Brotherhood of Janus Ch. 04-05: Sarah & Wedding


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John was sitting next to me. Jimmy across from me along with Lilly. She seemed to be enjoying Jimmy's company. There were two TAC teams with us this time. We were in the Brotherhood's 737. The Grand Council Investigators' were also with us. There were two other TAC teams in the plane but they were strictly back up. John had not clued any of us in on what he might or might not know about what would happen when we showed up on Friday night. They were having a gather, but none of us would be posing as husband and wife members. The entire contingent would show up late Friday, shut the place down, and take over.

The plane was landing, always a bad time for me. John held my hand as we touched down without a problem. Gathering our gear, we deplaned and walked across the tarmac to our waiting vehicles. SUVs for the TAC teams and Limos for the Council Investigators. The ride to the hotel was smooth and without incident. Check-in went just as smoothly as we were all in our civvies. When we left tomorrow night, there might be some eyes wide.

Up in our room, John hugged me, kissed me gently, then let me go take a long hot bath. While I was bathing, I could hear Jimmy, Johnny, and a couple of others stop by for any information John might have. I just lay in my nice warm tub relaxing from the flight. I closed my eyes for just a minute and then John was climbing in with me. I almost screamed but stifled it quickly when I realized who it was. We both laughed.

"You doing okay, sweetheart?" asked John.

"I am. I'm always okay when you're with me," I replied.

"I love you. Never forget that."

"I won't if you won't," I replied.

"I'll never forget that I love you, dear."

"I know. And that makes my heart sing with pleasure."


"I love you too, dear," I said softly knowing he was expecting that answer to begin with.

He kissed my cheek, then just held me as we soaked in the tub. When it started to cool down, we got out.

"I'm hungry! Out or in the room?" I asked.

"This place has two restaurants."

"Okay, we can try one of them," I replied.

We dressed and made our way down to the lobby. The two restaurants were not together. The closest was a steakhouse type. We wandered over to the one on the other side of the lobby. It was a classy French kind of place. They required men to wear coats and ladies to wear dresses. We went to the steakhouse.

"So, I've been meaning to ask you but never have the time... how are the wedding plans coming?" asked John.

"Glad you asked. They are coming very well. It looks like we will have two weddings," I replied.


"One for my family, who don't know I am in the Brotherhood and another for just our Brotherhood friends. Those friends, some, will also be at the first wedding."


"From what I've been told, the Brotherhood weddings can get kind of wild."

"Hmm... I don't know about that. I thought we would get married, go to a nice quiet reception, then off to Barbados or someplace like that for a week of lying in the sun during the day and making love at night."

"Oh. That does sound good," I said surprised.

"Well, plan for just that. I don't really want some wild party. I suppose it would really be a gather turned into a free-for-all."

"That's how it was explained to me by Pam. She said her reception lasted two days."

"Yeah, I bet. Not what I'm looking for unless you want that?"

"No, what you described sounds really nice. I'll cancel the second wedding. Now for your bachelor party... how many strippers and who all will be attending?"

"Oh, god. Let's see. I guess I will have to invite your father and brother?"

"Brother, yes. Father, no."

"Does your brother know about the Brotherhood?"

"No, but he has been to bachelor parties where there were women who fucked everything in sight. So, no problem there. My father wouldn't attend if he was invited, so I will tell him I told you not to invite him."

"Okay. Who do you think will like to be the strippers?"

"Really? You want me to pick them?"

"Well, aren't you going to let me pick yours?"

I laughed at that, as did John.

"All right, all right. I know Sally wants to be one. Along with Susan, Michelle, Mary, Kathy, Lilly, and oh so many more."

"Yikes!" said John. "Really?"


"Are the TAC team members going to be invited?"

"Oops. Yes. So two bachelor parties?"

"Yes. I guess you'll need outside strippers for them..."

"Yep. We already planned that. I should have started with that, huh?"

"Okay, for the second one, all the women you mentioned plus Jane and Nancy."

"You like them don't you?" I asked.

"Jane was the first real love of my life, yet we never got together until later."

"And Nancy?"

"I never got together with her until that first gather. She was way too young back when we lived next door to each other."

"Ah. Okay. I'll let the girls know."

Chapter 21

We were in the SUVs rolling down the highway to the Brotherhood mansion. It was ten in the evening, so the gather should be in full swing. On the way, John was in contact with the Major Domo. Nothing had changed and now that he knew the BID was on the way, he was locking down the bank accounts and the computer systems. We rolled up to the gate and found it closed. Not unusual, but when a guard stepped out of the gatehouse John just chuckled. Johnny stepped out of the first SUV and approached the guard who didn't know what to do. Johnny was in full combat gear, including his M4 rifle.

Johnny talked to the guard for a few minutes, pushed the gate open, then waved the SUVs through the gate. The guard was yelling and screaming as we rolled past him and as Johnny put him in handcuffs. I just giggled. Johnny had him sit on the floor in the gatehouse then climbed back in our SUV. We rolled out, the rest had waited inside to follow us up to the mansion.

"What's the plan, sir?" Johnny asked.

"We all go in, we shut down the lodge. Gather the president and MAA's and the council. We clear the ballroom and call the Sheriff, who just happens to be a close friend of Jimmy's and a member, who was told to stay away until he was called."

"Use of force?" asked Johnny.

"If fired upon, shoot to kill."

I gasped. Johnny nodded. John looked at me. I nodded.

"You think they deserve better?" asked John.

"No. No, I would have shot to kill anyone shooting at our people or me. I just never heard you give that order before."

John nodded at me, then leaned in and kissed my cheek. When the SUV stopped, we piled out and took cover. Looking around we didn't see anyone. It seemed they thought that one guy at the gate would be enough to keep out unwanted guests. Maybe the idiot in charge hadn't heard about our modus operandi. Johnny was in charge now. He waved three of his men up to the front door.

They moved like ghosts across the grass and up the low flight of stairs to the portico. One moved slowly forward until he could see in the door through the glass windows in them. He waved everyone up as he pulled on the door. It wouldn't open. John went up to the door and inserted a key. It opened and we all rushed in. We could hear a ruckus going on somewhere in the back of the ballroom.

As the back of the ballroom came in to view, I could see two men beating the crap out of a man, while two others held a woman down on a bench while another was raping her. Six other men were holding back the crowd.

"Johnny," said John.

Johnny nodded, raised his rifle, and fired a burst into the air. Everyone froze or dropped to the ground. The guy raping the women fell over backward. As he did, the woman kicked him in the balls with her high heels. He was down for the count. Three of the men, dressed as Master at Arms, tuned and came running toward us. John just laughed. Three sets of Tasers darts shot them and they went down hard.

John, followed by the rest of us walked back toward the people, all now on the floor, with their heads up watching us.

"I want the Master at Arms and his men along with the lodge Council lined up before me now!" shouted John.

Nobody moved. John shook his head, he could see the MAAs men lying on the floor in front of him and among the members.

"Johnny, gather the MAAs and get them up here," said John.

Johnny nodded at five of his men who moved out each picking a man in MAA's garb, which they had to drag up to the front kicking and screaming.

"Now, the council members. If you are one, get your ass up here. If you know one, point them out, and we'll come get them," John said softly.

A man came from the back of the crowd. As he walked up toward us, he pointed to men cowering on the floor. As he did, one of the TAC team went and dragged them upfront. When the man stood in front of John, he bowed his head and spoke for the first time.

"I am Kendall Wilson, the Major Domo here, sir," he said softly.

"I am very glad to meet you, Kendall. Is that all the council?" asked John.

"No, two of them are out of town until tomorrow afternoon."

"Thank you. We will need to get rid of these benches and replace them with tables and chairs."

"I will see to it, sir."

"John, Kendall."

"John," said Kendall turning and walking away toward the kitchen.

"Johnny, two on the door one in each locker room."

"Right boss," replied Johnny pointing at the men or women he wanted.

A man pushed the podium up in front of John. He nodded and stepped up looking over the crowd. Rifle hanging at his side, he scrubbed his face in his gloved hands.

"My name is John Carlson. My member number is 293. I am the head of the Brotherhood Investigation Division. I am here to get this lodge back on the right path. If all you members will go change clothes I would greatly appreciate it," he said. "I only ask that you come back and have a seat in the gallery. You women married to any of the men up here, go change and come back. This lady, Sarah, Duchess of Janus will inform you, what your options are as far as the Brotherhood is concerned. The rest of you will not hinder them in any way or you too will be out of the Brotherhood."

A gasp went around the ballroom as people got up and almost seemed to trudge to the locker rooms.

"Johnny, add another woman to the ladies locker room," said John.

Nodding Johnny pointed at Carrie and she peeled off and hurried to the locker room.

"Now, for this lot. Get them up and into a conference room. And have someone get the gate guard up here."

The rest of the night we spent getting everything squared away. I talked to the wives of the members who would no longer be members. Only two didn't want to stay in the Brotherhood. The rest were overjoyed that they would be able to stay, even after hearing the conditions. The Council Investigators showed up about midnight with the other two TAC teams, just in case. The complaints were signed and the Sheriff had taken the president and the MAA's who were involved in the rapes of member wives. John had explained to them before they left what they would be up against if they talked about the Brotherhood as the police would be told about Janus.

John appointed a new temporary president. Then told the members to have an election, for not only the president but also a new council. We let them go home around two in the morning. The rest of the night we spent figuring out how much that scumbag had stolen from the Brotherhood accounts. The Major had the amount down to the penny for John when he asked. The former president we also charged with embezzlement of corporate funds. He would be in jail for a very, very long time. John had the TAC teams collect all Brotherhood property before any of the expelled members were allowed to leave or hauled off to jail.

We didn't leave until the next afternoon. After the two council members showed up and we told them, they were no longer members. We all climbed into the plane and collapsed into our seats. I fell asleep instantly, even though I was scared out of my mind about flying again. Yep, still afraid.

Chapter 22

By Monday morning, I was fresh and rested. As I sat at my desk, I watched my students enter the room. Eileen glared at me as she walked to her desk. Billy just smiled at me. He frowned when he saw Eileen's face. He turned in his seat and said something to her. She nodded solemnly, smiled at him, and lowered her eyes. I just nodded looking over the rest of the class. We actually, all had a good day. As the final bell of the day rang, I dismissed the class telling them their homework assignment. Eileen came up to my desk and stood there until I looked up at her.

"I want to apologize, not only for what I wrote but the way I looked at you when I came in the room," said Eileen.

"Thank you, dear," I replied. "Now if you would put your assignment on the corner of my desk you may leave."

She just nodded placing a sheet of paper she pulled from her folder in her arms. She turned and left. Billy was right behind her. I looked up at him. He was smiling at me. I smiled back.

"She is a little angry at you for calling her father," he said putting his assignment on top of Eileen's on the corner of my desk.

"I understand. You are a very nice boy and shouldn't be worried about what you two..." I just couldn't go on.

"I know. That's what I told her. I told her, she was getting way ahead of herself, and would wind up in trouble or worse. I knew it was not good and would have told her when we met. At least I hope I would have. My mother explained a lot of things to me over the week. I hope you don't think any less of me for what could have happened," said Billy.

I was not only shocked but also very pleased by what Billy had told me.

"Billy, there will never be anything you could do that I would think less of you. There will be times in the rest of the year, I'm sure, where I will be miffed by what you say or do while in school. And if I get a phone call from your mom or dad about something, they think I should know, I would most likely be angry with you. But I will never think any less of you. In fact, and don't spread this around or there will be consequences, I love you all dearly. Each and every class I have, I love my students and try to teach them not only how to do the work they need to do but how to think for themselves. So you go home and help your mom and dad. Be happy that you have both a mother and a father, some of your classmates don't."

Billy's eyes had gotten wider and wider as I talked to him. He stood there, not moving, his eyes just staring at me. I just stared right back at him. He finally blinked, shook his head, and smiled.

"Thank you, ma'am," he said politely.

"You're welcome. Now run along, I'm sure Eileen is waiting for you. Her head has popped around the corner several times."

Billy chuckled, turned, and headed out of the room.

~~~ Janus ~~~

The rest of the school year flew by. I never had another problem with either Billy or Eileen. Nor any of my other students. At the end of the year, I threw them a small party. Cake and ice cream with a little present for them all. I would see them next year, but none of them would be in my classes. I also got a present from them. It seems they all chipped in on something for me. Now I knew not all of them could afford to chip in, so I had to assume students like Eileen chipped in for them. They got me a very nice appointment calendar like the one that sat on my desk. I knew what it cost me so I knew what they paid for the new one.

When they gave it to me, I actually cried. Eileen was there to try and comfort me. I pulled her head to my lips and kissed her on the top of her head. I thanked them all. We had a week left, so I arranged a trip to the zoo the day before our last day. John, Sally, Michelle, Susan, and Jimmy, helped me as chaperons. The kids had a marvelous time. John and Jimmy were excellent gentlemen. Sally was the closest to the kid's age and got along with them fabulously. Michelle and Susan, being mothers knew how to handle them too. John and Jimmy were imposing figures to the small children and if the kids knew them better, they could have wrapped them around their little fingers. Everyone had a good time.

We adults were exhausted and all collapsed back at the Brotherhood lodge. I sat there, knowing I had to go home and see them all one last time. I was happy and sad at the same time. They were my children. My kids. Next year, I would have a new set of kids and I would fall in love with them also. And the love I had for my past classes would remain but fade a little each year. I just hoped that what I taught them stuck around and guided them through their lives. As I got up to leave, John cleared his throat. I looked at him.

"When do you get off tomorrow, dear?" he asked.

"School lets out at noon. I'll be home by twelve-thirty. Why?"

"Come to the lodge, we'll be leaving for Honolulu at two," he replied.


"Yes, we got five more complaints this morning. One of them from the Major Domo. It seems things have gone completely a rye in that lodge we didn't get to last time there."

"Oh, my. I'll grab my go bag and then we can go."

"Grab more than that, we'll be staying for a week, my treat. The Council has given us the 737 to fly there. All the TAC teams' wives or girlfriends will be joining us as a reward for all our hard work."

"Will we back in time..."

"Yes with time to spare dear. I wouldn't miss my own wedding."

John chuckled as he looked at me. I swatted his arm gently, then left for home to pack and get ready for the last day of class.


Chapter 23 - Sarah

As we were flying to Honolulu, I was going over the wedding plans that Sophie and the other ladies had come up with since I last talked to Susan. Everything looked to be on schedule. John was sitting next to me but was leaning over the aisle talking with Johnny. We would be checking in to our beachside hotel, then taking off to the lodge. There was no gather scheduled, but the complaint from the Major Domo was that the president was holding gathers with select wives and husbands each weekend. And forcing them not to say a word about what went on there.

I could see that John was pissed so I didn't interrupt him with wedding stuff. Even then, he did lean over and look at what I was doing. I groaned as he took my hand in his.

"Oh! The wedding plans! Great! Tell me about them while we have time," he said none too softly.

Then everyone wanted to know. I glared up at John as he read the page I was reading. He closed his eyes.

"Sorry, dear," he said standing and facing the planeload of people. "Sorry, I spoke out of turn. You will all find out when you get your invitations. Sorry. No peeking at the plan now."

He sat back down, next to me looking at me sheepishly. Leaning over, I kissed him on the cheek.

"So, one wedding and two bachelor parties," I said.

"So far, so good. Reception?"

"Just one, at the lodge, I have discussed the menu while Carlos, everything will go off without a hitch," I replied.

"Do you have your wedding dress yet?" asked John.

"I do. And you won't see that until I walk down the aisle."

"Ah, tradition?"

"You bet. I will tell you it is white."

"I would be disappointed if it was any other color," he replied. "What about the bridesmaid's dresses? Can I see those?"

"Sure, no problem," I replied turning the book to the bridesmaid dresses page.

"Oh, those are nice looking. They will be able to wear those again and again at any formal affair."

"Yep, that's why I picked them. They are really sexy to boot."

"How many bridesmaids?" asked John.

"Susan is my maid of honor, Michelle, Sally, Lilly, Kathy, and Mary. Who will be your groomsmen?"

"Jimmy is my best man, Mark, George, Johnny, Luke, and Henry. If that's okay with you?"
