Career Moves

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Angela begins a relationship with her boss to keep her job.
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Part One - The Business Transaction.

Angela Carter was concerned. The company had to cut costs, she understood that. Recession was looming and business was hard to get. Even harder to retain. Insurance was an easy commodity to buy and smaller brokers like this one, even with its extensive online presence struggled on the comparison sites.

Angela was in a difficult position. She couldn't afford to be one of those unfortunate sacrifices for the benefit of the others. She had a mortgage to pay.

Her boyfriend brought in a wage, which was probably the only reason she stayed with him. But it wasn't enough to keep them both. She needed to bring home decent money if they hoped to keep the small house they'd taken on just six months ago.

He was a cheater. She knew that. She didn't when they bought the house. But now she did. She just chose to ignore it for a comfortable life. Unlike him, she didn't have a family to run back to. And now this added headache.

Of course, she'd looked for other work, but times were difficult. Few firms were taking on and she couldn't be sure of a future in this current one. Now it was review time. Something which would play significantly into deciding whether she was kept on.

Angela was comfortable that her figures were good. Not outstanding, but good. And of course, timekeeping and attendance were excellent.

But others in the office were as good or better at driving sales and most had been with the company a lot longer. Longevity counted when these things were being decided. Always cheaper and easier to let go of someone like herself with under two years of service. It cost the business nothing.

There was also the matter of the vacant Office Manager role that needed to be filled. She'd apply when it was advertised, assuming the rumoured restructure didn't see her on her way. No matter how she looked at it, her position was precarious.

Angela did understand the one thing she had going for her over the others. She was young and pretty. The Centre Manager, Logan Taylor certainly seemed to appreciate that of her. She'd caught his eye, seen him looking. And she was well aware that he always made a point of talking to her when he was in the office. He'd made it more than clear he had a soft spot for her with his little touches and standing close.

She'd be lying to herself if she didn't admit that she'd always flirted with him in return. That was something that annoyed some of the other girls. Sarah especially. But was his appreciation of a pretty girl barely out of her teens enough when he had to make harsh professional decisions?

Angela had been worrying about this for weeks and had concluded the only way to keep her job was to use what she had and offer to take the flirting a little further.

She wouldn't be the first young girl to fuck her boss to keep her job and she wouldn't be the last. Okay, it wasn't professional and it probably wasn't fair on Craig. But obviously, she wouldn't be telling him. Just like he hadn't told her about the slut he'd been doing behind her back.

To her thinking, Either she did this, something she had to admit wouldn't be so hard for her, or she would be unemployed and she'd lose her home. Angela was in no doubt their relationship, already on rocky ground, wouldn't survive if money pressures drove them back to living with his parents. That was assuming she even wanted the relationship. She didn't. It was just the financial situation and having nothing to fall back on that kept her pretending.

Of course, deciding to seduce your boss wasn't a decision to be taken lightly. It also wasn't the easiest thing to initiate despite the fact it seemed such a prevalent event in offices up and down the country. Angela was no 'goody two shoes' but it most certainly wasn't the sort of behaviour she made a habit. It was, however, something she could live with.

It helped that Logan was good-looking. He was a lot older, but he was still fit. A big man. Not overweight or anything. Just big. Tall and solidly built. He'd probably have made a good bodybuilder if it had been his sort of thing. To be fair it wasn't her sort of thing either. Angela wasn't that keen on extreme muscles and all the preening that went with it. Craig was annoying enough with the time he spent fussing over his appearance. Just a shame it didn't seem to be for her benefit any more. If it had, she might not be considering this.

Logan was fine as he was, and if it helped keep her in employment then it wouldn't be so hard to fuck him. It wasn't as if she didn't enjoy sex. She loved it. There was nothing better than that slow loss of control as a man teased you towards orgasm. In fact, she was more than happy to do that on her own. Craig wasn't so great at it so that was more of a regular event than she wanted to admit.

No. This wouldn't be hard at all.

What was hard was turning the plan into reality. It'd been so easy thinking it through between calls at her desk. All those imagined conversations where she planned out how to initiate a connection. All useless when it wasn't so easy to find an opportunity to put them into practice. Wrong time of year for office parties, and it was rare to have him to herself in private. She just wasn't important enough.

But today was different. Right now she had one of those opportunities. She was sat opposite Logan in an annual review with the door safely closed on prying ears and interrupting calls. It had to be today.

What he wrote on her appraisal would determine her whole future. Either she accepted her fate, or she took the only action she could to direct it. If this worked, great. If it didn't, then there would be some awkward embarrassment and she'd be going home without a job a few weeks earlier. Not a lot to lose really.

After nearly an hour of boringly discussing key performance measures and reviewing the status of current customers, Angela was beginning to fear an opportunity still wouldn't present itself. There was only so much flirting, so much brushing of hands and coy smiles she could do. But without the right question, she couldn't suggest she was open to other activities.

As Logan put his pen down and leant back in his big chair Angela resigned herself to failure and glanced out of the window. Autumn was closing in now, more rain than sunshine. Dreary weather reflected the mood coming over her.

The carefully chosen blouse and skirt to accentuate her figure, the time taken applying her makeup just right, all seemed wasted. Then unexpectedly he opened the conversation up.

"So what else can you bring to the table that makes you a valuable asset?

I'm thinking, about interests, outside activities. Things that although not directly part of the role could enhance it in some way.

The kind of things that the business would be the poorer without?"

And there was the implied threat. Offer something or she wouldn't be part of the company.

Angela glanced down for a moment, she had her window. A question she could answer that didn't involve facts and figures.

This was her moment. But with it was that rush of panic that came with adrenaline pumping through her veins. Not for the first time that day her stomach twisted and turned summersaults as though infested with a thousand hummingbirds taking flight. She knew she'd gone bright red and realised it was now or never. She took a breath and steadied her nerves.

"It's not always the monetary value I can bring to the company that's important."

She looked up and held his eyes with her own.

"I mean. Sometimes it's about working relationships... or at least... I mean... relationships in work."

Her voice was trembling and all those carefully prepared words were coming out in a jumble.

"What I can offer makes working... more fun..."

She tailed off giving what she hoped was a sexy smile, praying he would just get the hint and save her from spelling it out.

Logan shifted in his chair and leant forward, propping himself on the desk with his elbows. He was a big man and dwarfed her petite frame.

Suddenly she felt as though she was under a microscope.

"Relationships? Like in the office?"

He looked bemused.


Then she added.

"Or... outside the office."

A nervous smile flickered on her face as the doubts rushed through her head. What if he was disgusted? What if she'd misread the signals? Perhaps he was the perfect professional and would finish her on the spot.

"So you're saying you can bring some fun to work?"

"I think I could bring you some fun, yes."

Her mind started racing for a route out of this as she imagined it all going wrong. Had she emphasised the 'you' too much? Or too little?

"So we could have... fun... in the office. Here?"

Angela knew her face was glowing. She could feel the heat burning in her cheeks. Picking a lad up in a nightclub was so much easier. Kiss and see what happens. Move on to the next one if he wasn't interested. And keep going till you found the one who wanted to get in your knickers. That was how she'd met Craig. Here she was trapped. One option with no guarantee he would bite, and a heavy price to pay for rejection. Right now Logan's face was giving nothing away. Fuck it, there wasn't a lot to lose.

"Or. In your car, if you like?"

She looked away disbelieving that she had just made it so obvious. Well, that was it. Either she would be riding his cock or the bus home before the day was out. An evening ahead searching the job sites on her tablet beckoned.

"Well. That's an interesting aspect.

You don't mind that I have a wife? Or that you have a partner?"

Angela looked back, trying to judge what he was thinking behind those eyes. She sat upright and crossed her legs, pushing her glasses back up the bridge of her nose to reinforce the hot secretary look.

"I wasn't planning we tell them." It sounded conspiratorial without her even trying.

"Just. Fun."

Oh shit. Would he explode at her?

Instead, he mused before responding.


Well. I think we should explore that a little more. Perhaps a test run in the office for a start."

He leaned back putting a little space between himself and the desk and she quivered in the way you do when faced with your phobias.

"How would you feel about that?"

Angela swallowed, trying to settle her nerves. She still wasn't sure what he was truly thinking. Was he going to tease, and play along before embarrassing her? Then throw her off the premises? It didn't matter now. She also hadn't meant they should actually do anything in the office. But she was committed.

"Sounds good. I things for you."

A nervous smirk was invading her face.

"Fun things?"

"Yeah. Things the other girls wouldn't do."

She pressed on almost frightened to stop talking. Her stomach was churning and she sensed the tremor in her voice. God, what had she done?

"Things you couldn't put in my appraisal."

It was corny she knew, but she pushed a pencil into the tied-up mass of dark hair and twiddled with it trying to look all sexy Secretary as she waited for his next words. Now she was trembling, terrified it was all going to go wrong.

Logan took a deeper breath and she felt his eyes studying her even more. She knew she was pretty. A rounded face that was cute rather than beautiful in the classic sense. But it was lower where his eyes seemed directed. She blushed but held her nerve, keeping her back straight and letting her tits heave with each breath under the white blouse. Anything to emphasise their size a little more than her carefully chosen bra already did.

They weren't massive tits, just big on her small frame and she was fully aware that Logan had snatched glances in the past. This time though, he wasn't hiding it or looking away when she looked at him. The top was sheer. He could clearly see the line of her undergarment and the enticing mounds that rose from them. She'd chosen the blouse specifically for this reason, along with the flimsiest of bras. To act coy now would be to betray her own plan.

"Just to be clear. We are talking something more personal here, than say, a bit of filing?" He asked.


More personal than that."

She swallowed nervously as she desperately tried to read his face.

"Okay. I just wanted to be sure we understand each other."

Angela's entire insides were tumbling about as she awaited the next few moments. Precious seconds that would be crucial to her chances of having a job at five o'clock. She'd done everything but show him her tits. There was no backtracking now.

She jumped as Logan stood and walked over to the door. Purposeful and without hurry. Security? Angela wondered. At the click of the lock, she knew she'd won. The realisation came with a colossal wave of relief. She would leave this office secure in her job. But first, she'd have to deliver her part of the bargain.

To be honest she'd expected that to come later, in his car after work. But he'd locked the door. He wanted something now. The thought turned her tremor of fear into a quiver of excitement. She just wasn't sure if it was the anticipation of a smooch or the fright of having to make out for the first time here in the office.

Logan purposefully brushed his hand over her shoulder as he came back past. This time he kept his chair away from the desk and sat with his legs slightly parted. The swelling in his groin was already evident through the suit trousers. She was having the effect she wanted.

"Of course, I'd expect you to make yourself available on a regular basis, whenever I need you. Not just at annual reviews."

He smiled warmly and Angela instantly felt a lot more comfortable.

"Of course. Whenever you want."

"And discretion would be important."


"Just fun. No strings."

He was setting the ground rules. All fine by Angela.


This wasn't about wreaking a marriage or some fairy tale ending. To be cold about it, it was a business transaction.

"Then we're on the same page."

She gave a nod of understanding before rising to her feet. It was time for her to stop talking. And she had to admit, what had started as a means to an end was now becoming a need. She wanted him, just as she had Craig that first night in the toilet cubicle of some club. Not the most romantic of settings and neither was a sterile office with a team of clerks and account managers on the other side of the door.

Angela moved around the desk without breaking eye contact intending to sit on his lap and kiss him. To her surprise, he held her away before gently pushing her down to her knees.

Fuck. It wasn't a smooch and a feel-up he intended. For a moment she considered backing out. Suggesting he wait until after work. But she couldn't do that. It would look like she wasn't serious.

She knelt, knowing what she had to do. Logan gave a tiny gasp as her hands went to his knees. She slid them up upwards, along his thighs, squeezing muscles more toned than she'd expected. All the while keeping that eye contact that would tell her he was hooked.

"Fuck." He muttered.

"This isn't quite how I'd seen your review going."

Her hands came back down before moving upwards again, this time on the insides of his legs. He flinched as she reached his groin and moved around the bulge, just close enough to excite him, but purposefully not touching.

"Relax. The fun starts here."

Angela unbuckled his belt and lowered his fly. Then gently she pulled his trousers wide, eyeing the large bulge that stood out even clearer, pushing at his boxers. It twitched under her gaze.

"Logan." She exclaimed with delight through a widening grin.

She rubbed the palm of her hand along the length of it, sensing his whole body shudder. This wasn't going to be difficult at all.

"You are a big boy."

Logan shifted in his chair and pushed his clothing clear, down onto his thighs, eager for her touch on bare flesh. His cock bounced free like an unleashed animal. Long and thick with a beautiful bulbous crown that stood proudly unhindered by a foreskin.

Angela shuddered with anticipation, watching it dance. There was a sudden realisation that this was real. That she was about to suck a cock that wasn't Craigs. It wasn't like she didn't have experience, or that she hadn't had a strange man's dick in her mouth on a night out before. But it had been two years now since she'd met Craig and settled down. Wild nights that ended in a strange bed or parked in a dark parking lot with someone she might see only a few times again, or maybe never were long over.

This wasn't supposed to be. She was meant to be boring. But the hunger was taking charge now. The musky scent of a new man floated into her nostrils and sent hormones flooding her system. Excitement reached down to her pussy releasing dampness into her panties. What had been a purposeful act to protect her job now became an animalistic desire. She needed it. She needed to taste him. And she needed to cum before this was over.

Angela reached up to take her glasses off.

"No. Leave them on. I like them."

She grinned.

"You like the secretarial look?"

"Personal Assistant might be more appropriate. But yes. You look hot in glasses."

"I've wanted to personally assist you for ages."

Not wholly true. Yeah, she'd felt the occasional thrill at talking to him. But thoughts of a physical liaison had existed only as a means to protect her job.

Angela opened her mouth wide and closed her lips around his crown. She slid confidently down his shaft in a smooth motion until his tool reached the back of her throat. Logan shuddered, a loud gasp escaping his lips as her hand closed around his meat and followed her lips back up to the head.

"Fuck me, Angela, that feels great."


Her eyes looked up to meet his and she savoured the pleasure projecting back from his face. No longer managerial and mature. More boyish and, well, hot.

She let her tongue run over his smooth rounded head, circling it, then teasing the distinct narrow slit, before sliding underneath to push him against the roof of her mouth. Her hand worked him slowly, rubbing and pulling at his flesh, enjoying the gristly feel and its intense warmth. His legs spread further, pushing his cock higher. He seemed to harden even more as she shuffled closer to dominate his groin.

Logan's scent filled her head, intoxicating her with its manly bite. There was something about the older man. Or maybe it was his role. His importance. He was a big powerful figure in position as well as stature, and she was acutely aware of her own petiteness and her lowly role in the business. Opposites in every way.

Angela felt tiny, like a delicate flower, even as she had total control of him with little more than lips that rode back and forth along his shaft. For a few moments, their roles reversed. She had the power and he was the helpless one while her mouth was closed around his cock.

"That's fucking amazing."

For a split second, she wondered how his wife was at doing this for him. Did she deliver a satisfying blow job, or did she just lay back and wait for him to relieve himself after years of marriage? It only encouraged her. Two years and she felt her and Craig were nearly at that point. The mysterious Isla in the background certainly hadn't helped. She'd never seen her but she knew the girl existed.

Angela determined to be better than his wife. To be the best. Better even than she was with Craig. Actually, that wouldn't be hard. Sex with Craig had become stale. A routine. They were no better than an old married couple themselves. When she sucked his cock now it was robotic, just an expected service two or three times a week, always with the thought that hers wasn't the only mouth he was enjoying.

"Christ." Logan's eyes rolled as he became weaker under her touch.