Challenge 05 - Monica meets Julius


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Dave came over. She asked him for her thin scarf and tied it around her hips. She had been brave enough for one day and now she was curious.

"Do you know about a place called Kirton?"

"Yeah that's ten miles up the coast. Kinda broken down resort place back in the day but when the Fest took off they organised their own. There were some problems back then, this was the late sixties, so it sort of gravitated into being the event for, er, minorities. There's no rules like that now but birds of a feather and all that."

"Have you ever been over there - to see what it's like?"

Dave smiled and shook his head. "They might think I was an intruder or maybe an under-cover cop. I don't think I'd be welcome."

'No,' thought Monica, 'but I would be.' It had been an exciting day, catering perfectly to the ever more prevalent exhibitionistic part of her nature. It had been exhilarating to walk among the crowds knowing that she was effectively naked. It made you feel incredibly alive. Her mind switched to imagining doing the same thing at Kirton, in streets thronged with people like the big African-American she had just met. Her heart beat fast within her chest at the mere thought of it. She relished the intensity of the reaction but only for a moment. Then she dismissed the thought and knew that it was time for Dave to drive her home.


Professor Solon, the Oxford-based supervisor of her researches, made a suggestion at the next of their zoom calls. Her contacts with such as Harley and Cassius had meant that an aspect of her final publication would inevitably concern the adult industry. However, both of those men were relatively obscure. Could not she make contact with someone of a more mainstream nature, he understood that some performers in that field had become quite well known. Male performers seemed to have a longer career usually so no doubt they could shed light on how attitudes had changed or were changing. It seemed clear that changes in society could only have impacted on how the themes of interest to them were both incorporated into the adult industry and also represented by them.

"Of course it is only a suggestion." Professor Solon looked myopically at her with his pale blue eyes peering over spectacles that teetered dangerously on the end of his nose. "However I am sure that it would be an enriching and an enlightening episode in your research programme."

'Only a suggestion' it might have been but Professor Solon was a man whose words carried almost the weight of law. She was most fortunate to have him as her supervisor. That fact once accepted would normally have raised the question of how a researcher like her could arrange a contact like that. Not in her case of course. She only had to pick up the phone and call Harley.


The man she had come to meet was at a signing table. It didn't come as too much of a shock that the vast majority of the attendees at the convention were male. However, that did not mean that there were no women there and one focus of the female contingent was most definitely around his table. Monica had been advised to be there for the closure of the session. She was a few minutes early which allowed her to watch Julius Flint working his magic.

The man was an imposing figure. Perhaps 6'3" and with a big powerful physique. He was talking and interspersing his comments with expressive hand gestures and frequent, brilliant, smiles. His jacket was hanging over the back of a chair while he was wearing suit pants, a dress shirt and a sweater vest. His skin was an even, beautiful, tone - that black that was so dark it almost seemed purple. He was also undeniably handsome, his high cheekbones adding a perfectly complementary element to his otherwise regular features.

How old was he? She knew he had been in 'the business' a long time. Longer than she had been alive in fact. It didn't seem to matter to his fans. They were all ages from her own to women in their 60s and Julius Flint seemed to take all their attention in the same way. Posing for selfies, signing boxes containing the new version of the sex toy modelled on his famous, or should that be infamous, cock.

Finally the last of the fans had left happy and she saw him exhale and sit back in his chair. For a moment she thought that she saw the man behind the persona. If so then it was a fleeting glimpse. He began talking to the younger woman who had been helping him, organising and selling his merchandise.

Suddenly she felt guilty to be imposing on this man's free time. Even if he enjoyed it, which he seemed to do, it had to be tiring to be effectively on stage for a four hour session. Probably the last thing he needed was to have to talk to her.

At that moment Julius Flint took a swig of some beverage from his 'Julius Flint' mug. In that motion he noticed her and waved a hand.

"Hey, Monica, I wasn't sure you was going to make it. These places can be chaos! Never known one to run to time yet!" That brilliant smile was tuned onto her and his eyes crinkled with apparently genuine pleasure. He turned to the young woman. "Charli - this is Monica, you know the girl Harley was talking about." His attention switched back. "This is my wife, manager, organiser and altogether better half Charli."

Charli was a beautiful young woman. A few inches taller than Monica, with a curvy hourglass figure, intelligent blue eyes and long blonde hair worn in a plait. She wore a 'Julius Flint' T-shirt that made no attempt to disguise a deep and impressive cleavage.

"Hey there," said the blonde raising a hand in acknowledgement of Monica. "Watch out for him - he has a silver tongue and a fine line in flattery if you hadn't noticed."

Julius made a face and his wife gave him that genuine smile that only a soul-mate could give her man. "You going up to the rooms hon because I have to check on the kids and you need to remember your schedule. Make sure you get something to eat and time to relax before tonight."

She kissed his cheek and he gave her a hug. "See you later baby."

Then it was just them. Monica was thinking about Charli as she walked with Julius to the elevators. What must it be like to be married to a man like this, to be raising a family with him. A man not only in this business but famous for being in this business. The idea dominated her thoughts to such an extent that it took her a while to notice how people were looking at them.

The glances being cast in their direction were held just that little bit too long. The smiles were just that little bit too knowing. The looks on some of the women's faces were just that little bit too blatant. Julius noticed her confusion. He didn't break step as he commented, "I get it all the time. They all assume we're headed upstairs to shoot a scene. If you prefer we can talk down here. So no-one has any sort of a misunderstanding."

Monica felt the warmth of blood in her cheeks and hoped it wasn't too obvious. It was a little late to be worried about her reputation and the idea of shooting a scene with this man wasn't exactly unattractive. She'd learned her particular preferences in men and Julius Flint was ticking pretty much all the boxes in a bold black marker pen.

"It's not a problem - your room would be better." Had she said that a little bit too quickly, made her consent a little too effusive? She suddenly found herself rather nervous and flustered in the presence of this man. She didn't want that to be so - she didn't want to come across as just another fan-girl.

Julius had nodded to her, a nod of approval. However, at the same time, he had given her a searching look. Those deep brown eyes of his seemed very observant, very experienced and very wise. Not at all what she had been expecting.

Soon they were in the room and each had taken a seat at either end of the couch with a long cool, non-alcoholic, drink in front of them. Monica noticed that Julius left her plenty of space. Now he was just smiling at her and waiting for her to begin. She decided to do what she had always done in her researches. That meant asking upfront what she was curious to know rather than trying to conform to any template.

"Mr Flint - can I ask about Charli. About your wife. How easy is it to maintain a relationship given, er..."

Julius raised his eyebrows and then smiled again. "Given that I fuck a lot of women. Straight to it, eh. No messing around. Well you would have to ask Charli - I wouldn't answer for her. I'd just say that, from my observations, it helps when you have both been part of this business. You called me Mr Flint. First, you should call me Julius Second, neither Julius nor Mr Flint are names my Momma gave me. The same as I'm betting Monica isn't your birth-name. In this business we play a role. Its just that the best in the business like Charli," then he pointed to himself and to Monica, " and us are playing a role that is a big part of ourselves. We ain't faking it - we are exploring it. However, you don't fly too close to the flame. You also have to keep that part of you that is distinct, that rock that stops you going beyond the edge. Charli is my rock. She really does run the business most of the time. I would never, under any circumstances, go with anyone behind her back. I have no jealousy when she works - with men or women. This is a part of us and our relationship overlaps with it but it is also very distinct. Have I sort of answered the question?"

Monica finished her shorthand note. Using the same sort of reporter's note-pad that she had always used for her research interviews. She knew what she wanted to ask but an easier question seemed in order. "How did you get into the business?"

Julius gave a low rumble of a laugh that reminded her of Harley. "Now I can go on autopilot with that one. Came out of the Marines and went into construction. Met a girl who was into the swinging scene. Went to a party in LA with her and got, shall we say, talent spotted. You know what that means?" His smile was back.

"I think so," she said.

"It means I had the equipment, I could get hard and more important I could stay hard and then I could recharge pretty quickly. Loads of guys wanted into the business, at least then, but not many could match up. Then, of course, it could wear you down pretty quickly. You had to have a certain strength."

"Not quite 'living the dream,".

"It was a job - it had its advantages but also its bad points. This is just before most folks got the internet. We were turning out a lot of product and that meant, especially as a reliable cock, you were in heavy demand. Just physically, let alone anything else, it was pretty tough. However, I could see things were going to change. So I looked for a different way of doing things. A few years later when they were all scrambling to find a way of surviving I was already established doing things my way. Now, look at OnlyFans and the like, they pretty much all followed my lead."

She could hear some pride in his voice at that. She saw a way of exploring the theme which would take the interview back to her true point of interest. "How did you do things differently?"

"First I'd invested when the money was good. Not blown it on coke or booze or fast cars or whatever. So the pressure was off a little. I could work when I wanted, how I wanted and with people that I wanted to work with. If I'm with a woman I desire and I ain't on my fifteenth scene of the week then my performance is better and the scene is way hotter. Who would have thunk it?" There was that deep laugh again. "I'm happy, my co-star has a good experience, the viewers get what they want. Also, you know my stuff gets a 40% female audience share. You know how rare that is in this business? That's my girl Charli's influence. Its my face on the brand but a lot of the finesse that makes it roll is down to her."

"How do you find your co-stars?"

This time he responded with a pleased chuckle. "I haven't had to for a good ten years. They find me. People know my groove and if they are interested I'm not so hard to find. In fact I get way too many offers to take them all up. Which doesn't feel too bad for the ego! Picking and choosing sounds real arrogant but if there's that genuine spark between me and my co-star then it comes burning straight through the camera lens. You can't buy or fake that effect. So I also have a favorite few who can keep coming back as often as they like. No need to reinvent the wheel - if that spark is there then its there. But you also need that variety. Some fellow content creators, some pro-am, some shooting their first and likely only scene. NTB like they say. I'm not a teenager no more so mostly I work with ladies in their thirties or forties but I get a lot of interest from younger women. Variety keeps the customers laying down their green."

"What did your family think about all of this?"

"I never really knew my Dad. My brother and sister were older, had their own problems without worrying about mine. My Momma just said, 'Keep safe and don't get any of them girls pregnant.' Bless her heart and God keep her soul."

He paused and noticed the look on Monica's face. It didn't need any words for her to know now was the time to ask the question that had been on her mind from the first.

"You talk about variety but I have seen a few of your scenes. There are certain similarities - maybe a little ironic given what your Mom said."

Julius gave a long slow nod of his head. "I see what you're getting at. We don't use condoms but that's not unusual in our business. Very few people's fantasises ever involved fucking latex. Skin-to-skin has so much more natural heat and spontaneity. Likewise, when a man is getting it on about the last thing he wants to do is pull out. So, its just kinda natural the way we tend to finish our scenes."

"There is one other thing - all the women in your scenes are... Well all the scenes are, er, interracial."

For the first time Flint showed a trace of annoyance. "I hate that fucking word. Back then all they wanted was gang signs and snarling and street shit. All bullshit for the white boys. They are welcome to watch my scenes, even more welcome to pay for them, but I ain't pandering to their BS. I work with the women I find most attractive because that works for me and for the product. The women I find most attractive? Well - there's an easy illustration." Flint rolled up a sleeve to reveal a strong muscular arm. He shifted on the sofa and moved his arm up against Monica's own. "You see it?"

She saw it. His coal-black skin against her own pale skin. The contrast was powerful, visceral. She felt the warmth of his arm against hers, sensed the power in it, in all of this man's body.

Julius Flint nodded but did not move his arm away. "You get it alright. Its an aesthetic reality. The yin and the yang. The male and the female, the black and the white, the cock and the pussy. For people like me, for people like you as well I'm guessing, there is a moment when you realise what it is that you want. Once you do that there is no turning back. You know who you are and what it is that gets your motor revving you know."

Monica's eyes were still fixed on where their arms met - on that delicious, perfect, contrast. She couldn't say how many seconds had passed before she heard the door close and almost jumped out of her skin.

It was Charli. "All OK," she said to Julius, "Mom says its going fine. Kat has come over to help since Mom's got a bit of a houseful. Says we owe her one, mind." Her attention switched to Monica. "He been giving you the yin and yang speech yet. My man is smooth isn't he. Watch out for him - he'll be giving you his card next." Her quiet laugh was unforced, unconcerned. It was clearly all perfectly natural for her.

"Saboteur," smiled Julius. "See what I'm working with here," he raised a playful eyebrow to Monica. "Anyway like I was saying. The interracial thing. Some think a white girl is degrading herself going with a n-word. Some like to pretend you are their wife or their daughter and the big bad Black man has come and stole you away. Some just don't feel up to pleasing their woman and want the best for them, the best being Black in their mind. There's all that and more. I ain't gonna harsh their ways and like I say all money is green. But that's not my vibe. I work with white girls because I enjoy the company of white girls. Nothing gets my motor running like premium white pussy. Nothing sells a scene like reality, like that passion I was talking about - the passion that cuts through the camera lens." He finally paused. "I explained it OK." He held out his hands, the slightly lighter skin of his palms showing.

Monica realised she hadn't taken any notes and was thankful for her back-up recorder on the table. Being in the company of Julius Flint had taken her mind off the interview. He was an impressive man - a long way from just being a stunt-cock.

She was aware that they had already been there rather longer than the original plan. "I guess I should wrap up there, oh, except there was one thing."

She saw Julius and Charli exchange a glance. "She asked yet?" said Charli.

"Not yet," said Julius.

Monica pressed on regardless. "I saw all of your merchandise and I noticed the sex-toy. Is it true that the Flint is moulded on your... I mean is it accurate?"

"There it is," laughed Julius "About the seventy-fifth time I been asked that today! Yes, it is based on me. Gotta say the new product we just brought out is superior. He stood up and went to fetch a box. Undoing it he removed a large black sex-toy that quivered slightly as he held it up. "The Flint 2. Made of the latest in materials. Firm without being uncomfortably hard. About as close to the Julius Flint experience as you can get without being given one of my cards and plucking up the courage to arrange a scene."

Monica looked at the dildo as it stood on the table, almost menacing in its size. "So is it true - is it really accurate?"

"I think she wants proof honey." Charli was clearly amused rather than annoyed. However, she was not so amused that she had failed to take her phone out. She and Julius were indeed a team.

Julius shifted back in the couch and put his arms at his side. "Well Monica if you don't want to take my word for it then I'm guessing a researcher like you knows how to check my story."

It was always very pleasing when the desires of Heather the researcher and Monica the camgirl were in perfect harmony. This was a prime example. Monica moved and undid his belt and fly. Julius shucked down his pants to around his ankles.

She really didn't need to go any further. The growing bulge in Julius Flint's shorts was already answering every question. However, it did not hurt to be thorough. She moved her hands to the waist-band of his shorts, took a grip and then eased them down over that big bulge.

"Oh ... My ...", she just managed to stop herself sounding like an airhead influencer. She wasn't entirely new to Big Black Cock but Julius Flint was quite something. She could see the strength and thickness there even before the shorts gave way and he was revealed in front of her, in all his glory! She wanted to say something but really couldn't quite find the words. "Wow," escaped involuntarily and she heard Charli's delighted laugh again.

She reached for the dildo and held it up to the real thing. It was darned close but the dildo was just a little bigger. She looked to Julius.

"He's not quite all there yet. Give him a little encouragement."

She moved her spare hand to his cock and felt the warmth of his skin, the blood pulsing through him, the power and the beauty of him. Her fingers couldn't quite touch around his shaft, he was that thick. However, she did manage to give him a few gentle strokes with her fingers and, almost impossibly, felt him swell beneath them. She glanced up and saw Julius watching her, an intensity in his eyes. She knew what was causing that, the sight of her pale fingers on his coal-black cock. She knew the effect it was having on him - she knew because she felt the same.