Bully’s Mom

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His bully’s mom asks him out.
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Author's Note : All characters are over the age of 18

Jared sighs. The 18 years old nerd boy doesn't mind waking up early to go to school. But the issue is what he knows will happen to him when he arrives. He's always been a target of bullying by other boys. They seem to really relish in causing him as much pain and humiliation as they can. It's a favorite hobby of theirs to insult him and shove him around, and ruin his social life so that he'd have nothing to look back at fondly once he has left the high school. They do this everyday because he is too weak to fight back. He did try once and it ended up with his head being stuck in a garbage can.

There is some good in his life, although the good bits are unrelated to school. Jared has had a brief romance with his parents' boss, Richelle. Richelle gave him the money that he would need to pay for college, in exchange for Jared eating her pussy whenever she wanted. In a way, he was kind of a prostitute. He didn't really mind the function that much since Richelle was very beautiful, especially for a 46 years old woman. He still couldn't believe someone as hot as her paid him for sexual services, even if it was only oral and not full on sex.

Thinking about her got his dick hard again. His arrangement with her ended last month when she was convicted for some financial crimes and then sent to prison, and now he is on his own, back to using his own hand to get off, just as he did before meeting her. The geeky teen grabs a bottle of lube on his table and squirted a fair amount of it out on his palm. He then starts jerking off and finishes pretty quickly, cumming into a piece of tissue. Then Jared washes his hands and brushes his teeth, before he takes a quick shower in the bathroom. He has always been fast when taking a shower and today's no different.

When he gets downstairs, he finds his mom already waiting for him. His dad is already at work and she is waiting for Jared with their breakfast. As he eats a piece of toast, she asks "Are those guys still giving you a hard time?" He sighs. The boy knows his mom is just worried for him and that's why he feels so bad. He doesn't want his mom to have to be concerned. All he wants is to be able to deal with the problem himself, but he just can not. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't get those other guys to leave him alone. "Anything I can do to help you, honey?"

"Thanks, mom, but I'm really okay," he lies to her, hoping she will believe him or at least leave it for now. He doesn't need to start worrying a lot when he is just about to head to school. She sighs and nods, and he feels greatly relieved. They finish their breakfast together and he washes the dishes for her while she packs her bag for work. She doesn't have to leave as early as her husband does but she still has to get there before most of the other people in her office. She then unlocks the car and gets into the driver's seat, with Jared following her inside.

The middle aged woman drives well and soon they arrive at the school. She drops him off and leaves right away as he enters campus. Almost as soon as he starts walking through the hallway, he is stared at and labeled a nerd by many other students. Most of they don't even bother trying to hide their disdain. The other students openly sneer at him and call him a loser. They have all done that daily ever since his main bully Carter had stuffed his head into a garbage can. That was the most humiliating day of his entire life, and he's had some very horrible, very embarrassing days in his 18 years of existence.

Speaking of Carter, he is approached by the jerk almost immediately. Carter is a large, imposing quarterback. He is also dating Jessica, the head cheerleader. He gives Jared a menacing smile and says "Morning, dork. Now where is my homework?" Carter has been making Jared do his homework for two years now. He also asked out and fucked all the girls Jared has had crushes on, and then taunted Jared with pictures and videos of it. "Come on, we haven't got all day, you freak," Carter sneers at the smaller boy with a lot of contempt before snatching his glasses and throwing it on the floor, stepping on it, breaking the lenses.

Jared meekly hands him the homework with a scared expression on his face. It greatly amuses Jessica to see this. The tall, busty blonde says "Carter, I think I want to make him watch you fuck me, knowing he'll never get a girl as hot as I am to go out with him. After that we can force him to eat your hot cum from my pussy. What do you think, baby?" She will never admit this but she finds Jared cute and wants to have some fun with him. Carter agrees, seeing a way to humiliate Jared greatly. Jessica says to Jared "You hear that nerd? You'll be coming to Carter's house this afternoon or we'll beat your face to a pulp."

Jared nods fearfully as they leave. He is trembling in fear and disgust at what the two of them plan to do to him. But a moment later, the fear is replaced by anger. He really shouldn't have to cater to their whims. No, by doing that, he is only setting himself up to get bullied more in the future. What he should do is stand up for himself and not let the assholes push him around anymore. If they really do try beat him up like they said they would, then he'll fight back. Carter might be stronger than him but he can fight dirty. He is smart, much smarter than Carter and his goons.

During the first period, he browses on his laptop. He isn't going to spend any more time cowering before those jerks. The boy quickly finds some good ideas for homemade weapons. He isn't nearly as strong as Carter but he can even the odds by making a weapon he can carry around. No guns. That would be taking it too far. As much as he hates the ass, he doesn't want to kill him. He doesn't want to go to prison too. Jared would use something that isn't too dangerous. Something he can carry around while at school. That much he already knows.

During a free period, he leaves campus briefly to buy a golf ball, along with a new pair of socks. He gets this from the nearby sports store. Then Jared takes the objects back to school. He finds an unoccupied corner of the sixth form center. He sits down and stuffs the ball inside the sock. After that he ties a knot right above the ball, cinching it tightly. It is perfect. Jared puts it in his pocket as he leaves the sixth form center and heads for his next class of the day with a bright little smile on his cute face. He is in a much better mood now that he's got a solution to his problem. A good solution that will teach Carter a lesson.

He walks into Carter not long after that and surprises both himself and the jerk by being able to smile so cockily. "What the fuck are you smiling for dweeb? Do you want me to wipe that grin off your stupid face?" Carter asks, making Jared snort in derision. Carter's eyes narrow. He is preoccupied with the nerd's face and fails to observe Jared slipping his hand into a pocket. Jared has reached his homemade blackjack and is holding it firmly, gripping the weapon with his fingers. He's taking deep breaths, ready to draw it and use the thing on Carter at any moment now.

"You're calling me stupid with that abysmal score you got on Geography?" Jared sneers back. "No wonder your dad said you're a disappointment. He probably wishes he used a protection method. Or maybe he did and it failed." Everyone around them gasps as Carter turns red in the face. He cocks his right fist back and prepares to throw a very massive hook. Jared is a little faster than him though and draws out his blackjack, swinging it hard. The small weapon quickly smashes into Carter's elbow, making him scream in pain. Carter's friends stare in shock as their leader clutches his useless limb.

"You'll pay for that," one of the guys growls at Jared and charges at him in rage. He too tries to strike him but this time Jared reacts even more violently, swinging the weapon at the other guy's head and knocking him down. All the other guys back off, too scared of him to attack. Carter is shocked by the turn of events. Jared has never fought back like this before and he has no idea what to do. He tries attack Jared once more but is then struck on the head like his crony, and falls down just like him too. Jared then holds on to the blackjack, a menacing look on his face, daring them to try attacking him again.

At the end of the day, Jared sees his big bully talking to a 44 years old woman. Carter's mom, Lisa, is a very beautiful woman. She makes a lot of money from her job, working for a private military company after her time in the Air Force over the past decade. Lisa is in great shape for her age from all the working out. She happens to see Jared from the corner of her eye as he walks by. The boy doesn't want to confront her since he just hit her son. Yes, her son started the whole thing, but it'd still be quite awkward. He has no choice though as Lisa already saw and is approaching him.

"Hey," she says to the boy. Jared has no idea about this but she secretly thinks he is adorable. Lisa's been crushing on him for some time now and has asked her son to leave him alone but Carter wouldn't. "I heard what happened here today." Jared flinches slightly, worried that he might get into trouble. Lisa can see it on his face and hurries to assure him "Don't worry, cutie pie. I really do not blame you for what you did. My son has been tormenting you for so long. If anything I admire you for not hitting him earlier." The divorcee gives him a flirty smile and he gulps nervously as she gets closer and closer to him.

"Oh, I only did it because I had to," he tells her earnestly. "I didn't want to hit him but he gave me no other choice. If I didn't have to then I wouldn't have." It is making Jared nervous as Lisa gets so close to him, getting rid of the distance between their bodies. The tip of their noses are almost touching this moment and his nervousness is kicking into full play. "What are you doing, Ms Cater?" he asks her politely, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down with each and every word he speaks. He needs to get better control of himself. Can't freak out like this just from talking a woman.

"If I press charges though, even though you would win since you have a valid defense, I could still easily ruin your reputation. You wouldn't what that to happen, right?" she asks him, gripping his chin. He shakes his head slowly. "I have a solution. If you go on a date with me, I won't press any charges. What do you say, my sweet, adorable boy?"


Lisa eyes the boy hungrily. She knows that Jared has been the target of her own son's bullying for years now. The single mom has been secretly wanting him in her bed for the past two or three months now. Jared is just so sweet and cute. She is also impressed by how well he handled himself today, as he is now no longer letting her son get away with bullying him. At first she was furious when she saw her son bleeding. Then she realized it was from Jared, after her son has been bullying him for so long. Her anger vanished in that instant as she starts smiling to herself.

Right now she is sitting across from him at a table in the local cafe. She has picked this place since it's quite nice and easily affordable. The food is also reliably great. All in all, it is the perfect place to have a first date at. And that is exactly what she and Jared are having right now. It's Lisa's first date with her crush and she intends to make it count. The boy is still a virgin, as she found out when asking him earlier, while she has had a lot of sexual experiences in her youth. Lisa will take the lead and slowly ease him into a relationship with her, so that he isn't too overwhelmed.

"I didn't expect you to ask me out on a date," Jared says. He is still red, even though it has already been three hours since she first asked him out on a date. "You're really beautiful and also one of my classmates' mom. Plus today I hit him in the face. Even though he was the one who started it, I still hit your son. And here we are. It's just surreal." Lisa smiles lightly at Jared's very astute observation, pouring him some more water. "Thanks, Ms Cater," he says in a polite tone. She adores the way that his little cheeks can stay rose red for such a long time.

She leans over the table and strokes his face gently, making the boy blush even more. Lisa then leans in close enough to give him a kiss on the tip of his nose. Jared swoons, nearly passing out from his shyness. "I asked you out because I think you're adorable," she tells him in a flirtatious voice. "As for the hitting my son part, he had it coming. He is a thug like his dad. Always picking on the smaller kids. It's a good thing that you taught him a lesson. Hopefully it would stop Carter from doing something like that again." She looks into his eyes and he feels his heart beating wildly in his chest.

Jared takes a small bite of the almond croissant as his date looks at him from across the table intently. He squirms in a coquettish way, not being used to the way she is staring at him. The nerd is a very socially awkward person, after all. She is his first date, and also older than his mom. That makes things even more complicated than it would have been in other circumstances. "Wouldn't he be a bit upset with you though? Actually it would make him really mad, wouldn't it?" Jared might loath Carter with every fiber of his being but destroying the mother son relationship seems to be a going a step too far, even though Carter deserves to lose everything that he has.

But then again, he didn't agree to the date for revenge. He agreed so she'd not get him into any sort of trouble. Also, he finds Lisa to be an attractive woman too, one who is exactly his type. Lisa knows this too and tells her young date "It doesn't matter what he thinks of this. He never cared how I felt about the way he and his nasty friends bully people." She then cups his cheeks again and makes him turn redder as she uses her thumbs to caress his skin. "I am an adult. I'm my own person. I'm his mom and he should listen to me, and not the other way around. So don't waste time worrying about how he'd take this."

The two of them enjoy their appetizers together and she charms him with her excellent conversational skills, easily regaling the nerdy boy with tales from her time in the Air Force. Jared finds himself quickly carried away by how charismatic she is, and she notices this, smiling brightly at him as she realizes she still hasn't lost it. He is the cutest boy she has ever met and she is so glad she managed to get him to go on a date with her. Asking him out has not been a mistake at all. She only wishes she got the nerve to ask him out earlier but that doesn't matter now. What matters is that now he is right here with her.

The main courses arrive soon after. At the end of the meal, Lisa leaves a very generous tip. She walks him to her car then gets behind the steering wheel. In just a few moments, she has buckled in and started the engine. Then she begins to pull out of the parking lot. Lisa talks to him some more as she drives Jared straight home from their date. He is still feeling a bit awkward, but nowhere near as much as he felt before. "By the way, Carter doesn't know that we're on a date," she tells Jared. "He thinks that I'm at work and also that I was only talking to you about the bruise on his head back when we were at school. So don't mention it, okay?"

Jared nods before getting out of the car when she's arrived at his house. She is a very tall woman and has to lean down to peck him on the lips. "Good night," he whispers to her before she leaves. It has been the perfect evening to him. He has never been on a date before. This is the first one of his life and he loves how wonderful she made him feel when she was looking into his eyes and talking to him. How she filled him up with all the warmth. It's way too soon to say that he loves her, but he knows he's definitely heading in that direction right now. It's only a matter of time.

Once he gets inside his house, he is a little surprised to see his mom waiting for him. Jared thought she would be in the shower right now. "Hi mom, what's up?" Jared asks her as she heads to the fridge to pour himself some milk. She is looking at him intently as he does this, not taking her eyes off her son for one second. It's starting to make him feel a bit uncomfortable but of course he does not say this. He just looks back at her as he is gulping down his milk, still in a daze after being enchanted over the nice dinner out. God he hope he does not look lovestruck right now.

His mom asks "So how was your date?" Jared sighs. He didn't want to talk to his mom about this. The boy has a very good idea about how she would react to the news that he is dating someone a year older than her and two years older than his dad. Yes, they did have him at a very young age, but the fact remains the same. He is dating someone who is older than his parents. "Is she that girl from your history class? The one I met at Parents-Teacher Conference? She has a crush on you. Or at least she did back then. I am pretty sure of it," she continues.

Jared shakes his head then mentally beats himself up over it. He should've lied that it's her. That way, it'd stop his mom from asking more questions. He couldn't tell her that he is dating one of his classmates' moms since that would only make her freak out, and that is the last thing he wants. He doesn't need to have his mom start panicking about his relationship. He doesn't want his mom to call his girlfriend a predator because of the age gap, which isn't that great to Jared. Yes, Lisa is older than him by 26 years, but so? When it comes to love, age is just a number right?

"So who is it then?" Jared's mom now presses on. He tries to think of what to tell her that wouldn't arouse his mom's suspicions. It's really a simple thing to do and he is a smart boy too, but right now he is panicking and freaking out. It is the first time he has to deal with this sort of questioning since he never went out with anyone before and his heart is racing 100 miles an hour. That's what it feels like for him right now. How he wish he just told her it's the same girl that she was talking about earlier. That way he'd be in his bedroom already.

Finally he decides to say "She's in my Chemistry class. Believe it or not she's the one who asked me out. Probably because she could tell that I like her but was too shy to make the first move. You know how I am around people. Always so tense and nervous, and fidgeting and stuff." He knows that the fact that some of it is true will help him be a lot more convincing in his lies, since he would be feeling less guilty. That's why he told the truth about his date being the one who asked him out and how he always get nervous around girls and women who are not part of his family or one of the teachers.

His mom nods and tells him to go take a shower. The boy complies, with a nice little smile on his face after he's walked past her. He is glad that she isn't asking him any more questions since he does not want to tell her any more lies. Jared feels no guilt lying to most other people but with his parents it's different. Much different. He hates going behind their backs. But this is something he has to do, since he knows his mom would just get livid if she finds out the truth about his relationship. She would be majorly pissed off that her son is actually dating someone who is older than her.

Jared closes the door to his bathroom. He strips, tossing the clothing into the corner. Then he enters the shower stall. The boy turns the faucet, waiting for a few seconds before stepping up under the stream of cold water. He really likes to shower with cold water because it is refreshing and helps keep him up on his feet. After that he brushes his teeth right away. Jared doesn't want to have any more snacks after the meal he has just had. The dessert was already more than enough. He then goes to his bed and lies down, switching on his phone.