Civil Penalty Pt. 08


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One look in his eyes told me everything he couldn't bear to say. "Oh, you were excited at the thought of me being enslaved so you'd have me in your bed." I glowered at him, hurt and angry that he'd betray me like that. Fuck! I could see from his puppy-like expression that his wife really had lectured him, and maybe, just maybe, he did feel some remorse, but it would take a lot more than that before I even began to forgive him for being put through this clusterfuck of an ordeal."

He sighed deeply and stared into his snifter before replying.

"There were two reasons. The first was that Norman, our Chief Legal Officer, strongly advised me to distance the company from you so the company's name didn't get besmirched by insider trading accusations. His analysis appeared spot on, and he assured me he had looked at this from every legal angle. His legal counsel in the past was always impeccable, and most importantly, I trusted his legal judgement.

The second was that, frankly, I was an idiot. The thought of sleeping with you blinded me to the damage it would do to you, so I wasn't opposed when Norman advised me not to help you. I am very, very sorry. I was wrong."

Hearing that mollified me, and I realised he'd just taken a weight off my mind.

"Now I realise there's very little chance of you remaining an employee when your six months are up, which will hurt the company badly. You know any of our competitors would jump at the chance to hire you."

I perked up, "Six months? The stipulated agreement said two years."

"It's only two years if we insist you stay, but if you are unhappy, you won't be productive, and it would negatively impact your team's morale; in that case, we'd obviously release you."

I wouldn't be trapped when this was over, and I could decide my own fate. That was a relief. I had ideas on what I wanted in return for staying, but I needed him to man up.

"Eamon, you might want to spend some time thinking about what it would take to keep me here both in terms of my conditions over the next four months and after my manumission."

He refilled his snifter and swirled the deep amber liquid around, "I take it you want me to reduce your hours of sexual service?"

What a clueless question, "Obviously." I laughed. "Most of all, I don't like my peers, the C-suite and SVPs, having me for three hours as these are the people I must work with most closely. At least two of them have completely stopped respecting me during office hours, especially Norman. I have to work closely with legal on contracts and patents, but he publicly demeans me in front of his staff, which is intolerable."

"Sally has demanded that I treat you exactly as if you were still free and spare you as much as possible of the stipulations. I'll talk to Legal and HR and see what we can do about the rest of the C-suite. I know the other executive you are talking about. I'll talk to them and clarify that if they force me to choose, I'll choose you over them."


Eamon's Office:

"Eamon, this is Bill Henson. I have an update on Elizabeth Cartwright's case. The DOJ has claimed jurisdiction, and the case is moving to Federal Court. Tomorrow, a grand jury will be empanelled. We expect subpoenas to be delivered to Ms Cartwright, her lawyer, Jason, and Norman Gladden."

"I can't tell you why, but please advise Ms Cartwright that she urgently needs a new lawyer to review her case. It's your company, but if I were you, I'd fire your CLO and distance the company as much as possible from him. The DoD doesn't want your company caught up in the unfolding scandal."

"Thanks for the heads up. Are we still on for golf on Sunday?"

"Seriously, you don't think I'd give up another chance to make you pay for dinner and buy a round of drinks in the clubhouse, do you?" He laughed, "See you then."


Two weeks later, Eamon's Office:

"Norman, please come in and take a seat. This is an official meeting, so Patricia is here representing HR. And, let me introduce Henry Taunt, a partner with Bradford, Cummings, and Gortmundy."

He laughed, "Let me guess, either one of our employees is in legal trouble, or our slut of a CTO is causing problems."

Eamon looked wryly at him, "Neither, Norman; Henry here led an external legal review of Beth's enslavement."

"Without our own legal department knowing? I find that highly offensive. What was the reason to go behind my back?"

"You advised me strongly to distance the company from Elizabeth to ensure she didn't besmirch the company's name. You also advised her lawyer, Jason, to not fight it, accept a plea deal, and keep the company out of court."

"Yeah, that was the right call. So what?"

"Well, it turns out that she hadn't done anything prosecutable under the current interpretation of SEC rules. If she had fought it, they would have dropped the case, and we would not be in danger of losing our most valuable employee."

"We're not in danger; the stipulations force her to continue working here."

"Sadly, according to Mr Taunt, that stipulation is not enforceable under federal or state law. She is free to leave in another three months, and with her, the main engine behind our most profitable products."

"I still believe I made the best call with the evidence I had at the time."

"Well, you have created a problem for us. I can understand you having wanted to keep the company out of it, but that doesn't explain why you attended Beth's enslavement personally and fucked her instead of protecting her, and then, with your three-hour visit, you took her to a BDSM club, where you whipped her, and repeatedly sodomised her while a crowd cheered you on; you have shown her complete disrespect. You have created a hostile work environment for her to get work done whenever something needs legal's involvement."

"More saliently, you no longer have the trust of the company's board of directors, so we are terminating you as an at-will employee. Your contract guarantees six months' salary on termination and company-paid health benefits under COBRA. Your future salary will be paid as one lump sum to get you off our books."

Patricia rose and opened the office door. Two people from security entered.

"Please escort Mr Gladden to his office and ensure he only takes personal effects and no company documents or flash drives. Please also ensure that his laptop, the key to his company car, and his safe are retained securely."

"Fuck you, Eamon. You will regret this."

"Somehow, I doubt that; I doubt that very much."

Eamon turned to the other lawyer, "Your turn."

As Norman got up to leave, the other lawyer also stood, handing Norman an envelope.

"Normal Gladden, I'm Ben Stone, US Attorney's office; I have here a letter informing you that you are the target of an investigation into the circumstances surrounding Dr Cartwright's enslavement. You have been subpoenaed to appear next week before a federal grand jury. You are bound by grand jury rules not to divulge your role in this investigation to anyone."

Norman's face went white as a sheet, and he left in clear distress, accompanied by the security guards.


Elizabeth Cartwright's POV:

I stood outside Gianna's door on Monday morning, musing on how, as the weeks had gone by, her prurient interest in my evening activities had grown. She seemed aroused when I relayed anything notable the various employees had done to me. I knocked on her door.

"Come in, Beth, and sit down; I have Starbucks for you."

I settled in and took the hot chai latté gratefully.

"How are the new bras fitting?"

Gianna had twice had to take me shopping as the monthly shots of horny juice caused my boobs to firm up and grow. I was now two cup sizes larger than when I was first enslaved. I would have to repay her over three hundred dollars when my assets were returned after manumission. Good quality bras are expensive!

"They're comfortable. The slave vet told me they should stop growing but might continue to get firmer for another month, so I don't expect to have to get new ones again. Thank you."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it. We have a lot to talk about this morning. Most importantly, we are changing your working conditions. The recent external legal review said the minimum needed to meet the stipulations would be three visits each Saturday, so we are cancelling all your sessions effective immediately, including tonight. I will notify the three employees concerned as soon as this meeting is over. What happened to you was wrong, but we're trying to set things right. I can't tell you more than that, but please know that the company is now firmly on your side, as we should have been from the beginning."

I stared at her, dumbstruck. Eamon had gone far beyond what I had hoped when I had demanded that he cut my hours; now, they were going with the absolute minimum? That was... I burst into tears in relief. Three times a week instead of 18 times a week was huge.

Gianna brought me a box of tissues and gave me a hug. I got through several before I calmed down while she held me in her arms.

"Also, because there are so few slots, the C-suite and the SVPs have been banned from booking you. We are introducing a lottery to see which employees get the available Saturday slots."

"The horny shots were not part of the stipulations but were given to you to make your service at least more tolerable, if not enjoyable. With so few slots remaining until your manumission, would you like to discontinue the shots?"

"Are you serious? Of course, I want to discontinue them. I spend every day feeling horny and desperate to cum. I have to change my panties twice a day because they are soaked, and periodically have to use the Executive toilet for a quick session with my vibrator just to cope."

"My husband bought me a shot of horny juice on the black market and persuaded me to try it. It certainly spiced up our sex life but created a different issue in that he can't keep me satisfied. I hope it wears off before too long. In the meantime, I have a huge favour I'd like to ask. Two favours, actually."

I raised an eyebrow in curiosity. I watched in amusement as Gianna visibly steeled herself. I was pretty sure she wanted another session with me to quench her neediness.

"This is acutely embarrassing, and I need you to promise never to tell anyone."

This must be beyond wanting another after-work session with me.

"My husband wants to try some kinky stuff at home. We've never done anything with restraints, paddles, or spanking before. Before I say 'yes' to him, I want to try it out somewhere safe first. I know you are naturally dominant. One evening after work, would you be willing to help me with being, you know, submissive because I've never really done that and... well, I want to make him happy?"

This was really bad of me, but I burst out giggling. This was priceless. Gianna looked hurt.

"Gianna, I'd love to spend an evening playing with you as long as you realise that you will be licking my pussy more than a few times and you'll be on the receiving end of my strap-on in all three holes." Giving her a hard look, I changed my tone, "Most importantly, you will be my slave, wearing my collar subject to my discipline as your Mistress. Understand, slave girl, you will be obedient, or I'll whip your slutty ass."

She gulped and whispered, "OK. I've never even tried anal, so please be gentle."

"Don't worry, I'll break your ass in gently, but the whipping may be painful; you may even have some welts to show your husband when you get home. What's your other request?"

She turned bright red and blurted, "I'd like to take over one of your Saturday sessions. We'd send out a memo to the attendees saying you were sick and that a FINO slut had been rented from Sluts'R'Us. The FINO part is to ensure they accept that I'd be wearing a facemask to ensure no one recognised me."

I looked at her, completely shocked.

"You want to get fucked and possibly dominated by three randomly chosen employees?"

"Well, not entirely random." She grinned sheepishly. "Whatever week we pick, I will look through the requests and find three guys who don't know me and are reasonably good-looking. I'd like to have some control over my fantasy."

This was so unexpected that I was speechless.

"Well, OK. I imagine you want it as soon as possible before the horny juice wears off?"

"Yes, this coming Saturday or next Saturday at the latest. I will cancel everyone's sessions and pick three people whose sessions were cancelled."

She had this all thought out; it seemed like a kinky game to her. At first blush, I thought, who was I to object to being spared from having to fuck three strangers against my will? I'd see if Sasha and Nicole were free for a lesbian orgy on Sunday instead.

No, she needed to know what it felt like to be me. It wasn't a game. She wanted this too badly, so I set some terms of my own.

"As my HR rep, I need you to understand better what I've been going through. So, here are my conditions. You will give me a choice of ten names from cancelled sessions, male and female. I will pick your three dates. I want you to know what it is like to open the door, not knowing who will get to use you however they want for the next forty minutes. If you agree to my conditions, let me know as soon as possible so I can make alternate arrangements. I can hide in the living room or ask Eamon if he'd take me out for the day. I have a standing invite to dinner at his house and have been avoiding his wife since all this started."

She looked down at my feet with a flushed face and whimpered, "Agreed, I accept your terms, Mistress."

"One more thing. Research has shown that people don't recognise a slave as a free person they knew in real life. You'll not wear a mask, but you may wear a wig or dye your hair before the session and restore its natural colour afterwards; you may wear heavy makeup, so it is extremely unlikely that anyone could recognise you."

Gianna clenched her thighs and whispered, "Yes, Mistress Elizabeth."

"Good; I'll see you tomorrow at 6:30 pm for your introduction to kink. Bring a change of clothes and a nice bottle of wine. I'll order Chinese for two, and you'll be my slave until 9 pm, and then we'll have an hour for aftercare before you go home.


To be continued....

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Ravey19Ravey198 months ago

Well things certainly sped up in that chapter. We knew nothing about Norman taking her to a bdsm club, etc and still nothing about the security failure but what a rollercoster of an instalment. ⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤

PixiehoffPixiehoff8 months ago

Loved the role reversal 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

artty67artty678 months ago

Enjoyable but it felt a little rushed.

Suddenly finding out Norman head of legal had taken her to a bdsm club and used her in public must be a whole chapter on it's own. I know you like nice ending but it would be nice if she didn't have honey juice affecting her so we could fine out if her body was really enjoying being a 3 hole slut. Hopefully this is not the end, especially want to know what happened to security who didn't react to her alarm when the 3 guys from sales were using her.

appyBappyB10 months ago

Really enjoyed your writing and can't wait to read more of this story.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This story is not over. Do more.

WhitnerWhitner10 months ago

I loved the Emily and Zack scenes. Maybe Beth was able to help them because she did develop more empathy because of her own experiences as a slave, as another commenter has suggested. It has a great plot and interesting character development, while, at the same time giving us some very juicy and detailed play by play descriptions of the sexual encounters. This is a fantastically well written story and I can hardly wait to be able to read the rest of it.

Qwer12Qwer1211 months ago

5 Stars and love the way it has moved around in interesting directions and with great story telling so keep up the great direction of this story. Cheers

EGRIEGRI11 months ago

This story has had any number of changes in Beth. Her submission has really turned her into a well balanced individual. I doubt she would have helped Zack and Emily in her prior persona. It is nice to see Jackson and Norman being picked off for their part in this saga Next up is the General and SEC slug.

I don't see how Beth's experience isn't going to be public knowledge. I know the world of legalized slavery is part of the story so it shouldn't, in the end, be problem for her professionally. Personally if she doesn't become CEO, this chapter is the first we have ever heard of the BOD, who were silent regarding a key C suite executive's problem, she should find another firm.

Looking forward to your next chapter.

PuttPuttNYPuttPuttNY11 months ago

Really have loved this storyline. Cant wait for the next chapter!

AG_CarringtonAG_Carrington11 months ago

The story is much more subtle, and therefore erotic, than most erotica dealing with these dynamics. Great work!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great story! And I love the different vibe of female empowerment -- very different and refreshing from most of the stories on this site. I sure hope this series continues!

des911des91111 months ago

Enjoying the overall story, thank you. This chapter finally sees things turning around. That's nice to see and gives hope that the whole thing will be resolved satisfactorily.

You're having great fun with this, I hope.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A ray of light for Beth. Very good chapter. Few stories that explore that kind of abuse also take time to explore the after effects and rehabilitation after such an ordeal, or sincere regret like Eamon feels. Certain authors could take lessons from you.

roseyfingersroseyfingers11 months ago

It seems that Ms. Cartwright is performing some very important educational functions while a slave.

AviciaAvicia11 months agoAuthor

MrSmith, hmm, he didn’t realise he’d set up an order for monthly deliveries by mistake. There was a little box you had to unselect to make it a one-off purchase. Damn sneaky vendor.

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