Christmas Shopping for My Husband

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A new wife visits a sex store. Co-written by BurroGirl18.
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by PanWhoWrites and BurroGirl18

Part 1

'Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the house

Not a present was present for my loving spouse.

I don't normally leave things to the last minute. Like, I'm not the world's most organized woman, but it's not like waking up six days before Christmas and realizing that I haven't gotten anything for my brand-new husband is a habit.

It's our first Christmas together as a married couple, and my new hubby, perfect man that he is, probably already got me something amazing. A robot that cleans the dishes, or...wait, that's just a dishwasher.

You know what I mean. He's probably gotten me something better than a dishwasher.

A friend of mine suggests I get him something sexy, and I can't get the idea out of my head. So when I pass the store with the blacked out windows, a sign promising "EROTIC GIFTS" in green-and-red letters...well, how can I resist?

Making sure that no one is looking, I open the door and slip inside.

The first thing I see is dicks. Dicks, dicks, dicks, in all shapes and sizes and colors.

I'm not a total prude - yes, Frank has been my only lover - but I've, y'know. Watched porn.


So it's not like I've never seen a dick before.

But walking in and being accosted by so many dicks, all at once - it was like being slapped in the face. By dicks.

I immediately have second thoughts. This is a bad idea. I can just get Frank a golf set. He doesn't like golf, but whatever. I can figure something out.

Maybe he can learn to love golf.

"Umm...I think I have the wrong door," I say, blushing as I see the man behind the counter staring at me. I'm wearing a big winter coat and a pink knit pom pom beanie - he must just be able to see my blonde locks and a pretty face, red from the cold outside.

He's tall. Heavyset, but not fat - he makes me think of a bodyguard, or a wrestler. Glancing down at me, a gentle smile appears on his face.

"It must be freezing outside," he says. "Why don't you come in and warm yourself up for a few minutes? I know the area well, I'm happy to direct you to where you need to go."

I nod, too embarrassed to speak. It's a kind offer, but I can't. There's just...there's too many dicks. Too much sex, all at once. I'm flustered and overwhelmed; I need to go.

Just as I'm about to open the door, I see some people walking by. I realize the windows aren't blacked out, just darkened - you can't see in from the outside, but you can see out from within. I can't walk out while there are people there. They'd see me step out of a sex shop. What would they think? They'd probably think I was some slut, buying a huge dildo or something.

No, it's far better to wait for them to pass by before I leave.

"Thanks," I mumble. "It's pretty chilly outside."

The man behind the counter is staring at me, and suddenly I feel warm. Taking my hat off, I let my golden locks fall free.

It doesn't stop him from staring.

"Where were you heading, Goldilocks?"

He's handsome. Intelligent-looking. Definitely doesn't give off a pervert vibe. I guess I imagined a creepy fat dude running the store; or a goth chick, covered in tattoos.

"Just Christmas shopping," I smile. My eyes run up and down the man's arms. Well, I wasn't wrong about the tattoo part.

"If anything catches your eye," he says with a chuckle, "I'd be happy to show you what I've got."

His laugh is deeper than I'd expect from his voice, and I flush red, still uncomfortable by the number of dicks surrounding me.

"Ummm...I don't think these are the right kind of toys for my 3-year-old niece," I say, trying to break the awkwardness with a joke. The man smiles, revealing pearly-white teeth.

"Well, maybe something for yourself?"

My face grows even more red. "Yeah, you know, I was actually shopping for my husband." Better to make it abundantly clear that I'm taken.

"Ah," he grins. "And have you got a gift for the hubby yet?"

"No. I'm terrible at figuring out what to give people, and he's especially hard to please. He doesn't really have a hobby or anything..."

I trail off as the man's eyes dart up and down my body. Normally, I'd be offended, but something about the shopkeeper...he doesn't seem dangerous. Or lecherous. His gaze isn't sleazy, it's...professional, I guess?

"Well, since you're hiding from the cold anyway, why don't I show you some things your husband might like?"

I glance back at the window. There's still a steady stream of people outside.

"Sure, why not. I think I have a minute." I chuckle uncomfortably. "Just until I warm up."

Exiting the counter, the man moves towards a wall at the back of the store. I trot after him before even realizing that I'm doing it.

The wall is black, like the windows, but covered in lacy, brightly-colored lingerie: red, pink, purple, blue. "What's your husband's favorite color?"

I'm shocked to find that I have no idea. "I...I don't know," I stammer. "We've never talked about it."

"How about you?" the man replies, gliding over my embarrassment. This guy is a real salesman. "What's your favorite color?"

This one I know. "Red."

The large man plucks a set of red lingerie off the wall. Before I know what's happening, he's pulled my coat open, and is holding the underwear up against my sweater and pants. "This might fit. There's a change-room out back; why don't you try it on?"

I glance at the skimpy clothing. This is exactly what I came here for - a sexy outfit for my husband. So why am I suddenly so hesitant to take it?

"You think so?"

"I'm sure your husband will love it."

"Well, if there's one thing he's passionate about, it's me." I chuckle nervously. It's true - Frank has hardly been able to keep his hands off me for the four and a half months we've been married.

Maybe this is the perfect Christmas gift.

"Now that's a present he'll be excited to unwrap."

I smile back, wondering if he's trying to flirt with me. No. He can't be. He's just doing his job, acting nice to make a sale.

I take the lingerie and go to the back; it's less of a change-room, more just a booth separated by a curtain.

This store really working to save money on heating bills - it's a pleasure to shuck my coat, my thick sweater, my two additional shirts. Taking off my pants and leggings, I'm soon down to my underwear.

It's pretty timid, compared to the fancy stuff in my hands - just some plain panties and a bra. Still, I have to admit - even without expensive lingerie, I'm pretty happy with my figure.

"Are you doing okay in there?"

I look up. Crap. The curtain didn't close all the way - I can see the shop attendant through the crack. Still, he shouldn't be able to see me - it looks like he's adjusting stock.

"Yeah," I reply. "Everything's fine."

I try to close the gap, and then can't help but spend a few more seconds admiring myself. Yeah, my own body is probably the best present I could give to my husband. Especially if I spice it up with a hot outfit.

Taking off my bra and panties, I check out the new lingerie. It looks nice - doesn't leave a lot to the imagination, but covers just enough to create a little mystery.

It fits almost perfectly, except for my boobs. I can barely cram them into their cups; they look like they're right on the verge of spilling out.

#bigtitsproblems, I think. They never make clothes for busty petite girls...

"How does it look?"

I jump. The strange man sounds like he's directly outside the curtain.

"'s nice. It's just a little...small. At the chest." I reply nervously.

"What do you mean?"

"The bra part. I'd need bigger cups."

There's a pause. "I think I'd have to see, to understand what you're talking about. My girlfriend normally handles the lingerie - my specialties are toys and novelties."

I sigh. Obviously I can't let a stranger see me in this. Although I'm starting to get excited at the idea of my new husband seeing me in it...

"It's okay; I'll just try on another one."

"Of course." His voice is completely professional. "Would you like me to pass one to you? Save you from having to get completely redressed."


He has a girlfriend, I tell myself in relief. See? You were worried for no reason.

After a brief pause, his hand reaches through the door, holding a new set of lingerie, this time in black. The bra looks much larger, but the bottom half is just a thong.

I take it quickly, uncomfortable wearing so little next to a stranger's arm, as if his hand had eyes. Against my own instincts, I try it on - I never wear anything this revealing, but...well, it's for my husband. Plus, it's Christmas!

The bra fits perfectly. The thong too, really highlighting my ass.

"Oh, wow," I say without thinking.

"Ma'am? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's's really pretty." It's the most neutral word I can think of to describe the view to a stranger without sounding too flirty.

"I'm sure you look great," the salesman says, his soothing voice wafting through the curtain. "May I take the items you're not using?"

"Of course," I reply automatically, continuing to stare at myself in the small mirror.

After a brief pause, the curtain moves to the side, causing me to jump.

"What are you doing??" I shriek, trying to cover my body up. I have too many curves and not enough arms, and I can see the man's gaze moving up my body approvingly, until his eyes finally reach mine.

"Collecting the lingerie you're not using," he says calmly, a smile in his eyes and a hint of levity in his voice. "It needs to be washed before it goes back on display. For hygienic reasons, you understand."

Right. Duh. Silly me. By not handing them back, I gave this stranger permission to come in and take them.

"Uh, sorry, I just..."

I trail off in embarrassment.

"Absolutely fine," he replies slickly, gathering up the rejected lingerie and giving my new outfit another glance. "Although..."


His tone worries me enough that for a moment, I forget that I'm allowing myself to be ogled by a stranger. I even move my arms, allowing a better view.

"As I said, I'm not an expert, but my girlfriend has told me lingerie that looks as good as that can be mighty uncomfortable after half an hour or so. How's it feeling?"

"Umm...good, I think? It feels pretty comfy so far." I adjust my bra as I say that, blushing slightly as I see how much it makes my flesh bounce.

"I'm about to take my lunch break. Unless you have somewhere to be, may I suggest that you try the lingerie for the next twenty minutes or so, make sure it stays comfortable? It's completely up to you, but if you're wearing that as a surprise for your husband, you don't want to end up itchy and irate if he's running late."

I'm taken aback by his kindness. I was ready to buy this lingerie, but he was actually willing to risk the sale just to make sure I get a good product.

Of course, that's exactly what a salesman would do if he wanted a customer to return and make further purchases. Not that there's any chance I'd ever come back to a store like this. I'm going to get the underwear and get out, never to return.

"That's very kind of you," I smile. "I think I have half an hour or so. I'll just get redressed and I'll be right out."

He returns my smile, but it doesn't seem to reach his eyes. "Of course. Although...wearing those heavy clothes might not allow you to feel if the lingerie is getting itchy. I'd recommend wearing it by itself, just to be sure. I'm going to close up the shop for lunch, so you won't have to worry about anyone else coming in."

I smile at the man, my eyes flashing. "That would be really nice, actually. I already feel very naked - I don't want to be put on display for your customers, too."

The man chuckles.

I realize that my hands are still trying - somewhat pointlessly - to cover up my body. "You must see this every day," I say, trying to convince myself that this is okay. "I'm just not too comfortable dressed like this around anyone but my husband."

"Oh yes," he replies immediately. "When the change-room is busy, some people will just change in the store. It's all very casual around here. Let me get those for you."

The salesman picks up my clothes, and takes them with the worn lingerie. I give him a nod of thanks before I'm quite sure what's happening.


I can hear the 'click' of the door locking; when I step out of the change-room, I see that the OPEN sign on the door has been turned around.

"You're welcome to come hang out in the store," he says, already behind the counter once more. "Would you like some of my sandwich?"

"I'm not really hungry," I reply timidly. I'm suddenly very aware that I'm wearing nothing but a black thong and sexy bra, and my clothes have been taken away from me. "Thanks, though."

As the man unwraps his sandwich, his focus shifts back to me, and I can't decide which way to turn. I don't want to turn my back on him, knowing how little of my ass these panties hide, but in the brighter light of the main store, I've noticed just how see-through the bra is.

I find myself twisting my body uncomfortably as I look around the store, trying to pass time. "Have you worked here long?"

"A few years now," he replies, taking a big bite of a sandwich filled with red meat of some kind. "Aren't you glad you came through the wrong door? Your husband is going to lose control when he sees you in that."

"I hope so," I grin, avoiding looking at the shopkeeper, hoping his gaze is directed squarely at the sandwich. "It's not that our love life needs it, but spicing things up a little every now and again never hurts, right?"

There's that deep chuckle again. "Too right. My girlfriend once surprised me with that exact set. I tore it off her."

My eyes widen, and I watch him swallow the last of his sandwich. I blush as we make eye-contact, and turn around, trying not to jump as I realize I'm standing beside the wall of dildos once more.

"Any of those catch your eye?"

"Oh, no!" I say, my blush deepening. "I was just looking around. I've, um, never been in a sex shop before. If you couldn't already tell."

"So you normally order your toys off the internet?"

I jump as the salesman's arm casually brushes against my elbow. How did he get over here so fast?

"Umm, no. I don't have any toys. I mean, my husband and I tried one of those vibrating rings one time, that you put on the guy's...thing. But that's all."

I'm beet red, and not just my face. I can see it spreading out across my chest and collarbone. This outfit removes any chance I have of masking my embarrassment.

"That's quite unusual," he replies. Despite his professional tone, I can't help but feel he thinks I'm a freak. "Do you want me to talk through some of what we have available?"

I can't help but giggle nervously in response. He smiles at my reaction, clearly back into sales mode. "I mean, I have time, right?"

"So, how do you normally masturbate?"

My eyes widen at the question. He asks so casually, like when he asked what my favorite color was. I guess it makes sense - he sells sex toys. It's only normal for him to talk about this stuff. It's like talking to your gynecologist, right?

"I...well, um, I just use my fingers. I mean, I used to. When I was a teenager. I haven't really masturbated in a while. Since, well, since Frank and I met."

The man shakes his head disapprovingly. I feel like I'm two inches tall. How did I get a question about masturbation wrong?

"That's not good," he says slowly. "Masturbation is a normal, healthy part of any sexual relationship. This might be why you felt the need to spice things up in the bedroom - if you're exclusively getting your needs met by your husband, he might be feeling a lot of pressure."

"You think so?" Frank never once complained, and he could always make me cum. But what if it was slowly becoming a chore for him? He could burn out, like those people who work their ass off at a dead-end job.

"Absolutely," the man nods.

I suddenly had a brand new thing to worry about. Hooray.

"When you masturbated, did you just stimulate your clitoris or was there penetration involved?"

"Mostly just my clit," I reply automatically, my head spinning at the newly-implanted fear. "Frank was the first who was actually know. In there."

"And do you find that you normally achieve orgasm while your husband is inside you, or exclusively during foreplay?"

My blush returns as I tune back into what we're talking about. "Um, well. Uh..."

Heck, I've said this much. Might as well give the man everything he needs to do his job.

Not that I'm going to buy anything except the lingerie, of course.

"I normally achieve orgasm from the friction between us when I'm riding here," I say, trying desperately to keep my voice steady. I'm a grown woman, not a teenage girl - there's nothing wrong with discussing sex in a mature, clinical fashion. "But I read in a magazine that it's completely normal, that not all women have vaginal orgasms."

Of course, it's still a little weird to be discussing this stuff with a total stranger. Wearing nothing but skimpy lingerie.

In the middle of a sex store.

He nods thoughtfully in response, with all the dispassion of an accountant conducting an audit. "And one last question - how much do you enjoy the fullness of your husband's cock inside you?"

"I, uh..."

I have no idea how to answer that. Despite his professional tone, I now feel practically naked.

I mean, I am practically naked.

"A lot?" I eventually stammer in response.


He claps his hands loudly at his response, a sharp sound that contrasts with his low voice. He reaches out and picks up a 9-inch rubber penis, and hands it to me. I take it out of reflex. "I think this might be for you, Goldilocks."

"Ummm...I....I don't think my husband would feel good about himself seeing me with something of this size."

I try to joke, to make it less awkward, but my eyes can't leave the dildo. It's different to the other ones on the wall - it's much more realistic-looking. It has the veins and small details of a real penis. And it feels like holding a real penis.

I almost feel like I'm cheating just by holding it. I've never held a cock other than my husband's. He was my first, and I assume he'll be my last.

"Well, I didn't want to give you anything bigger, and obviously you wouldn't be satisfied by anything smaller. But this one, I thought would be just right."

My eyes boggle at the idea of anything bigger. "I don't think this could fit inside me," I chuckle nervously, suddenly noticing that my hands have been running up and down the rubber penis as I hold it.

The salesman raises his eyebrows. "Oh! I'm sorry, I just assumed..."

He trails off, and I'm unable to help myself.

"Assumed what?"

"It's a silly assumption, really. I just assumed that...well, with a body like that, you would have ended up with..."

He shakes his head and doesn't finish his sentence. "I'm sorry."

"That's okay," I say, puzzled by the unfinished thought.

"How big is your husband? Maybe we have something of his size."

"I...well, I don't know exactly. Let me see if I can find something."

I scan the wall for a dildo that looks like it's Frank's size, but they all look bigger. Glancing to the side, I find something. "Here."

The salesman purses his lips.

"He's...more thick, of course."

"Of course," the man says, his lips twitching as he looks at the shelf where I picked it up from. I follow his eyeline - the box for the toy says 4.5" Anal Vibrator. Ew! My eyes widen as I realize what I'm holding.