Challenge 05 - Monica meets Julius


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Charli tapped the Perspex. "The different lighting will make this almost one-way. Pop a finger through the hole when you are ready for them." She demonstrated and was rewarded by a pink prick easing its way up and through the hole. It was nice and thick, maybe six inches long. "Here's a nice one to start with." She gave the cock a skilled few strokes of her hand, checking it out. Then her mouth was down and on the cock.

"Oh yeah - suck it baby," came from beyond the hole.

Monica suddenly saw an eye looking at her through the hole. Which kind of proved Charli was right about the screen being effectively one-way. The eye disappeared but apparently he had liked what he had seen because a cock slid through the hole. It was slim but long and curved slightly upwards. Monica took her example from Charli and reached out her hand. As she gently touched the cock she felt it quiver a little. She moved her hand up and down his shaft a couple of times and was just thinking about going further when it happened.

"Ugh," came through the screen and he came. Two little spurts of cum and then he was done. Monica managed to shift her position so as to allow the cum to fall down onto the tiled floor.

Charli was sucking the cock in front of her hands-free as she eased off her top. Once that task was completed her hand returned to the cock and expertly stroked it. Not long after Charli stiffened a little and worked the cock carefully. A moment later she was showing off a mouthful of cum before letting it fall into a tissue that she then dropped into the trash can between their chairs. "One - one," she smiled at her colleague

"One moment guys," Charli apologised before standing up to remove her pants. When she resumed her place before the window she was naked save for her shoes. Her clothes were safely hung up at the back of the room. As soon as she was back in position the next cock had pushed through the wall and Charli had set to work on getting it off.

Monica wasted no time in following Charli's example. It was hardly the place to be shy. Even the first few minutes had proved that unless you wanted to ruin your clothes it was best to discard them. She noticed that Charli's arms were a multi-colored riot of different tattooed designs. There was another tattoo, script this time, on Charli's lower belly but Monica was a little too busy and too far away to be able to read it.

The next cock through the hole was as pink and about the same size as the one that had cum before. However, it was on less of a hair trigger. Monica had to demonstrate some of her skills on this one. Using her tongue and the stimulation of her hands and mouth to finally bring him beyond the point of no return. She felt the spurts of cum into her mouth and held them there until she could repeat Charli's trick with the tissue.

"Thanks,' came through the hole and she saw an eye peeking through at her before it disappeared and a few moments later another cock pushed through the hole.

This one was a real challenge. A challenge accelerated by hearing Charli giggle and cal out 'Five - Two'. She glanced across and saw the wet trails of cum running down Charli's arms and belly How was she getting them off so quick? She also looked with jealousy at the six inch pink prick that Charli was now expertly sucking off.

Monica had rather less to work with. Just peeping out of some grey pubic hair was perhaps an inch and a half of shaft. It certainly was not her idea of 'fun-sized'. She wasn't going too near to that hair with her mouth and so this gentleman would have to settle for hand. She pulled on a latex glove and gingerly took the penis between her fingers.

"Oh, oh, are you wearing gloves mistress..." The words came through the hole with a certain breathless quality.

She wasn't quite sure why she said it but it just sort of came to her. "Of course - now are you going to make your tiny little white dick cum for me? Are you going to show your mistress how much you desire her. Cum on little man - give me that cum." She stroked him with her gloved hand, at least in as much as you could get any sort of a stroke going on something so small.

It sounded like the guy was having a heart attack over there, but two loud grunts was almost immediately followed by a surprisingly solid two or three spurts of cum from his cock. Monica felt them hit her breasts, warm and wet, before beginning to slide down her body. It felt very, very, nasty - but in a peculiarly good way.

She heard shuffling going on beyond the holes. Men moving around. When she dropped her mouth onto the rather more respectable pink cock that next came through her hole she had hardly got going before she heard,

"Please Mistress - can I have the glove?"

Monica wasn't quite sure whether to take that as an insult but the glove was an awful lot less effort and there were a lot of men out there. She decided to experiment a little. She let the glove smack against the skin of her wrist as she put it on and then she took the cock in a firm grasp, working it as she imagined a professional would. She flicked out her tongue to tease its head and before long she felt the first taste of what was to come. She moved her head away and let him cum hard onto her body. Strong spurts of white-boy jizz onto her body.

"Good boy," she purred, "what do you say?"

"Thank you mistress," the 'boy' responded. In fact she had seen enough to know he had to be in his mid-fifties. She had also recognised the heavy golden wrist-watch that he wore. She knew how much that particular watch cost - more proof that Mo's clientele were professionals and businessmen.

She was keeping up with Charli until she had the misfortune to be presented with her biggest cock of the night. It would have been quite impressive if it hadn't been quite so pink. It wasn't his fault but that particular skin-tone just could not help looking somehow ridiculous. Needless to say this one didn't want the glove. This one wanted a blow-job and he wanted to make it last. The selfish asshole. It wasn't like she had much of a choice- she needed to get him off if she was to keep pace with Charli. She jealously heard her new friend signal receipt of yet another cum-shot onto her big tits.

Monica got down to business. If this guy wanted a blow job then she would give him the best damned blow job he had ever had. She settled down to her mission and was at least grateful that this time she did have something to work with. It gave her a chance to demonstrate her skills. She took him all the way and felt him quiver but no luck. She worked that shaft and gave him plenty of spit to lubricate a hard sloppy hand-job. her tongue teased every part of the underside of his shaft. The man just would not cum. It was starting to get annoying!

Muffled words came through the hole. She didn't catch most of it but then it registered with her what his last word had been. It might have surprised her if she hadn't had experiences with her white 'drivers'. It was surprising how many of them shared a certain fetish.

She gave a last virtuoso session from her mouth and hand combined but with no luck. This man stubbornly refused to cum. So she reasoned that maybe you just had to give the customer what he desired. She reached down and undid the straps of her Off-White jug wedge mules. She placed them carefully to one-side. With a minor clean-up they would be OK. then she leaned back in her chair and pushed her bare white foot up to the hole. It was just wide enough to push her foot through, leaving her ankle snug against the leather.

She felt the warm wetness of a mouth and a tongue on her toes. It was a sublime form of torture - tickling her outrageously. She kept her mouth pressed tight shut but couldn't help wriggling a little. A hand grasped her foot and held it steady. The mouth withdrew to her relief but she saw bodies crowding into the other side of the screen. Moments later there was a grunt and she felt the warm wetness on her foot. The sight seemed to set others off and more cum was shot onto other parts of her foot, from two or three different angles at once.

The excited noise from beyond the screen and the loads of cum continued for maybe two minutes. Up until the time when a buzzer sounded signalling the end of their session. Monica could not recall when the hand holding her foot had been withdrawn. Maybe he'd met with some 'friendly fire'. She almost hoped so as she finally withdrew her foot. It resembled noting more than a glazed doughnut.

Charli's delighted laughter wasn't helping - it was quite humiliating enough without that. She couldn't stop herself shooting the other woman a furious glance.

Charli raised her hands, still laughing. "No, no - that was great! I thought I'd seen most everything but that was something new. Remember - when you have to get off a white boy then it is by any means necessary." Her beautiful face took on a wicked grin. "Within reason of course." She stood up and finally gave Monica a good look at that script tattoo on her lower belly, just above her bare pussy.



Monica was well aware that her eyes had to be out on stalks. She didn't like to say that word let alone...

Charli's eyes were wide now, sparkling with pleasure at Monica's unconcealed shock.

"Guess the wording is pretty harsh but when I had it done it seemed right. Levy and Izeye had all sorts of ideas for ink and me. Those two together were a heady mix! Julius said I could change it if I wanted but, what the fuck, its kinda the creed I live by. Her face had a certain innocent elfin perfection when she laughed as she laughed now. Monica had no trouble understanding just how popular Charli was. Like her husband had said it was all about the contrast, the yin and the yang.

Just now, however, something else had captured Monica's attention. She had recognised one of those names. Izeye. Not a common name and especially not when connected to 'Ink', which she now understood was clearly a reference to tattoos. A regular commenter on her shows went by the handle, 'IzeyeInk'. It seemed vanishingly unlikely to be just a coincidence.

"He gave you that tattoo?" was all she could finally ask.

"Yeah," beamed Charli and then she pointed to another section of script on her arm. "Also this." Those words bound her to follow 'the Black Man's Rules' but seemed positively innocuous by comparison. "He doesn't really like doing script so much so I was happy to let him do this." She turned and up one half of her other side was an intricate design of intertwining motifs crowned by the image of an obviously pregnant women with her white belly gently caressed by two Black arms. It was crisp and perfect in its design and execution - powerful in its message. The colourful designs elsewhere on her arms stood out more but had none of the quality of this design.

"Not to mention this." Charli stuck out her tongue and for the first time Monica saw the stud there, carrying the 'Queen of Spades' design. The blonde women gave her a knowing smile. "Learn how to use that properly and very few guys can hold out long."

Monica recalled how Charli had seemed to make her cocks cum so quickly. It hadn't all been talent then - Izeye had provided her with an advantage. Her own ears were pierced but she had never even considered anything else. Now, for the first time, she wondered just what a tongue stud like Charli's would feel like.

"So you've not had the Challenge for a gloryhole yet?" Charli smirked. "Well here's a little advice." She moved over to her clothes and recovered the phone that she had propped up against them. She tapped the screen and considered the image. Then she turned it round for Monica to see. The lighting wasn't great but you could still clearly see the two women busy sucking cock at the holes. "Never miss a chance for content. I'll send you this footage and you'll have it in the bank for when you are set the task. Mo is a real sweetheart but this place is a little too," she paused for a word, "er, comfortable for me. The old-style places used to be so down and dirty but nowadays on this coast, outside of H-Town, they are pretty much all gone and that is way too far to travel. Still it was OK for a vanilla night."

'A vanilla night'? Sucking off about twenty anonymous strangers' cocks each and sitting there with cum all over their near-naked bodies. That was 'a vanilla night.' Monica scrutinised her companion for any sign that she was joking but found none. Which raised the question of what would count as 'a wild night' for someone like Charli. Monica wasn't sure but she felt her body respond to the possibility of one day finding out.

Fortunately Charli was experienced and had brought wipes. They spent a couple of minutes cleaning off the cum so they could get dressed and home for a shower. Just as they finished they heard a door close, loud against the relative quiet.

"Sorry honey," called Charli, "we are just cleaning up. Maybe come back later."

"S'alright," came as a response, "I been minding the doors for Mo. Making sure no-one got out of hand. He sorta says I can come back here for my tip."

Charli looked across at Monica and shrugged. "House rules I guess - well, when in Rome!" She leaned forward to peer through her screen and smiled. "Hey things are suddenly looking up." She pushed two slim white fingers through her hole and was immediately rewarded.

The new cock wasn't the biggest of the evening but, despite that, Monica immediately understood her new friend's comment. It was a beautiful almost blue-black colour, thick and powerful. It might not have been the biggest of the evening but to Monica it was obviously the best. Its skin-tone gave it a strength and a power that had been sorely missing up to now. This was a man's cock and she wanted it.

Unfortunately Charli did too. She was rapidly using all of her tricks and skill to please the man on the other side of the screen. Monica knew how that ended. How many cocks had she seen shoot their load once Charli had given them her full attention.

Except this one didn't shoot, it still stood proud and strong before the blonde's delicious ministrations. Charli finally paused. "Like to make it last, eh."

"Momma didn't raise no fools!" came through the hole.

Charli signalled and Monica understood. She dropped to her knees and eased over to Charli's screen - only momentarily reacting to the feel of cold cum from the floor on her legs and feet. Sometimes you had to pay a price to win the prize. The prize in this case was the magnificent underside of his shaft above her. She flicked out her tongue and began to work on him, complimenting Charli's attentions on the head of his Big Black Cock.

"Yeah you hot fucking bitches. Work that cock - show me what ya can do."

They did their best. The mixture of Monica's natural enthusiasm and Charli's experienced talent was pretty much guaranteed to get any man there off in short order. However, this was not just 'any man'. That hard Black cock stood remorseless, soaking up their worship and adoration. The only response, coming through the screen, was vocal. The only reaction to all their skills being that his comments got ever more obscene.

"Fuck but you a fine pair of cracka sluts - bopping like a street corner girl back home. Earning them five dollars. You bitches love that nigga dick dontcha."

There was that word again - but this man had the right to use it and in this context it didn't seem so bad. Perhaps because Monica understood that she did love his cock and had reacted to it as she had to no other that night. Except for Julius Flint's of course. She couldn't deny that fact or the very obvious reason behind it. Tonight was teaching her to separate the men from the boys.

"Ya know what I'm loving. Loving me some white girl titties. Come on Red show ol' Jay them white girl titties."

She hesitated.

"Go on," mouthed Charli.

Monica had no lack of willing but what about the practicalities. She moved up close to the hole and Jay then took the initiative. A dark hand came through the hole and squeezed her left breast. She felt the roughness of his palm on her smooth skin and knew that, like George back home, this was a man who had worked hard for a living.

"Yeah - they sweet litttle biddy white titties. Nice long nips - get them up to the hole.

She obliged and was rewarded by strong fingers squeezing and tweaking them just as she had come to know that she loved. She gasped in pleasure but it was not to last.

"Liking them but I know blondie there has got big ol' titties. Get over here cracka - you ho 'nuff to know what I'm wanting."

Charli showed no hesitation. "Yeah, Jay, I know alright. These nice and big and white enough for you." She flaunted her perfect breasts at the hole. Monica felt a reluctant envy for Charli's natural gifts. That feeling was only reinforced by Jay's reaction.

"Thass what I'm talking about." His hand pawed at Charli and then his Big Black Cock re-emerged through the hole.

Charli wrapped her big breasts around his hard cock and began to move up and down his shaft. "This what you wanting baby - well you know what we want. Give us that big hot nigga load - shoot that cum all over your little white hos."

"You fucking getting it alright - you fucking getting it." For the first time Jay's voice had that little tight tone to it, a tone Charli knew very well and which Monica was beginning to recognise too.

"Show us a nice big baby-making load and maybe next time we're here we'll give up some hot white pussy." Charli's smile was devilish as she kept working her perfect tits up and down his cock.

"Fuck yeah - fuck yeah - fuck yeah," Jay's eloquence broke down as his resistance finally crumbled. His cock shot seven heavy loads of thick cum, the first two onto Charli's breasts and the rest onto both girl's faces as they crowded together in front of the hole.

"Thanks Jay," said Charli as the spurts finally stopped.

"Er .. thanks Jay," echoed Monica. It seemed ridiculous but what else was she supposed to say?

"Hey, no problem girls - you a couple of fine white bitches for sure. I'll see you around and I'll be sure to take you up on that offer."

Then he was gone and it was hard to realise just what had happened. Not that it could be denied - there was an awful lot of fresh cum that now need to be cleared up. Monica was looking for the wipes when Charli took a hold of her and began to kiss her and then to lick her face clean.

The blonde only spoke when she had finished her self-appointed task. "There - always remember that white boy's cum belongs in the trash can but Black men's cum belongs in white girls." She angled her face to show her own cheek.

Monica responded to the words and the gesture. She kissed and licked clean Charli's face and also her beautiful breasts. She felt the softness of the pale skin and tasted that potent African seed. She felt her own body react to al that had happened, all that was happening and all that would happen.

She also did not speak until she was finished. "Your husband says how he doesn't like the word 'interracial'."

Charli laughed. "Julius is truly a sweetheart and he is my man but sometimes he can talk a whole crock of shit! He just doesn't like having to play the thug, maybe because he did come from the streets back in the day. Plenty of Black guys fucking love that stuff - like Jay there. Our skill is reading the guy and giving him what he wants. Like these for instance," she held up her newly cleaned breasts.

"They are amazing," admitted Monica. Why not admit it - it was true!

"All natural," was Charli's good-humoured boast. "Not that I don't plan on getting them a little help after my next. Feeding hungry little Black mouths can have that effect! Fortunately I know a man who is just the best in the game - a fussy little man but really a genius - used to work for him in fact before I went out on my own. He has a clinic near here if you ever think about it. His name is Doctor..."