Casino Plot Ch. 08


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The ladies pulled into the parking lot, and sure enough that horrible tent was set up and waiting for them. The girls got out of the car and took one last look around. Then, sadly, they made their way into the tent. This time the tent was empty, no workers were inside and there was basically just a big open space in the center. Going around the tent, near the outside wall was some sort of track, but when it went over the doorway it also went way up in the air, so the ladies couldn't really get a good look at it. What they could see unfortunately were their washing machines. They were sitting dead center of the tent and just waiting for them. For a moment, the women didn't see another soul in the tent, but then they saw movement as Janice walked out of the shadows from the far side of the tent and made her way towards them.

"Well, I'm glad to see you ladies on time. Take your seats and let's get started. As soon as we have you all cleaned out, we can get on with the final game."

Ruth and the others didn't bother to object or plead. They just wanted to get this over with. All five women began getting out of pants and panties. Then they began sitting on the machines. Each lady couldn't help shivering as the plug went up her ass. But they stayed with it and fastened the straps. They all got the final strap plugged into their pussies and then waited to be washed. All the women hoped that Janice would be nice and at least use the warm rinse.

As soon as the women were set, Janice turned on the machines. It was always so funny to watch women squirm as they were inflated. Janice let their asses get nice and full, and then she started the agitators working.

The women jerked and moaned as the machines wormed up into their asses. But aside from that that they didn't react much. Janice realized they had come to accept these things so much, that they barely reacted to them now. While she knew that she could liven things up if she gave them an icy rinse up the ass, Janice also knew how much these ladies still had to get through with this game and what came after. So, she rinsed the ladies out with warm water and finished cleaning their holes. When she was done, Janice released the straps and told the women to get off their machines and follow her.

The hole washings always made the women a little wobbly, so it took a minute for them to get themselves unplugged and stumble over to where Janice was. She was in the back of the tent next to that strange looking track. Actually, now that they were close, the ladies could see that there were actually two tracks side by side. They were much lower at this end of the tent, and on the tracks were two bizarre looking bicycles.

The bikes didn't have wheels. They looked more like stationary bikes, but they each had some sort of gear system that was hooked to the track. The seat was very high and the handle bars were down very low. Also, disturbingly, there was a huge dildo coming right out of the center of the seat.

"Ok, ladies, I need you all to wait here while I let the crowd in. I don't want to explain everything twice, so just hang out here a few minutes and then I'll let everyone know how this last game works. Oh, and I also need you to strip down completely, so get those shirts and bras off."

Ruth and Lee couldn't take their eyes off of those bikes. They both knew this was going to be some sort of race on that track, but what else was involved they had no idea. The other three were even more confused. There was nothing obvious for them to do, but they didn't think that Janice was going to give them the day off. They imagined all sorts of terrible things that could be required, but none of them had any information to base their ideas on. All they could do was take their tits out like they had been told.

The women's musings came to an abrupt halt as Janice opened the tent, and a huge crowd of people began to swarm in. Janice directed them to the center of the tent, and they all filled in the area that was surrounded by the track. Ruth and Lee couldn't help cringing as Janice made her way back over to where they were. They were now going to hear how this race worked, and they were pretty damned sure they weren't going to like it very much.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to this running of the Casino Derby. Now, as this is the first running of this race, we only have two horses, but I promise you, we will still try to entertain you as best we can. Also, our course is a little on the short side, but I also believe the race will be very exciting. So, let's get started by getting our horses ready to run."

After she finished speaking, Janice gestured for Lee and Ruth to climb on their bikes. Both women looked apprehensively at their rides. those dildos looked enormous. There was no way out of it though. Ruth went first. She put one foot in a pedal and then threw her other leg over. Carefully, she lined the dildo up with her snatch. She had to reach down with one hand to make sure it was pointed into her hole. When she was sure she had it set, Ruth slowly lowered herself down onto the seat. That huge plastic pole made its way deeper and deeper into her vagina, but Ruth finally managed to come to rest on the seat.

Lee just watched Ruth mount up. Then it was her turn. The little colonel was really scared. She was not a big girl, and she really wasn't sure that whole dildo could fit inside her pussy. But she was going to have to find out. So, very carefully, Lee got up on the bike and lined the toy up with her hole. Then, very slowly, she lowered herself down. The thing was stretching her hole and it was going way up inside there. But Lee did manage to get the whole thing up her snatch and to get her ass completely down on the seat.

When both women were mounted, Janice finished getting them strapped in. First, their feet were strapped into the pedals. Then the girls were bent way down until they had a firm grip on the handlebars. Attached to the handlebars were actual handcuffs and these were used to lock the ladies' arms down to the steering bars. Not that any steering really was needed, but where those bars were set, the women's arms were pulled down so low that their asses were practically pointing straight up in the air. Also, their big tits were basically hanging straight down.

"Ok, ladies and gentlemen, the next thing that real race horses need are numbers and colors. We'll start with numbers. Let's make this horse #1 and the other one #2." Janice pointed as she said this, and Ruth became the #1 horse and Lee was #2.

Janice reached into her pocket and pulled out a permanent magic marker. It had a large wide tip so it would write very big. It was a red marker and Janice used it to draw a big '1' on the side of Ruth's hanging tit. Then she moved around the general and drew and identical number on the other tit. After that, Janice covered the marker and pulled out a similar one in bright green.

Lee had seen what had happened and she knew her tits were going to be marked next. Sure enough, Lee felt Janice reach under her boob and push it up a bit, and then a large number '2' was drawn on the side of it. A second later her other tit was numbered as well.

"Ok folks, the numbers are on, now all we need are colors. So let me take care of that right now." And saying that, Janice moved directly behind Ruth.

General Simpson really had no idea what was going to happen. What kind of colors was Janice talking about? But the she felt the marker tip push against her anus and then she knew. Janice was painting her asshole RED!! God how HUMILIATING. And DEAR LORD she WASN'T STOPPING!!! Ruth felt the marker finish painting her anal hole and then it moved down. Ruth felt herself colored from pussy to ass. Janice even pulled her flaps away from the pole that was jammed up between them so that she could color the inside of them. And then, if all that wasn't bad enough, Ruth felt Janice reach around her front so that she could take the marker down and make sure that her clit was going to be bright red as well. The general really wanted to cry as she started hearing people in the crowd laugh at her now very bright red equipment.

Lee could hear Ruth sobbing, but she didn't know what was happening. But then she felt the felt tip of the marker push into the wrinkles around her anus and she knew. Her anal ring was being PAINTED!!! She was getting a bright green asshole and there was nothing she could do about it. Lee tried not to react, but when she felt Janice actually pull her pussyflap out so that she could thoroughly color both sides of it, Colonel Kwan just couldn't help having tears come to her eyes. The painting continued until Janice had completely colored in Lee's other pussylip as well as her clit. Finally, the marker moved away from her equipment, and Lee just sagged down on the seat. The Korean colonel might actually have slid off the seat if that dildo stuck up her cunt hadn't had her pretty much locked in place.

"All right folks, now our horses have their colors and numbers, but the still need tails. A good racehorse just doesn't look right without a really good tail. So let me get these in place real quick and then we will move on with things." And Janice put the mike down and picked up two large artificial horse tails.

The tails were amazing devices. Tony had already seen them and he didn't know what impressed him more. Janice's creativity in thinking of these amazing things, or her ingenuity in actually getting them created. Either way, these were amazing devices. The main part was a gigantic butt plug which, when inserted into the woman's anus, would keep the tail firmly in place, Then, attached to the end of the plug was what Janice called a centipede.

The centipede was actually a long thick rubber tube which would come to rest right in the center of the ass crack. It would run up and down the crack and sit right down on top of the little anus. Finally, coming out the side of the tube were a dozen little metal prongs on each side. The prongs pushed against the tender skin at the deepest part of the crack. With this in place, it was very hard for the woman to clench up and close up her ass from view. The centipede also had one other function which was really going to impress Tony when he saw it in action.

The last piece was the actual tail itself. Unlike a real horse's tail, this was plumage with a wire in it that made it point straight up in the air. It wouldn't look like a real horse's tail, but it would also stay out of the way and not block any needed access to those pried open asses.

Janice started with Ruth. She placed the tail at the entrance to Ruth's anus and quickly shoved it inside. Ruth's eyes almost popped out of her head as that huge thing went up her ass. Then it came to rest, and Ruth felt the centipede pushing her ass open. It felt really strange to have that thing stuck into her crack like that, but it wasn't worth complaining about, so the general just hung her head and waited for what was next. A moment later, Lee was gasping for air as she too ended up with one of those tails stuck into her rectum.

"All right folks, only two more pieces of equipment to go and then we can get on with things. As you should know, one never wants a good racehorse distracted, so blinders are essential. Also, a bit is a critical piece of equipment."

Ruth had no idea what Janice was talking about until the lady made her way over to her head. Then Ruth felt Janice strapping something to her head. There were large flaps attached to it that were placed along side Ruth's eyes. With those in place, no matter what Ruth did she could only see forward. She was completely blind to anything alongside or behind her. And then, while she was trying to adjust to that, Janice forced her mouth open and a large rubber bit was forced inside. Quickly it was strapped tight. That rubber block was definitely staying in Ruth's mouth until Janice felt like removing it.

Unlike Ruth, Lee could see to her side. And she had seen what had been strapped to Ruth. Not that it mattered. Colonel Kwan tried to move her head, but it couldn't go far. Very quickly, Janice had Lee strapped and bitted just like Ruth. So, while the horses got used to their situation, Janice called the other three women over to explain their parts in this game.

"Now ladies, we have to pick jockeys for our horses and this is where you come in. We're going to have an old-fashioned lottery and you women are my dispensers. I have one bag of lottery balls for each of you. Each bag has 9 white balls and one red one. Now I'm going to have 3 chairs brought over, and I need you each to take a seat and start loading those balls up your snatches, while I talk to the crowd. So get to work and I'll be back in a couple of minutes."

Janice handed the twins and Sue Lynn each a bag, and then headed back to the mike. The three women just looked at each other for a moment. Was Janice SERIOUS?? But then Sue Lynn looked in her back and saw exactly what Janice said would be there. There were basically 10 ping-pong balls, nine white one and one red one. Sadly, the three women took their seats and began stuffing balls into their vaginas, while Janice told the crowd what would be coming next.

"Now, as you folks can see, my three lottery dispensers are loading themselves up nicely. You can see all those balls are being stuffed right into those pussies. And trust me, it may take a little while, but those three women will get all those balls shoved up into themselves. They all have very adaptable cunts. But I'm sure you're asking yourselves what do those stuffed cunts have to do with me?"

"Well, I'll tell you. Each of those two race horses needs a jockey to motivate her, and one of you will get to motivate each horse. And here is what you will get to use to motivate them."

At that sentence, Ruth and Lee both strained to see what Janice was showing the crowd. However, with the blinders attached the way they were, neither woman could see a thing.

The audience, however, could see and laughter began to fill the tent.

"So, ladies and gentlemen. I will simply begin an auction. Each time an auction ends, the winner will get to play the lottery. The first two winners will get to be jockeys. The final winner will get to help get our horses off the track. And of course you'll get to help them do some very special tricks while you're doing it.

"Now, with all that said, let's start bidding on the first draw. Also, remember, the price of a chance will probably go up as the game progresses, as the odds of getting a winning ball will get easier. So, my friends... What am I bid for the first draw?"

As the bidding began, Sue Lynn and the Kreiger sisters just sat there moaning in their chairs. Their vaginas were stuffed completely full of ping-pong balls. But then Janice started yelling at them. "Come on ladies, let's spread out and show everybody how nice and stuffed you are."

The twins and Sue Lynn couldn't help sighing, but they did as they were told. Each lady lifted her legs up and spread them apart, so that they entire audience could clearly see her stuffed vaginal slit. Then, they just tried to forget that they were displaying their pussies to a whole crowd of strangers, and waited to see what else was coming.

It must have been a wealthy crowd, because Sue Lynn heard the bidding begin at $100, and it took off quickly from there. $200, $300, and $500 quickly followed. It wasn't until the bidding reached $840 that the first lottery pick was sold.

The guy with the winning bid made his way over to the chairs quickly. The big colonel was seated in the middle, and those two beautiful twins were on each end. He couldn't decide which twin he wanted, but finally, he just went to the one on the left.

The man started to ask Janice what came next, but the lady beat him to it. "Shoot, I'm sorry, sir, I forgot to start the lottery machines. You'll have to give me a second, but I promise you it will be worth it." Janice reached into a bag she had near her, and the three "Lottery ladies" couldn't help hearing the evil little chuckle she gave as she pulled some strange looking contraptions out of the sack. The ladies just shuddered as Janice prepared her next toy.

The little gadget had something that looked like a little chute. And attached to the chute at one end, was a plastic loop of some sort. The other end of the chute was much wider, and appeared to have a button on it.

"Now if any of you have ever seen a lottery drawing," Janice was explaining, "then you know that the lottery balls are dispensed automatically. So if you'll give me a second, I'll set these up appropriately."

Sue Lynn and the others wanted so badly to just get up and leave, but they didn't dare. And now they knew where those chutes were going to go. And their poor pussies were stuffed so full ALREADY!! But Janice didn't seem to care. She just placed a plastic loop against Sue Lynn's stuffed pussy hole. Then, when she had it lined up, she just shoved it right up. Sue Lynn couldn't help gasping for air as that thing was pushed up inside her. A few moments later, two other women were gasping as well, since Janice had shoved the other two device right up their cunts also.

"There we are, now just pick a lottery device and press the button and we'll see if you get lucky."

Well, it was time to see what happened. The guy reached for the chute sticking out of one of the twins. (It was Gitte, but he didn't know that.) The man got a grip on the chute and pressed the button. A low humming noise started, and the guy thought that the blonde woman's eyes were going to pop out of her head.

When the button was pushed, the plastic loop inside Gitte began to spin around in there. It stirred up all those balls inside that pussy. The loop moved them this way and that. It was the funniest thing to see. Everyone could actually see Gitte's abdomen ripple when that loop pushed against it from the inside. And Gitte herself just began to squeak and squawk as her pussy was stirred. Finally, one of the balls fell into the opening of the chute and fell out of Gitte's snatch. The process was funny as Hell, but the guy couldn't help being a little disappointed as a white ball rolled out of the twin's pussy and down to the end of the chute.

"Well, folks, that was not a winner, so who wants the next shot?"

The young man who'd won the first one made his way back to the crowd. He'd stay and watch, but he didn't have enough money left to make another successful bid. Still, it would be fun to see what happened.

Janice started the bidding going again. This time the winning bid was actually a little lower. For some reason $820 bought the next try.

The winner this time was a woman. Janice told her that she could pick any lottery holder she wanted. The gal knew she should use the same one the guy had used, that one had one less ball stuffed up it now, so the odds were a little better. But she didn't care. She so wanted to watch that big woman in the middle squirm as her pussy was stirred up. So without any hesitation, she made her way over to Sue Lynn and pressed her button.

Sue Lynn almost jumped out of her chair as that thing began mixing the balls inside her channel. God what a FEELING!!!. Finally, though, she felt a ball pop out of her, and the thing stopped moving up inside her.

This ball was white as well, so the bidding started up a third time. And now the price began to go up. The winning bid became $910.

Gitte wanted to scream as the winning guy came over to her and pressed her lottery button. Sure enough that thing began stirring again. By the time a ball made its way out of her vagina, Gitte was hitting notes that had previously been way out of her range.

Four more winners followed and Gitte's pussy was stirred around almost constantly. Fortunately for her, as the number of balls decreased, her pussy wasn't stuffed quite as full. The mixing was still unpleasant, but it became more bearable. The last bidder had paid $1830 for his chance and he threw his hands in the air and let out a whoop as he saw a red ball roll out of the blonde's cunt. The lucky guy was going to get to be one of the jockeys. He didn't know exactly what that meant, but he had a feeling it was going to be a blast.
