Challenge 05 - Monica meets Julius


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She let her eyes meet his and smiled, before letting the tips of her teeth catch on her lower lip. An exceptionally subtle little sign but he was ready and attuned to notice any such invitations.

Heather liked to think that she had never been arrogant about her own appearance. In fact she could honestly say that she had never really thought of herself as being anything above the ordinary. She was well aware of her own imperfections. Kyle had been very helpful in getting her ready for tonight. Strange that a gay man was so attuned to what worked but the evidence had been with her all night. His choice of her outfit and make up had drawn the men to her from the moment she had arrived. It never struck her that perhaps Kyle had been so successful because he had a canvas of such potential to work with.

Kyle himself was over at the bar. She didn't need to look to see him. Not because he was hard to miss but because she knew she could rely on him. He had Harley's seal of approval and Harley was a man who protected his investments. The world could be a wild and dangerous place. If you took on the Challenge then a wing man was provided, a 'driver' to accompany you on your tasks..

Her dance partner had moved in close now and spoke into her ear above the music. His name was Brett and he said they should get a drink. She nodded and they moved over to the bar. Just the sound of his voice had cemented her initial opinion of him. That cock-sure confidence in himself that reminded her of Harley. Except that he was no Harley. He was a handsome young man, for sure, but he was no Harley. Harley rang true but this man was putting on an act, what her Members called fronting. Even if he was as handsome, as rich, as desirable as he obviously felt himself to be he still wasn't what Heather wanted. For her all of the confidence that was so attractive in Harley just rang hollow and fake in Brett.

A couple of years before Heather might have fallen into the net being cast for her with such confident assurance by Brett - might even have enjoyed the experience. However, it was not a couple of years ago. Now Heather was also Monica and tonight it was Monica that was on a mission. She hadn't liked her assignment when it had come up. It had seemed a little cruel to her. However, so long as there were arrogant young men like Brett, who genuinely believed themselves to be God's gift to all womankind, then the task was surprisingly easy.

"We should get out of here," was the last line of Brett's spiel. She wondered how often he had delivered it - his glib assurance suggested a rather high number and also suggested that it generally succeeded. With his looks and style she could well believe it. A lot of girls just didn't know better.

Kyle moved closer and signalled. Brett caught it out of the corner of his eye.

Monica acted quickly. "I'm here with him. It's not a good time. But quick give me your number."

She saw the flash behind Brett's eyes, the evidence of the petulant man-child that she had so strongly suspected to be hiding behind all that 'front'. In his mind he had already won the game, had already conquered her, so this was a serious annoyance for him. He checked over his shoulder again. Kyle was exchanging words with the bar staff - very carefully not observing them.

Monica watched Brett carefully and saw all the signs. He was checking out Kyle and Kyle might have been gay but he was also built like the proverbial brick out-house. Gym work and kick-boxing had honed his physique in a way that seriously discouraged any sort of a physical confrontation. Not that Brett wanted any such thing. Monica knew his type very well indeed. He would just relish making a cuck out of the big guy and - bonus - it meant he hadn't got to worry about the girl getting clingy. He was obviously thinking that he could get some pussy and then just send her back to her big idiot of a boyfriend.

In a moment their phones were out and numbers exchanged. A last glance at Kyle, still apparently blissfully unaware of what was happening, then Monica kissed Brett and sent him on his way - telling him to call tomorrow when she'd be free and clear.

Later, on the freeway home, Kyle was laughing. "I was really wondering about that last one. I'll tell you that I wouldn't kick him out of bed. Thought you might have been playing for real."

Monica was pleased that her task was completed. Even more pleased to find out that Kyle had captured all six interactions on his tiny, but surprisingly efficient, body cam. She didn't want to do this again - even in another town. When they moved in on her it kind of made her skin creep. That had surprised her. This was her home State after all. Why did she feel that way when she had felt so relaxed on the Island. Why did the male gaze seem so different, so very unwelcome, here? She had a very good theory but its potential consequences if proved true were alarming to say he least.

"What did I tell you - you could get snow blindness in some of those places!" Kyle laughed again. It was impossible not to like Kyle - the twinkle of mischief in those deep blue eyes of his - even if sometimes it seemed that he was alarmingly close to reading her mind.

Not much further along they turned off and soon found the perfect spot. They got out of Kyle's vehicle and he set his camera going.

Monica pulled out her own phone, well her phone for tonight at least. She let the camera watch as she scrolled through her contacts. She remembered each of them - all handsome and stylish but also all arrogant and just reeking of white boy privilege. Then, she opened her fingers and let the device fall to the ground. She had switched her dancing shoes for something more appropriate on the ride home. Now a nice sharp four inch heel, with all of her weight behind it, punched straight through the screen and into the innards of the phone. It died instantly. Kyle picked up the remnants and broke it in two on a rock. Then the pieces went into a plastic bag and were dumped in the trash left out behind the first store they came to.

As they completed the journey home Monica wondered how often they might try that number they had been given. She was confident that each of the six young men were quite shallow enough not to try too often. Not that it really mattered anyway. Her challenge task had been completed.


Monica shivered and couldn't help giggling as the spray hit her, the liquid coating her naked breasts. She kept her head turned away, initially nervous of any liquid bouncing back and up into her eyes. She quickly realised that she need not have worried. The man with her knew his job. He skilfully applied the special body-paint using his latex-gloved hand and a piece of paper to frame the area covered.

Which was all very well but the paint was cool and her body was feeling very sensitive. The combined result was seriously ticklish and it took all of her effort to keep still. She could almost forget that a man she had only met five minutes ago was now up close and personal with her naked self. It was lucky that he was extremely professional. She didn't actually know his name but that didn't seem to matter. He switched from his small paint gun to a delicately fibered brush to complete and delineate the edge of the painted area.

It felt very personal but she knew that in a moment it would feel a lot more so. The man dropped to one knee, quite nimbly given the short grey hair on his head, and began applying the other part of her body-paint bikini. Yes - that felt very personal indeed but her artist's concentration did not seem to waver. Perhaps he was like Kyle but somehow she doubted it. Rather his attention seemed to be solely on his job - applying that paint exactly as he wished it to be.

Then he was back to the brush. Applying long deliberate freehand strokes across first her legs and then her body. Ending only at her ankles, her wrists and her neck. Monica craned her head but the mirror was not quite at the right angle. If she moved her body even a millimetre then the annoyed 'huh' of her artist soon got her back into line. She had to be patient.

Finally he was finished. He pushed his cap back on his head and took a good look at her. Again Monica was very aware of her nakedness. At least she was until he turned the mirror for her convenience. It was amazing - even she had to look twice to believe just how good the deception was.

Since they had arrived on the Shore they had seen plenty of women in bikinis or sheer outfits. The Festival was famous for it - among other things. The number of dollars brought into the area by visitors had long ago persuaded the local authorities to relax public decency laws a little for one weekend a year at least. Which had attracted more tourists and well ...

"Let your hair down," said the artist.

She had tied her long red hair up in a bun while he had worked. Now it cascaded down over her shoulders in stark contrast to the black paint forming her 'bikini top'. She had to admit that Harley had been right about her hair. It looked pretty good now that it had grow out some. The slightly brighter tint of red that she was now having applied also set off her pale skin better than her natural tone.

"Oh yeah - that looks the business." It seemed that her artist agreed which only made her smile again. He nodded appreciatively and then once more reached for his finest brush. She held still as he very carefully touched up the area of her nipples ensuring that no pale skin was left visible.

Now he nodded his final approval. "There you go - you are decent."

'Naked - but decent', thought Monica. It was a very fun thought.

"You approve," said the artist to Dave.

Dave was Monica's 'driver' for this task. He was in his mid-forties, balding and a little bit chubby but he was also just a sweetheart. It was their third little adventure together. Now his eyes almost looked to be out on stalks which Monica took as a compliment.

"That looks amazing," said Dave as he reached for his card.

"Not difficult working with a girl like yours," said the artist. His attention switched to Monica "That's why I went for the black - it looks amazing with a skin tone like yours. Anyway," he handed the card back to Dave, "enjoy the weekend. By the looks of the sky there's no danger of rain." He winked and chuckled at his little professional joke. No doubt he said it to most of his clients. After all a reasonable shower of rain and she would be playing the part of the Emperor with an imaginary set of new clothes!

From a distance, even from quite close-up, Monica looked like she was wearing a black bikini with a net dress over the rest of her body. It was only if you looked really closely at certain parts of her body that you would realise the truth. Outside of body-paint and a pair of sun glasses Monica's entire outfit consisted of her low heels.

The artist operated out of a small building right down on the Shore with a discreet store-front. Once he had opened the outside door she could step straight out onto the bustling street. Free of vehicles but packed with some of the thousands in town for the Festival. It was a little daunting but that was her task.

Two of Diamonds - 'Go topless save for body-paint in public.'

The original intent really had been to just go topless but sometimes you got ahead of yourself. She had stripped and then the artist had said he could just do the bottoms too and then, well... It had seemed pretty exciting and Dave had liked the idea. Which was all very well until the door opened and it was time to actually do it.

She had stripped down for her shows but then she only ever had George there in person. Her past trips out had specifically sought out places where she wouldn't be seen if she flashed. This was pretty overt. However, she understood again, that was why this was her task..

Monica steadied her nerves and then stepped through the door. She awaited a response from those outside but there was none. No screams, no outrage, no herd of horses stampeding in terror down the esplanade! She took a few steps and a few people glanced at her as they passed. No real reaction and why would there be? She really did look like any of many others wearing a bikini in the sunshine.

She couldn't keep the smile off her face as she glanced at Dave. This was so crazy and daring! Not anything she would ever have seen herself doing. However, if you were going to debut then this was certainly the place to do it. Festival crowds were made up entirely of adults and what's more by adults that weren't too easily spooked by seeing a little skin.

They set off down the esplanade with Dave hanging just a little back to capture the walk on camera. She later found out he was catching passer-by's reactions too. There were plenty of glances sent Monica's way. Why wouldn't there have been? She was a strikingly attractive young woman, her fiery red hair seeming to blaze in the bright sunlight.

The artist had done his job very well. Her nudity was far from obvious to the passers-by. However, Monica knew it and it excited her to be just strolling through crowds like this. That excitement, and the occasional slightly cooler breeze blowing in off the sea had their effect. She was happy for that last adjustment by the artist because as she walked she became very aware of the fact that her nipples were now standing out proudly.

She wasn't alone in that. Dave move forward to capture her walking in profile and she knew why. Some of the glances sent her way were prolonged just that little bit more. Phones appeared in some hands and snapped pictures of her. She had sort of expected to want to curl up into a ball if she was spotted. However, to her surprise, she didn't feel that way at all. Maybe hiding behind her sun-glasses was helping her but she found herself enjoying the attention. She even posed and smiled for some of the held-up cameras.

"Keep moving," said Dave in a low voice and she set off down the street again. The reminder had been well advised. They had been drawing something of a crowd and while public decency laws were relaxed there were limits even at Festival time. That seemed vaguely ridiculous to Monica at this moment. The usual reaction of those spotting her condition seemed to be either humour or photography. On most streets and in most cities it might be different but on Fantasy weekend that was just how the people rolled.

She had grown up and been educated in some of the more exclusive areas of New England. As a result it didn't really strike her as strange that it took her almost ten minutes to see an African-American face in the crowd. The vibe was very cool and relaxed so she didn't know why but it seemed most of the Black attendees were hanging out together.

Monica sensed Dave shift position again and knew why. Now the camera had her in the foreground and the little group of African-Americans beyond her. She felt her mouth go a little dry and fought the need to swallow. Why did she suddenly feel nervous? Why couldn't she keep her eyes off that little group - wondering if they would notice?

"Damn!" It was an expressive and undeniably African-American female voice. The woman's partner turned round and flashed her a brilliant white smile. Another man turned and let out a low whistle. "Looking fine Red," he said in a good-natured tone.

Beyond another couple was a distinctly portly man with a white beard prominent against his dark skin. He seemed about fifty which was far from unusual at the festival. At the sound of 'Red' he turned as if he was on a pivot. "Hey baby," his words dissolved into a long low bass-rumble of pleasure at seeing her.

The first man's wife or girlfriend sent a glance of daggers at the big man. "Don't pay no mind to him girl. Where did you get that paint? Me and Tonisha been looking to it but..."

Monica quickly told them. It seemed only right to send the artist a little extra business his way. "This was a special request. He usually does swirls of colour and body decoration you know."

"Can we get a picture?" The big man had his phone out as his friends gathered around Monica. They were close but reasonably respectful. Some of the guys even took their eyes off her tits long enough to look at the camera.

The picture taken the group broke apart.

"Don't I get a picture too?" That was the big man of course, his belly straining out over his bermuda shorts, the wiry white hair curling on the dark skin of his chest. Unlike his younger friends he wasn't even trying to hide where his gaze was focused.

Well - if you didn't want to be stared at then it was probably best not to be out in public in this get-up. Besides, he seemed good-natured in his lechery. Just in case she gestured to Dave. "My man will take the pic and then we can swap yes."

"Sure baby," he rumbled, "ain't missing this chance. Always been partial to a cute redhead." He moved in tight beside her.

The previous group had been just as close but had kept their hands to themselves. This man was not so shy. Monica felt a proprietary hand move down and take possession of her right butt cheek The hand explored for a second and discovered that the cloth it had been expecting to feel masking the fine swell of her curves was not there.

"Damn!" The word had a lot of power behind it but a surprisingly low volume. He was being discreet, or trying to be, but she felt him lean forward and check her out a little more carefully. Her breasts draw all the attention and were only superficially hidden by the paint. To see that she was entirely naked you had to first avoid the obvious distractions and then look really quite closely.

She felt the long deep rumble of his amused chuckle pass through the great bulk of his body and into her own. "Baby - I like you. You something else. That your man over there."

A large, strong, hand gave her butt-cheek a playful squeeze. A woman could react to that in one of two ways. Monica chose to let her natural instincts dictate her course of action. She did nothing except to minutely ease her legs apart.

"Yes - I came here with Dave." She felt his fingers exploring.

"Just take another couple of pictures - make sure we get a winner," the man said to Dave,. He need not have worried. Dave was an enthusiast for photography and his attention was fully on framing the image and making sure it was crisp and perfect.

A broad adventurous finger moved along the length of her pussy lips. She had to steel herself not to react. They were surrounded by people and yet no-one seemed to notice. Even Dave seemed oblivious. Intent on completing the transfer of picture files between them.

"Damn but you a lucky man Dave," the man said and then she felt his whiskers at her ear and his much quieter supplementary, "but you wasted on a white boy like him baby."

She turned and looked into his eyes, saw the wicked amusement there. At that moment she also realised that her reaction was giving her away. This man was no fool and he had read her like a book.

"You best treat this one right or I'll come take her away from you." Again that low rumble of a laugh. Perhaps that laugh meant he didn't notice Dave's expression. Perhaps it was Monica's own knowledge that meant she knew how Dave felt hearing those words. How the only thing better than having this big bear of a man 'take his woman' for Dave would be if they allowed him to watch.

Perhaps the man had sensed it after all. He brought his face down to Monica's and their lips met. She tasted the vape and the beer on his mouth as they kissed. Then he gave her a confiding look.

"Best not go too far further along here. The five-oh got their post up just past the curve and unless you cover up a little even they might feel the need to get off their butts and do some work! Maybe you should think about getting over to Kirton next time. Its a lot more diverse over there, if you know what I mean, and we real free and easy. Can all have a real good time. You'd be real welcome and real popular." Then with a wink and another of his long rumbling laughs he was striding off after his friends.