All Comments on 'Charlotte & The Pirate Ch. 06'

by mcfbridge

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Black TulipBlack Tulipover 19 years ago

Good!!! The bastard deserved to be keel-hauled. Hehehe.

I hope you will expand a bit on the slave's part. Please let her have some fun too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

exactly what i was saying about the last chapter...your a Artist in your own rite,twists and turns and someones needs to pick you up for your mind,creativity and writing skills. i know its been a while since something was posted so possibly that has happened if so...good for you...if not then they lost out on a awesome author and writer. Such talent should be published. respectfully

Horseman68Horseman68about 5 years ago
Great Story.

What a great tale. Reading on.

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