Carrie's Conundrum Pt. 02


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"Dammit! Just let me go!"

"Oh, dear! It appears as though the chief has taken a fancy to you! I do hope you are ready," taunts Mona from afar.

Carrie feels her body being positioned horizontally in mid-air as the chief approaches. He stops in between her legs as he peers down at her with his cold, black eyes.

Time seemed to slow down as he just looked at her. Meanwhile, Carrie tried to predict where he would bite first. Most likely it would be her thighs since that was where most of the fat was. Not that her legs were fat, of course. The chief finally starts moving. She closes her eyes as her body tenses with anticipation.

He is taking longer than she expected. Carrie was hoping he'd just start to get it over with. However, her ears pick up some movement. There is a soft thud for some reason. Maybe he was getting rid of some gear before he feasted. The blonde woman was about to voice her annoyance at the delay when she felt a pain in her lower body.


Carrie lets out a loud scream though not from being bitten. Instead, her body was being pierced by something else...the chief's cock! Her eyelids fly open as her vision confirms it. The sight of his thick rod sliding into her snatch shocked her. Mona's touch earlier had made her slick which made it easy for the Aboriginal leader to glide his shaft in and out.

"How do you like that," came Mona's sing-songy voice. "Your intel is sub par because we trained these Abos to express their voracious appetite in more...carnal ways."

"Are you seriou-uuuuuh!"

Carrie throws her head back as he shoves in several more inches inside her. It was better than being eaten, but she wouldn't categorize being violated as being any better.

"Why," croaked the blonde as she gritted her teeth trying to get used to the chief's girth which felt like it was tearing her apart. Her fists were squeezed tight as her body tenses like a bowstring.

"Why? Well, it's elementary, my dear Carrie. Virility. The essence which gives men and women brief supernatural strength. While adrenaline stems from an instinct to survive, virility is based on a primal need as well. If we could only cultivate it...ah, but i have spoken too much."

"", gasps Carrie as the chief triumphantly shoves his large cock all the in. She felt like she would split in two!

Meanwhile, the two natives holding her arms had lowered her so they could force her hands open so she could rub against the front of their loincloth.

"Yes. You should be thankful I prepared you earlier or that would have been more painful."

"Shut...shut up," spat Carrie weakly as she grunts feeling the chief begin to piston his cock in and out of her.

The pungent, sweaty smell of the Abos made her wrinkle her nose as the men got closer. Now that their leader had established a rhythm, some of the men were touching her body. They ran their hands along her legs, hips, ass, tummy, back, arms, and especially her breasts. Carrie would try to shirk away, but there were too many hands which assuaged her from all sides.

Carrie closed her mouth shut as she attempted to bite back her grunts and groans. She wanted to keep a stoic demeanor even as her traitorous body warmed up from the stimulation. The chief must have sensed this too because he went faster, slamming his hips into her's.

The blonde growls as she grits her teeth while she endures the onslaught. To her delight, the chief seemed frustrated as he began to speak angrily. To her surprise, the men lowered her to the ground. Was it over?

This position gave the chief the gravitational leverage to attack her pussy at a new angle which he took advantage of. Her pink lips part as the air is knocked from her lungs. The relentless assault of his thick appendage almost distracts her from the fact that her limbs are now free!

However, it seemed like he also realized it because two men immediately restrain her arms above her head. Carrie scowls in frustration as the chief flashes a toothy sneer down at the helpless woman. She could see it in his eyes that he wanted revenge for their scuffle earlier,, but she would not give in to him.

Several minutes pass by as the chief tries his best to make her break. Even though she was aroused by his frantic thrusts, the hunter continued to glare up at him defiantly. The chief's face was wrinkled from exertion and annoyance as sweat poured down his chest. Since he was leaning over her, some drops fell on her toned abdomen.

He lets out a feral growl which she took to mean his impending release, but she was wrong. The chief instead shifts his position so that he is directly above her. His dry lips quickly latch onto one of her pink nipples as he sucks with a gusto.

The surprise maneuver forces Carrie to gasp loudly as a groan escapes her lips. Her cheeks flushed in shame as the men could clearly hear her. The men holding her arm chortles as they begin removing their loincloth. Her blue eyes widen as she sees that they too are well endowed. Theor erection jutted out prominantly as their small bodies as the tips leaked pre-cum.

The chief then reaches up to play with her other breast as she moans softly. Her skin crawled as he touched her chest and she squirmed to get him off her. The small act of resistance could not stave off the arousal which was welling up inside her. She leans her head back a bit as he nibbles on her now erect nipples. Her gaze meets the Abo to her left who is stroking his cock with hunger in his eyes. He licks his lips as he looks down at her.

The Abo leader snaps at the two men above her who reluctantly reach back for something. Rope! They make quick work binding her hands together, but for what purpose?

Carrie yelps as she feels the deceptively strong chief lift their bodies up. Her bound hands move with the momentum to land behind his head. He lets her fall back as she squeaks feeling the gravity push down on her. However, her bound hands catch the back of his neck allowing him to pierce her from a new position.


There wasn't much she could do as her body gradually unfolded, surrendering to her primal needs. It was inhuman how much energy he had! How could he still move his hips so much after all this time? Was this the result of the MI6's experiments?


The chief roughly grabs her hips to plow even harder into her. She felt like he was trying to tear into her womb. Carrie's head hangs back limply as her breathing becomes labored. Her blue eyes meet Mona's amber ones which shimmered with lust. The dark-skinned woman had pulled down the zipper of her suit as she reached in to play with her round breasts.

Knowing that the other woman was getting off to her humiliation felt strange. What the hell was this? How did she end up in this position? More importantly, why was her body on the verge of exploding?

The chief pulls back and slams her hips down against his triggering her orgasm which rips through her body like lightning.


She could not stilfe her voice as her ragged moans escaped her lips. Shortly after, he joins her as he lets out a primal growl. Carrie realizes with horror that he was cumming inside her!

"No! S-stop," protests the woman weakly as she looks down to see some of his discharge leaking out of her. "Shit!"

He dumps hers unceremoniously onto the ground as he raises his arms in triumph. The rest of the warriors cheer and hollar while Carrie tries to recover to crawl away. Her vision was blurry and she used her right shoulder to push her body up.

The post-orgamic exertion has her weakened for the moment so she collapses back to the ground. Luckily, none of the Abos seemed to care as they praised their leader. She takes a deep breath then tries again. This time the blonde was successful and she rolled on her stomach. Unfortunately, one of the men notices and he loudly informs his friends.

They quickly grab her as she struggles fruitlessly against their strong grips. She couldn't do much with her wrists bound and soon she was restrained again. One of the men holds her wrist behind her head as she remains standing. To her chagrin, his other hand crudely grabs at her left breast while she tries to twist her body away.

"Ugh! Quit it, you freaks!"

"Hahaha! You're still pretty energetic! Good! We do need some field results from our specimen. Let's see how long you last," crooned Mona while she watched the men surround and grope the blonde hunter.

No matter how much she moved, the myriad of hands which touched her were overwhelming. Carrie resigned herself to her fate as she stops fighting. Part of her was tired, but she also knew she would need her strength if she was going to make it through this ordeal. It was flimsy, but this glimmer of hope hardened her resolve. Though that wasn't all she felt. There was a very small part of her that felt a sickening thrill.

One of the men decides it is his turn as he shoves his cock inside her.


Carrie was still not used to the girth of the Abos and this one wasn't much smaller than the chief's. By the sounds of it, he was enjoying it as well. The warrior's face was a mask of bliss as he enjoyed the warmth of her pussy. While he remained inert, his friends lowered her back so two of the men could lean down to suck on her nipples.

Mona moaned as she saw the other woman being positioned as if she were laying on a sacrificial altar. Although these Aboriginals weren't cannibals, they were fulfilling their ritual in other ways. The dark-skinned woman's eyes watch keenly as Carrie gasps from the stimulation of her breasts. Big mistake.


The Abo who was holding her wrist back wanted his turn and he eagerly jammed his erect penis into her small mouth. She has a lot of trouble accommodating his girth as she gags with tears coming out of her eyes.

Carrie was having a hard time breathing as her throat was stuffed full. She was on the precipice of choking and her vision began to blur. Her senses were so scrambled that she didn't even register the squirting of semen inside her from the man fucking her. He bellows as three more spurts erupt from his large appendage. He doesn't even have time to bask in the glory when the next Abo pushes him out of the way so he can claim his prize.

The firing invasion of her nether regions pushes her further into the man taking her mouth causing her to gag even more. Carrie was rapidly breathing from her nose as she desperately tried to get some air. Her vision begian to darken and a part of her was glad. Maybe it would be better if she was passed out. Sadly, fate had other plans.

The Abo above her growls as he throws his head back. He fills her throat with his load which spills out of her mouth splattering onto the ground. When he mercifully withdraws, Carrie spits out the thick, viscous liquid from her mouth with disgust. She was loudly gasping for air, but she was only afforded a brief respite. In fact, her hands were freed only to be used to stroke the eager cocks at her sides.

Mona had slid the front zipper of her suit as her hand slides down her perfectly trim stomach while she watched the scene unfold before her. Her hand slips into her soaked pussy as she watches man after man take Carrie's two holes. Their carnal hunger was relentless as some of the men came back for seconds. Their black bodies were slick with sweat as they abused the white woman caking her skin with cum and grime.

It was unprofessional to self-pleasure during a mission, but Mona couldn't help it. She enjoyed watching the blonde woman break and her tight body defiled by these savage natives. The agent had already experienced several orgasms as she observed the fight fade from Carrie's eyes. She had to get a closer look.

Mona approaches just as one of the men finishes with the blonde's mouth. Before another could come and replace him, the woman kneels and grabs Carrie's face. She admires her slack and hopeless look as the white discharge trails out of her abused pink lips.

"Now, now, we can't have you being so wasteful."

The MI6 agent bends down to lick up the semen to deposit it into Carrie's mouth which she then kisses. Mona feels minimal resistance as she uses her tongue to shove the globs of thick liquid down her opponent's throat. The feel of her wet, soft lips was making Mona feel randy as she physically and sexually dominated the other woman. There was no better feeling in the world. And yet, she made a mistake.

Carrie waits right until the Abo taking her snatch pulls out so she can reach back and grab Mona by the back of her suit.


The darker-skinned woman's eyes widen as she feels her body being pulled forward. She crashes into one of the Abo warriors which disorients the men enough for Carrie to break free! She then slams the back of her hand into the nose of the man to her right breaking his nose. The woman maneuvers her body with the momentum to push the British agent into the crowd of men.

Carrie looks at the rest of the men and gestures to the temporarily stunned Mona shouting, "Here, you can have her!"

When they step towards her, she spots her gun and deftly grabs it. She waves it threateningly as they back off in fear. Carrie keeps them at bay as she slowly sidesteps toward Rusty. Out of the corner of her eyes, she finds one of the ceremonial knives on the altar. She takes it so she can free the red head. By this time, the Abos decided it wasn't worth messing with her when they had a substitute in front of them.

"Wha-? Unhindered me, you brutes! You work for m-aaah!"

Carrie moves to make quick work of the ropes as the remaining Abos tear at Mona's suit while she attempts to fight them off. It was tougher than expected as the knots were tight, but she eventually freed Rusty.

"Come on! We have to het out of here," urged Carrie as she spots the path the three women took earlier. "There's supposed to be an extraction a few ways from here. Hurry, we have to make it or our ride will take off!"

However, Rusty was too busy watching the natives have their way with Mona. There was one taking her soaked pussy, another behind her taking her ripe ass, and a third shoving his member down her slender throat.

Carrie snaps her fingers impatiently. "Rusty! Now! Before they decide to chase us!"

"O-ok," murmurs the rotund young man as his eyes reluctantly tear away from the enticing scene before him.

Carrie was running as her eyes darted around making sure they wouldn't fall into any traps. She had to stop several times because of her out of shape partner, who was no doubt enjoying an unadulterated view of her naked form, especially her pert ass which bounced as she moved.

"Com...come oooon! Are we theeeere yet?"

The blonde feels a tinge of annoyance, but she swallows it to reply, " patient, Rusty. We're almost there."

He crosses his arms as he puffs his cheeks childishly. "We've been running for hooooours! And my leg hurts!"

This was like babysitting an infant. Carrie had to bite back a sarcastic comment about how it had only been fifteen minutes, but she decided it was more important to get out in one piece. Without a word, she just kept moving.

"H-hey! Wa-wait! Don't leave me alone!"

They arrived at the clearing and luckily caught the copter before it was going to take off. The pilot had an eyeful as he stared at the naked blonde. She promptly climbs into the transport vehicle and grabs some of the spare clothes blankets in the cargo trunk to cover her body much to Rusty's disappointment. That didn't stop him from trying to sneak glances at her pussy as they sat across from each other.

"Can you look at something else?!? I saved your life! The least you could do is not look!"

"Yeah...sure," said the red-haired young man unconvincingly as he pretends to look out the window. " did you...uh...get out of there?"

Carrie sighs. "What do you think? I just had to tough it out and wait for the right moment to act."

"Yeah...that was pretty cool though."

The blonde hunter blinks slowly as his words register in her brain. Did he just give her a compliment? The boss' spoiled brat actually gave her a compliment! This was a nice change of pace.

"Well, yes. You see, it's all about the training and drills. It's important to exercise regu-"

Rusty turns and gives her a puzzled look. "Huh? No, I mean the sex part! I can't believe I got to see a gangbang in real life! It's soooooo much better than the shit on porn-"

"No, we are not talking about this," said Carrie firmly as she glareed at him. She should have known that was what he was focused on.


"No one hears about this, got it?"

"Aww, come-."

"I. Said. Got it?"

Rusty cowers under her gaze as he mutters a meek, "Yes."

Carrie stares at him for a few more seconds to make sure he got the message then she asks, "More importantly, what were they doing with you? What happened to your bodyguards?"

"Oh, well, the guys sucked. They got their asses kicked by that hot British woman. I could have taken her if she didn't ambush us."

"Uh huh. Sure. And the three women?"

"Yeah, they were with us and I guess they wanted to use them to experiment or whatever."

"I see...and what happened when they captured you."

Rusty grins. "Well, I thought I was going to be cannibalized, but it seemed like they just wanted me to test out their little serum thingy."

"Test? Serum? How?"

"Heh, well, how else? Sure those Abo women aren't the best looking broads, but man, that drug is amazing! I felt like I could fuck a whole village and I think I might have actually..."

"Great. Lovely," replied Carrie who shook her head. To think they were worried about him dying. He must have the devil's luck! However, she had a lot of questions that needed to be answered.

A few days later, Winston was at his desk reviewing the report. He sighs and rubs his temples while tossing the case file on his desk.

"This is quite concerning. For them to be in our ass like this...I was hoping we'd have more time..."

Carrie bursts into the room causing him to look up. Her beautiful face was marred by anger as she stomps in. She slams her palms on his desk as she leans forward.

"What the hell is that kid?"

"I have no idea what you're-"

"Jimmy. They were asking me about him!"

Winston holds up his hands. "Sorry, Carrie, that's classified."

She slams her fists onto his desk. "Fuck that! Did you realize what I had to go through to protect that secret?"

He looks at her for a few seconds then sighs. "Fine. I can tell you some, but close the door first. I don't want to be accused of being a blabber mouth."


Carrie does so then returns in front of his desk with her arms crossed. "So what is it? Spill it."

Winston clears his throat and leans back. "Fine. Here goes. Have you heard of the Super Vitality Serum?"

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