them out of my house for a good part of the day, something I was happy with, although I was not so happy with them using my car to go in. I have nothing against Christians, Jews, or Muslims. If they want to believe in God, that's their choice. Just don't try and shove it down my throat. I moved off to the table without another word. Looking oddly at my sister when she reached across the table and took my hand in hers.

"I prayed last night," Emily said in this tone that had my hairs standing on end.


"Mmmhmm, that when I go into the hospital that everything will be fine, the operation will be a success, and you will recover quickly. I don't want you missing out on too much of your work." I kept a curious look from my face when Emily brushed her thumb along the back of my hand.

"I noticed the clothes on the floor of your room..."

"I swear once we're back, it will be spotless." Emily's quick response kind of seemed unnatural, if you know what I mean. "I'm sorry if you're angry with me, it's just I've never had my own space before."

"You know I'm just messing with you, right?" I queried, seeing the confused look on Emily's face. Arching an eyebrow when she slapped my hand and pouted in this way that I will never admit to anyone was kind of adorable.

"You shouldn't tease me," Emily huffed, crossing her arms below her breast. I tried not to notice how they jostled as she did that. I tried, but well... boobs are boobs no matter who they're attached to, and what straight horny man doesn't take a peek at jostling boobs?

"That so?" I shot back, noticing something was toasting in the toaster that sat across from me, where it's been ever since I had moved in with my grandmother. My eyes flicked over as Pauline placed Emily's plate before her, then my own. I felt goosebumps raising along my skin as Pauline placed a kiss on the top of my head. Something I remember her doing when I was younger. It felt kind of weird after all this time. My eyes flickered over to the toaster as it went off. Arching an eyebrow when I noted the English muffin halves protruding from it. When did we have those? I don't remember seeing them in the kitchen. Noticing how Emily got up from her seat, placing two slices onto her plate. Not that I minded; that girl could eat. I rather her not be hungry than to eat me out of house and home.

"I hope you don't mind the muffins Jacob," Pauline said, taking the last one after Emily had placed the top half of the second one on my plate, which I was buttering at that moment. "Yet Emily enjoys them. It was one of the few things Roy would get us."

"Ah. I'm assuming you never had a McMuffin before?" I asked, looking over at Emily, who just looked at me with this perplex expression on her face as she held her muffin in her hand and was about to take a bite of it.

"A what?" Emily asked in this curious tone.

"It's from McDonalds, it's a breakfast item of theirs," I stated, watching the yoke of my egg running down onto my plate. God. Who doesn't love bacon? That pig candy just explodes in your mouth when you bite into it. I knew if I ate it every day, I'd die from a heart attack by the age of thirty. Worth it, I think.

"Jacob?" Arching an eyebrow when Emily got a little bashful as she looked down at her plate. "Would you mind if we went some time?"

"Sure, I guess," I shrugged, continuing on with my meal, knowing I'd had to leave soon or I'd be late for work. I hated that, unless I couldn't help it, like, say, traffic or an accident that backs up the interstate for miles. Once I was finished, I lifted myself out of my chair and set my plate in the sink. I would take care of it once I got home from work, but knowing Pauline, she'd probably have it done whenever she got back from church. Heading to my room where my briefcase was stored, where I've placed it ever since they came into my life. I didn't trust them not to rifle through it. Don't know why they would; if they did I doubt either of them would understand an ounce of what was in there. I found it eerie how the house was silent when I came back down and equally eerie to find them already waiting for me in my car. I noted the Tupperware container I had used yesterday was sitting in the middle of the seat after placing my briefcase in the back of my car as I slid into the driver's seat.

"I made you lunch," Pauline said, patting the top of it. "I made a pork roast, mash potatoes, and slaw like Mom used to make," she stated with a smile on her lips. Like she was looking for praise or something as I peered down at it as I started my Impala. "I know you'll like it," Pauline stated with conviction. Okay, I'll admit she can cook, so I probably would. The roar of the engine played in the air as AC/DC's 'Hell's bells' flowed through the speakers of my car. Watching Pauline gripping her seat as the V8 sent her back into it. What can I say? I enjoyed making her as uncomfortable as I could so early in the morning.

The forty-five-minute drive to work was uneventful. Not surprising. It was, after all, very early on a Sunday morning, where any sane person would still be in bed sleeping off their Saturday night bender. I watched how Pauline slid across the seat once I parked in front of my office as I got my briefcase out of the back. Noting how Emily quickly took her mother's spot up front. I think they were getting too used to my car, and I didn't like it one bit. Sighing in my mind as I watched it disappear like I had done yesterday. It never sat comfortably with me watching my baby (Something Dean called his car for those not familiar with the show) driving away. Shaking it out of my mind as I turned around and headed for the entrance to start my work day. Hoping nothing happened to my car in the next eight hours.



We had gotten to our church about twenty minutes prior to services starting that morning. Something I'm happy to find had made its way to my hometown. While I didn't enjoy how Roy took their teachings to the extreme, I did love the teachings. Rubbing my hand along Emily's back as she stood beside me as I reached up to knock on the head priest's office door. Hoping he would have time to see us and to try to help us get Jacob on the right path to salvation.

"Enter." Came the voice of the man we've come to know since returning back to my hometown.

"We're sorry to bother you; we know you're preparing for this morning's services, which we are eager to hear. Yet we need your help," I said, leading my daughter to the seats that sat before the man's desk.

"Ah, our newcomers." I saw the warm, greeting smile on his lips as he peered up from the sermon he was going over as we took our seats. "Now, what can I do for you on this glorious morning?"

"Well, sir, I fear that my son has fallen to The Deluge and The Enochians. Not that he knows it, yet he constantly seeks out other women that aren't of his family or wife like the good book states that the man of the house should do to seek the light of the word," I said, seeing the man's smile disappearing. "We tried to exorcise them ourselves Friday night. Yet I think they lied to us when we were trying to cleanse him of this need he has when all he has to do is tell us, and we would gladly take care of him," I stated, seeing Emily nodding along. "However, due to the illness that has befallen my daughter, she can't perform her duties like it says to in the scripture without endangering my son to the same illness that has taken root in her body. So it falls to me to ensure that my son has his needs fulfilled until the time comes that Emily has her transplant, which I know God will see that she will be cured once my son's bone marrow takes root in his sister."

"And I will pray to ensure that your child recovers quickly from this wicked decease that the Fallen One has placed upon you," the man said in a kind tone as he peered at Emily.

"Thank you, your holiness," Emily said, bowing her head to the man.

"Your son isn't a believer, is he?" the man asked of me.

"No sir, he is not. Yet as the women of his family, it's our duty that he sees the light of God through our love," I said with conviction to save Jacob's immortal soul. Watching the man leaning back in his seat, contemplating on the problem at hand.

"Hmm... it is true that The Deluge and The Enochians can be rather tricky. I do not doubt your faith, never question that." I nodded in understanding. "Yet faith alone won't drive this scourge from your son's body. Did you give him the elixir?"

"Yes, sir, we did that Friday night. Yet I believe we gave him too much, for he doesn't seem to remember that night," I answered truthfully.

"And him spilling his seed upon your altar didn't banish them?"

"No, I don't believe it did," I said, trying not to rub my thighs together in his presence. Still, feeling my son's cock deep inside my pussy hours after the fact. "He went out again last night and laid with a woman not of his family," I uttered in a disapproving tone.

"Hmm... I see; yes, it does seem like The Deluge is blinding him while The Enochians are leading him down the path of damnation." I nodded. That was my feeling too. "However, do not lose faith in what you're doing. If you do, they will win." Of course, I wasn't going to do that. Never that. Not when I just got back into Jacob's life. I wasn't about to lose him again, not ever! "I know this development is troubling for you and your daughter. I do not fault your son for succumbing to them. Those without faith are more prone to be led astray from the righteous path." Emily and I nodded along, knowing that was true. "I will speak with our exorcist; she's had her own battles with these fiends that the Morning Star likes to send against our Lord's children." I watched how the man raised his hands to the ceiling in praise of our Lord. "It might take some time for her to see to your son. She's been very busy this year." I heard him sigh as he shook his head at the corruption that had taken place throughout the world. "Yet if we are to beat them back and save your son's soul, you both will need to be there to help your son to see the light of God."

"We'll do whatever it takes to save him," I said with determination not to lose my son to the Devil's underlings.

"Now, when are you supposed to go into the hospital?" the man asked, looking right at my daughter.

"I'm hoping we hear something this week. Then I'll have to stay in there for a month until Jacob's bone marrow takes hold." I slipped my hand into Emily's, giving it an affectionate squeeze, who just smiled at me when I did.

"Good. I want you to focus on getting well and just leave this to us. There are some things we have to do before she is allowed to perform the exorcism by decree of the church." I nodded as he went over what would be needed to be done over the next month to ensure that Jacob met the requirements for the exorcism to be done.

"Thank you for all your help, your holiness," I said, getting to my feet, knowing he had to get ready for service.

"Think nothing of it; this is why the church is here, to help the lost lambs of God to find the path back to his loving embrace. Here, take this to sister Malory. She will prepare the mixture you will need to help you fight The Deluge and The Enochians while you wait for the church to give its approval for the exorcism." A weight lifted off my shoulders as I took the slip of paper that he held out to me. "Worry not, now that we know who we are facing, the Fiends of the Horned One's days are numbered, for nothing can withstand his holy light once it's shone down from on high." With that, we said our goodbyes, and then Emily and I slipped out the door to head to where Sister Malory was located on the eastern wing of the main building of our church. While I knew it was wrong to drug Jacob to get his mind to see us as we're stated to be in the good book; nevertheless, I knew The Deluge, and The Enochians would not go quietly into the night. I knew they would put up a fight to keep their hold on my son's soul. That was not something I was going to allow.

The smell of herbs and everything else the church uses to fight the forces of evil filled the air as we approached the Dutch door Sister Malory operated from. It was the same place where I had gotten the dose Emily had slipped into Jacob's drink Friday night. I knew if I had done it, he would be suspicious of me and my actions to the point of dumping his glass out and its contents. That was something I couldn't risk, not if I wanted to save my baby. I knew the sermon was already underway as I handed Sister Malory the slip of paper his holiness gave me; I knew God would forgive us for being tardy to it since this was to save Jacob's soul. Malory was a very sweet woman. She understood the situation I was in with Jacob. She, too, had to use the same tactics with her own son and husband. In the end, if her tale was to be believed, they were eager to double-team her every day once they got over the shock of it. Namely, making her husband watch as she rode their son on their living room couch and making her son watch as she took her husband's cock deep into her ass. Something I haven't tried before. I knew Billy wanted to try it out before he walked in on my father and me. Yet I never gave Roy that pleasure. Maybe I should show Jacob how good my virgin ass would feel on his cock? It's a thought I have to ponder as Emily and I watched as Sister Malory prepared the drugs that would be used to make Jacob see the light. I had told her what had happened Friday night and how Jacob didn't seem to remember anything from the night before the next day. Sister Malory had confessed to making the dose she had given me a tad stronger than what the church normally gives out for these kinds of events that would bring the nonbelievers into the fold of his loving embrace.

I didn't fault the woman; she was trying to help us. I even told her so, which got a warm smile out of the woman. When she asked how my son's cock felt when it planted its seed on my altar, as the Gnostic Bible states, I answered fantastic, obviously. God, even now, I just wanted to feel my son deep inside of me. To show him how beautiful I looked when I came, for him and him alone. Jacob was the only man I will ever fuck or submit to. I am, after all, a true follower of the word of God. Nodding along as Malory told me how to administer the dosage to Jacob. Telling me while it wasn't as strong as the first one she had given me, and it would still put Jacob in a compliant state, it wouldn't impede Jacob's memory like the last one did. I'll admit I do want my son to know what my breasts look like when I'm bouncing on his cock, and how my ass claps when he fucks me from behind; because I am going to make that happen. I have to. Otherwise, I would lose my son to the forces of the Unclean One. I couldn't let Billy or my mother down. I knew I would be using it the moment Jacob got home from work, at least after he had a moment to relax after working on the Sabbath. Something his work should know was against God's decree. Thanking Malory as I carefully placed the container that held the mixture of herbs and a few other things in it into my purse. Saying our goodbyes, she nodded to me when I told her we needed to hurry to the chapel so we weren't missed too much.



I was smiling in my mind as I listened to Angie's pleading and moaning to make her cum again with my tongue as I was currently between her legs. Tasting her sweet nectar as it coated my tongue. Feeling her trembling beneath my touch as I had my arms looped around her thighs, my fingertips dancing lightly up and down her thighs to enhance the pleasure she was feeling at that moment. If I was going to be used as a fuck toy, and that is what all she really wanted, someone like me to take her to seventh Heaven without the strings attached like what comes with an emotional affair. I knew when she suggested this that it would be nothing but sex between us, something I wasn't opposed to; I mean, who would be, right? My eyes glanced up, watching how her breasts jostled as her fingernails clawed at the motel comforter. I so didn't want to know when the thing was cleaned last. Not that the dried fluids on it were on my mind at the moment. No. What or who had the room last was the furthest from my mind at that moment. I knew our own bodily fluids soon would soon be marring it. Well, mine anyway. Seeing how Angie had already soiled the comforter as her wet spot continued to grow. Then I noticed the look she was giving me telling me to fuck her and fuck her hard. Something I was glad to do. I mean, who doesn't want to shag their attractive female boss, or male boss if you swing like that. I wasn't concerned about the gay and lesbian lifestyle. If they were happy with what they did in their own homes, who was I to tell them they were sinning like crazy. But I digress.

I smirked when I heard Angie moaning beneath me as I slid my cock into that wet pussy of hers. Feeling her grip tightening on my upper arms as I propelled my rod into the depths of her heat. Listening to my balls slapping against her ass as I pumped my manhood through those tight, velvety folds that were gripping my steel pole like a vice. Again, not something I think a lot of guys are going to complain about. At least it didn't feel like I would have to be half a horse down there just to feel the walls of her pussy like I've had experienced before with a few of the women I had bedded. Not something I was going to hold against those that won the genetic lottery. We're born with what we're born with. Nothing can change that as much as some men wish it. Unless they can now perform a penis enlargement like they do with breasts augmentation. That's not something I am aware of. I would think if that were the case, the whole internet would be buzzing with the news of such an operation.

My hands rolled her breasts as I heard how wet Angie's pussy was getting. I might not be as big as those porno stars, yet I didn't seem to be having a problem getting women off. You've got to play to your strengths. Wishing for something will only distract you from the long game; to ensure you get all the sex you need like I was currently getting. I might not have dated in the past two years but that didn't mean I wasn't getting laid. Since I was, I really saw no reason to seek out a girlfriend at the moment. I knew the thing between Angie and Delph would run its course in time. Until then, I was going to enjoy fucking the hot doctor and my boss until they couldn't walk straight. Something I know Delph greatly enjoyed. I did, too, if I'm being completely honest. The smack of my hand on Angie's right ass cheek echoed in that small motel room. Feeling her pussy just tightening up when I did that. Hearing the little moan it got out of Angie when I did. Glancing at the clock I knew we had to finish this up. The digital numbers ticked closer to half past eleven, and I realized if we didn't get there by lunch, people would start to question why we were so late given the short distance between my office and the plant. I guess Angie, too, had noted the time, because she started to aid my thrusting with her own to urge on my climax as fast as she could. Groaning loudly as I held onto her hips as I dumped my load into her unprotected pussy. Something I wouldn't do if she was still fertile, yet everyone in the office knew she had a hysterectomy a few years ago due to some odd growth on her uterus. Maybe I am a bastard for sleeping with two married women, but fuck, Angie looks so good slurping on my pole as she cleaned her sex from it. Whoever her husband is, he is a right idiot.