Brotherhood of Janus Ch. 04-05: Sarah & Wedding


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~~~ Janus ~~~

I was in the men's locker room, with my mother and father and all my bridesmaids. Susan was my maid of honor, she refused to be called my matron of honor. Michelle, Sally, Lilly, and Mary were my bridesmaids. Kathy was on her honeymoon, so she and her husband couldn't be there. I was so nervous I was shaking. My mom was trying to calm me down. My dad handed me a shot of bourbon. Nodding I slammed it down. As the warmth spread through my belly, I stopped shaking. I took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds then let it out slowly. I was once again calm.

"Thank you, Daddy," I said looking up at my father.

He just smiled at me.

"You weren't this nervous at your first wedding, dear," Mom said.

"I was, I just didn't show it. I was younger then too, and foolish. I should have never married him. But then I wouldn't have... never mind. I'm calmed down now," I said looking at Susan.

Susan smiled at me, then came and took my hand leading me to the bench to our left. I sat. Susan pulled my dress out from under my butt as I did.

"Breath Sarah, breath," she prompted.

I took another deep breath, held it a second, and let it out slowly. I was even calmer now.

"One more," said Susan.

"If I do one more I'll pass out," I quipped, feeling dizzy and eliciting laugher from the others.

There was a knock at the door. Mom went to see who it was. It was Jimmy. He was there to take mom to her seat. Nodding, she came to me and kissed me on the cheek. I kissed her cheek.

"Stay calm, dear," she said going to dad kissing him quickly.

Chapter 27 - Sarah

Mom was out the door. I just took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Susan was right there by my side. Daddy was standing in front of me telling me how beautiful I was and what a lucky man John was to have me marry him. I just nodded at him smiling wide. John was lucky to get me. I was also lucky to get him. My heart started to slow, my brain calmed down. There was another knock at the door. This was it. Mary answered the door, she just nodded turning she signaled everyone it was time to go. My bridesmaids lined up, my dad and I at the end of the line.

The music started and Mary and Sally started walking. Followed by Michelle and Lilly. Susan was going to be by herself. She turned and smiled at me. I smiled back. And then it was just my dad and me. We had to wait until they all made it to the altar, which had been set up at the end of the hall. When Susan stood still on the raised platform, my dad and I started walking slowly. It only took us a minute at the most to get there, but it felt like we had walked a mile and a half. I was now shaking. Dad squeezed my hand as the minister started the ceremony.

"And who gives this woman to this man?" said the minister.

"I do," said dad loud and clear.

I turned toward daddy, he hugged me and turned away. I climbed the one-step up onto the platform and John was there to stand beside me. He winked at me. I just smiled back at him. The rest of the ceremony was a blur. No, it really was. I do remember saying the vows John and I had come up with, but as for the rest, blur. I snapped out of it as John was lifting my veil and kissed me. It was then that I did a most unceremonious thing. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He jerked a little but went with me and kissed me back. The minister chuckled as he said we were now man and wife. I pulled back from John looking a little sheepish and smiled.

We turned toward the crowd as they cheered. I blushed even more. John and I stepped down from the platform and proceeded down the aisle. Then the groomsmen and bridesmaids followed us down the aisle. The crowd cheered again as we walked past them. It wasn't a big crowd, only about 50 people. But most of them were Brotherhood members with a sprinkling of my family and only one of John's family. A pretty older woman who looked exactly like a picture in his wallet. I knew it was his ex-wife. I had told him to invite her. I wanted to know the woman who had given up such a wonderful man.

We went right to our table in the ballroom and stood waiting. Everyone filtered in and found their seats. John's ex came to our table and went to John. He hugged her. She hugged him back. He then introduced me to her.

"Sarah, may I please introduce my lovely ex-wife, Jennifer," he said solemnly.

"Very pleased to meet you, Jenny," I said holding out my hand.

"Jen, my wife Sarah," John said.

Jen looked at me, smiled pushed my hand away and stepped in, and hugged the stuffing out of me. I was stunned for just a second, then hugged her back just as hard. She sighed in my ear.

"I'm glad he found someone who would... do the things he told me about. I wish you two nothing but happiness," she said hugging me even harder.

"Thank you, Jen," I replied squeezing her back.

I turned my head and kissed her cheek. She jerked a little at my lips touching her. Then she was crying. I held her gently as she sobbed on my shoulder.

"Jen, you are always welcome in our home," I said.

She sighed as I kissed her ear. She stepped back, looking at me.

"You are so kind, just as John explained to me. He needs kindness in his life now. Please don't break his heart?" she asked softly.

"I won't. Nor will I let him break yours. You will always be a part of our family," I said smiling at her.

Jen smiled, then started sobbing again. I pulled her to me.

"Sarah?" John asked.

"In a minute," I replied, walking Sarah down to the end of the table.

Carlos was there with a place setting and a chair. I smiled at him, he smiled back holding the chair for Jennifer.

"No, no, I can't sit here," she sobbed.

"You can. This is my wedding, you can do whatever you want. If anyone gives you any guff, you come and find me, I'll set them straight," I said.

She looked at me, giggling.

"John was right, you are a tough broad. I like you." She was still giggling.

I was glad she was giggling. I giggled right along with her.

"Listen, I can tell, John is getting a little fussy, so I have to go. After dinner, come find me and we'll talk some more. I hope you have a good time. There are a lot of men here who will love to dance with you. If any of them get fresh with you and you don't like that, come see me, we'll talk and I'll put them in their place. Got it?" I asked.

"Yes, my dear," Jen said sighing.

"Good, now I really must go." I leaned in and kissed her cheek. She kissed mine and I was gone.

Chapter 28 - Sarah

"What..." John started. I shook my head and he was quiet. Jen looked at me with new respect.

John and I sat down and Carlos had dinner brought out. It took about an hour to finish. All during dinner, I watched Jen as she talked to Lilly. Lilly was very nice and respectful to her. They seemed to be having a good time.

"So, what was that all about?" John finally asked.

"She still loves you," I said.

"I know. I still love her."

"I know. And it doesn't upset me at all."

"I know. You are a very special person and have the biggest heart I know."

"No, yours is bigger," I said.

"How so?"

"Well... how to ask this. Okay, here goes. How many women do you currently love?" I asked in the most direct way I could.

"Here in this room?"

"We'll start here," I replied.

"Uh, let's see," John, said quietly counting to himself. "Nine, unless I missed some."

"I count eleven, but you might not think you love Pam and Barbra, but I know you do."

"Oh god, you're right. Eleven."

"And the only men I love in this room are three. So, your heart is bigger than mine."

John smiled at me. He knew whom I was talking about and didn't mind. Looking down at Jen, I saw Mark kneeling down beside Jen talking. He got up and went back to his seat. Jen looked up and saw me watching her. She smiled at me nodding. I was glad she approved of what I did. Dinner was almost over and the band was setting up over on the small stage that had been set up for them. John kissed me on my cheek. I smiled as I chewed a piece of my steak. Then Jimmy was standing clanging on a glass with his fork. Everyone quieted down and looked up to the main table. Jimmy cleared his throat. It was time for the best man to say a few words.

"Ladies, gentlemen, I am John's best friend and best man for his wedding which we are now celebrating. I have known him for... what's it been, buddy?" Jimmy asked looking at John.

"Gee, if you don't know I should have picked a different best man, don't you think?" asked John.

Everyone laughed at the interplay between the two friends.

"Of course I know. I was checking to see if you remembered old man."

"Old man? How about two out of three falls after I dance with my new bride you old codger," replied John chuckling.

Jimmy was laughing as he looked around the table. When he spotted Jen, he smiled brightly. She smiled back at him. He looked out over the crowd.

"Anyway, we have been friends since eighth grade back when we beat the snot out of each other over... what was it again... oh, yeah a girl."

Again everyone laughed. Jen looked embarrassed but laughed along with everyone else.

"So, without further ado, I want to say a few words about this beautiful couple up here. Both of them are just amazing people. I don't know if everyone knows it or not, but Sarah, lovely Sarah, has taken it upon herself to teach our young children about things they will need to know to have a great life. She teaches sixth grade. Oh my god, she must have the patience of an angel. I have met her class. I would probably not do well as a teacher of young children. They would have me wrapped around their little fingers so quick I just wouldn't be able to cope. But Sarah does a beautiful job with the little youngsters. I am proud to know her.

"John on the other hand... John is the best man that I know. He is all those things you hear people praise about others. Honest, trustworthy, helpful... well the entire litany of the Boy Scout Law. He cares so much about his fellow man and woman, which he tries to help whoever he can and I know there are a lot of people here that just love him tremendously. Well, now to the toast. I would like to wish Sarah and John the happiest of lives together and let them know that I will be there to help in any way I can to make their lives better. To Sarah and John," Jimmy shouted the last raising his glass high in the air.

"To Sarah and John," the crowd shouted back, raising their glasses.

Then everyone was sipping their Champaign. They all set their glasses down and started to cheer. John and I stood raising our glasses in the air. The crowd quieted down.

"I would like to say how grateful I am that you all came to rejoice with us as Sarah and I took our vows. I now raise my glass to rejoice with you," said John.

"I too would like to thank you all for being here with us to celebrate John and my nuptials. I am proud to be here in front of you all, cheers!" I shouted.

The crowd had their glasses in the air and cheered, holding them high. They then drank deeply. As did John and me. We sat down in unison. I giggled John chuckled. Carlos was there to fill our glasses again. I turned to John. He looked at me.

"To you my darling, I will love you forever. You can never know how happy I am to be your wife," I said, clinking my glass to his.

He looked at me with wide eyes and tears welling up in them. I just smiled sweetly at him.

"My dear, precious Sarah. I will love you as long as you live, even after I have died and it doesn't matter whether I go to heaven or hell, as I have been in heaven since I met you a little under a year ago, although it seems so much longer. Damn, that doesn't sound right," John said looking upset.

"I know what you meant, sweetheart," I told him letting him clink his glass to mine.

Chapter 29 - Sarah

We both drank keeping our eyes locked on each other. Then the music started, startling us both. I almost spilled the little left in my glass. John was chuckling as I giggled.

"May we please have the Bride and Groom out on the dance floor for the first dance of their new life together." The speakers blared.

We both stood at the same time. It almost looked like we had rehearsed that move. We were both laughing as we went to the empty dance floor. The band switched to a favorite melody of mine, as John pulled me against him. I pressed my body to him as we started to dance.

"Back off just a little, dear. I don't want everyone to see I have a problem," he whispered.

Giggling, I nodded and moved away from my new husband. We danced for the entire song. As the song ended, my father was there to take me into his arms. My mother was there to dance with John. She had a smile on her face wider than I had ever seen on her.

"It seems your mother likes what she is pressing against," my dad said.

"What?" I gulped.

"When we go dancing, she loves to rub up against me like she is now doing to John. She does it to all the men. They seem to enjoy her doing it and don't complain about her being a prick tease," he said shocking the hell out of me.

"I... I..."

"Spit it out, dear."

"Do you and mom fool around with others?" I asked.

My dad smiled at me looking at mom and John.

"I don't think that is any of your business," he replied.

"Then what did you bring it up for?"

"Do you and John fool around?"

I coughed at his question.


"If I answer your question, will you answer mine?"

I thought for a second. I looked up into my dad's eyes. All I saw was love for mom and me.

"Yes," I replied.

"Us too," replied Dad.

"Are you a member of the Brotherhood?" I asked softly.

"What's the Brotherhood?"

"Hmmm... are you just being obtuse or don't you really know what I'm talking about?"

"I haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about. I would never lie to you, sweetheart," replied daddy.

"Okay, I believe you. We will have a nice long talk later tonight and see if you would like to become a member."

"So, you and John are members?" he asked.

"Yes. Now, I see men lined up to dance with me. We'll talk later."

"Of course, sweetheart," he said kissing my cheek as he stepped away as the song ended.

I danced with almost every man there. Jimmy was first. Sally was dancing with John. She was giggling up a storm as she pressed against him.

"You have to have a quick word with Sally. Is she drunk already?" I whispered in Jimmy's ear.

"Oh god," he said as we moved over to where Sally and John were dancing. "Sally, stop, we are with others that aren't members."

Sally turned looking at him. She seemed to sober up.

"Sorry, John," she said moving back just a little. "But you have such a wonderful cock."

John moaned, then looked at me.

"Your mother told me the same thing," he groaned.

"We'll talk later, dear," I said as Jimmy moved us a little bit away from them.

Chapter 30 - Sarah

The rest of the afternoon was a blur as I danced with the men, all of them I think. Some were my cousins, who pressed against me hard. I just shook my head and scowled at them. They backed off as my father came over and smacked them upside the head, gently. It would seem my family was a randy bunch just like the Brotherhood.

Then Jen was standing in front of me. I smiled at her. She at me. I went to pull her into my arms she shook her head no. She took my hand and led me to the head table. We sat down looking at each other.

"So you have no problem having sex with other men?" she asked me softly.

"No, dear, I don't. In fact, I rather enjoy it, but I do not have them in bed with me every other day or night. Once a month, for a weekend. There are other times when we invite others into our bed and it's always a close friend. It's not like we go out looking for strangers to have sex with every day."

"Oh, good for you. I was like that early in our marriage but he never asked. I never cheated on him. Although, I would bet he would have been okay with that. As I got older, my libido just went away."

"We... I know some doctors who could help you with that," I said.

"John suggested some to me. I saw one. She was actually my doctor. As a matter of fact, she is right over there. Susan..."

"Yes I know her," I said.

"Well, she prescribed some pills for me. They seem to have worked. I'm now very... I seem to want sex on a regular basis, now. If I had only asked her back when..."

"Hindsight is always twenty-twenty, isn't it," I said giggling. "What, then, is it you want?"

"Oh, dear. Oh god, how to put this so I don't sound crass."

"Just spit it out, dear. There is nothing you can say that would offend me, honest," I said softly.

"Okay. Here it is. Can I fuck your husband before you leave on your honeymoon?" Jen asked softly.

Looking at her with a love I thought I would never have for her, I nodded slowly.

"Of course," I whispered.

She had no idea how badly John wanted her to join us in bed. It seemed she was a new, different woman than he knew a year ago.

"Have you been having relations with anyone regularly?"

"Yes. He's clean. We made sure of that. Susan checked us both out."

"So many questions."

"Ask away, dear. I will answer them as honestly as I can."

"Geez. Where to start. How do you feel, age-wise?"

"I actually feel better, way, way, better, than I did a year ago when John asked me if I wanted to be a member," she said looking into my eyes.

"Good. I'm really glad. Because if you go to bed with John... well, let's just say he's a dynamo in bed these days."

"Oh my, sounds wonderful."

I giggled at her as I took her hand in mine.

"It is. It is. I'm very glad you accepted our invitation," I said.

"So am I, sweetheart," she said. "Any more questions?"

"Yes. A few. Do you want, need, have discussed with you man, being shared with others, man or woman?"

"Oh god. A little more personal than I thought. Yet, I know what happens here at least once a month. Yes. Yes, we do. He wants to share me so bad that he sometimes walks around with a hard-on that hurts. I just drop to my knees and suck him off and we pretend... well no need to go any farther."

"Where do you live? What part of the city or suburbs?" I asked.

"I'm in the house we lived in while we were married."

"Good. How would you like to join the Brotherhood? With your life experience, we could use someone like you. And although I don't know your man, if he is the type that is honest, loyal, and willing to work to make the Brotherhood better for us all, we could use both of you here."

"Oh god," she said shivering.

"You just came, didn't you?" I asked.

"I did. Since Susan started me on those pills, I could think of nothing else than what John told me about the Brotherhood and the sexual freedom that is so rampant here. I'm always hot now. So hot that Patrick is exhausted most of the time. He just loves to... well, he's exhausted."

"In the beginning, John was that way with all the women that wanted a piece of him."

"He always was an oversexed man. When we were young, he wore me out some days. Especially, when the kids were at their grandparents house. Again, a little too much information."

"No, not at all, we're family now," I said smiling at her.

Jen nodded at me smiling.

"Any more?" she asked.

"You didn't answer my question," I said.

"Oh! Yes. Yes. Yes," she groaned.

"Okay, we'll see what can be done. John is on the grand council, they love him. He has brought them to realize they have been lax in... well, that doesn't matter. We will have to do a background search on the guy you are dating. You two will have to be married before you will be asked though."

"We have been talking about marriage. He brought it up, I'm still thinking about it. He hasn't really proposed yet. I'm waiting until he does."
