Brotherhood of Janus Ch. 04-05: Sarah & Wedding


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"To... to... uh... I'll give you two guesses."

"They still bother you?" I asked. I was now kind of pissed.

"Every once in a while, yes."

"I'll have a talk with them, dear. They will not bother you again. I promise."

"Don't hurt them..."

"I would never, but they don't need to know that. Now, anything else you wish to show me back here?" I asked softly.

"No, this was it," he replied.

"Have they been back here?"

"No. You at the first, beside Jeffery and the work crews."

"Good. And thank you, sweetheart."

I pulled him to me and kissed his lips tenderly. He kissed me back just as tenderly. I pushed away, grabbed his hand, and pulled back the way we had come. We were in his room in the Mansion proper in minutes. In bed seconds later. He made love to me, slow and tender love.

"The wedding is on June 10th, dear," I whispered as he was lying next to me.

"I'm glad," he said.

"Now, who would you like to have strip at your bachelor party?" I asked smiling.

"Ah... what?"

I just laughed as I rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom to shower.

~~~ Janus ~~~

The months slowly rolled by. John was at my place during the week, never bothering me when I had things to do for school. On the weekends, we were at the lodge, enjoying each other and our friends. Each weekend he would take and show me the annex and the progress they had made. Even though it was wintertime, they were now working indoors so winter didn't matter as far as construction went.

I did talk with Susan and Michelle. They both dropped their eyes from mine when I told them to leave my man alone until the next gather. They both hemmed and hawed, but nodded vigorously. I told them both they would get their butts kicked if they didn't. Then I showed them what I meant. I actually kicked them in the ass, hard. They both left rubbing their asses. Mark and George came to see me after that. I set them straight as to why I did what I did. They looked at each other and left to find their wives. The women never bothered John again. I know they both loved him almost as much as I did, but what they had tried to do just wasn't right.

The annex was finished in late February. John and I moved into his quarters the weekend after it was finished and the council had signed off on the annex as being finished. The week before we moved in was very busy around the mansion and John stayed at my place until Friday. Then we both went back to look over everything. The new building didn't look all that new. The annex looked as if it was built around the same time the as main building. I was amazed at how natural it looked. When we made it up to the room in the main mansion, we found all our stuff in boxes.

As John and I checked our old room out, we found nothing of ours left behind. And nothing of the Brotherhood's was missing. As we stood there, three men came in and loaded our stuff onto several carts, and out the door, they went. A tear rolled down my cheek at the memories I had in this room. But then I cheered up at the new memories we would be making in our new room. When we finally made it up to the luxury suite that would be for John, there was one right across the hall for George or whoever the president of the lodge might, be in the future, decor amazed me. I bet myself that Mary had something to do with John and George's rooms. Both were elegant but tasteful.

As we entered John's room, we found Sophie, Dawn, and Heather unpacking our things. I rush in to tell them to stop that John and I could handle our meager amount of belongings ourselves. They shooed us both out. Laughing John took my hand and led me down a floor to the office spaces for the BID. It was abuzz with activity.

"Holy shit!" I almost shouted at the number of people sitting at desks working on who knows what.

Then Mitch was there shaking John's hand and eyeing me. I smiled back at him as I grabbed John's arm, tightly. Mitch just nodded. He led us to another of John's offices. It was in the corner and overlooked the pool. Same as his room. I giggled at the snow-covered view. John chuckled at me giggling. Mitch left us then. John sat down behind his desk. There was a stack of file folders front and center. I raised my eyebrows at him as he reached for the first folder.

"What?" he said hand halted halfway.

"It's Saturday, my dear. A day of rest..."

"I rested all week at your place..."

"So, you weren't on the phone at all?" I asked.

His eyes looked everywhere but at me. I nodded, eyebrows raised.

"Fine, go ahead. I'll go help Sophie and them."

He just nodded as he picked up the first file folder. I turned and went back to our room to help the ladies there.

~~~ Janus ~~~

That night in our new bed, John and I both tossed and turned, keeping each other awake. We both laughed. We were tired, but it being a new bed, the lumps and bumps were unfamiliar and neither of us could relax enough to go to sleep. Rolling into my love's arms, he kissed me deeply. I kissed him back with all the passion I felt for him. He was now my life. My love. My forever man. I loved him dearly. We were both naked and he was between my legs the second I spread them for him. He gently slipped inside me. I shook with a delight I had only felt twice before in my life. And both those times had been with John.

He slowly pushed in and pulled out of my trembling body. I moaned and groaned as he did. My hips bucked against him when he squeezed my clit between us. I was in heaven with my man inside my body. When he started to pound into me, I screamed, loudly.

"Oh fuck! Oh my God! Yes, yes, yes, yes."

John just sighed at the feel of me squeezing him. Then he was coming, hard. I had been coming almost from the beginning of our coupling. Now, though, I was really coming hard as I felt him grow in my vagina as he squirted his semen into me. Then the dear man headed to the bathroom for a washcloth to clean me. He was so gentle but I took over from him for expediency. We were in each other's arms and asleep in minutes.

Chapter 18

Between school and weekends, I had a pretty full life. Most Friday nights I was on a plane to other lodges to do ring ceremonies for new members on Saturday. Or I was in John's room going over some complaints from lodges about this or that. Sometimes I was just sitting there alone, as John was away taking care of a lodge with a lot of recent complaints. John had told me that winter was always a busy time for the BID. Especially, in the northern part of the country. When I was alone, I had schoolwork to do. Grading papers and such. I realized that I wasn't lonely on those nights as someone always dropped by to keep me company. Sometimes it was just a friend, other times when John was at a gather at another lodge, it was a lover. I was hardly ever alone when John wasn't with me.

And that is what I loved about the Brotherhood. Everybody looked after each other, no matter what. When I knew Michelle or Susan would be gone and John wasn't there, I would make sure I went and stayed with their husbands. When Jimmy was gone, I was with Sally, keeping her company, unless, Jimmy was at a gather, then I sent John to her. He hemmed and hawed, but I kicked him in the ass and told him I would drag him to her room. He didn't really mind, but his sense of honor got in the way a lot.

My days at school were dear to me. My kids were all so adorable and I loved each and every one of them. While they were in school, they were my kids. And like with Billy, I tried to make sure I could they were taken care of at home. Most had parents who really cared. Even Billy's parents cared, it was just their circumstances that got in the way. It was late January, the holidays were behind us and we, my class and I, were in the home stretch to spring vacation. I was looking forward to spring vacation. It meant I could go on an investigation with John or whomever he decided to send with me. I loved John a lot and hoped it would be him but would go with whomever he decided to send with me.

The wedding plans were also something that kept me busy even though I had three wonderful ladies doing all the planning, John and I needed to do some decision-making, which meant, me making those decisions. John told me it was our wedding and we should share the burden, then promptly walked away from that burden. I just giggled, I was all for making all those little nitty-gritty decisions. The big ones were the only ones that I consulted with John. I knew he was there to help if needed but had his head filled with making the Brotherhood better. That was one thing I want to help him do.

Winter led to spring as it does every year. I was sitting in my classroom looking at my kids as they finished reading the chapter in their history books. I watched as Eileen passed a note over Billy's shoulder, so it dropped in front of him on his desk. He immediately looked up at me. His face was a mask of horror as I crooked my index finger. Closing his eyes, he picked up the note and rose. I could hear Eileen cry out asking him what he was doing. She looked up at me then. I crooked my finger at her too. She shook with fear as she stood up to come up front.

I held out my hand to Billy. He sighed as he dropped the folded-up note into my palm. A gasp went around the room as both of them stood in front of my desk. I had them sit in the two chairs on the right-hand side of my desk. They both groaned. Three minutes left in the school day, I put the folded-up note on top of my desk and just looked at Eileen and Billy as the minutes ticked by.

"Class, you are still reading," I said softly.

Everyone now had their heads down, but I doubted very much if they were reading.

"You will all right a 100-word composition about what you have just read over spring break. Understand?" I said sternly.

Thirty heads nodded as the bell rang. Billy and Eileen went to get up. I glared at them. They sat back down. We waited until the class had cleared the room. I got up and went and closed the door. Eileen was in tears with Billy trying to console her without looking like he was consoling her. I sat looking at the two children.

"Eileen, stop the crying," I said softly. "It won't work on me as it does on Mister Conklin."

The waterworks dried up. I smiled at her. Then frowned.

"What was in the note, Eileen?" I asked.


"Then you won't mind if I open it and read what's there?"

That shocked her. It must be something pretty bad then.

"Billy, you may go."

Billy looked at me with fear in his eyes. The fear wasn't for him, but Eileen. I just shook my head at him. He nodded and left the room closing the door behind him.

"Spill it, Eileen," I demanded.

"I was just asking Billy to meet me under the bleachers at the ball field."


"I asked him to kiss me and keep on kissing me..."

"Enough!" She shut up.

I took the note and opened it without reading what she wrote on the page. I then tore it up into the little bitty pieces and dropped them in the wastebasket next to my desk.

"You and he shouldn't be kissing under the bleachers, you know that don't you?"

"Yes, ma'am," replied Eileen.


"But, I think... I know I really like Billy and I don't want to lose him to Carla. She will do anything... I've said too much," she finished a sly look in her eyes.

"Now I doubt Carla will do anything. And you young lady are in deep trouble for just passing this note..."

"What note?" she asked.

"This one," I said dropping the folded note on the desk.

She almost had a heart attack as I unfolded the real note. I smoothed it out on my desktop. I would of course read it later.

"Now for your punishment... you will not only do the required homework, but you will also write a 100 word paper on why young children should not act as if they are adults. If you don't, you will flunk my class. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," replied Eileen almost in tears.

"Who is picking you up?"

"No one. I walk to school."

"Hmm... well, today you get a ride with me. Billy!" I yelled.

The classroom door opened and in walked Billy.

"You also will write an extra paper. One hundred words long about why boys should not let girls make their life-altering decisions for them. Eileen go get your things and I'll take you both home," I said gathering my things off my desk.

I put the note in my purse to Billy's horror. We all left together. There were a couple of Eileen's classmates waiting for her. I waved them over.

"Do you live close to Eileen?" I asked.

"We do."

I took them to Eileen's house, then went to Billy's place. His mom was waiting on the front porch. I heard Billy gulp loudly from beside me. Billy's mom and I had a nice long take about his extra assignment. They, Eileen and Billy, were only ten years old. They shouldn't be making out in the bleachers. Billy's mom was shocked at what I told her. As I drove away, I pulled the note out of my purse and pulled over to the curb. What I read shocked me. I pulled my phone out of my purse and called Eileen's father. He was shocked and glad I had called and wondered where his little girl had learned that kind of language. He promised to have a talk with her when he got home tonight. We left it at that. I would have one angry little girl in my class when we returned next week.

Chapter 19

I was sitting next to John on the Brotherhood jet. We were flying to Boston. There had been six complaints in the mail on Friday along with an email from the lodge Majordomo. When I got to the lodge, John had handed me my go bag and almost dragged me to the limo outside. We went to the airport just as fast as Carrie and Luke could get us there.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"Well, it seems they elected a new president who turned out to be a maniacal control freak. He locked out the council and all the members from the archives then started to call in couples to talk. He raped three with the help of the guy he made the Master at Arms. After word got out, nobody showed up after that. The council stormed the castle with a lot of male members. Three were shot, not killed, but would be hospitalized. They are still hold up inside the mansion. The local sheriff kept others from storming the mansion until I could get there.

"I have talked with the council and the three husbands. I explained who and what Janus is. They will cooperate with the local authorities and us. This should be cleared up tonight, but we may be there a bit longer."

"Holy hell!" I yelled as the plane bank hard and started to descend. "How do these guys get everyone to believe them?"

"Conmen always have the angle to get people to believe their bullshit."

We touched down ten minutes later. We were only ten minutes from the lodge. We were all in SUVs for this. All in combat gear, with just sidearms. No rifles on our person this time. As we pulled up to the gate there was a Sheriff's car waiting. John exited the SUV telling the rest of us to stay. I watched him walk up to the Sheriff's deputy. They talked for a short while. Then John was back in the SUV.

"It seems they are holed up in the lodge and they are armed. The deputy said he's waiting for the Sheriff, who is on his way. So, we sit and wait."

"And what does the asshole inside think he's going to accomplish?" I asked.

"I don't know... here's the sheriff," replied John getting out of the SUV.

The Sheriff hopped out of his car and met John halfway. They talked for a short time. The deputy was opening the gate and John was back in the SUV.

"In we go, dark, Luke," said John softly.

Luke stared forward followed by the two other SUVs. We slowly approached the lodge. All the outside lights were on. We stopped just outside of the lit area. We all got out of the SUVs and went around to the back of them. In the back was a case of rifles, M4 rifles. John's motto was 'be prepared, no matter what', I agreed with him.

"Johnny, I want all those lights out as quietly as possible," said John.

"Right," replied Johnny slipping a suppressor from his pants pocket. "There will still be the sonic boom."

"That just might scare them enough to give up," replied John.

"Alright, here we go," said Johnny as he tightened the suppressor on his M4.

He took aim at a light and pulling the trigger, there was a chuff, the noise of the operation of the rifle, and then the crack of the bullet breaking the sound barrier. The light went out. In quick succession, Johnny took out all the front lights.

"Around back now," John said. "We'll wait for your signal."

Johnny nodded and headed around the lodge, keeping to the shadows. Two of his men following him. The rest of us stayed out front, watching the windows. A head, here and a head there popped up to look out but quickly ducked back down. We heard the crack of bullets breaking the sound barrier as Johnny took out the lights outback.

"Johnny, you and the two guys with you stay there. When we breach the front door, you breach the back door," John said into his radio.

"Affirmative," replied Johnny.

"Two by two, Luke, Carrie, lead off."

John knew they wouldn't let him go first, nor me. We were last to make our way to the front door. As we were climbing the steps, the door opened. A man was standing there pointing a gun at us. John shot him so fast I barely had my rifle up and pointed at him. John and I just continued into the lodge, Luke and the rest following. The guy at the door wasn't dead, John had just winged him in the right shoulder. Three men came running out into the ballroom they each had a handgun. When they saw us all with rifles and in combat gear, they just dropped their guns and put their hand up. It seems the guy John shot was the asshole we were looking for.

"Luke, signal the Sheriff, all is clear up here," John said. "The rest of you spread out and see who else is here and be careful."

Johnny came running into the ballroom. As the rest of his men were scattering into the bowels of the lodge. He nodded and ducked into the men's dressing room. I ducked into the women's dressing room. It was clear. Johnny signaled the same about the men's. John stood there over the idiot on the floor. The guy was moaning as he lay there.

"Should we call an ambulance for him?" I asked looking down at the asshole on the floor.

"Might as well," replied John.

"I'm going to have you charged with..."

"You'll do nothing unless you want to spend so many years in jail you'll be old and grey before you get out," John said loudly.

"Who are you?"

"I am the head of the BID. I am also the senior vice president of security services of the Janus Corporation."

"What the hell is the Janus Corporation?"

"Another asshole that hasn't read the charter for his lodge. Will wonders never cease," I said laughing.

"Janus is who owns this place and employs all these people. They even employed you before they fired you late this afternoon. So as of right now, you are not only trespassing but you were armed as well. Your membership to the Brotherhood has also been revoked."

"You can't do that!" he shouted.

"No, I can't. But the grand council can and did."

"Sheriff's here," I whispered.

"He's one of us."

"Oh!" I said looking at the asshole on the floor.

Four hours later, we were on our plane headed back to Chicago.

Chapter 20

The next weekend, well Thursday, we were on a plane to Madison, Wisconsin a real hotbed of problems. Actually, that lodge had only one complaint, but it was from the Major Domo. And from what he wrote, the entire lodge was afraid to complain. It seemed the president of that lodge had not only the master at arms under his thumb but the entire council. From what the Major said in his communiqué, not only was the president and the rest taking liberties with the wives, but he was also using Brotherhood money for his own purposes. It was time we put him in his place.
