Centaur Love Ch. 10


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"Now do you know what you're going to say at todays meeting?"

"I guess the same I said at the Woodshome meeting."

Johnathon laughed, "No son, today's meeting is going to be a general Herd Masters meet. Where anyone can bring up issues, mares and stallions. And where we are going to petition the Herd Master's for your right to claim Herd Master."

Mathew didn't know what he needed to say, "I do not know, what should I say?"

They turned around at the entrance, "Son, I would start off by claiming your Masters rating from the Elven Mage society and claim your Grand Masters rating by claiming your magic defeat of the western mage council's second seat, then claim that you are a proven warrior, anyone from my Herd will back you there. And something along the lines that you are mated to Felicia."

"No one should doubt your words. With Clan Master Benton backing you as a mage and Felicia proving her magic last night, you should proclaim that Herd Lindrose would be a mage clan. If anyone doubts that you are a mage, just magically throw a few rocks at him. If they still doubt it, throw a small fire lance and burn their ass, just do not kill them. I am going to need all the warriors I can get, at tomorrow's meeting when it is just the Herd Masters and we introduce Ambassador Goldenroot and my plan to join with the elves."

Mathew nodded yes.

"Still son, make sure you dress in your armor and mage robes. We need to convey that you are both. With your mate dressed like you, no one should doubt that she is a mage as well. Just remember, once either Benton or I petition to make you a Herd Master. It is up to you alone to convince those horse heads it is your right to join as one. Make sure they know you can defend your herd."

Mathew grinned at him, "is there any doubt dad?"

"No son, not from me or my Herd."

"I have to ask, why are we even petitioning to have me proclaimed as a Herd Master?"

"Mainly son, it is to give me a second voice of reason at the war meeting. As I told, you centaurs are fascinated with mages. We see magic as almost being something mystical. And Mages, as something akin to gods. Having you there will make my job convincing them that much easier."

"Secondly is a personal reason. I am going to ask them to abolish an ancient law that forces parents with colts with HGDM, to hide them away. It's called, the law of seclusion. Basically, it says, those with HGDM cannot be outside during the day where non-family centaurs can see them. It sort of, forces a family to hide their shame from other people. Locking a centaur in the house is akin to a slow death. Centaurs were made to run, even if they are human sized. As you probably have learned, Felicia loves to gallop everywhere. If we stayed Midvale, she would not have been, allowed outside during the day, even on our own estates here. And that would have just killed her."

"I believe the creators of that law knew caging a centaur, shorten their lives, and that was their intent. To kill off the herd's shame."

Lastly as a Herd Master, if you find another centaur with the gift of magic you will have the right to demand that colt, placed in your herd. Even if I get them to strike the law of seclusion, there will be herds that will continue to force its members with HGDM to seclude that colt. Even over the parent's objections. However, with you being a mage, and a Herd Master. You can take that colt and maybe make a difference in that centaur's life."

Mathew walked in silence thinking of that. They turned up the side walk way, Mathew could see Felicia standing in front of their tiny, long house with a centaur sized cup of tea. Johnathon clapped him on the shoulder, "The morning is yours, and at high noon they will have town criers walk the streets announcing a general Herd Masters meeting at one. We need to be there at one sharp. Stand with my herd until we announce you. I hope after that, you and Felicia can stand on your own. As your own herd."

Mathew nodded yes, "I need to run to the apothecary and see if they need Dragon Claw powder."

"Wait until after tomorrow son, and then you should be able to sell it for a little more, since it will be coming from a Herd Masters estate."

"Yes, dad. I will."

Mathew turned towards his longhouse as Felicia opened the door. She had breakfast ready so they stood near the counter and ate. Mathew related what he and Johnathon had been discussing. Felicia nodded with her father's words. "I wouldn't worry about it love. Father is only hopeful that they accept your claim. It will bring a lot of prestige to his Herd if they accept, being known as the Herd Master who fathered the first Mage herd clan will elevate our, well his herd status."

"What about our Herd status," Mathew said with a grin. Don't we want that special, high and mighty, herd status?"

Felicia laughed, "Your Herd will be special dear. The only Herd Master of a mage herd. You can run around naked and crow at the moon all you want. And no one will call the patrol because you're a herd Master."

Mathew looked up at Felicia. She tried not to smile but lost it with a laugh.

"What you were kidding me? I was already planning on going out tonight crowing."

Laughing Felicia combed his hair behind his ear, "You will be crowing tonight, after we accept Herd status, but in a different way."

Mathew reached and held her chin and kissed her. "It matters not to me dear. Herd Master or not I will always crow for you." He slowly moved his hand down to the top button of her blouse.

Felicia reached up taking his hand away, "Save that for tonight, you're going to have to sit the war meeting tomorrow, so you will have to satisfy me tonight so I won't be lonely without you tomorrow. Besides, I am tired of living out of the paniers. We need to hang things up and get them out of the middle of the floor."

Mathew stuck his lower lip out, and whimpered. Felicia laughed, "You had morning sex, and you can wait until tonight."

Mathew smiled back, "but what about mid-morning sex, and then there is pre-lunch sex, post lunch sex and, and what about midafternoon sexual delight?"

Felicia pushed Mathew towards the paniers, "Goof."

They spent the morning emptying the paniers. That is when Mathew found the ten packages of bacon wrapped in wax paper and travel bread. While Felicia was sorting the cloths in the wardrobe Mathew unwrapped one package of bacon and a travel bread flat. Stuffing the whole package of bacon on the flat bread he struggle to wrap it around them. Opening his mouth wide he took a big bite just as Felicia was backing away from the wardrobe. He quickly hid it behind his back and smiled.

Felicia looked over at him, the cheesy smile and chipmunk cheeks was a dead giveaway. "What are you doing Mr.?"


Felicia walked over, "What do you have behind your back?"

Mathew shrugged his shoulders, "Nuffin."

Felicia looked down and saw the wax paper and the opened flat bread wrapper. "Mathew Lindrose, did you open a whole thing of bacon?"

Mathew tried to smile with a full mouth and brought the sandwich from behind his back. Felicia looked at the ten strips of bacon forced into the bread. She started laughing, "Oh Mathew!"

Felicia repacked the food panier, while they were stacking it, someone knocked on the door, "Lunch is being served, hurry and go eat, we leave within the hour for the Herd Masters general meet."

"Go eat," Mathew said. "I am still full from my bacon sandwich. I will saddle the mare and meet you back here to armor up."

"OK, see you back here in in a few minutes."

Mathew went to the south run and whistled for the mare. He had been whistling for her every night to call her in. He hoped she would answer his call. Both the mare and pony did. He gave the pony a scratch for answering the call. He slipped a bridle on the mare and attached its lead. He led her to the tack room where he did a quick brushing before throwing a saddle blanket on. After saddling her, he threw on a hackamore instead of her trail bit. He left her in the stall with a handful of grain and some water. While he went to armor up.

Mathew was just finishing buckling his armor when Felicia walked in. Mathew threw the lightweight flank pad on Felicia and armor skirt. Someone ran by yelling a quarter candle until we leave! Mathew hurried and buckled her leg armor as Felicia threw on her chest and arm armor. They rushed out the door to the barn. They were nearly the last ones in line as Johnathon yelled, "Herd Fellis forward."

They just made the entrance when a clanging Tarn trotted up. He did not get his leg armor strapped on. Mathew and Felicia stopped while he knelt and buckled it on. "Thanks, guys."

They rejoined the column at the main street and turned east towards the Northern way. Nearly all of the shops were closed with little signs on the various doors. As the herd turned north nearly all of the centaurs were in match step. The slow trot made each hoof beat sound like a drum. Mathew had a hard time getting the mare to match their step pattern. He added it to his mental list of things to do. Just north of a large long warehouse, a huge open area that had a small rock wall about a foot high surrounding it. In between the crowds of gathered centaurs, Mathew could see a rock circle about twenty feet in diameter. The circle was only two rows of white bricks high. No one was standing inside the circle. But gathered just outside of it.

Johnathon turned the herd east along the southern edge of the foot high rock wall passing a side entrance. At the eastern end, he turned north, and on that side, they entered. Felicia pointed to the northern corner of the stonewall, there were several hitching posts. Mathew nodded and watched the herd turn north just inside the eastern entrance. On the northeastern side was an open area that Johnathon led them in to. Mathew tied the mare to the post and jumped the short wall. As he walked near the Herd, he saw they were shuffling around into lines. Several of the herd turned and pushed him forward as he tried to fit into one line or another. In the second row Felicia stood near the middle, she turned and pulled him next to her.

Mathew could see between two centaurs standing in the front row. There had to over five thousand centaurs circling the open area. Mathew scanned the crowd looking for Zane. He could not see him.

Touching the Elven heritage he broadcasted, < Zane Goldenroot. >

< I am here Mathew Lindrose. >

Mathew felt his thoughts pulled into a tiny bubble inside the heritage spell. < Where are you? I do not see you standing anywhere. >

< I am across the street in the shade of the 'Y' shaped tree. I have a cloaking illusion cast over me. This is a general meeting. Clan Master Benton will introduce me after all the general business has been, dealt with. Until I am announced. I can only watch. But hey, at least I am in the shade, not standing in the sun like you in full armor. >

< Do not remind me, I am already baking in this dark armor. >

< Throw a cone of comfort spell. >

< A what? >

Mathew could feel Zane's mock agitation, < Follow my words brother. >

Zane canted the spell in three parts, making sure Mathew mentally canted them right, repeatedly. Then instructed him how to make the mental points for the mana to frame the spell around him. Once Mathew understood the spell and frame work he smiled. < Thank you! >

Mathew gathered the mana from with him, and softly canted the spell directing the mana. He casually moved his arm around him framing the circle around him for the mana and released the spell. As the translucent circle formed around him. He could feel the mana pull the heat from the circle cooling inside the translucent bubble he formed. He fiddled with the transfer rate until he was comfortable standing there.

The spell was model off a shield spell, so with a little thought he slowly expanded the circle, moving it to his right. He watched Felicia's face as the spell encompassed her. She turned her head slightly when the temperature around her dropped. She smiled and slightly nodded her head yes. He was so absorbed in casting the spell he missed the last two groups trot up to complete the circle.

Clan Master Benton walked into the center and shouted, "Welcome Herd Masters and herds." Pulling out a sheet of paper. "We have several issues today. First is Herd Cooper is asking permission to add four more miles of canals east of north canal thirty one, to build a new farm. This will effect Herd Stillwater and Herd Madison's water schedule...,"

< How did you do that? >

< Zane just taught me the spell. >

< Where is he? >

"Neither herd is willing to change water times. Since we have seen no deliveries from the west. We need more farms to produce food grains. With that in mind Herd Master Cooper is asking all Herd Masters to...,"

< Across the street standing next to the 'Y' shaped tree. Look at the air ripple on the north side of it. He is using a cloaking spell that bends light around him, that rippling effect is the tell, that someone is using that spell. >

< I see a little waviness once and a while. >

< That is him, moving slightly. If he can stand perfectly still the air would not move. >

"Now that the Herd grievances has been heard. We have a Herd seeking to banish a law for the greater good of the Herds. Herd Fellis is asking that the law of seclusion for those with HGDM be struck from the books since those with HGDM could be potential mages."

Several centaurs shouted, "What!"

"There has never been a centaur mage!"

"Centaurs are not magical! The great mage council has said so!"

"Potential doesn't mean they are!"

"Quiet! Herd Master Fellis please step in and state your case."

Johnathon stepped over the rock circle as the Clan Master stepped out. "Many of you know me and my Herd. My youngest has HGDM. To give her a better life I tried to resign my Herd Master status, but it was refused. I was granted leave to vote by proxy as I moved my family east to Oak Valley to grow hops. I believe this move allowed my daughter to make it to adulthood. She grew up in the fresh air and was outside to run and play like every centaur, should have the right to do. Forcing a centaur into immobility is just wrong. How long do any of you think you will survive being locked in a cage all day, never being allowed outside to run? This law had one purpose. It was designed to sicken and kill those with HGDM by a slow torture."

"I saw it then and still see it now. We are centaurs, we were born to run, the gods made us this way for a reason, yet we force those with HGDM to suffer. I left because of that reason alone. Once in Oak Valley I let my daughter loose. Within two months she went from a sickly weak colt to a healthy active colt. Being outside and allowed to run saved her life."

"Some of you may remember my mate and me bringing her with us to Herd Masters meeting. The only time a centaur with HGDM is allowed outside during the day. She was so sickly she could barley stand on her own. Now she can keep up with the best of us on a long march in full armor. Now we just learn she is a mage too."

"Long time ago, a family of mages settled the Oak Valley to grow a specialized herb for the potion trade. For five generations they lived there and grew their herbs. The current couple had a son, He was a future mage, befriended my daughter as they grew up. He often had to go to Kingsholm to attend the mage academy. But when he was home they were inseparable. Somehow, they learned that my daughter could draw the magic from within herself. They call this power Klatha, or in the elven schools mana.

"They believed that those afflicted with HGDM have the potential to separate klatha from within themselves, thus becoming mages."

Clan Master Benton stepped into the circle and Johnathon nodded and stepped out.

"I personally witness Herd Master Fellis's daughter throw a fireball spell into a fire pit last night to light it. I have seen mages do the same, this was no magical trick or some magical object she used."

Another centaur stepped into the circle. Clan Master Benton nodded and stepped out. "Herd Master Fellis all we have is your word of potential mages. We all remember Cletus Hanson, He also claimed to be a mage. He even threw real fireballs too. But we all learned the truth about him, he was a cantrip mage. He had an amulet that stored magical power and he paid real mages to charge it up so he could fool us. I call for real proof! That she has no magic storage devices."

Felicia touched Mathew's arm, when he looked over, she handed him the sapphire amulet. Then kneeled and unbuckled her leg armor. Mathew reached over and undid her flank straps. Felicia stepped in between Tarn and her Aunt. She walked into the circle. She undid the skirt strap to her chest armor and allowed it to slide off, of her. The Herd Master turned to step out, "No Herd Master Anderson, please remain."

She removed her over robe laying it on her flank armor, and then undid the side straps of her chest armor. Then pulled it off. She set it on the ground. She deliberately reached up and unbuttoned her blouse. Then without any signs of modesty she undid her chest wrap as well. She held out her arms and turned around in a circle.

"Herd Master Anderson, Ask your second for your great shield."

He nodded to his second who stepped over and handed it to him. He slipped on his large heater style shield. It was painted green and yellow with a lone Valewood tree painted in counter change.

"Please hold it up, ready for use."

Felicia turned and targeted a rock from just outside the brick circle. She pointed a finger at it, and flicked it at his shield. The rock hit with a loud bang. Then she sent a second right after to hit it again. Walking a little closer she pointed her finger, at his shield. She canted a fire lance and hit his shield five times. Everyone just stared, not believing it.

One or two from Herd Fellis laughed seeing the design she left in his shield. Herd Master Anderson tilted his shield to look down and saw the two rocks chips in the upper left and right corners, and the fire lance burned the paint into a smiley face.

"Do you or anyone else refute my father's and my claim?"

No one spoke still not believing it. Felicia turned and walked back to her discarded armor and picked up her chest wrap. She slowly dressed and slid into her chest armor. She winked at her father and canted a tractor pressor spell. Lifting her flank armor and pad. Then turned around and walked under it. She slowly lowered it on her back. Reaching down she buckled it to her chest armor. Then gracefully she walked back over the rock circle. Tarn reached down and slapped hands with his sister as she past him. Mathew saw, she had a huge grin on her face as she turned around in line. She knelt and started attaching her leg armor.

Clan Master Benton stepped a hoof back into the circle, Herd Master Anderson stood still staring at his shield. "Herd Master Anderson, do you still doubt Herd Master Fellis's words and his daughter's demonstration?"

He looked up at Clan Master Benton, then down to his shield several times. Then shook his head no and stepped out of the circle.

Clan Master Benton walked fully inside the circle. "I thought I was given mushroom beer last night when I saw her dump a fully formed, fireball into the fire pit. I couldn't believe what I saw. For thousands of years we have secluded those with HGDM and shamed their parents. Only, now, to find out they might be mages. I ask all Herd Masters to step into the circle, Herd Master Anderson, bring your shield. Do any here doubt what they just witnessed?