Challenge 05 - Monica meets Julius


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She held up the Flint 2 against him and saw that they matched in size. They always said it was 12 inches and she hadn't got a tape-measure but if the dildo was 12 inches then so was the real thing. That comparison was pretty amazing but she had noticed something else too. She dropped the toy onto the couch and moved her hand so that her forearm was alongside his cock. "Oh," was all she could say. His cock was clearly thicker than her whole fore-arm. "That is too darned big."

"Don't knock it till you try it," scolded Charli playfully. "Besides I've been watching some of your shows."

That got Monica's attention. She had an idea what Charli was talking about.

"I've seen some too," confirmed Julius Flint. "Real impressive but I know all about the camera tricks. Maybe I'd like some proof too." She felt his low rumble of a laugh pass almost as much s she heard it.

"Oh my," repeated Monica but with a different tone and sense. There was really no question of her not providing that proof, or at least not of her attempting to. The Flint toy had always been a little intimidating at first but she had got used to it. Now, facing the real thing, the doubt was back. Taking that thing did not look possible. However, months of practice meant that she knew what to do. She took a few careful exhales and worked to relax the tension out of her body.

It was now or never. The broad head of his cock seemed wider than the sex-toy ever had been but she opened her mouth wide and went to work. She took the end of his cock into her mouth and playyed with it with her tongue, more to delay the moment of truth than anything. Then she pushed herself down and onto him, felt the long inches of cock enter and fill her mouth. Even with a mouth full she could see how much was still out there. She worked to get herself back into the zone, the mindset necessary to handle something like this. Muscle memory and technique kicked in and she knew she could take more. She drew him into her mouth until he was at the back of her throat, the danger point, and then on and in.

"Fuck yeah - this girl's got it."

She heard the edge in his voice and thrilled to it. Getting Julius Flint's attention was no mean feat but it wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to take him all and she kept going until she had, until her nose was pressed against the hard muscles of his stomach.

Triumph thrilled through her until she felt his hands on her head. Holding her there, that big cock pushed into her throat, closing off her airways. The possibility of panic was there but she didn't allow it to take over. She was in the zone and she was pleasing her man and that was what mattered. Even as her mind processed that she felt him pulling her up and off his cock. A long thick string of drool stretched between her mouth and the head of his big cock. She coughed and then gulped in oxygen, excited by her achievement.

"No false advertising with this one - girl you got some talent. Only know one girl can handle this better."

Charli put down her phone and moved over to her husband. Her long blonde hair fell forward but did not obscure what she was doing as Monica watched. With a casual ease Charli pushed her mouth onto that Big Black Cock and took it halfway. Then with a single movement she was all the way down his shaft and Monica watched in amazement as Charli's tongue flicked out to tease Julius's heavy balls.

The blonde held it there for fifteen seconds and then, still in total control, withdrew her mouth back up the long black shaft and clear of it. She gave Monica a look, in fact she gave her 'that' look.

Monica felt her competitive nature kicking in. She had no liking for being bested and she wasn't going to start learning now. She moved back to Julius's cock, now wet with Charli's saliva as well as her own. At least that might help lubricate things a little. Down she went, easier this time perhaps because she knew she had done it once, until she had him all the way and again felt the size of him blocking her air-ways. She shut that out and tried to flick out her tongue. She got it and eased up a little to perfect her angles. Then back down and she was using her tongue to tickle his heavy Black balls. The interview was forgotten, Charli was forgotten, her own vulnerable position was forgotten. At that moment was teasing those beautifully heavy Black balls and pleasing this man.

"Oh no, no, no," laughed Julius Flint as he pulled Monica up and off his cock. "No, no, no. I got a scene to shoot in twenty minutes. I can't be cummin now!" His laugh was free and open. Damn but how's a man s'posed to deal with two fly bitches like you two!"

Monica threw a glance at Charli but the blonde seemed to find it as funny as her man. It clearly hadn't been a competition from her perspective. She had just wanted to see what Monica could do.

"You don't need me on camera tonight do you hon?"

Julius shook his head. "Nah, you know how it is with Robin. Her husband knows his place. Keeps his mouth shut, his dick in his pants and the camera in focus."

"Then I think Monica and me should go and have some fun."

"Cool," said Julius. "Go enjoy yourselves while the old man is working!" He reached across to a jacket hanging on the wall. He took a card and nonchalantly tucked it into the pocket on Monica's shorts. "Back out West tomorrow - we based in LA and Vegas nowadays. I'll be coming back around later in the year. Hope to see you then." He turned and headed for the bathroom. Ready to prepare for his scene, the ultimate professional in his trade.

Again Monica couldn't hold back from glancing at Charli. She knew what that card meant. Julius wasn't just hoping to see her - he wanted to shoot a scene with her, to fuck her. She wasn't sure how she would react to her husband doing that right in front of her.

It seemed she still had much to learn. Charli just flicked her eyebrows upwards and gave Monica a smile. "The seal of approval," she said, "now its time us girls got naughty and I know just the place."



"Well you had kinda swallowed his dick - which sort of was a hint that you might not get offended. As soon as you did that I knew Julius would give you his card. Hell, if he hadn't then I would have got one to you. You are just the sort that my husband likes. He's a beautiful person but he is also very much a man from his background. I've kinda amended that old saying you know. 'Black guys always make passes at girls with big asses'." She giggled. "Ain't it the truth and ain't it real good news for girls like you and me!" She demonstrated the point by wiggling her big booty as she walked.

It was clear that Charli was very comfortable with her position and with her husband's lifestyle. Maybe that was the key to this. She wasn't jealous and she didn't feel threatened. Whatever part of Julius Flint she shared there was always the more important part of him that was hers and would remain hers. That had to be a good position to be in but not an easy one to find.

Monica couldn't resist asking about it. "You never have a problem with your husband's work?"

Charli laughed her tuneful melodious laugh. "My husband's job is operating four pet supply shops in California and Nevada. I'm a qualified physiotherapist with a family to raise. This is just our little hobby." The emphasis was placed on the word 'our' and Charli's eyes were twinkling with mischief. "Besides I already have two kids, one with Julius, and I'm planning on maybe one more but that will definitely be it."

Monica didn't quite get where Charli was coming from. She was still trying to process it when Charli responded to the look of confusion that had to be on her face.

"I met Julius when I was performing over in H-Town, in the Market. A close friend of mine named Kali and a guy named Cassius used to run live shows over there. Heavy on the BDSM and the interracial which was just exactly scratching my itch at the time." She paused and smiled at the other woman's reaction.

Monica felt the need to explain. "I've met a Cassius - he runs some clubs down there."

"That would be the same guy - there can't be two of them! He and Julius ran around for a little time - luckily for me because that's how I met my man. Even luckier for me that they stopped running around later on."

"Why - Cassius seemed alright."

"Oh yes, Cassius is real smooth and real tempting. Believe me - I know. Also he ain't frontin' - that man can fuck. I don't deny any woman the chance of fucking him once but beyond that you better watch out. Even Kali understood that in the end and came out West with us."

The two women continued to walk. The streets of the Capital here were well maintained, redolent of affluence. Just as you would expect from the richest and most powerful country in the world. However, Monica knew that you only had to turn a couple of corners and walk five minutes and the surroundings would be very different. She was trying to keep up with Charli's fast walking pace and also with Charli's chatter but it wasn't easy.

"That's the thing," mused her companion. "Ask most people and they wouldn't see much difference between my man and Cassius. They are both African-American men, they both operate in the business, they both got Big Black Cocks and they both really know how to use them." She paused. "They both prefer white girls and they both really like making them their baby-mommas. Again, I would know - from personal experience. However, the real truth is that my man and Cassius couldn't be more different."

"Hang on," interrupted Monica, "your husband said..."

"Oh, he told you what his Momma told him," the blonde laughed again, "I believe he kept to that while the old lady was still around. Over the last twenty years - not so much. Our contract has a clause that co-performers are responsible or any birth control. Take tonight. Robin won't be on the pill and she's timed this for the most likely chance of success. That's why her husband is there - so he can be a part of it." Again Charli saw the look on Monica's face. "Don't ask me honey. I never could understand white boys."

Monica shook her head. "I don't see that is possible. I mean not about the white boys. That doesn't surprise me. But surely its all just a game isn't it. I mean a woman isn't really going to risk getting pregnant like that."

Charli laughed, the sort of dismissive laugh that Monica hadn't heard from her before. "Oh you must be very new!" Her bright blue eyes sparkled and her beautiful mouth formed an almost wicked smile. "I have to tell you that if it rings your bell then there is nothing, I mean nothing, that even comes close. Maybe it doesn't work that way with most women but I can tell you that it isn't just me. Pregnancy-risk sex is kinda like being with a Black guy. For people like us its never something that you only do once. I dunno if they'd call it one of those fetishes or whatever but I'm pretty sure that I don't care. Put pregnancy-risk and being with a Black man together and..." Charli gave her a delighted and rather wicked smile as she mimed an explosion. "I do know that I never even considered stopping performing with Cassius until ... well, nature took her course."

"I guess that's where you really find out," she continued. "Is nine months of pregnancy all fun and games - oh no. Is raising children all sunshine and roses - hell no! However, I don't regret one little thing for even one second. I have two very good reasons not to." She reached to the back of her pants and unclipped her phone. Two swipes of the finger and she showed an image to Monica.

"They are beautiful."

"Damn right they are," affirmed Charli, "and my man raises them both just the same, like they was both biologically his. Its a fact - Julius and Cassius are real different."

They walked on in a few seconds of silence. Monica tried to fix all that had been said in her memory.

"It is unbelievable how much this place has changed." Charli was very clearly moving the subject on now. "In just three years. I knew this neighborhood pretty well and I knew it was changing but it has been so quick. Just over there," she waved to where an immaculate new apartment block was shining in the late sun. "there was a bar where a couple of young white girls could get themselves in the best sort of trouble!" She walked on to the next corner and glanced down it.

She smiled. "At least some things are still the same - at least I hope so anyway."

The door didn't seem anything special. Its only identifying characteristics were a camera and a sign marked 'Private Members Club' over the door. Next to the door was an unlabelled and entirely unremarkable door-bell which Charli pressed.

There was no noise from within for a few seconds but then an electronic tone sounded followed by a slightly muffled voice.

"Can I help you?"

Charli spoke as if someone was there with them. "Is Mo still around?"

There was silence for a few seconds and then a second voice came through the hidden speaker. "Let them in man - what you waiting for!"

There was a harsh buzzing noise and the door swung open. Inside was a an entrance lobby and then through large open doors came the noise of a bar. Immediately following that noise was a man in his early forties. He was white and somewhat overweight with a receding hairline but luxuriant brown mutton-chop whiskers. "Hey Charli," was all he said as he held open his arms for a welcoming hug. "You back for the Convention," he finally added once they were disentangled, "its real good to see old friends. Too many of the best people are moving out nowadays."

"But not you Mo. You don't change - even if your surroundings do. A whole lot different to where we first met."

Mo laughed. "At Old Tom's you mean! Damn but that was a place. Kinda wish we had stuck over there but times change and you can't tell. I'd figured this place would have a few more years before the whitebreads came out to meet us. Anyway with my lease they won't be getting me out without a sizable chunk of change. Doesn't do to get stuck in your ways in this business." He paused and touched his fingers to his forehead. "Damn but I'm losing my touch. Introduce me to your friend Charli."

"This is Monica." Mo held out a slightly clammy hand and Monica shook it. He led them into the bar which was well populated with men watching sports on numerous screens. The clientele looked to be financial and office workers, white-collar types. Monica noticed some of the men's heads turn as they entered the room.

"Your usual," said Mo as he ducked through the door in the bar. Then he looked at Monica.

"Oh, the same please," said Monica.

A little bar-keeping magic and a glass appeared in front of each of them. Charli took a sip and smiled. "Still the best Mo." The portly barman almost beamed with pride. Monica cautiously tried hers. It tasted delicious but then there was quite a kick behind it.

"Oh that's good," she said and was also rewarded with Mo's smile of approval.

Charli looked to the centre of the bar where there was a large black-board. "Still doing your specials of the day?"

"Oh yes, " smiled Mo, "you interested?"

"It's what we came for - I'm here to show Monica some of the sights."

Mo laughed again. "Well I guess you know the system. He checked the chunky watch on his right wrist. Put you down for nine to ten. That OK?" He glanced at Monica and then back to Charli.

"We'll be ready. Still through there", Charli pointed at a door next to the side of the bar.

Mo was soon chalking the board watched, with obvious interest, by most of the men in the bar. As Monica followed Charli through the door she just had time to glance across and see him complete his writing.


9-10 Charli and Monica


Monica just had time to wonder what she had got herself into now but had nowhere near enough time to even think about not following her new friend inside.


Through the door and down a narrow corridor they found a second door. Charli opened it and beyond there was a room. It was unlike anywhere that Monica had ever seen. Superficially it somewhat resembled a theater changing room. There was no central room lighting but around two of the walls there were a series of strings of small lights, as if they fringed a make-up mirror. Except there was no mirror. Instead there was blank wall save for some sort of a hatch, latched shut.

The walls were covered in white tiles which reflected the gleam of the many small lights. Monica watched as Charli moved a comfortable padded chair, covered in white vinyl, across to one of the hatches. With practised fingers she released the catch and swung the hatch back into a position designed for it within the wall. Revealed was a sheet of clear glass or Perspex and at its center a hole framed in leather. The screen's transparency revealed only darkness beyond.

"Mo has surely come up in the world," mused Charli. "When I first met him we were using the booths out the back of the old adult book-store he worked at. Now that place could get nasty - especially come the end of the night. Crowded out with guys, cum all over the walls and floor, men banging on the doors as they were waiting their turn. No better place to learn how to service a dick or ten." She looked around once more. "Now it is all cleaner and safer. More of a swingers club than a real sex joint. Where naughty wives can have their fun while their husbands watch. Its not like the good old days but we take our fun where we can get it. You been to a gloryhole before?"

Of course Monica had not. You couldn't be around Harley's network and not hear about them but being in one was something else altogether. She took the position next to Charli and, with rather less assurance, managed to undo and then fix her own hatch back into the wall. The transparent screen was clean and clear, one slight smear from cleaning the only mark on it. She ran her fingers up and around the leather-framed hole. She felt the smooth warmth of the leather there, noticed that it was slightly worn.

"Careful girl" laughed Charli, "that's the signal to come and get it! Maybe we need to get a few things straight first. I'm guessing you know the practical details. Cock comes through the hole and we get it off. Obviously these guys, in fact any guys, love head but if you aren't certain about it then just use your hand." She pulled out a small draw and lifted small boxes of condoms, latex gloves and tissues onto the shelf between her own window and Charli's. "Its just head and hand here but if you want to you can use these. The gloves aren't so bad because some guys get off on that. I never could stand the taste or feel of those things." She dismissed the condoms with a wave of her hand.

A buzzer sounded in their room and a large screen on the wall flicked on. There was the immediate sound of rhythmic thumping and a woman's moans. The sound was slightly distorted and Monica realised the reason when she saw the flicker of screens coming through from the rooms beyond her and Charli's windows.

Charli casually observed the screen. A young woman was on her knees in the middle of a boxing ring while about twenty men surrounded her, A second woman was hanging onto the ropes as a muscular, heavily-tattooed man fucked her from behind.

"Huh", said Charli, "whitebread shit - could be a hot scene if they'd done it right."

Monica understood immediately. Both women and all bar one of the men were white. If she was ever in such a position...

"Ready girl - here they come!"

Doors had opened beyond their windows and admitted both light and some men. A second later bright-lights flicked on out there and now Monica could see the first man clearly. He had discarded his pants somewhere beyond the door and now he pulled off his shorts. His penis was standing pink, hard and proud. She didn't know what to do and gave him a hesitant wave through the Perspex.