Brotherhood of Janus Ch. 04-05: Sarah & Wedding


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"It is, it's what you want, so it's fine with me, dear," I replied.

He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek again. We had agreed, no making out in front of the teams. The plane wasn't crowded, yet seemed full upfront with the extra passengers. The Council Investigators were in back with their spouses. We had to stop in Los Angeles to refuel before going on to Honolulu. We landed in LA late Friday evening. It took about an hour to refuel with all of us having to deplane and then get back on. It wasn't until late, late Friday night that we landed in Honolulu. Actually, it was so close to midnight that it was Saturday morning.

As we deplaned, we saw the SUVs and the limos lined up along the tarmac. Our bags were being unloaded and stuffed into the last SUV in line. They filled it to almost bursting. We had two TAC teams with us, so that was, with wives and girlfriends, 32 people. A bus was pulling up just as we were deciding how to fit 32 people in the six SUVs. All the wives and girlfriends of our group and the investigators would take the bus to the hotel, while the TAC teams and investigators went to the lodge.

The lodge was on a remote stretch of highway just outside the city. We were rolling down the road at the speed limit when some cop lit us up. It was a good thing we knew the Sheriff of the providence through which, we were rolling. It was a Honolulu city police car that pulled us over. Johnny was driving with John in the passenger seat. Johnny pulled over and sat waiting, a line of five SUVs behind him. The squad car rolled up in front of us and parked. Two officers got out, cautiously walking back toward us. Johnny had turned his headlights off, leaving his parking lights on. When the cop came up to the window, Johnny had it down and was smiling at him.

"What can we do for you officer?" asked Johnny.

John was on his cell phone with the Sheriff. I was sitting just behind him trying to stay calm.

"You can tell your partner there to hang up his cell phone," the cop said.

"Really?" asked Johnny with a dismayed look on his face.


"I should probably tell you that you are being videoed by all the dashcams on each of the vehicles behind me and are being recorded by the dashcam on this vehicle," Johnny said still smiling.


Just then, the Sheriff's car pulled up alongside the cop, with three more deputies coming from the other way. The Sheriff climbed out of his car walking slowly to the officer at Johnny's window.

"Officer, you might as well get back in your car and go back to the city, I'll take it from here. What was the stop for?" the Sheriff asked.

"No, we'll handle this Sheriff..."

"No, you won't. You are far outside your jurisdiction," the Sheriff said as six deputies walked up behind him.

"Steve, we better get back. I don't know what your beef is with this lot, but I don't want any part of a fight with the local sheriff," the other cop said as he started back to their car.

The cop by Johnny's window growled as he glared at the Sheriff, then at Johnny, turned and walked back to his car. They both got in and took off turning around a little way up the road, then whizzing past us, back toward the city. John then got out of the SUV and Jimmy came up from the one behind us. They talked to the Sheriff for a couple of minutes. The deputies got back in their cars and drove off. The Sheriff and Jimmy shook hands and he turned and got in his car and drove off. John was back in our SUV and Johnny showed him a tablet.

"So that asshole is a member and a Master at Arms?" John said.

"Yep. He's probably on the phone with the asshole at the lodge."

"For sure. Well, let's go. Might as well get this over with, the Sheriff will meet us there," John said climbing back into the SUV.

Chapter 24 - Sarah

When we pulled up in front of the lodge, it was all lit up like a Christmas tree. The gate was open. There was no guard.

"I wonder if they ever got a hold of him," John muttered. "Pull right up to the front door, Johnny."

He pulled up to the front door. No one came running out or started shooting. The Sheriff pulled up right alongside us. Everyone got out of the SUVs.

"His car isn't here," the Sheriff said.

"Do you think he split?" John asked.

"Or is hiding until you leave."

"Well, by then none of his codes will work and the keycard to get in the gate will have been voided. Same for all his MAAs. And the council, if they are in on this too," said John.

"I don't think the council is in on it, their wives were the first batch to be abused by this asshole and his goons. They all took a vote the next day to replace him. The problem was he had control of the mansion."

"That could be a problem. We'll see. Johnny, in we go, nice and easy," said John.

"Right boss. Luke, Carl, in we go," said Johnny.

The three, crouching, hurried up to the doors. Johnny pulled one open and Luke and Carl entered, guns pointing where they looked. Johnny followed quickly. The others followed them in, guns ready. John, Jimmy, Lilly, and I entered last. As we spread out in the ballroom, a man, who I assume was the Major Domo, came down the stairs.

"He left not ten minutes ago," the man said.

John walked toward the man. Johnny signaled his men to spread out and search the mansion. I was beside John as we came face to face with the Major Domo. His bruised face showed he had been recently hit hard.

"Did he do that to you?" asked John.

"He did. When he found out I shut him out of the bank accounts he went ballistic and punched me until his buddy pulled him off telling him they had to leave."

"Well, we'll see that you get medical attention," John said looking around.

"No doctors with us this time John," I said.

"Crap. Sheriff, can you call an ambulance for this man and have a BOLO put out for..." John said stopping and looking at the Major.

"Robert G. Pleasant," the Major replied.

"Really?" The Major nodded. "Did you get that Sheriff?"

"I did. Do you want the MAA's picked up?"

"Might as well. Jimmy go up and get that information for him, would you?" John asked.

"Sure. Come on Bill," Jimmy said moving for the stairs.

"Lilly, go with, you have the codes they will need."

"Sure thing Boss," she said smiling at John.

John groaned. He hated them calling him boss. Within an hour, they searched the entire mansion with no one found hiding anywhere. An Ambulance whisked the Major Domo off to the hospital with a deputy accompanying him, just in case that city cop got it in his head to pay him a visit for Pleasant.

The rest of us just kind of milled around. This lodge, built quite a bit after the Chicago lodge, was different and a little larger than ours was. You could tell it was newer, just from looking at the wood. It just wasn't as dark as the wood at our lodge. I wandered upstairs to the office where I found John and Jimmy working on the computers. Lilly was there also, giving them the codes for the things they wanted to do. I flopped down into a nice comfortable chair by the archive shelves.

Pulling down the last one I could find, I started to read from the back forward. From what I read that idiot Pleasant hadn't updated the archives since he came to office. I was now wondering what other things he had let go.

"You know this idiot Pleasant hasn't updated the archives since he took office," I said out loud.

"What?" said John loudly.

"The last entry here is him being appointed president after the election. Then nothing for the next six weeks."

John was typing furiously on the keyboard in front of him. He gave a sigh of relief as his screen filled with text.

"So the idiot just never thought to print them out," I said

John nodded, going back to whatever he was doing. I put the book back on the shelf, got up, and went back downstairs. Johnny and his men were trying to keep a gaggle of women from going any farther into the lodge. From what I could make out of the conversation, these were the MAA's wives.

"Johnny, I'll handle them," I said coming up behind him.

"Ah, I was just going to call you, Sarah."

"Ladies, if you will follow me, I will explain all your options," I said walking back toward the conference rooms.

"We, have options?" one of them asked.

"Yes. Now if you could hold your question until we get settled in a conference room, I would really appreciate that."

I got them settled and went through the spiel of what their options were. About five minutes into the spiel, Lilly came in and just stood beside me. After about an hour we had them squared away on what they had to do to stay in the Brotherhood, which they all wanted to do. By the time, Lilly and I escorted them out the door to their cars it was way past midnight. Back inside we saw the men in a huddle by the stairs. As we came up to them, they broke into groups. John grabbed my hand and held me in place. Jimmy and Lilly were heading for the door.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We all think that the minute we leave Pleasant will be back. So, we are going to set a trap for him. The SUVs are park in such a way as to block the kitchen entrance. The lights in there are out. Everyone will be milling around the SUVs and with doors open and people getting in and out in a most disorganized manner. Then the doors will close and five men, including Johnny, Jimmy, and Lilly will reenter the building via the kitchen door.

"Then we start shutting the lights off in here as the Major does most nights as if there is no one here but him. Hopefully, no one saw him taken away. Johnny's men did a sweep of the property and found nobody. So they must be out there beyond the fence waiting to get back in."

We saw the SUVs start up, lights on, and drive away. Then, Johnny, Jimmy, Lilly, and two other men came in and headed back to the conference rooms. John and I stood there as the lights went out, one section at a time. There were some lights that didn't go out, but that was normal. John and I then headed back into the lodge for the back stairs. We went up and sat in the president's office. Lilly joined us. Jimmy and the rest would stay downstairs. Then, we just waited.

Chapter 25 - John

We were ready, the front gate left open. All the doors covered, except the front door. Two men were in the woman's changing room waiting, hiding, just in case. When the scumbag of a president came back, which is what I thought he would do, we would spring our trap. And if he was armed, he could get shot. It wasn't too long after the lights went out and the SUVs drove away that we heard someone come into the lodge. Lilly, standing by the door, turned the lights out as Sarah and I took a position behind the desk. Not ten seconds after Lilly turned the lights out the door opened and in walked that scumbag.

Lilly, flipped the switch, lighting up the room. I stood, pointing my rifle at the man. Two others entered behind him. Lilly, poked them in the back as they came to a stop behind asshole. Sarah stood, rifle at the ready, and walked around the desk to stand in front of the asshole, muzzle pressed to his head.

"Move, please?" Sarah growled at him.

The guy pissed in his pants. I smiled, as I knew that this would be a very easy mission. Then from downstairs came the commotion. Yelling and screaming, pounding feet, and some gunshots. Lilly pushed the two in front of her on the floor, turned ready to repel anyone who came into the office. Feet pounded up the hall but stopped just short of the office.

"Clark, Malcolm, to me." A shout came from the hall.

Clark and Malcolm must be the two on the floor. They both jerked at the use of their names. I just chuckled as I walked to the door. I motioned for Lilly to watch the two on the floor. I peeked out the doorway and saw a man on the floor with Jimmy's knee in his back. Nodding I looked at Jimmy, he smiled and gave me a thumbs up. Backing into the room, I turned and went back to the front of the desk. I leaned back against it looking at the already ex-president of the lodge. I shook my head as I saw fear in his eyes. Well, Sarah did still have her gun muzzle pressed to his forehead.

"Lilly, keep an eye on Clark and Malcolm there. Sarah, please back away from dumb-shit," I said.

"If you didn't have guns I would tear you all apart," said dumb-shit.

I chuckled looking at him. I cleared my throat then looked at Sarah as she was laughing at him.

"Well, that is an interesting proposition, but I'm afraid that it will have to wait. Besides, either of these women could kill you with their bare hands," I said.

He scoffed at me.

"Let me," said Sarah starting to strip out of her gear.

"As I said, it's an interesting proposition, but we have work to do. Maybe afterward."

Sarah sighed and put her gear back on.

"I'll flip you for it, Sarah," Lilly said from behind dumbass.

He was standing still with a smirk on his face. I just shook my head.

"Well, you have put your foot, right up to your ass, haven't you?" I asked.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my lodge?" he asked back.

"Well, as I have explained to the members of this lodge, I am John Carlson, head of the BID and here at the behest of the Grand Council of the Brotherhood of Janus, to which this lodge belongs. Actually, this lodge is in effect owned by the council."

"Bullshit! I'm the elected president of this lodge and sole owner..."

"Not anymore. You have been relieved of your position by the Grand Council under the articles of establishment and the covenants of the Brotherhood."


"Well, as that may be, you are no longer a member so you can't hold office in this lodge. You didn't even think about reading any of those books on the shelves, did you?"

"Nothing in them that interested me," he growled.

"I also should mention that I am John Carlson, Vice President of Security of the Janus Corporation, which is the legal owner of this property. And you are now trespassing. You will also be arrested for embezzlement of Janus funds and the rape of several of its employees."


"Well, it will be your word against the women and their husbands. The same goes for all those that helped you."

"We'll tell everyone what this place really is."

"It will be your word against... how many members are there in this lodge Sarah?"

"Without spouses, one thousand four hundred sixty-five members, not including the men we brought to justice tonight."

"So, fourteen hundred men against you and your rabble of twelve. Whom do you think everyone will believe? You, charged with rape and embezzlement or fourteen hundred upstanding employees of Janus Corporation?"

His shoulders finally slumped, his head dropped.

"Is there anything we can do to keep me out of jail?" he asked.

"'fraid not, you're going to jail. You might make a deal with the DA, but I doubt it, he is a member and you did rape his wife."

"Fuck!" the asshole shouted.

"Sheriff's men are here to take these assholes in," Johnny said on my radio.

"Lilly, Sarah, get those two on their feet. Cuff them and get them downstairs. You to asshole," I said taking cuffs out of my vest pocket.

That's when he decided to run, right into Lilly's rifle butt.

"Hey, I wanted to take him down," shouted Sarah pushing the two-cuffed idiots in front of her.

"Sorry, you were out of position and busy with those two," said Lilly smiling broadly.

I grabbed the idiot on the floor by his arm and dragged him out to the hallway. There were two sheriff's deputies there who took over for me. Tomorrow the investigators would be here to determine how much money he had stolen. We had statements from the wives and husbands of those women he had raped. They were all going to jail for a long time.

Chapter 26 - Sarah

For the next week we lay on the beach during the day and made love at night. Everyone had a great time. All the shenanigans were held to a minimum as there were people who didn't know about the Brotherhood around us. Both John and I had a good time. And what I heard from Sally back in Chicago, Jimmy and Lilly were having a great time. Sally was too, as Jimmy had arranged a different suitor for her each night he was gone. He finally had learned, just as John had. A lot of the couples went on tours and such. John and I just lay on the beach soaking up the sunshine. By the time we had to leave John and I were almost as dark a Jimmy. The last night there, Jimmy and Lilly came to our room and the four of us had a good old orgy. John and Jimmy took turns with Lilly and me all night.

We were back in Chicago on Friday morning. The great thing about having a private jet was you could leave anytime you wanted. We left at 4 AM, in the morning. We pulled up in front of the mansion at 6 AM. We were both dragging our tails as we climbed the stairs to our room. Once inside our room in the new addition, we stripped off our clothes and flopped down on the bed. We were lying on top of the duvet and too tired to get up and turn down the bed. I was lying on my back. John was on his side facing me. We both had our eyes closed when there was a knock at the door. I just kept my eyes close as John started to get up. I heard the door open and a groan.

"Pardon me, I'm so sorry," said George.

I heard the door close. I felt John get up and go lock the door. He was back beside me in almost no time.

"God you are so beautiful," he whispered.

"You are so handsome," I replied.

John chuckled as he lay back on his back. I just smiled. We were soon asleep.

~~~ Janus ~~~

It was Friday the day before my wedding. I was nervous. Really nervous. Not because I was getting married to the most wonderful man I had ever known, but because it was being held at the lodge. There would be a mix of Brotherhood members and my relatives who knew nothing about the Brotherhood. John had told all the members there was to be no monkeyshines at the reception, which they were holding in the ballroom. The ceremony would be in an anteroom with a long hallway. There was nothing to do today so I was just checking my dress and being nervous. That night, John slept in another room. I was a little disappointed, yet it was nice of him too.

I found myself with Susan and Michelle, sitting on the bed, all of us in our nightgowns with a drink in our hand. We were giggling and laughing as they each told me stories from their weddings. Michelle was telling a story about having a guest groping her as she danced with him. She didn't even know about the Brotherhood so she stepped back and slapped him hard. Mark was there in an instant and told his uncle to leave. We all laughed. Then Susan was telling us about her honeymoon night before they flew to Cancun. They had just finished making love when there was a knock at the door. It was their room service order and Mark just opened the door letting the guy in with the cart. Susan was still on the bed, naked with her legs spread.

The server couldn't tear his eyes from her pussy as he calmly put the plates on the table. Mark clearing his throat, caused the guy to become very apologetic, turning, and leaving quickly. Susan laughed the loudest at her own story.

"You loved just laying there on display, didn't you?" asked Michelle loudly.

"I did. That's when I found out I liked being an exhibitionist," Susan replied smugly.

"How about you're first wedding?" Michelle asked.

"Nothing really happened. A few of his friends pressed their boners against me, but I just ignored them. I knew about the Brotherhood by that time so I figured they were members. I thought me ignoring them would cut their egos down a little."

Susan and Michelle giggled, as did I. The rest of the night, we just sipped our drinks and gabbed about everything from John to the idiots that thought they could get away with becoming little dictators of their lodges. Michelle suggested we talk about something else at that point. Susan and I agreed. We all fell asleep about two in the morning. It was a good thing I left a wake-up call with Carlos.
