Cinderella's Wife


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"Oh! Beg your pardon, Your Highness! We didn't expect you here." They curtsied and busied themselves putting things away around the room.

Gin coaxed Ella into the dressing room as the maids began making her bed. She helped her into a pale pink dress and began twisting her curls away from her face. When she went back through to grab slippers from the bedroom, Ella heard whispering.

"What is she doing in here?" one maid asked. "Did she come back early?"

Gin hushed her, "I heard she spent the night here."

"But, she's married now! Why didn't the princess bring her back to her room?"

"Maybe Olivette didn't want her."

"Oh please," Gin scoffed, "Anyone can see the princess is positively smitten with her."

"Do you think she turned her down?"

"It's none of our business! Now hush both of you take that breakfast tray when you go."

Ella pretended to fiddle with a button on the side of her dress when Gin entered.

"Here we are, dear! Slippers for your feet."

Once she was finished dressing, Ella wandered down to the gardens. It was a pleasant afternoon with the promise of a warm summer evening to follow. The orchard was full of growing fruits for her to admire as she walked. When she turned out of the grove, she came to a black, iron fence. It seemed to border the west side of the entire garden and overlooked a steep drop down to the stable yard. The new princess leaned over to get a better look at the busy stables and the horses being led to and fro.

Directly below her in the center of the yard, a wagon lay on its side while several men worked on it. She watched them repair a few boards on one side and pull a broken wheel off to be replaced. Then a beautiful brunette caught her eye. She was dressed in men's clothing and wore thick leather gloves as she pushed the new wheel towards the upturned wagon. The sweat on her brow gleamed in the golden sunlight as she hoisted the wheel into place. Several tools and hammers made a rhythmic tinging echo around the busy yard.

After a few moments, the group of men and Ollie heaved the wagon onto its wheels and gave it a test shove toward the road. When it rolled away easily, the men grinned and clapped the princess on the back. There was an excited hum of voices as they continued to push it out of the yard. Ollie remained behind, removing her gloves and wiping the sweat from her brow. She looked up, blue eyes connecting with Ella in the garden above. The dirty princess raised a hand in greeting and Ella returned it with a nod and smile before turning back into the garden.

She found a paved path leading toward a little hedge maze filled with red roses. The smell was intoxicating. Roses drifted sweetly on the breeze as Ella wound her way through the waist-high maze. Halfway through, she stumbled across a crouched gardener who was clipping some dead leaves. The old man smiled kindly and clipped a red rose for the new princess, offering it to her with a withered hand. Ella smiled and curtsied as she accepted the flower. Bringing it to her nose, the beautiful perfume overwhelmed her and she bowed again to the man before continuing on her walk.

The maze came to an end at a wide, grassy lawn. It sloped away from the castle and was shaded by an old oak tree. A squirrel skittered by then the bark of a dog broke the peace as the queen's pet chased the furry creature up a tree. Ella heard the queen call for her dog from around the corner, so she darted into a hidden archway, not wanting her solitary walk interrupted.

As she sank back into the stone arch covered in vines, a sudden presence behind her surprised the new princess.

"Hiding from my mother and aunts?" a sultry voice whispered, brushing her ear with warm breath. Ella spun around to face a now clean Ollie. She'd washed and changed into a simple white dress.

"I'm not, um, hiding," Ella replied breathlessly.

"No?" Ollie's grin was wicked. "Well, they loved you at the wedding. Let's go say hi!" She began to stride out of the arch when Ella frantically grabbed her hand and pulled her back. The taller woman laughed as she was pulled to bump into the blonde. They both collided with the arch, rustling the vines. Out in the yard, the queen and her sisters paused as the swaying vines caught their attention momentarily, but then the little pup barked at the tree again and the women resumed trying to coax him from his pursuit.

"You did that on purpose," Ella whispered as Ollie's arms steadied them both and she snorted a laugh.

"I thought you weren't hiding," Ollie arched a perfect brow.

"I-, I wasn't hiding, I was just enjoying a quiet walk. Alone."

"I see. And my mother and her sisters would have made your walk less quiet."

"There's seven of them!" Ella hissed, pointing her rose at the princess. "I wasn't aware how many in-laws I was getting when I married you!"

Ollie laughed quietly again. Ella was enchanted by the sound and the wide smile. She noticed that the brunette's strong hands were positioned on either side of her waist causing her heart rate to pick up speed.

"Well, if I promise not to talk. May I join your walk?"

Ella eyed her suspiciously, "Are you capable of silence?"

"Let's find out." Ollie spun the blonde around, taking her arm, and led her back through the arch toward a more secluded part of the garden. They passed rows of vegetables and a chicken coop near the kitchen, then circled around to a raspberry patch. Ollie wasn't silent, but Ella found she liked the light conversation more than wandering alone. The princess picked a few berries for her and even fed her one gently as Ella blushed.

"Dinner tonight is going to be another big affair," the princess warned as they made their way back to the castle. The sun was sinking towards the horizon, washing everything in gold. Ella grimaced but it quickly faded as she caught Ollie's expression. The princess was staring intently at her with a serious look on her face.

"What? Do I have raspberry on my chin?"

"No," she breathed, "No, you're perfect." Ella flushed and looked down. Then Ollie shook herself from her reverie, "Sorry, I'll let you get ready. See you at dinner." Then she strided away down the hall, skirts rustling after her.

The dinner party was raucous. It was mostly family and a few close nobility that had all been in the castle for the wedding. They cheered for the king to make speeches, shouted unashamedly of the beauty of the queen, and clapped for each servant that filled their cups or plates. Henrique drank until his face flushed red and Ollie giggled, secretly chucking olives into his tunic from across the table. One hit Ella as she tried to take a bite of bread and she threw a chastising glance at the older princess who just winked.

Finally, Vincent had to help Henrique from the table and the king swaggered off to his smoking room with his brothers-in-law. The queen was gossiping with her sisters and Ella was laughing at a joke one nobleman whispered across the table, when Ollie's gaze caught her own. The blue eyes bored into her, causing a shiver to go up her spine. She took a sip of her wine as Ollie's eyes narrowed and looked toward the door, requesting silently if Ella wanted to go. The blonde set down her cup and nodded almost imperceptibly.

They rose together, Ella caught a knowing smirk from the queen as the two women left the table. A servant opened the door for them and they stumbled out into the quieter hallway. Ollie took Ella's hand wordlessly and led her out to a balcony. It was a well-used overlook to the gardens and as the women walked out, they could see the whole of the kitchen garden below them. The moon was just rising above the trees and stars blanketed the sky above. Only a few wispy clouds danced along the horizon, the rest of the night was clear.

"Do you know the constellations?" Ollie whispered as they leaned on the stone rail.

Ella shook her head.

"Those three stars in a triangle are Lailith's Bow. She was a mighty hunter who fell in love with Kainia, the goddess of the woods. She's there too, see those five stars in a line?" Ollie stood behind Ella pointing up at the sky so she could follow her gaze. She felt the princess's breath on her cheek and her breasts pressed into her back. Her face flushed with heat.

"How do you know about stars?"

Ollie smiled, "My dad taught me. He has all kinds of star charts. We used to go out to the eastern hills at night and watch the stars for hours. It was the only time he really had free."

"I miss my father."

The princess spun her gently to look in her eyes. "What happened to him?"

Ella sighed, "He got very sick. So he married my stepmother, hoping to leave me with someone who cared. But after he died, she changed."

Ollie's face looked hard, "I'm so sorry. I wish I could have rescued you sooner." The blonde put a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"Thank you."

The noise from the dining room spilled into the hallway as a few aunts made their way out of the room and off to bed. Ollie guided Ella back inside and up the staircase to their hall. She bowed as they reached the blue door and bid her goodnight. Ella went into her room and leaned against the door, sighing.

Her afternoon with Ollie had been lovely and she was sad to have the evening end. Her cheeks felt hot as she tried to calm her aching heart. The conversation she'd heard that morning from the maids drifted back to her. They were shocked to find her in her own room. Why? Was it really expected that she sleep in the princess's room on their wedding night? It was a sham wedding after all, wasn't it?

But the more she thought of the brunette, the more she wanted to see her. The more she realized, the wedding wasn't fake to her. Ella took a deep breath. She had a wife. A real wife who loved her or was very close to loving her. And all she wanted at the moment was to be with her. So why shouldn't she?

Throwing her door open again, the blonde marched down the hall to Ollie's door. She paused, staring at the white patterned wood, then raised her fist and knocked. Footsteps and whispers inside let her know the princess was probably being attended to by maids. Her theory was confirmed when one of them opened the door and widened her eyes in surprise.

"M-my lady?" she stammered. Ollie's muffled voice called out to ask who was at the door, but the maid did not respond. The princess then appeared, half undressed and looking exasperated.

"Ella?" Ollie's eyes shone brightly in the fading light. Her gown hung off one shoulder and her bare feet poked out from under her dress. "Do you need something?"

"Um..." Ella knew it was nearly midnight, but the blonde didn't want to flee. This time she felt the magic would last farther into the night. She rose to her tiptoes, draping her arms around the brunette's neck. As she leaned in, two sets of blue eyes connected.

"Ella? I-" Ollie began to whisper, but she was silenced by Ella's soft lips. The maid disappeared through the back servant entrance, dragging her confused comrade, who was still holding the princess's nightgown, with her.

They kissed tenderly at first, lips just barely pressed together. Then Ollie's firm hands gripped Ella's waist and their passion grew. Tongue's tangled together as their hips connected. Ella sighed as one hand rose to brush through her hair. She felt those fingers tangle in her curls and pull her face closer. It was as close as they'd ever been, as pressed together as they could be. But it wasn't enough for Ella.

"Ollie," she whimpered. "Please."

Ollie's lips curved into a smile against hers. "Please what?"

"I want, I need more."


Ella pulled back to see those blue eyes sparkling knowingly. "Please Ollie. Can I, um, spend the night?"

Ollie grinned, "Of course, my love." She scooped the blonde into her arms in one swift motion then turned into her room, letting the door swing closed. Ella had a moment to notice that Ollie's room was decorated with many artworks before she was placed on a sinfully soft bed. Her wife leaned over her, trailing kisses down her neck. Ella gasped when she felt her lips graze her collarbone.

"Are you alright?" Ollie pulled back.

"Yes! Yes please, keep going. Please, Ollie. I need it."

The brunette grinned at her wife's begging, but didn't make her wait. Deft fingers plucked buttons and untied ribbons until pale, bare skin met her lips. When Ella's pink nipples slipped out of the last layer of her bodice, Ollie groaned in appreciation. Her lips closed first around one, then the other, sucking and tasting the warm flesh.

Ella keened when Ollie's warm lips enveloped her buds. A shudder went straight to her core. She wound her fingers into the brunette's locks and moaned as the lips on her nipple trailed around the outside of her breast. Ollie nipped her teeth under the small breast and Ella burst into a giggle.

"What was that? Are you going to eat me?" she chuckled.

A wicked gleam came into Ollie's eyes, "Yes, darling, I'm going to eat you right up." She yanked open the skirts covering the last of her wife, exposing pale blonde curls and moist lips. She caught Ella's eye, but the blonde nodded without hesitation. When the princess touched her tongue to Ella's pussy for the first time, both sets of blue eyes rolled back in their skulls.

Ollie licked deeply, slowly, savoring the first taste of her wife. Her tongue spread the moist lips open and her fingers brushed through the blonde curls. Pale thighs pressed against her ears and Ella's entire body thrummed with her groan of pleasure. It was heaven and sin. Ollie knew in that moment, she could do this forever. She brushed her tongue over Ella's clit and pried apart the quivering thighs.


"Feeling good?" Ollie licked again.


Ella cried out once more as Ollie's tongue connected with her sensitive spot. Every nerve ending under her skin thrummed with pleasure as that tongue made her come apart. She gasped and slammed her eyes shut as her body shook with completely new sensations. Ollie slowed her licking and wrapped her lips around Ella to give her a full kiss.

When the brunette lifted her head, her chin and mouth shone with wetness. She used the sheet like a napkin while Ella tried to get her breathing under control. The room suddenly felt very quiet after their tryst. Ella was completely exposed, but flushed with warmth. She liked the feeling. Ollie's gaze was appreciative as she laid on top of her wife.

"You are so beautiful," the brunette moaned as her fingers brushed over Ella's body.

"Can I see you?"

Ollie smiled, "Of course." She rose and slowly began stripping off the rest of her gown. As her skin was revealed little by little in the sensual atmosphere, Ella's breathing picked up. Her wife's body was full, rounder hips, large breasts, and thicker arms and thighs. She had muscle and fat where Ella was still mostly skin and bones. But the moment Ollie laid back down on her, all insecurities left. She felt safe and loved.

"You are a goddess," Ella squeaked as Ollie's mouth hit that sensitive spot on her neck. A low chuckle rumbled through her chest.

"Thank you, my love."

Then they ceased talking as hands and mouths explored. Ella felt herself melt under her wife's fingers. Ollie was rubbing that bundle of nerves right between her legs and Ella was biting her lip to keep from crying out. It felt hot and her back tensed. Then Ollie's blue eyes sought hers as two of her fingers pressed their way into her opening. Ella couldn't hold back now, she gasped and moaned in appreciation. Her legs were jelly, falling wide open, letting Ollie have complete access to her.

Ollie's fingers began pumping into her, curling deep and causing Ella waves of pleasure. She shook as Ollie picked up speed. Her free hand was kneading a breast as both of Ella's gripped the sheets. When she came again, warm, wet liquid poured out of her and she keened loudly in both pleasure and embarrassment.

"Oh! Oh, Ollie, I'm sorry, I think I-"

"Shhh, it's natural. Calm down. You are perfect." Ollie slipped her fingers out and pulled Ella into a tight embrace.

"I love you!" The blonde cried.

Ollie chuckled, "I think it doesn't count if the first time you say it is under duress."

Ella tried to sit up, "No, I mean it. I love you." Her blue-gray eyes shined with sincerity.

"I love you too, my princess."

They held each other for a while until Ella started squirming.

"Do you need more, my love?"

"No, I, um, I want to make you feel good too."

"You already do."

Ella rolled her eyes, "Not what I meant."

Ollie grinned, "Alright, what would you like to do?"

"T-taste you?"

The brunette nodded, kissed her cheek, then rose to her knees. She positioned Ella on the pillows and crawled over her face. When she was kneeling over the blonde, she gingerly lowered herself to her mouth. Immediately Ella thrust her tongue out and into the moist folds above her. The first lick was all it took. Pure lust thrummed through her body and her arms wrapped around Ollie's thighs like a vice. She pulled the stronger woman down onto her mouth fully and licked with desperation.

Ollie shrieked as Ella's tongue dove in, licking every inch of her, impossibly far inside. Then when the blonde began to focus her licks at her clit, Ollie dragged her fingers through her soft hair and whimpered. Everything the woman did sent her spiraling higher and higher until she was sure the fall back down would kill her.

When she finally came, every muscle in her tensed and Ella caught the look of pain and pleasure in her face. Ollie kept tensing and pulsing until, gasping, she pushed Ella away and rose higher on her knees. The blonde's face was soaked as was her neck.

"Yo- you are amazing," the brunette gasped.

"You taste amazing," Ella responded confidently.

Their laughter bounced around the room as they cleaned up at the wash basin and donned nightgowns. There was a little wet spot still on the bed, but when they snuggled in together, they were able to avoid it. Ella shivered as Ollie wrapped her up.

"Are you cold?"

"Just my feet," Ella blushed.

Ollie rose from the bed and retrieved a thick pair of stockings from the wardrobe. She pushed back the covers and knelt beside the bed, taking one of Ella's ankles in her strong hand.

"This will help warm those dainty feet," smirked the brunette. Then she slipped the socks on her wife, finishing with a kiss to her exposed knee.

"I love you," the blonde murmured.

"I love you too, Princess Ella."


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Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai643about 1 month ago

Lovely retelling of a classic!

Thank you

turbo_geoduckturbo_geoduckover 1 year ago

Simply beautiful! I've read it three times and am still in love with this version of the classic Cinderella story. I love it WAY more than the original! VERY well done!!!!

Lions86Lions86almost 2 years ago

Man i lowkey wish this was the mainstream version of Cinderella. Such a beautiful story and very well done.

Runner4069Runner4069over 2 years ago

Such a beautiful and heartwarming version of the tale, and I love how it starts after the ball. Thank-you so much for sharing your version, and I live the creativity that went into it! I don't know if you made it up(if so bravo to you), but I never knew how Cinderella got her name, magical!!!

CeVin_ChienElleCeVin_ChienElleover 2 years ago

I love these (oddy sophisticated) little retellings. They are so well done, so much fun, and sweetly romantic!

Nerdyqueen94Nerdyqueen94over 2 years ago

As always I loved it, thank you. May inspiration keep coming your way.

FriskyMindFriskyMindover 2 years ago

How could anybody not like that?? Sweet, smart, funny, sexy and with a twist that I also didn’t see coming, but thought inspired! I enjoyed reading about a royal family that were sane and actually loved each other as well. Refreshing! Thanks for the feel goods!

MaonaighMaonaighover 2 years ago

A delightful and entertaining tale, a perfect five-star adult bedtime story. I wonder about the people who can't recognise a fairy story when they see one---they must have had strange childhoods. Very well done, Kate.

AshleyyAshleyyover 2 years ago

Wow amazing story

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