Catering a Big Deal


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When she began to stir again, Rick relaxed his hold on her and she lifted her head and said, "Am I in heaven? I know I died; I'm just wondering where I went."

"Neither, you are being punished for all your sins; so you are stuck in my arms forever."

"It feels more like you are stuck in me, hopefully forever." She giggled.

"I can live with that."

"So can I. How long will it take you to recover?"

"I don't need to recover. How long until you are ready?"

"You didn't cum? I'm sorry, I should have ....." Rick put his finger over her mouth.

"You did everything exactly right. Next time, we will do it even better, for both of us."

She kissed him on his lips and stuck her tongue in his mouth. In reply, he rolled them over without losing penetration. Cassie wrapped her legs over his ass and pulled him tightly into her. Rick lifted himself enough that he could lower his head and take each nipple in turn into his mouth. When he pulled back up, he said "I have been wanted to taste those beauties and I couldn't wait."

"They have been looking forward to meeting your mouth for a long, long time. They are pleased to announce that you exceeded their expectations. They are tingling all over as we speak."

"Speaking of speaking, I am going to start moving again. I want every bit of you. Cum as often and as frequently as you want."

"What about you?"

"Don't worry. I will definitely cum and you will know it before and when it happens." He began short, slow strokes. Her hips began meeting his with her own. He didn't increase his speed, but he gradually increased the length of each stroke until he was almost leaving her before he retreated back inside her. Her hips increased their speed and were definitely trying to draw him back inside her as he pulled out each time. She began uttering murmurs and moans as they continued. A moment later, she cried out as her second orgasm overtook her. Rick did not change his stroke but slowed it for a few minutes to allow her some rest.

A few moments later he increased the speed again, this time a little faster than he had been before. Almost immediately, Cassie began her moaning and murmuring again. Her third orgasm snuck out a few seconds later. Rick did not slow down this time; rather he increased his speed a little more. This time Cassie's moaning and murmuring started and didn't stop. She started cumming in rapid succession, one starting on the heels of the last one. She felt Rick really increase his speed and felt that he was close so she began her own stroking again, sucking him into her. She heard Rick groan and say, "I'm there honey. I'm going to cum."

She said into his ear, "Cum inside me baby. Cum all you want." His exploded inside her and she felt every spurt and drop. He finally stopped spurting and lay still. Cassie lay there rubbing his back with a huge smile of love on her face. She felt his cock getting smaller and begin to slide its way out of her. She even enjoyed this last exit moment. She hoped that this would be a regular event in their lives. She had never felt so loved, so fulfilled at any time in her life. She knew that this was the man she wanted in her life. Now all she needed to hear was that this is what he wanted also.

He began to stir and she kissed his face. He slowly raised up and looked down at her.

"I think that you might have figured out when I came."

"Yes, I think that I might have noticed it. I love you so much."

"That sounds like it matches how I feel about you. How much time do we have until we need to go?"

She looked at her watch. "About twenty minutes."

"Good." He began to work his way down her body kissing her breasts and sucking her nipples again. This time he didn't stop there but kept moving.

Jenni had told her that Rick did this frequently for her but Cassie was doubtful that he would do it for her. She changed her mind when she felt his breath on her clit and then his tongue touched her slit. His tongue slipped up and teased her clit and then went down and found her waiting opening. She held her breath until she felt his tongue enter her and begin cleaning her out. The thought and the feeling were so intense, she came again. This only caused him to increase the intensity of his actions. She started humping his tongue and felt him lick and tease every inch of her that he could reach. She put her hands on his head and pulled him tight against her. A minute later, she came hard and for the final time, at least for now.

Rick finished his efforts while she was finishing her climax. He rested his mouth against her lower mouth and gently kissed it. Her hands finally released his head and he rose back up.

She sighed and asked, "Is it always this wonderful like this with you?

"Often it is. Sometimes it is less and sometimes more. It depends on a lot of things."

"I can't imagine anything more than that; but I'll look forward to trying to see."

"Me too. I can't wait to explore with you all of the potential that we can share."

"I am going to love this almost as much as I love you."

"What about the other things?"

"What other things? We are going to meet Jenni to sort those out and we better start getting dressed so we don't keep her waiting."

"Yes ma'am. Your wish is my command."

"You don't have a clue what my wish is."

"So tell me."

"Not now. Maybe after we talk to Jenni or later or sometime."

They got up and began dressing. Then they walked hand-in-hand to their cars and Rick followed her to his house.

Jenni's car was already there. As they entered the house they saw her sitting in the straight backed chair next to the couch. "Ah, the lovers have finally arrived. Have seat. I poured you each a glass of wine. Now, Cas, did you fuck his brains out or are they still functional?"

"No, I didn't fuck his brains out; he fucked me until I couldn't see straight."

Jenni broke out into a smile. "I am so happy for you, baby. Was it like I told you it would be?"

"Even better. He was marvelous and then when he cleaned me up, I thought I had died."

"Good. So you think he is ready?"

"I am and I think he is ready. He has only told me he loves me about a dozen times this afternoon, but he keeps referring to all of this other stuff that we have to deal with. I don't have a clue what he is talking about."

"So my dear husband, you finally decided to admit that you love Cassie."


"And how do you feel about me?"

"I love you every bit as much as I ever have, maybe more. I just want to love you both."

"You mean you want to fuck us both."

"No. I mean yes but it is even deeper than that, much deeper."

"Alright, then it is time for you to explain and if you start glossing around things, I'm going to keep you from seeing Cassie for a month. I want it all, now."

"Yes ma'am. I am ready to tell you everything."

"Cas, are you ready to listen to this?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Let's hear it." Rick looked down and gathered himself. He didn't see Jenni look at Cassie, smile and wink at her. Cassie returned the smile but still felt a little uncertain about what was going to happen.

"Jen, I love you and I have always realized that you love me but that you are very different than I am. You are beautiful and so desirable to many men. Your outgoing personality brings you into contact with many men. I always knew that there would be many temptations offered to you. I accepted that and frankly expected that at some time you would probably succumb to some of them. I accepted that as the price I had to pay for having your love. When I realized that you were having an affair with Jim, it was hard to accept because he was Cassie's husband and our friend, but I swallowed that and accepted it. This weekend has shown me that you two are strong and dominant while Cassie and I are simpler and quieter subs to your Master and Mistress positions. This weekend as Cassie and I have been together, I have come to realize that I really do love her. We work so well together and enjoy each other so much. But I finally found the courage to admit that to her today. I also realize that I do not want to live without you or her. I want to be with you both. I realized that you and she were working together to help me accept my subservient role in this complex relationship. I accepted that you were trying to feminize me somewhat so that I would be a faithful servant to you two with Jim as our Master. As hard as it was to accept, it finally hit me this morning just how important you both were to me and that I would do anything to make you happy and to keep us together. So, if that is what your plan for us and me has been, I accept it and will fill any role you want me to play as long as I can still be with you both."

Rick lowered his head again and missed the shocked look on both Jenni and Cassie's face. He sat there humbly waiting for them to tell him what his role was to be.

Jenni finally shook her head and looked at Cassie. They both shrugged their shoulders.

Jenni cleared her throat and began, "So. Let me get this straight and make sure I have this right. Since I am having an affair with Jim, you accept that. And after he fucks me, I can come home to you and you will clean his fresh cum out of my pussy. Right?" Rick just nodded. "Perhaps, you will even bathe me and dress me and take me too him and then suck his cock to get it hard and even put it inside me." Rick nodded again. "And after he fucks Cassie until she can't see straight, you are willing to do the same things for her?" He nodded again. "And if Cassie and I want to dress you up in a skirt and blouse and a thong for our pleasure, you would go along with that?" He nodded again. "If Cassie and I wanted to spank your ass to get you to do what we wanted, you would just bend over and let us do it?" Rick sighed and nodded for the last time.

"Well Cassie, this is very interesting. Rickie loves us enough that we can both fuck anyone we want and he will let us. We can do anything we want to him and he will let us. We even have his permission to paddle his ass if we want to. That is very thought provoking."

Cassie just stared at Rick.

"Rick, look at me in the eye and I will tell you how you stack up." Rick breathed and looked up into the eyes of his beautiful wife. "I told Cassie once that you were one of the most brilliant men I have ever met. I also told her that you were by far the best lover I have ever had. But I also told her that you were fully capable of getting caught up in your mind and turn a mole hill into a mountain. So as far as what you just said, you only got one thing right; and that was only half right."

"I do get hit on frequently and that includes Jim. He has hit on me at least once a week for the last three years. But I have never, not even once cheated on you with a man since the first time I had sex with you. I have told anyone who tried including Jim that I had the best lover in the world and they had nothing to offer me that was better. I said that then and I say it now. Well, now that you have given me your permission, maybe I will look around and see if I can improve on you." Jenni paused. "Not. I love you with all of my heart and soul. However, the half a thing that you did get right is that I am having an affair and I do not intend to end it. So you will have to accept that fact. In fact, all of what you just described has been part of our plan to get you to accept things when my lover moves in with us."

Rick gulped and asked, "Can I ask who your lover is?"

"I think I am going to the kitchen and get the rest of the wine out. I think we may need it. Honey, there may be another part of your fantasy that might come true tonight because Cassie and I might just spank you until you can't sit down. Cassie, take over and tell your idiot boy friend what he needs to know."

Cassie giggled and took Rick's hand. Rick looked like a bewildered animal lost in the forest. "Honey, listen to me." He looked at her. "I told you what I told Jim when I had caught him cheating on me once. Well that was true but I left out another part of that story. About six months ago I found out that he was still cheating and had been for a long time. I came over here and talked to Jenni about it. I was crying and so was she. She kissed me and then I kissed her back. One thing led to another and we made love. We have been lovers ever since. I am her lover. As we talked more and more, it became obvious that we wanted to be together but we wanted to be together with you since I was in love with you too. But you are so straight and you never even looked at me as anything other than Jim's wife. Jenni told me that you loved me but I didn't believe her. So we have been looking for ways to get your attention on me."

"The other problem was that we confronted Jim a month ago. He wasn't real happy about things but there wasn't much he could do about them. He knew what the consequences were and he acknowledged that he just couldn't leave women alone. He agreed to a divorce but wanted me to resettle soon because he had a couple of married women that he wanted to fuck and he needed a place to do it. We agreed that I would be gone in a month. That month is up at the end of this week."

"Jenni and I have been busting our butts to find ways for you and I to spend time with each other and hopefully break through your thick head. We knew that if I told you that Jim and I were splitting up that you would agree for me to live here for a while and that was our ultimate fallback if we couldn't get you on our program. But we wanted me to move in permanently and the three of us to share our lives together. Then the client came up for this weekend. It was going to be our last shot at getting your attention. If it didn't work, this we would talk to you about me using your spare bedroom for a couple of months and Friday, we would lay it all out for you. Fortunately, this weekend has worked out perfectly even if you didn't exactly get the story straight."

Jenni had returned and had refilled their wine glasses and had been listening to Cassie's story.

"Now my wonderful husband, it is time to cement the details of our little plan. First, do you still want to be married to me?"

"Yes, absolutely. I have never thought otherwise."

"So far so good, he got that one right Cas. Second, do you want Cassie to become part of our household live with us. By that I don't mean as a roommate but as one of us. In short, you will have two wives; one who is a busy real estate lady and the other who is a stay-at-home wife and mother. She is an equal partner in our marriage and has equal say in all things. You will be keeping both of us sexually satisfied frequently and we will also be satisfying each other frequently. Little Jim and her things will be in the guest room but she will be sleeping with us. Either you will be in the middle or she will."

"Oh heavens that is my dream come true. I love you both so much."

"Third, starting today you will not let your mind wander about either of us without talking things out with us first. In short, think with your big head at work and think with your little head at home."

Rick blushed at being reminded of his flight of fantasy. "Yes."

"Cassie are you breathing yet? And are you happy?"

Cassie leaned over and kissed Rick warmly and tenderly. "If I can get fucked like this afternoon only occasionally, I would be more than happy. I love you, Rickie." She got up and went over and sat in Jenni's lap. "Honey, being able to be with you every day and night and loving you completely is the most wonderful feeling. I will make you a good wife, I promise." She took Jenni in her arms and kissed her with the same fervor that she had used with Rick. Then she laid her head on Jenni's shoulder.

"OK, then as of now we are a threesome. Rick, put this around Cassie's waist." She handed Rick a gold chain like the one Cassie had put around him yesterday. This one had a tab that said "Property of R & J."

"I have mine on already that says that I am 'Property of R &C.' Until we decide if we want rings, this is our symbol of our love and commitment to each other. Rickie, I want you to take a couple of days off this week and get Cas moved over here." Rick nodded with a big smile on his face.

"Now, unless someone has something else to bring up, I am going to take a shower and clean up so I can take my husband and my wife out to dinner. Then we will come home and see how three people can make love with each other." She stood up.

"Um, Jen, there is that other thing we talked about. I didn't, umm, get a chance to bring it up this afternoon."

Jenni looked at Rick and smiled. "Honey, Cas and I also want to make another change to our family. She wants a little sister for Little Jim. So until further notice, it is your job to get her pregnant. She stopped taking the pill last month so you might have succeeded already although she isn't at her peak fertility period, but she will be next weekend. And I will be ready to start our first child in about a year or so. So keep healthy and productive. We are thinking about four or maybe five children." She turned and headed for the bedroom. She stopped and looked back.

"Before I forget, Ellen Crawford was so impressed, she wants to bring five of her women friends back down next month to look at more property. She wants to know if we can host another dinner party out by the pool with you two catering it again."

Cassie and Rick looked at each other and then said in unison, "Yes, Mistress."

Jenni smiled, turned, and walked down the hall.

Rick reached up and pulled Cassie into his lap and his kiss.

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goodshoes2goodshoes211 months ago

Tough to rate. 1 or 5 stars? So, I gave 3 stars. Interesting story, pretty well written. But hard to accept Rick's submissive side. Oh well, it is the authors world. Damned if I could write anything worthwhile so I will just shut up now.

Rancher46Rancher46about 2 years ago

Personally, I liked it, the category should have also been BDSM. At the storyline led you to believe that Jenni was cheating with Jim when in reality Jenni and Cassie were an item and they were manipulating poor weak Rick to accept Cassie as his second wife to form a polygamous family.

Jenni was a strong alpha female who loved her husband and did what she did to dominate Rick and Cassie. Writing was good as was the storyline that I really like the twist toward the end. Well done 5++stars

ojalalalaojalalalaover 4 years ago

I read all sorts of things but never would have looked at this if it had been appropriately categorized. Is there a category for disrespect?

I skipped down the many pages of paragraphs full of disregard for feelings, loathsome disrespect for who someone was supposed to love and esteem.... I kept hoping for some redemption but found nothing but losers, all nasty, everyone sinking low. Foul.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
One Star

Others have justified a 1 star rating as well as,or better than, I could. I won’t waste my time bothering with it. 1 star, and that’s at least two more than it’s worth.

argeelogargeelogover 5 years ago

You are a great writer. This story had me on the edge of my seat until the end. Thanks and keep up the good work. Oh, and ignore the asshole anons who don't get it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
your stories may need a health warning

Funny to see all the misogynists getting so angry about some of your stories. I know as most of the liberal thinking people here that they are just a pathetic bunch of frustrated males that cannot enjoy sex in their own environment, seek quick gratification here and get quite upset if you don't adhere to their demands. Because your stories are brilliantly different you will always upset them. But they could get so upset that they end up on heart monitors or worse. So maybe you should put up a general health warning for 'em. Cheers and keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Total garbage!

Written for the emotionally challenged and pathological losers. Author goes on my black list.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

The little bitch Casie started turning him into a wimpy cuck on the first page!

If his wife hadn't been cheating before, surely she would when he started calling Jim "Master"!


Couldn't get past that first page....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
1 wimpy star

where the hell is the cat for wimpy cucky authors.

texas wimpy farm boy needs the cat for himself.

2hqttq wimpy cuck|||||||

VapspegeoVapspegeoalmost 8 years ago
When will the last chapter be ready!

I'm not a fan of violence but, that's the only way to save this crap. He has to kill his wife, her girl friend and the girl friends husband. He can also throw in the other folks as well. How he does it doesn't matter just get it done!

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