Chaste Honeymoon: Welcome Cocktail


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I turned around and saw a couple with a leash.

But it was not the same as us.

The free and dominant one was the husband, Frank, free, smiling, and confident. Frank wore a chastity cage, probably so as not to bother the other Resort Guests, but he had a Cowboy leather tie around his neck, from which hung the key to his cage. With his wrist, he led on a leash a red-haired vixen: Fiona.

Fiona advanced on all fours, like a little dog. She had a head of red hair (which I later found out was natural: the curtains matched with the rug) and a long red foxtail with an extremely white tuft sticking out of the furrow in the middle of her ass cheeks, just past the dimples of her bottom.

Fiona had very fair skin and lots of freckles all over.

She wore neither lipstick nor make-up: the only concession-perhaps to play the character a stroke of eyeliner called precisely "Foxy," four black whiskers drawn over her upper lip to the right and left, and the tip of her nose black, like that of a fox.

And she did not speak, but she yelped like a little volpine dog.

While he wore a Stetson Cowboy hat, Fiona was completely naked except for her collar (from which hung a bone-shaped metal medallion: "Fiona the Red Vixen") and red and white tail

Frank spoke with a thick accent from the American Southwest: Arizona or New Mexico. "I hope that my presence as Dominant-for-a-Day will not bother the Ladies Keyholders this evening. I would like to make it clear right away that my wife Fiona and I alternate. This is something that happens to a few couples but it works for us. Right love?"

"Woof!" barked the vixen, smiling at her Master-for-a-Day.

Her long tongue hung out of her mouth, like a dog, and my penis invoked an erection, thinking how good it would feel to be on that vixen's lips with her face at the level of my genitals.

"Every day the two of us draw by chance who will be Dominant and who will be Submissive. Today is the first day at the resort, but Fate decided that Fiona was submissive, so I brought her here to the Party naked and on a leash. I hope the sight of her firm ass being impaled by a long anal plug to hold up the long red tail doesn't turn your husbands off..."

"Oh, don't worry!" exclaimed Charlotte laughing. My husband has two zippers over his eyes, but since you ask, I'm going to open them now so he gets turned on by looking at your wife. I haven't given him any releases for months anyway, and by now he has violet balls! Ha, ha!"

My wife was more shy. She looked at me and murmured, "Are you uncomfortable Dean dear?" But I moved my head to say it was okay.

Then Britney, encouraged by my agreement, pretended to cuddle the little dog with her hand. "What a cute little dog! What's his name? Who is a good boy? You are!"

Absurd, how the most innocuous and simple words can lash a person's soul like so many violent lashes!

But vixen Fiona lent herself to the game: she licked my wife's hand, then she rolled onto her back, showing her tummy to scratch, like a cocker spaniel. She kept her fingers closed, like a dog, but her thighs open, not hiding the red hair of her pussy.

Frank encouraged my wife to continue the game. "She is not a dog, my Fiona, she is a female fox: a vixen. If she were a dog breed, I would have to admit to everyone that she is a BITCH, and those are not nice things to say."

Charlotte had opened her eyes to her husband, who grunted from the pain caused by the humbler, from the erection caused by the sight of Fiona's belly growling and kicking with her open thighs.

Without any doubt, Charlotte's unnamed slave had also noticed that matched the drapes.

Fiona had a beautiful pussy. A thin tuft of red hair, and ravishing lips amid freckles.

My wife pretended to be interested in Fiona's tummy, just to get us caged husbands excited.

My wife's hand, which was stroking the vixen's tummy, was only a short distance away from also stroking her clitoris.

Tease and denial with the acting out of a Sapphic scene.

But it was working, all right!

"What a good vixen you are! Did you eat all the gruel?"

Fiona barked all excitedly, "Arf, arf!"

Frank said, "It's not always like this: tomorrow you will see her in her Dominant role, and the collared one will be me. Our story is simple. She was a feminist newspaper activist--you don't mind if I introduce you, do you darling?"

His wife barked happily, wiggling her hips to sway her tail.

"We had known each other for a long time, but we had never dated: I was a little less eco-feminist than her friends, let's say. One week three things happened in quick succession. In court, a woman confessed that she had accused a boy of harassment just to get attention and get compensation, but she had lied. It was a shock to the feminist newspaper because they had believed the lies of a slanderer.

In the same week, a famous film producer was acquitted of all harassment charges, and a famous actress was convicted by a female judge for lying about domestic violence by a famous actor (defended by a female lawyer).

In the same month, a woman who was governor of a state near ours resigned, claiming that she had pocketed bribes for public contracts. And while still the newspaper editorial staff was upset about these two news stories, a day or two later one of the other women journalists announced that she was divorcing her wife because she beat her. Domestic violence is not exclusively a male prerogative, unfortunately.

For Fiona, the shock was too much.

I found her in a diner below the Editorial Office, crying her eyes out. My mouth asked her, "How are you, do you want to talk?" even though my heart wanted to tell her, "You look beautiful with tears in your eyes. And so I..."



"What? I barked!"

"No, you hissed at me Asshole!"

"Okay. It will mean that after the Cocktail Party is over, you will administer the punishment I deserve! Or maybe I should say Welcome-to-the-Resort's "Caged-Cock and Free-Tail" Party!" she laughed, wiggling her hips to get her tail wagging.

"I was saying. I was deeply in love with her, but all that feminist obsession was getting in our way! The mansplaining, the wage gap, the sisterhood...

Well, in short. I consoled her, we had a beer quietly, we laughed, we joked.

She told me that she had lost faith in feminist ideology. I told her that if I listened to her from her beautiful lips, I could convert myself!

Let's say we were not on the same page, and yet, we were inside the same sheets that night!

Pillow talks, she told me that she had had an epiphany: the propaganda of these years is not about equality, but about overwhelm and supremacy.

I said that all of us boomers are all SIMP males grandfather would never have worshipped a woman in the way we are all completely subservient to our women.

Myself included: because despite my opinions in economics and politics, I am always kind, respectful, a true White Knight in shining armor... this armor I wear around my penis."


"Fiona! Sit down! That's not your safe word. Either you utter a safe word, or I'll have to spank you in front of everyone with a folded newspaper!"

The vixen yowled, hiding behind me to keep from getting spanked. But in that way, her bare shoulders bumped against my bare legs, and the cock jerked. The red hair was so beautiful, so close to my genitals...I tried not to look at it, and I realized that my wife was smiling at me.

Frank went on to tell how their first date had been. The classic talk that vanilla couples give on the first day of Honeymoon: only here some of the main characters were naked, collared, and leashed!

Meanwhile, those who had their hands and mouths free ate appetizers and drank cocktails, while the submissives were not allowed to feed themselves (me least of all, because I had a ball gag in my mouth).

A waitress handed Frank a dog bowl. He poured the cocktail into the bowl, and Fiona ventured to drink, stretching her neck downward, almost to the point of touching the ground with her pink nipples: meanwhile, she jutted her ass upward.

I heard Charlotte's pet grunt, and she gave him a sturdy spank on the buttocks.

"From that day on, we started dating. She stopped believing in feminism, I began to believe she was partly right.

I was also a SIMP, like all the men of my generation. All gentle, all prone to watching movies in which the heroines were all valiant and strong women, while the males were weak and wimpy, like Shaggy or Ron Stoppable. The only intelligent males in the movies and novels were the Villains, and every time they succumbed to Female Supremacy and Indestructible Sisterhood Friendship--all bullshit.

Women hate each other and envy each other, and the best friend fucks the bridesmaid's husband. Women stand in each other's way and fear the judgment of other women.

Have you ever heard a man say, "Hey, that girl is pretty, but damn, she's worn the same dress twice, and I saw that she has cellulite on one thigh!"? Never.

Males want to get laid. No one pays attention to the color of your clothes the cellulite you may have, the cut of your hair (never noticed), or whether you have polished nails or not.

My grandfather has gotten laid a hundred times more than me, my grandmother has gotten laid a hundred times more than you, and she has never bothered to dye her hair or polish her nails. ù


At first, we fucked in the most vanilla way, then, watching some porn together, we told each other "Maybe I'm 50% Dominant and 50% submissive"...

I was very uncertain whether to confess my perverse fantasy of being submissive, just to a feminist activist! I was thinking, "What if she despises me? What if she only desires Alpha men, handsome like Danny Zuko, strong like Terminator, serial womanizers without the heart?"

Those were the doubts of a SIMP. A whole generation of SIMPs. But she was taking a path in the opposite direction, and so we met halfway.

Half the days, I submit to her. The other half of the days, she submits to me. In this way, neither of us feels guilty. And I don't know how to say but our sex life has improved a lot!

And that's our story.

Now you speak, Fiona, I delegate you completely. My safe word is "Massachussets" (the Bee Gees' hit), and with that word, I suspend myself from the role of Dominant for ten minutes, that I am hungry for appetizers."

Fiona remained on all fours but spoke in her normal voice. She was very convincing and authoritative, like a journalist who has interviewed many people on the radio.

"Yes. I stopped believing in feminist propaganda the very moment I met a man who begged me to lead a female-led relationship. But I don't want to. The movement has disappointed me a lot, I have discovered that there are deep hypocrisies and great contradictions, and I no longer believe that it is right to seek revenge or overpower. I know that among Keyholder women this kind of talk could trigger negative reactions..."

"No, I understand you!" encouraged her Britney.

"I, too, have often been disappointed by the choices of some famous people...who are not always models of honesty and sincerity, even if they are women," Charlotte commented.

Fiona shook her head. "I don't want to convince anyone. I just want to be happy with my Frank. This 50/50 balance satisfies us both and doesn't make me feel guilty because I doubt I'm overly prevaricating."

The slim red vixen lowered her voice to confide a secret.

"And now that Frank can't hear me from the appetizer table, I confess to you under my breath that he told the truth: MY sex life is much improved without guilt, and on days when I dominate, it is beautiful that he eats my pussy without expecting any reciprocation (the cage stays locked). On those days I orgasm, even two or three times, and then I roll over and fall asleep without regrets or guilt.

And without even cleaning the mess! It's just... so great!

Oh, if I were still an activist, I would write a book called Just "You Deserve Your Husband to let you orgasm, without you having to reciprocate or clean his mess." What do you say, that would be a bestselling title wouldn't it?"

At that moment, I heard a female voice behind my back, saying, "I lead my husband in a total FLR. His family is Swedish, so, they could give lessons in feminism and meritocracy to anyone in the world. But he only obeys me. Show, Thor!"

I turned around and saw the most unlikely couple in the world.

He was a real giant, over two meters tall, with muscular shoulders and a strong resemblance to the Hemsworth brothers, blond with blue eyes. Naked, wearing heavy metal handcuffs joined by massive iron rings, and with a chastity cage around his penis.

She, on the other hand, was a true petite, proportionate but petite. She wore a very tight little black dress that made her look even smaller, and her bare feet on the sand contributed to diminishing her height. As if she wanted to continually emphasize that even though she was small, she controlled every movement of that muscular giant.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to introduce myself to everyone, and I listened to what the little red dog was saying..."

"Vixen is the game, Fiona is the name." Fiona's voice made me assume that she was only willing to be submissive to her husband Frank, and not to anyone who happened to pass by.

"Whatever. My name is Trixie, but everyone calls me the Pixie because I look smaller than Thinkerbell. He, on the other hand, is my husband Thor- it's not a nickname, it's his real name, Thor Oxenstierna, in Scandinavia the names of the Norse pantheon are very trendy. Say hello, Thor!"

Thor nodded his head.

"Do you decide everything?"

"Of course! My salary is higher than his, I'm five years older than him, and I decide everything!"

"I don't know if..."

"Whatever! Now I've got to finish the round of introductions, which I'm in a hurry to get back to our junior suite for another facesitting session!" pirouetting on her tiny bare feet, Trixie walked away from our group, followed by Thor. He seemed the most submissive of all, and yet, he was the only one without a leash or other obvious signs of submission. I could tell that in their pair the dynamic was happening more on a psychological level.

Fiona watched them as they walked away, then said, "I had already met her in the afternoon, talking to a young pregnant woman..."

"I saw her too, pregnant!"

"Yes, this resort is very welcoming to pregnant women. They even have a pool, especially for them! Frank and I had come here when I was expecting my two daughters."

"Oh, what wonderful news! We're also hoping to have two children, and now that I know the resort is attuned to accommodate pregnant women, it's even nicer!"

"There's even a specialized massage room! With oriental masseuses dedicated just to pregnant women daydreaming. There are parts of the body that you need to avoid and parts of the body that you need to massage. For the back, it works wonders. See?" And, still on all fours, Fiona waved her spine to shake her tail.

All chuckled.

"To me, it's so heartwarming that a newly married girl is already talking about having two children... when I left the Journal' Redaction, I was disgusted by the feminist anti-birth approach. We have four children, you know? Two "double trouble" twin births--well, but I was well aware of that because the propensity for twins runs strong in my family!"

"But did he make you?" whispered my wife hesitantly.

Fiona laughed heartily. "My dear, do you see this so redhead? Half my ancestors were Scottish Presbyterians like Braveheart, and half were Irish Catholics like Bobby Sands. No one, literally no one, could ever force me to do anything I didn't want to do.

He proposed that I be his Keyholder 365 days a year, and I refused. Because it is my choice! OMG, I still sound like a feminist!

Let's say we made a compromise: some days he's in charge, and some days I'm in charge. Usually, he still keeps the cage padlocked if I haven't released him the night before. Sometimes he has gone without cumming for several days what's the record, darling?"

"Fourteen days exactly, darling," said Frank chewing with his mouth open.

My wife gave me a dirty look. I thought, "But why is she giving me the stink eye?" and seeing my eyes, Britney whispered, "You see that males keep a calendar for everything? It's like with football season: males always have to update databases."

"You see me now on all fours with a plug buried in my ass, but I'm the one who wants it: every submissive in some way, he commands from the bottom, it's inevitable.

No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that your husband commands you.

I meant that Frank and I are like that. He and I are in a harmonious balance.

He dominates me, I dominate him, neither of us causes pain or permanent fractures, and we never have bruises or tattoos or branding or anything like that.

Sometimes I give him lashes on the skin of his ass-if you look at him now, he doesn't even have marks!

Yes, I understand that it is alienating and alienating for me to tell you that I was a feminist activist while I am on all four with a leash around my neck and a tail stuck in my asshole.

But this is our vacation. Here at the resort, we can be us without inhibitions or reticence. I have four children, two boys and two girls, this greatly limits the possibility of wandering around the house like a vixen on a leash!

But here at the resort, we can do it all."

I sensed that this last word had touched a nerve in my wife, and I could see that she was tightening her lips. I knew very well what she was trying not to ask: Britney wanted to restrain herself from asking a person she had known for only a few minutes if Fiona was willing to cuckold her husband (either as a slave doing the Master's bidding or as a Mistress free to do anything in front of the eyes of her husband handcuffed to the St. Andrew's Cross).

If I had had a chance to speak, I would have asked, to get my wife out of embarrassment. But I was gagged. And that was good, because just because I couldn't ask, we found out on another occasion, with actions and not words. But that is another story.

To be continued.

### Disclaimer. This is completely imaginary fiction. All the characters are over 18 years old. After their very fetish wedding, Dean and Britney are on their Chaste Honeymoon, but it is not necessary to read previous episodes of the series "Here Comes The Bride (Only)". English is not my mother tongue, forgive my mistakes.###

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Norway_1705Norway_170529 days agoAuthor

Dear Anonymous, Dean will be a very caring father to his two sons and they will never find out that the parents were experiencing such intense kink as a lifestyle.

By this I am not saying that the parents were lying or keeping sexuality a secret. They spoke gradually and comfortably to their children, without hypocrisy or pretense. However, there are "details" that need not be shared.

The children then married and sired grandchildren for their grandparents, etc. No castration, no genetic annihilation, all "normal" .


Yes, the Saint Andrews Cross is present in each of the Resort's Junior Suites, some women use it just to tease their handcuffed husbands (e.g., masturbating with the magic wand while he gasps hopelessly) while others use it to whip him on his back or penis.

Yes, at home the two of them will set up a real dungeon with many tools and toys over time. This is a relationship that will last decades and they have plenty of time to add more tools.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Well, this chapter should have been fitted into the rest of the Dean and Britney story line instead of a stand alone chapter. I prefer to have a linear approach (chapter numbers) instead of naming chapters and publishing them out of order of date. I glad that Britney is not using a Humbler on Dean as that would be taking her loving side too far. Wonder just how much she used the Saint Andrews Cross and beat Dean at the resort they vacationed at? Did they have one at home too? When did Dean and Britney let their kids know what was going on with the cage and Dean being naked at home?

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