Casino Plot Ch. 08


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General Cutter hadn't planned on pushing Ruth this far, but the general was an excellent observer of people. He had noticed Ruth's reaction when he told her that her cunt was too loose. Instead of being offended, she had been almost devastated. Dwight could tell that Ruth had a deep submissive streak and a desperate need to please her superiors. General Simpson might not even consciously know it was there, but it was there regardless. Dwight was positive that Ruth would be desperate to have her pussy please him somehow, and he was not disappointed.

"Please SIR! I'm sure I can figure out a way to DO IT, SIR! Just please let me THINK a second." Dwight couldn't help but be amused at the note of panic in Ruth's voice. The other ladies noticed it, too. But they just chalked it up to Ruth being afraid that Dwight would come up with something worse for her to do. Dwight was the only one who knew that the panic was because Ruth did not want to face having a "useless" pussy.

And Ruth was panicking. She was desperate to figure out some way to make this work. Her pussy might be loose, but it wasn't useless. It had to be able to hold the things Dwight needed it to. She thought and thought, and finally Ruth came up with a solution. It was awful, and she couldn't believe she was going to suggest it, but it should work. Please let it work!! Her pussy had to be useful for the general.

"Sir, I have a w-way sir. Janice can use the super glue on my flaps. She's used it to glue me shut before, sir, she could use it to glue me open. That way my hole would be available to hold whatever you need, sir." Ruth was actually praying that this horrible idea would be acceptable.

"Ruth, that is a wonderful idea. Janice, would you mind taking care of that, please?"

"Certainly, sir." Janice was more than happy to go along with this. She was a bit astonished that Ruth had suggested it, but it was a fantastic idea. "I'd be delighted to help Ruth with that."

Janice wasted no time. She pulled the tube of glue from her purse, and then walked over to where Ruth was holding herself spread open. She couldn't help feeling Ruth wince as she reached down and grasped one of her flaps. Janice smeared the glue on the outside of the fleshy little thing, and then pressed it against the inside of Ruth's thigh. She held it there until it was securely attached. After that, Janice repeated the process with Ruth's other pussyflap and then stepped back to admire her work.

It was perfect. Ruth's flaps were glued to her thighs and her pussy was completely opened up. "There you go, General, one nicely opened up pussy."

"Thank you Janice, and Ruth, you will be glad to know that I will be able to use your pussy after all."

"Thank you sir, I am very relieved to hear that." Ruth really meant what she said, although only Dwight and his group believed her. The rest of the ladies just assumed that Ruth was being sarcastic. They would have been astonished to realize just how submissive Ruth had actually become.

Dwight, meanwhile, just reached down and stuck the pen that Ruth had signed the paper with right in her snatch. Then he told the other women to take the pen, sign the paper, and then replace it in the holder. The ladies were all still too shaken over everything that had just happened to argue. They just quietly did as they were told.

Ruth couldn't help squirming each time the pen was either pulled out, or stuffed back into her vagina. But she didn't complain. By GOD, she was going to show General Cutter that her pussy really was useful.

While Ruth was acting as a human pen holder, the other four women completed signing the documents that General Cutter had presented. Sue Lynn was last. She couldn't help shivering as she looked down at Ruth's glued open pussy. With the flaps glued to her inner thighs, Ruth couldn't close her hole no matter how badly she wanted to. Still, Colonel Fairchild wasn't going to take any chance of ending up in the same condition. Her hand shook a little as she pushed the pen back into Ruth's hole. When it hit bottom, she let go and rejoined the others.

"Well, I guess that's all I need from you four. Ruth, how are you doing there?" Dwight couldn't help grinning as he took the signed sheets and stared down at General Simpson.

"Sir, I'm doing fine, sir, b-but could the pen be p-pulled out of my pussy now, sir?"

"Not just yet, Ruth, I have one more task for your pussy. The hole may be a little loose, but I seem to remember that your little button works quite well. So, if I work the little button will it do what it's supposed to?"

Oh NOOO!!! Not in front of her BOSS!! But Ruth had no choice but to answer. "Yes, S-s-sir, if you wo-wo-work my little button it will p-perform its function, sir."

"And what function is that Ruth?"

"Sir, if you play with it, it will make me c-cum, sir. OH PLEASE DON'T SIRRR!!! Don't MASTURBATE MEEEE!!!--"

Ruth couldn't help whining, she so didn't want to be humiliated like that. But Dwight cut her right off. "GENERAL! Are you refusing to obey orders Ruth?"

"No-no-no sir." All Ruth could do was whimper. If it was going to happen, she couldn't stop it.

"And Ruth, I don't just want you to cum, I want to see and hear a good screaming, pussy shaking orgasm. Do you think your little button can do it?"

"Yes, sir, the button can do it, sir." This time Ruth didn't even care if her pussy was pleasing, she was just to beaten to argue.

"Oh, and one other thing Ruth. When you cum, since the pen is in your hole, I will hold onto it and keep it steady there. But I want you to fuck yourself nice and hard on it as you cum. Do you understand Ruth?"

"Yes sir, I-I-I understand, sir."

"You understand what, Ruth, tell me exactly."

"Sir I understand that -- OH PLEASE SIR! Do I HAVE TO DO THIS?!!"

"RUTH!!, Do you KNOW how to OBEY ORDERS or NOT?!!!"

Poor Ruth. She so horribly did not want Dwight to masturbate her like this, but she couldn't stop it. And now she had to say every awful thing that was going to happen before it actually happened. The general just wanted to cry, but that wasn't an option either. This nightmare wasn't going to end until she managed to follow orders, so Ruth struggled to get a grip on herself and do as Dwight had commanded.

"Yes sir, I do s-sir. Sir, if you work my button, I will cum for you sir. And I will scream and shake when I cum, and fuck myself on the pen in my hole, sir."

"Very good, General, so let's get to it, shall we?" And with that, Dwight reached down and brushed Ruth's clit. Then he began rubbing the little thing. He watched Ruth began to shake and pant as he worked on her clit. He had to admit that the whole thing was quite amusing.

Ruth, however, was definitely not amused. Dwight was MASTURBATING her in front of everyone. She wanted to fight it, but she couldn't. General Cutter wasn't going to stop until she came, and the way she was starting to feel it wouldn't take all that long. Ruth could feel her breath getting short, and it was becoming harder and harder to hold the lower part of her body still. Besides, it was going to happen, so she might as well get it over with. General Simpson forced herself to stop fighting the sensations. Her breath got shorter and shorter. Dwight kept playing with her clit, and it happened. Ruth's body arched up and she let out a scream. She was CUMMMING.

General Simpson was writhing and shrieking as she orgasmed. As it began to calm down, Ruth could feel the pen in her hole. She also remembered Dwight's final order. So instead of fighting the orgasm and trying to end it, Ruth let it continue to take her and she made herself slam against Dwight's hand holding the pen. That forced the little object in and out of her hole as she had been ordered. Ruth really wanted to end this humiliation, but orders were orders. So she kept going as long as she could. She could hear everyone laughing as the pen was pistoned in and out of her vagina. After a few more moments, it ended. Ruth sagged down and stopped moving. She did let one more squeak out, though, as a finger was jammed deep up her butthole.

Her eyes popped wide as Dwight stuck his finger all the way up her ass. Ruth stared at Dwight as he just looked down at her. "Ruth, I have to admit, while you have a somewhat loose pussy, this little hole is very nice and tight. Anyway, I think we're done here. You ladies get dressed. Ruth, you too. Thank me for seeing how tight your ass was, and then get up and get dressed.

"Yes s-sir. Thank you for seeing how tight my anus is." Ruth thanked Dwight and he pulled the finger from her butt. Somewhat in a daze, Ruth got off the desk and began to dress. As she pulled her panties on, she realized her pussy was still glued open. There wasn't anything to fix it though, so Ruth finished dressing and waited to see if it was finally over.

"Well ladies, I think that we have an understanding now. So if there are no questions, we will see all of you on Monday."

"No sir, No questions sir." Ruth was the one who replied, and on that note, all five women stumbled out of the door and began the trip back to the base. It was a very quiet and somber journey as the ladies pondered where their lives were going.

As the five ladies made their way home, the remaining people in the room continued to talk.

Tony had to ask Dwight if he had known that Ruth had such a submissive side.

"Actually, no I didn't. I saw it come out and I just decided to run with it. Frankly, I probably took a stupid chance, but it worked out."

"I didn't think it was stupid at all. We've been seeing that same submissive side coming out for a couple of weeks now. It's become quite useful. Not only does it keep Ruth easily in line, but it causes her to help keep the others in line as well."

Dwight just said that he was relieved that everything was still on track. And that he was curious about the next game.

Janice just smiled and said not to worry. He would definitely enjoy it.

"Well folks, it's been fun, but I need to be getting back."

Tony and the others wished Dwight well and told him that they would see him Monday at the game. They also invited him to join them for dinner after the show.

"You know I think I would enjoy that. I'll see you then."

Dwight left and the others headed off as well. Meanwhile, Ruth and her cohorts made their way back to her office.

When they got to the office, the twins started majorly whining. "God, What are we GOING TO DOO??!!! What about our CAREERS?"

Ruth started to yell, but she was just too exhausted. "Ladies, our careers are over. We have to face that. The fact that we are staying out of prison and keeping our pensions is extremely generous. I don't want to talk about it right now, though. I just want to go home and get drunk and go to sleep. I'll be in the office tomorrow, but I still don't really want to talk about it. So, I'll meet all of you here Monday morning and we'll face what happens then. Until then ladies, I really would like to be alone. Good night."

Some of the others started to say something. Possibly the scariest thing that had happened through all of this was seeing General Simpson beaten down like that. But they realized there was nothing to say. In all honesty, they all felt pretty exhausted themselves. Maybe if they all got some sleep things wouldn't look quite so bleak. So all the women filed out of Ruth's office and went home. Monday wasn't far off, and they were going to need some rest to get through it.

Ruth debated not going into the office on Saturday morning. But there was work to do, and she needed something to take her mind off of other things. So she was sitting at her desk when Billy Watson came in to make his delivery. Ruth started to say something, but Billy just told her he'd be back in 15 minutes or so and to have her ass ready for him. Ruth sighed and prepared to do as he had said. But there was something she so badly needed to know.

Ten minutes or so had passed, and Ruth knew it was time to get ready for Billy to assfuck her. She removed her panties, and then Ruth got out her pocket Vaseline and lubed up her asshole. After that, she waited for Billy to return. When she saw him coming through the door, the general got up and bent over her desk. She pulled her asscheeks wide apart so that Billy would have easy access to her anus. Then she just put her head down on the desk and waited for the soda guy to ram his rod up her ass.

Ruth was still meditating on her issues while she bent over. She was so distracted she barely noticed when Billy set his cock's head against her anus. But when he drove the entire shaft up the channel, Ruth's eyes popped open and she forgot all about her questions. It took all her concentration to try to adjust to that log shoved up her butt.

It took all of Ruth's focus to relax her anus. Billy was really pounding in and out of the little hole, and every time he went it, Ruth couldn't believe how far up her ass she could feel his cock. She knew that last time she had played with her clit and really enjoyed it, but right now, she just wasn't in the mood to be pleased. So the general just stayed there, bent over, and took her assfucking.

Billy loved that ass. Ruth was so tight and so hot. She didn't seem as into it this time as the last, but she wasn't complaining. So Billy just kept ramming away at that little hole. He started to cum a few times, but he managed to hold it back. The guy wanted to make this last as long as he could, that ass felt so damned GOOD! Finally, though, Billy couldn't hold it back any longer. He pulled Ruth's hips back to him and pushed himself in as far as he could possibly go. Billy couldn't believe how long he kept cumming into that butt. It was almost like the little hole was trying to suck the very life out of him.

When he was done, he actually sagged down on Ruth's back for a minute. But then he was able to collect himself, so he pulled his dick out of Ruth's butt and prepared to leave. But just as he got his pants buckled, Ruth caught her breath and asked him a question. The question was so astonishing that Billy had to ask Ruth to repeat it to be sure he had heard it correctly.

That pole was just ramming away back there. Ruth struggled to stay relaxed so that Billy's rod could make its way in an out of her butt. After a while, it didn't really hurt. It did feel like she really had to go to the bathroom every time it went all the way in, but it wasn't painful. Although, when Billy started to cum and thrust even further in, Ruth wasn't sure she could take any more. But then it was over. Billy had finished leaving a huge load inside her rectum and was just laying on her. Ruth could feel the shaft go soft inside her. Then Billy pulled it out and was getting ready to leave. She hesitated a moment, but then Ruth had to ask the question that was on her mind.

"Bi-billy, do you l-like to fuck my ass because my p-pussy is too l-l-loose?"

Billy just looked at her. He had this incredibly confused look on his face and then he just told her that he didn't think he had heard what she asked.

"I-I asked if you th-think my pussy is too l-l-loose."

Billy hesitated a minute, but this time he did answer. "Of course not, Ruth, you have a very nice pussy. I just happen to like your ass, too. What would make you ask that?"

Ruth started to just say nothing, but she couldn't help it. It all just came tumbling out. Before she even knew it, Ruth had told Billy Watson the entire story.

Billy couldn't believe what he was hearing. How could Ruth have gotten herself into such an amazing mess? Now, here she was, still without her pants on, and sobbing out this incredible story. When Ruth reached the end of her tale, she just stood there weeping. Billy put an arm around her and just held her until she finished crying.

When she was done, Billy had to ask how Ruth had managed to do anything that stupid.

"I-I don't know really. It started small, and then just got bigger and bigger. I guess we just assumed that we could get away with anything."

"Well, you kind of know you deserve what you're getting then don't you?"

Ruth had to admit she did, but it was still hard to get through.

"I know, but you'll make it through. You're a strong woman."

"I-I don't feel that strong right now."

"Well you are, and you'll survive. As to the other issue, be here tomorrow morning and we'll see if we can't convince you that your pussy is very nice."

Ruth figured Billy meant to come back the next day and fuck her pussy, and right now that sounded really nice. She thanked him for listening and told him she would be there.

"I'll see you then. Oh, and Ruth, don't worry. I know what you told me is secret and I assure you I won't say a word to anyone."

With that, Billy left and Ruth was alone with her thoughts. How could she have told all that to the soda guy? She hoped to God she could trust him, if he started telling that story to people there would be no way out of prison for her.

Later that day, Sue Lynn was shopping for food, when a man tapped her on the shoulder and said hello. At first she didn't recognize him, but then to her horror she realized who it was. It was CARL!!! It was the workman who had publicly fucked her up the ass a couple of weeks earlier.

"uh, hi." Sue Lynn had no idea what to say to the guy.

"I just saw you in the store, and I wanted to say how much I enjoyed the other day. Do you mind if I ask why you let all that happen?"

"P-Please, I can't discuss in p-public." Sue Lynn was starting to panic.

"Well, could we discuss it privately? I don't live very far from here."

Sue Lynn did not want to go home with this guy, but Dear GOD!! She couldn't have him talking about this. "uh--, well, uh ok. You lead and I'll follow in my car." Colonel Fairchild wasn't sure about this, but she had to do what she could to keep things quiet.

Carl really didn't live far from the grocery store. Sue Lynn had only driven about a half mile, when they stopped in front of a small, brick house. Carl got out, and unlocked the door and went in, with Sue Lynn following right behind.

"Do you live alone?" Sue Lynn didn't know what to say, and that seemed like a harmless question.

"Yeah, I bought the place when I moved here. It's big enough for one person and the neighborhood is nice."

Sue Lynn couldn't help looking around and noticing that everything in the house was clean and tidy. That relaxed her a bit. At least the guy wasn't trashy. He actually seemed very nice. But the colonel knew she still had to be careful. The most important thing was still making sure that Carl didn't tell people what had happened. And Carl was now asking her again about why she had done everything he had seen.

"We-well, I and the others owe some people a lot of money, and we'd get in a lot of trouble if the army found out. So we agreed to play their games in exchange for what we owe them." That wasn't the whole truth of course, but it was enough of an explanation. Now if Carl would just not tell anyone!

"So how often do people fuck that big ass of yours? It's fantastic."

"Honestly, you w-were the l-last one to do it, but I'm going to have to take more on Monday."

"Well, can I fuck it again now?"


"I'd really like to fuck that ass again if that's ok."

Sue Lynn started to tell Carl to fuck off. Hell no it wasn't ok. But then she remembered what she had told him. Oh GOD! If he got mad and went to the army, she'd go to prison and the others would KILL her for telling. That couldn't happen, no matter what.

"I-I guess you can. Where do you want to do it?"

Carl couldn't believe his luck. He hadn't really though Sue Lynn would go along with his request. But he wasn't going to waste any time taking advantage of his good fortune. "In here is fine, you can just bend over that sofa right there."
