Coach Mac and the HBCU Pt. 03


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"No. I'm not an animal Raymond. I'm not talking about having him whacked or anything. I just want him out of commission."

"You son of a bitch! I guess you forgot that he's also on my team. Do you think that I'm going to sit on my ass while you try and harm one of my players?"

"Careful Raymond. Someone might mistake you for someone who cares about more than just himself."

Coach Mac angrily jumps up from the bar and drops some cash down to cover his tab.

"Stay away from Yolanda and Alonzo, Coach Kennedy. While I'm sure that you see me only as the sly fox out to get past the hound to get into the hen house with the Chicks. I can promise you I can play the part of guard dog as well, and do you know one of the main abilities available to a great guard dog?"

"Why don't you tell me Raymond?"

"His ability to go on the offensive and strike first."

"Hello? Janet? Yeah, it's me Raymond. I'm just leaving the bar."


"Yeah. I talked to him. Although it didn't go particularly well."


"No, I don't think he'd harm Yolanda or the baby, but Alonzo is another matter entirely."


"We can't go to the cops, because we don't have anything to give them."


"For now, I'm going to hire a private security team to watch over him for the remainder of the playoffs."


"Despite what you might think of me Janet, I love that kid. I won't allow any harm to befall him. In other words Peter Kennedy will have to crawl over my dead body to get to him."

The night before the College World Series.

The games have been played and the weight is over! The Carver College Tigers are on their way to their first ever appearance in the College World Series where they will face the Arizona Panthers.

Teams from all over the country, Texas, Oregon, Oklahoma, Florida, have all fallen before the right arm of the most dynamic pitcher in college baseball history, Alonzo Wells. He also leads the nation in hits with a whooping 387 batting avg and a ridiculous on base percentage.

He just trails this year's home run leader Kevin Donato in home runs as Kevin currently sits at 42 for the season and Alonzo finished close on his heels at 37.

The game will be played under the lights at 8pm eastern standard time tomorrow night and will be broadcast on our sister station on ESPN plus.

"What time is lights out for you guys?" Yolanda asked from her hotel suite as she spoke to her husband by phone while the TV played in the background.

"In another hour or so. It seems sort of early considering that the game isn't until tomorrow night. Although I suspect our coaching staff isn't bound by any self imposed curfews and will be partying like it's 1999."

"You mean like how The Nights Watch commanders would tell the new recruits that they have to swear off pleasures of the flesh while they themselves would go visit the local brothels?"

"Pretty much."

"Baby, I'm worried."

"Not this again please mama."

"No honey. Mama is worried about your arm. You've damn near pitched a month straight. Chase Wilcox threw two games only. How are you holding up?"

"Surprisingly good. Coach Weathers had explained to me the possibility that I might have to do more to get us to this point, so he worked with me during the regular season on throwing left handed so that I wouldn't burn my good arm out.

Turns out that I can throw every pitch I have with the same precision except the fastball. It's like a slow pitched softball coming from my left side."

"Will that be enough to beat Arizona?"

"No. Kevin Donato can hit any junk I throw at him. My fast ball is the only thing he can't hit. He'll make mince meat out of us if I pitch to him from my left hand side."

"Mince the way he did Dawn's ass?"

"Worse than that."

"That's scary."

"Baby? How are you? How's the baby?"

"We are both fine. He's ready to come out and I'm ready for him to come out."

"Did my moms, plural, and my Pop get here ok?"

"We all came together."

"Ok, that can easily have more than one meaning." He told her.

"More than one meaning...Oh shit! Yo ass is crazy boy!" She said as she thought of what she really had said. "But no, I just meant that we all flew together."

"How did you do on the flight?"

"Your dad is a really calming force. He sat beside me the entire flight telling me jokes and stories about your childhood."

"Stories about my childhood?"

"Don't worry baby. He didn't tell me about the time you cried when you met Santa Claus at the mall."

"I only cried because "Santa" resembled John Wayne Gacy."

"Let's grant that one, for the sake of argument."

"Good. Now, anymore funny business from Kennedy? Gifts? Reefs?"

"No. He seems to have backed off after Coach Mac talked to him."

"Never thought I'd have him to thank for keeping my wife safe, but it looks like that may be the case."

"Well, he did sign the form not contesting paternity."

"Yeah. And my mind shudders to think of what sexual favors "Thelma and Louise" did for him to get him to sign that?"

"What ever it was, it was worth it. And I'm sure that is how they viewed it." Yolanda told him. "If you haven't noticed yet Alonzo Wells, we all love you very much."

"What are you wearing right now?" He asked.


"You alone?"

"I'd better be."

"Did you get us a room for tomorrow night after the game?"

"You aren't going back with the team?"

"When we get that final out tomorrow. I'm done with College baseball and college for good. I'll find my own way home."

"Baby, that's not what we discussed. You promised me that you'd finish school."

"Damn, were we fucking when I made that promise?"

"No." She replied flatly.

"Oh well, online learning here I come. Right alongside 4am feedings."

"What 4am feedings are you referring to? I'm going to be the one breast feeding the baby."

"No. I'm saying that I'm going to be up at 4am sucking on the unoccupied tittie."

"I can't with you."

"Well, my love, it's now lights out. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll have my phone with me so that we can FaceTime with the family prior to the game."

"Good night Mr. Wells."

"Good night Mrs. Wells."

About an hour after lights out, Yolanda's phone screen lit up with a text from Alonzo.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you still doing up?"

"Can't sleep." He replied.

"Where are you?"

"I snuck out."

"What? Are you crazy?"

"I need to see you. I need to see our baby."


"In our dugout at the stadium. No one will know we are there."

"How will I get in?"

"One of the groundskeepers went to Carver. He unlocked the place for me."

"Baby I'm worried."

"Yo-yo. Do you really think there's anything I can do that will cause Coach Mac to sit me on the bench tomorrow?"

"I'll be there I five minutes!" Was her last text to him.

Five minutes later.

"Alonzo? Baby. I'm here. Where are you?" She said as she arrived at the unlocked stadium.

"Alonzo. Come out come out wherever you are."

"Hey. You can't be here right now." A somewhat familiar but surprising voice said from behind her. "Ms. Yolanda?"

"Who is that? Robert Shullman?" She asked as the silhouetted figure stepped out of the shadows.

"Yes it's me. I didn't tell you the last time we were "together" but I'm the team equipment manager and I'm here to make sure that everything gets laid out for an early morning walk through."

"I was supposed to be meeting Alonzo here."

"I've been here for the past hour. No one in or out."

"But this doesn't make any sense he..." and then reality sets in. "Robert? Where's Coach Kennedy?"

"Not sure, I haven't seen him since around six pm."

"Can you walk me back to my car? Please?"

"Sure thing Ms. Yolanda. Listen, what's going on. What are you so upset about?"

Yolanda relays her fears to Robert who listens intently and doesn't interrupt. "And then he sends me these gifts. These horrible gifts. He even sent a reef to me signifying that Alonzo was already dead."

"Did you call the cops. What did they tell you?"

"Basically nothing. They said that nothing he did could be deemed a threat."

"So this man send you "gifts" from California with photos of chess boards in each one showing some pretty ghastly shit and they say there's nothing they can do?"

"That's pretty much it and...wait. Robert?"

"Yes Ms. Yolanda?"

"How did you know that the gifts were sent from California? Or about the chess board photos? I never mentioned either."

"Yes you did. You said..."

"No! I never mentioned any of that! Are you working with him? Did he put you up to this?"

"Yolanda, please just stop. Allow me to explain..."

"No! Get away from me! Help me somebody!" She screamed as she tried to escape toward the parking lot.

Only to be easily ran down from behind by Robert Shullman.

"Just where do you think you're going? Did you really think that your big, beautiful, pregnant ass could get away from me?" He tells her as he wraps his hands around her chest area. "Fuck! Didn't realize that the only thing you had on was this house coat." He told her as he fondled her bare breasts and round stomach. "You came out here ready to fuck, didn't you?"

"Robert why are you doing this? You seemed so nice and shy when we first met. So young and innocent. Why are you helping Kennedy?"

"Well. There's a lot there to unpack and correct. First off, I'm not 19, I'm same age as you are and I for sure am not innocent. And next, why the fuck do you think that I'm helping that dipshit Peter Kennedy?

Yolanda, I've been in love with you since like, forever."

"Impossible! We just met a month ago."

"We first met during our freshman year of college. You played soft ball for Carver and, just like earlier this year in preseason, we came to Carver for the game. At the time, I was a batboy for the girl's softball team.

I saw you at shortstop and I was blown away by your beauty, and charisma. I googled you, I followed you on all your social media platforms. We are even friends on Facebook.

And then, once you become a fucking senior? Every god damned photo is you and this...this kid, this 18 year old freshman. This snot nosed brat who isn't worthy of removing your panties.

But then, I get some good news. Yolanda is evidently down with a little swirling action. I start hearing the rumors about you and Coach Mac, you and Coach Kennedy, then I hear that the baby you have in your stomach just might belong to a white man. And I begin to think that getting you might not be as insurmountable a task as I first thought.

And then we get to the night of the summer slam bang. And there you are, naked and pregnant in platforms. I don't think I had ever beheld a more beautiful sight.

And I had did my homework. I knew that you were partial to younger men, especially ones that you felt needed coddling and protecting. I could sense your pussy getting moist every time I called you "Ms. Yolanda."

"So that act after you came? The trembling?"

"All genuine. I had never experienced anything even remotely close to that before. Even fucking Dawn didn't get me to that same place that you did that night.

I knew I had to have you."

"Only Alonzo needed to be removed first correct?"

"I didn't and still don't give a fuck about him! He wasn't a factor. I only needed to make you see that I was the man you needed, not him. But what did you do?" He shouted as he spun her around to face him. "After all the trouble I go to show you how I feel, you called a diamond necklace and a Prada bag, "horrible gifts"? I spent close to 80 grand on those items. What the hell did you do with them anyway?"

"I threw them in the dumpster!" She screamed and then without warning, she kneed him in the balls and turned to run, he grabbed her house coat off of her as she once again tried to make it toward the exit, only this time while not wearing any clothing.

"Oh look at that beautiful ass jiggle. When are you going to learn that running while pregnant isn't a real thing?" He told her as he once again started after her.

Only this time he was met with real resistance in the form of a hard right to the jaw from an unseen assailant.

"Good thing I found you Yoyo after you decided to sneak out past the guard detail." King Solomon says to her as she stops and turns around after hearing his voice. He takes her house coat to her so that she can cover herself as she hugs him and cries in his arms.

"You care to explain what you're doing out here with him?"

"He...he tricked me. He cloned Alonzo's phone and..."

"Say no more." Solomon said as he zip tied the hands of the unconscious Robert Shullman.

"What are you going to do with him?" She asked.

"Oh, he's going."

"Going where?"

"Come on Yoyo. You haven't been gone from The Bottom that long. You know what it means to "go."

"No Solomon. I can't have you doing this in my name on my behalf. We will call the police. We should have enough to... Ungggh!"

"Yoyo? What's wrong baby girl? Are you...are you peeing?"

"You have to get me to a hospital. My water broke. I'm going into labor."

Last Chapter The college World Series.

"This is Jim Rome from CBS Sports coming at you clones from the sight of this years Division One College World Series which pits the powerful defending champion Arizona Panthers against the Carver College Tigers????

Clones, there are Cinderella stories and there are Cinderella stories for the Cinderella stories and these SWAC Champions fall into that latter category.

But they are by no means to be overlooked. Carver went a college best 56-0 in the regular season with a ton of those games ending after 7 or even 5 innings.

They even dusted this Arizona team early on in the season led by their all star pitcher Alonzo Wells who boasts an impressive E.R.A with 35 wins and 25 of those being perfect games.

35 wins in a season? Are you kidding me? Who does this kid think he is? Denny McLain?

But that was then, this is now, and this is not the same Arizona team. These guys have broke down the film, set the pitching speed to max in the batting cages, brought in former MLB sluggers to help the kids adjust to hitting power pitchers and Alonzo should be facing a very different team today.

But not only is Alonzo a great pitcher but he's a phenomenal hitter. So I suspect you'll see Arizona play it safe and walk him as often as possible.

And as we always say on my nationally syndicated call in radio show "The Jungle", have a take, don't suck or you might get buzzed when you call in. The Carver Tigers had better bring their A-game today. They have a chance to make history, and this is one clone who is openly rooting for them to do so. Back to you guys in studio."

"Mama where is Yolanda? I've been calling her all day and..."

"Baby, she's not feeling well. She didn't want to worry you. But she's ok. She should be here for the opening pitch." Darlene said as she cursed to herself for lying to her son.

"Is it, is it the baby?"

"No, son not at all. She will be just fine. Don't you worry." Alfred Wells said as "Team Alonzo" face timed with their son.

"How's your arm feeling baby?" Janet asked.

"It'd feel better if I could hear my wife's voice."

"See if you can get her on the phone." Janet whispered to Alfred off screen as he called the hospital. "Baby? Maybe you should take it easy on the fast ball today. You've been doing a lot of pitching lately."

"Mama you've seen what the media is saying. We don't have a chance against them unless my every pitch is effective. I can't afford any mistakes out there if we are going to win."

"But isn't just getting here enough?"

"No its not. No one remembers the first loser. This is our chance to make history."

"God, I thought we'd never find y'all." A familiar voice said as they made their way into the facetime viewing screen. Alfred Wells does a very visible double take when he sees...

"Granny! You all came!" Alonzo says excitedly as he waves at his grandmother Lisa, his Aunt Audrey and Aunt Bunny.

"Oh baby, we wouldn't have missed this for anything." The 63 year old Lisa Wells said to him. "Hello son." She said to Alfred with a somewhat flirtatious smile that no one but him caught.

"Hi mother." He replied. "You look phenomenal. All of you do." He says as he felt that familiar uncomfortable shift in his groin that he thought was long behind him that happened whenever she was near.

"Janet and Darlene, thank you both for inviting us and for giving us the chance to surprise both Alfred as well as Alonzo.

Darlene smiled, she always suspected that if given the chance, Alfred would gladly fuck his mother again. And the fact that even at her age and the only tale tell sign of her aging at all was her salt and pepper hair that she now wore in the form of a sexy finger wave do, she got moist at the possibility of licking her mother in law's plump breast while Alfred pounded her very mature pussy.

"I've got Yolanda on the line." Alfred whispered to Janet.

"Put her on speaker. Don't let on that she's in the hospital." She whispered back. "Uh, baby? We have Yolanda on speaker. Say hi.

"Hi baby? Are you ok? I've been worried sick."

"Hi sweetie." She said weakly. "I'm feeling a little better."

"Well baby, just stay in your room and watch the game on TV. Don't try to come to the stadium."

"That...that sounds like great advice. I love you."

"Not as much as I love you." He says in reply.

"Alonzo. It's showtime." Coach Weathers tells him. "Ok, fam. I have to go. Wish us luck."

"Arizona is the one who will need it. Not you guys." Alfred tells him.

"Amen." Lisa said.

After Alonzo signed off. Janet and the rest turn their attention to Yolanda who is still on the other line.

"Baby how are you doing? Any news?"

"The doctor told me that she plans to induce labor in about an hour. They are trying to get the NICU ready for both babies."

"Both?" Janet asked.

"Yeah girl. I'm having twins. Can you believe that?"

"Twins? But how did they not know this before now?" Darlene asked.

"An incompetent OBGYN?" Who knows?"

"And the other thing?"

"Thanks to Solomon. Robert Shullman has been arrested and facing a ton of charges."

"Solomon?" Janet said in shock.

"Yes Cousin Janet. Solomon." He said into the phone.

"Had it not been for him. There is no telling what Robert would have done to me."

"I don't know what to say."

"Its ok Cuz. I suppose that even a "broken thug" can do right two times a day."

"Solomon I'm..."

"Don't sweat in cousin. I'm just here with baby girl until some of you can get up here so that she won't be alone. Plus I want to see my baby cousin Alonzo put these pompus assholes on their pampered asses."

"It looks like we agree on somethings." Janet told them after they clicked off.

"I wish we could have told him." Darlene said.

"Yolanda insisted that we don't say anything. She wanted us to come to the game and act normal."

"And it looks like its about to start. They are about to play the national anthem." Alfred noted.

After the anthem had been played and everyone retook their seats, Alonzo, Chase and Eldric met Kevin Donato, and two other Arizona players midfield to shake hands.

"Good luck out there." Donato says to them.

"Right back at you." Alonzo responds for his team.

"On the field?"

"On the field."

"Last chance, we can still rock paper scissor for it." Alonzo jokingly says to Donato.

"Play ball! The umpire yells.

"Too late." Donato says with a sly smile.

The first inning goes about as expected as Alonzo K's the first three batters in the lineup.

"That's it! That's what I'm talking about! Coach Mac yelled from the dugout.

Unfortunately for the Tigers, Arizona answers by retiring Carver's first three batters as well.

Alonzo, who now bats fifth in the lineup. Comes up to bat in the second inning after Eldric made a base hit.
