Coach Mac and the HBCU Pt. 03


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He could see the "love" in her eyes. He knew without a doubt, at that moment, was when she first fell for him. He knew that once Alonzo was removed, he'd have the beautiful ebony coed all to himself.

In the meantime, he could fuck another Ebony coed while he fixated over the images of his "true love".This experience has truly helped him to better understand his buddy Raymond McNamara and why he favors black pussy as much as he does.

Meanwhile back at the home of Dr. Janet Ross-Henry, a thoroughly confused Raymond McNamara ponders whether or not to ring the doorbell.

The last time that he recalled speaking to Janet, the two parted on fairly friendly terms, although, she hadn't contacted him since she had so publicly split from her husband and started being seen around town arm in arm with Alonzo.

Alonzo hated his guts. He had given him ample reason to. So why was his lover going behind his back to meet with a man that her lover despised?

But since Amy had gone to Germany to visit her twin sister Kathy, he thought he might as well see what was up with "Dr. Janet".

As soon as he pushed the doorbell, he was greeted with an unexpected, but completely welcomed site.

"Well as I live and breathe! Raymond McNamara aka Coach Mac. Look at you looking all sexy and distinguished." A very nude Darlene Wells said as she stood in the doorway to give him a view of all her bodily goods.

She sported a pair of six inch black rhinestone studded platform heels and she had her grayish locs tied up in a scrunchy as she gave off more of an ethnic tone than usual.

The same ethnic tone that drove Coach Mac insane with lust...

"So, what's this?" Coach Mac asked as he tried to ignore the erection rapidly growing in his shorts.

"Why don't you come in and find out for yourself Raymond?" Janet said to him from the other side of the room. Janet sported the exact same heels that Darlene was wearing as well as a see through corset that left both her breast and her vagina exposed as she sat with one of her legs crossed seductively over the other.

"I'll ask again. What's this?"

"Boy you'd better quit asking dumbass questions, get yo white ass naked and come get this hot ass pussy." Darlene lustfully said to him as she pulled his shirt off of him.

"So what happens then?" He asked as he fondled Darlene's tits. "I stick my cock in only to find that your pussy is booby trapped to explode?"

"Oh your cock is going to explode alright. It's going to explode inside of the womb that you choose."

"You see Coach, this is what we call a quid pro quo. You have something that we want, and we have something that you want. We don't have time for the normal back and forth, so here's the deal. Give us what we want and you get both of us, right her and now.

"So what is it that you want?" Coach Mac said as he quickly shed all of his clothing thereby exposing his throbbing dick.

"We will tell you in a second." Janet explained. "Well...Darlene will, my mouth will be busy." Janet said as she began to take Coach Mac's white cock between her ebony lips.

"Ok Coach. This is what you call, "an offer you can't refuse. We want you to help us to save our son."

"Our son?" He said as his body tensed with pleasure.

"Mine and Janet's son."

"And whom might that be?"


"Ugh. I thought that Alonzo was your son?"

"But he's also mine." Janet said as she raised up for a breath.

"Is this a "black thing"? You know, like how Yolanda refers to Alonzo as his "mama?"

"No. She's his maternal mother. I'm his adopted one."

"And I'm also his lover." Janet told him.

"No fucking way! You're telling me that..."

"Focus Coach Mac, on the real matter on the table. Alonzo may be in danger."

"Unnnngh! From who?"

"From your friend Peter."

"Peter Kennedy? Ugh...he's...he's harmless."

"He's not harmless Raymond." Janet said as she raised up again from her cock sucking duties. He thinks that he's in love with Yolanda and that she feels the same way."

"The only thing standing in his way in his mind is Alonzo." Darlene said as she decided that the time had come for her to be less spectator, more active participant.

"Why the hell would he think this?"

"Coach you've been with Yolanda before. She put that same "good good" on his ass that she put on you and now he's sprung." Darlene explained.

"Lay on your back." He said to Darlene. I'm ready to sample some of your "black girl magic."

"Are you going to help us?" Janet asked him as he prepared to enter Darlene.

"I'm very fond of Alonzo despite his disdain for me. I would have helped you without your "tactics of persuasion."

"Mmmmm. Now he tells us." Darlene said as Coach Mac slammed his dick in and out of her twat as she clawed his back in a lust crazed frenzy.

"Kiss me." He tells Darlene who immediately and enthusiastically complies.

"God damn it! I'm just a white cock slut! Because I'm cumming on this huge Caucasian pecker!" Darlene screamed.

"Let me have some more." Janet said as she rubbed her swollen pussy lips in anticipation.

"Had enough?" Coach Mac asked Darlene as her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she had another thundering orgasm.

"I think so. Because if you do that to me again then I might just become the stalker." Darlene lustfully admitted.

"Girl, let me show you how to handle this dick!" Janet said as he pulled out of Darlene and then laid on his back.

"Handle it" means to ride it. So come on Reverse Cowgirl, jump up

On it." He told Janet as she inserted his cock into her pussy while she squatted over him with her front facing away.

Coach Mac grabbed her on each side of her waist and bounced her up and down on his cock as he now guided her through a debilitating series of screaming orgasms.

"Hey darling. Is this your first time with Janet?"

"No. It's my second." Darlene replied.

"Well in that case, I'm going to key you in on a little secret."

"And what might that be?"

"Raymond! Don't you dare!" Janet ordered.

"Janet is a squirter of the highest caliber."

"Oh really?" Darlene said as her ears perked to the new information.

"The volume alone...She makes a Peter North "money shot" look like a slow drip."

"Girl, don't listen to him. You know that he's always on some bullshit."

"Well, if that's the case." Darlene said as she got close to her soror. "You won't mind if I put it to the test then right?"

Before Janet could protest, Darlene began to rub her clit while she rode coach's cock.

With predictable results...

"God damn it. Like mother like son." Darlene said as she found herself on the receiving end of a powerful vaginal ejaculation that hit her square in the face, just as Alonzo had done to her on their fateful ride to the airport.

"Slow down Raymond. I need to catch my breath." Janet pleaded.

"Put me in coach. I'm ready for round two." Darlene said.

"Just curious, has Alonzo ever fucked both of you at the same time? Because you two can give a cock a run for its money." Coach Mac said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Two?" Janet said. "My baby has fucked all three of us at the same time; Myself, Darlene and his wife Yolanda."

"His what?"

"Story for another time Coach." Darlene says to him. "Although, we do have a couple of more requests to make before you bust a nut." Darlene tells him.

"Name them... Anything." He says to her.

"Well, I suppose it should go without saying that we want you to keep quiet about what you now know about Alonzo's birth mother/lover as well as me, his adoptive mother/lover."

"Shit, who would I tell? No one would believe me."

"Good. Now, I've drawn up some paperwork for you to sign which would effectively cause you to give up any claims of parenthood on the baby or even babies that Yolanda may be carrying, and acknowledge that her husband is the father of the infant when he or they arrive."

"You for sure didn't have to give me any ass in order for me to sign that doc."

"Oh, I wasn't going to give you any ass in order to get you to sign the document." Darlene said as she got on all fours, took her hands and parted her butt cheeks. "I was going to give you some ass in order to THANK you for signing the document." She told him as she made her asshole appear to wink at him in an opening and closing motion.

"A chance to fuck that lovely black booty?" Coach Mac said as he straddled her and lowered his still throbbing dick toward her anal opening. "What can I say except, you're welcome?"

"Y'all are straight up killing me over here." Janet said to them as Coach Mac started to slow stroke Darlene's anus. "Just watching y'all is going to make me cum again."

"Come here and get on your knees beside her." Coach Mac said to Janet as he smacked Darlene on the ass with his open hand which caused her to cry out.

"Ooo. Do me next!" Janet said as Coach Mac smacked her on the ass just as he had done Darlene's.

Janet reaches over and tongue kisses Darlene deeply. Coach Mac writhes to keep from coming as he watches the two women face fuck each other.

"You know that he's not ready don't you?" Darlene says to Janet.

"Naw guurl, this white boy ain't ready."

"Unnngh...ready for what?" He asked as he quickens his strokes to match his level of excitement.

"For this." Darlene said as she looked back at him over her shoulder. "This all you got white boy? Is this it? I thought you knew how to handle a black woman? Quit playing in this ass and get up in it and fuck it!"

Coach Mac, did what he could to answer her taunts and began to furiously pound her asshole. He wanted to make it last and savor the experience, but he knew that he wasn't long for this world.

"You fucking white cock slut!" He screamed to her. "You are going to make me cum so fucking hard!"

"Don't hold back baby! Shoot that shit deep into my bowels. Break this black ass with that big white dong!"

The ear splitting yell that he gave off could possibly make one believe that he was in some sort of pain versus what was actually happening as he did just what Darlene had ordered and shot his load deep into her anal cavity.

"Girl I wish I could video tape this." Janet said to Darlene. "You can actually see his dick move up and down as he pumps his seed into you."

"I can feel it." She said to Janet. "And he's still fucking cumming."

"Well, wasn't this an unfair fight." Coach Mac said as he ejected his cock from her thoroughly worked asshole. "You both must really love that kid."

"We're mothers coach, first and foremost. A real mother will always do what she has to do."

"I'll do what I can to get Peter to back the fuck off if there's any merit to this accusation."

"That's all we ask." Darlene said as she took a damp cloth and wiped his excess cum from her ass.

"I wonder if I can also make a request? Can you talk to Alonzo about burying the hatchet with me? If we are going to win this College World series which is weeks away, he and I will need to communicate. Christ on a cross! Where did he get that stubborn streak from?"

Janet is first to reply. "Where does his stubborn streak come from? Coach Mac, you just fucked the woman who raised him in the ass. She even broke the number one unwritten rule of anal sex and taunted you while you were in there. Yet, no matter how hard you tried, she never yelled out, never told you to stop, never tapped out in anyway.

So, to answer your question of where he gets his "stubborn streak" from? To loosely quote the rapper Juvenile, "He get it from his mama."

Chapter Eleven the playoff run.

"Black pussy is not for everyone. Possible side effects, fast cumming, unplanned pregnancies, sleeping inside of it, marriage proposals, leaving your white wife, instant commitment, stalking, and an inferiority complex. Ask your doctor if black pussy is right for you."

The time was 5pm the following evening at the Wells' household and Scott Deluna was currently experiencing more than one of the aforementioned symptoms.

Fast cumming and sleeping inside of it...

"I'm missing my son's game for this?" Darlene pondered in regards to the loudly snoring senior partner at her law firm who had came and fallen asleep within three minutes of sliding his cock into her thoroughly worked pussy.

She wasn't too upset about the game. Alonzo informed her that this was only the SWAC portion of the playoffs and that he more than likely wouldn't be pitching tonight as they could run through this leg of the tourney in their sleep without him.

Still though, Scott's performance tonight had been a real let down from what she had experienced over the past few days and even is previous efforts had been so much better.

Maybe his age and lifestyle were finally catching up with him...

He sure as hell wasn't Coach Mac and he damn sure wasn't Alonzo.


Just when she thought that her looks and self esteem had taken a sharp nosedive, leave it up to her son to be the reassuring force that let her know how desirable she still really was.

He didn't notice any "fine lines", or the paunch in her stomach. She could stand before him in her favorite stilettos with her entire body exposed and his cock would immediately rise to the occasion and keep saluting until she had been thoroughly satisfied.

The fact that he can satisfy three horny women at a time, one of which is hormonal and pregnant is proof of his amazing prowess.

He's so much like his father Alfred. He too once had to tame three pussies simultaneously.

"Darling?" Scott said as he was aroused out of his slumber.


"Why the fuck didn't you tell me about discovering that Alonzo was my kid?"

Darlene's entire body tenses up. Scott, with his cock still inserted inside of her and being so close in proximity can sense it. Being an atty who has caught many a witness or defendant in a lie, he knows that she's about to lie.

Darlene, also being a top notch atty, knows that Scott knows that she's about to lie and does so anyway.

"Alonzo? Your son? Scott where did you get such a crazy..."

"Stop fucking lying Darlene!" He screamed. "You and Alfred adopted him after his birth mother gave him up for adoption. That mother being Dr. Janet Ross-Henry.

I know that you knew the truth and you didn't say one god damned thing to me about it. How fucking dare you?"

"How fucking dare me? How fucking dare you? Scott, do you really think that you're going to talk to me any type of way and REMAIN in my pussy?

Oh man, you have life seriously fucked up."

Upon hearing Darlene's implied threat of a "closed chocolate factory", Scott DeLuna presses reset on his tone. There aren't a lot of things in this life that bring him immense joy like sliding between the silky ebony thighs of Darlene Wells.

"Darlene... Darling, I apologize for my demeanor." He said as he prayed she wouldn't make him pull out. "But please try and see it from my perspective. I find out that I have a son and then there appears to be this conspiracy to keep the info from me?

Alonzo deserves to know. He deserves to know his true parentage."

"Scott he already knows. Janet told him the truth almost immediately."

"He knows?" A stunned Scott asked. "Then why hasn't he reached out to..."

Weren't you listening? She told him the truth, The whole truth and nothing but the truth. He knows that you offered her cash for an abortion and how you treated her as persona non grata after the fact.

Although it begs the question of why you care in the first place? Scott you probably have left a trail of half breed babies all over this part of Georgia, so why is Alonzo so different?

It wouldn't have anything to do with a certain contract he'll probably be signing in a few months, would it?"

"They're sleeping together aren't they? She gets to have sex with her own son but somehow I'm the bad influence?

Wait till the social tabloids hear about this one; preacher's widow in sexual entanglement with long lost son."

"If you so much as mumble one word..." Darlene warned.

"You'll do what? Rat me out to the bar association for over-billing or mail fraud or something? Remember Darlene, your name is on the door and letterhead as well, making your hands just as dirty as mine."

"Oh please. The ABA? How droll. No sir, I'll hit you where it really hurts." She says as she squeezes her legs closed on his cock.

"You wouldn't..."

"Yesterday, I fucked a man in order to protect my son, do you think that I won't hesitate to stop fucking you in order to achieve the same goal?"

"What man? Why does Alonzo need protecting?"

"Don't pretend to care about who else I screw and please don't act as If you give a shit about Alonzo."

"I don't deserve either of those Darlene. You should know how much both of you mean to me. I've known and cared about Alonzo all his life. Knowing we are related just enhances that."

She gently extracts his cock and wiggles around to face him. He has indeed expressed over the years just how deeply in love with her he is and to her surprise, she truly does believe him.

He's always been very affectionate toward Alonzo growing up which she had dismissed as a byproduct of their lifelong affair. But perhaps it was more? Perhaps on some visceral level, he sensed a much deeper connection between himself and her son.

Perhaps within his heart of hearts, he's somehow always known the truth.

"Scott? You can't push him. You have to give him time."

"I'm willing to wait until hell freezes over."

"When the time is right, I'll talk to him and I'll talk to Janet. I give you my word."

"Thank you darling. Now, if you don't mind, I'd love for you to give me something else." He tells her as he places her hand in his now stiff cock.

Darlene swings her right leg over her body which propels her to straddle him. She next takes his cock and inserts it inside of her as he lets out a very audible grunt.

"I don't ever want to take any type of action that would jeopardize what we have right here." He tells her as she starts to bounce on his dick.

"Do what I asked you to do regarding Alonzo and you'll never have to worry about that."

Across town in the one bedroom apt of Yolanda and Alonzo Wells.

With Alonzo on the road with the tournament and Janet making final preparations for her late husband's viewing and funeral the next day. Yolanda opted for the relative peace and serenity that her own space provided despite Janet's insistence that she stay with her inside the confines of the compound.

It galled Janet to no end to know that some of her gangster cousin's goons had been tasked with standing guard at her daughter in law's apt.

If Coach Mac proves successful in getting Peter Kennedy to stand down, then "King Solomon" can go straight to Sheol as far as Janet was concerned.

Just as she didn't want Scott DeLuna to learn of his ties to their son, she also didn't want Alonzo, who already seemed impressed by the idea, getting too chummy with a thug like Solomon King.

"Mrs. Wells? A man from outside of Yolanda door called to her. "Mrs. Wells?"

"Oh! Yes, her I come." Yolanda said as she hadn't gotten used to the name change. She glowed when she heard the new moniker. She was now the wife of Alonzo Wells and she couldn't be more happier.

She opened the door and was greeted by one of Solomon's men and an Amazon delivery driver.

"He's cool Mrs. Wells. He just has a couple of packages for you."

"S...sign her please." The nervous and cringing driver said as he handed her his iPad. After she had signed, he placed a large floral arrangement inside under the watchful eye of the hulking sentry and handed her a jewelry bag from Tiffany's.

"Fifth delivery today." The sentry noted. "Your husband must really be missing you something fierce."

"Just as much as I'm missing him. Lord! Flowers, balloons, more flowers, a Prada bag and now something from Tiffany's? His mother must've given him his own personal AMEX Black Card and he's using the shit out of it." She joked.