Coach Mac and the HBCU Pt. 03


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She took the protective covering off of the latest floral delivery and gets a bit of a shock.

"That damn floral company!" She said to herself. "Now this arrangement was meant to go to the funeral home for Pastor Henry's funeral. They must have mistaken my billing address for the delivery address. Now I'll have to drive this reef over there in the morning before the service starts."

But as she walks away from the reef and back to her other gifts, she notices an envelope on the floor that must have fell out when she took the cover off the reef.

"You know? Now that I think about it. They even messed up the color. I didn't order a red reef, I ordered a yellow one." She said as she picked up the envelope and opened it.

And that was when the real and terrifying shock came...

Inside of the envelope was a photo. It was a photo of a chess board with only three pieces on it. There was a white king and a black queen positioned side by side on the board with a ❤️ drawn over the heads of the two pieces.

Then she saw the black pawn. This was the truly terrifying part. It was knocked over on its side with a 💀 atop of it.

She froze in place but only for a second. She gathered her wits and went and grabbed the rest of the envelopes that had accompanied the "gifts" that she had received. Her intention had been to open them all later when Alonzo had called her before bed tonight and embarrass him over the flowery language that he would have no doubt placed In each envelope.

What she found instead was the exact same chess game photo had accompanied each gift.

She truly dreaded this next step. The reef had came in with the RIP Sash facing away from her.

With trembling hands she turned the reef around and the words that stared back at her were "RIP Alonzo Wells".

She let out a blood curdling scream which caused both guards to come running, weapons hot and charge into the apt. Once inside they got King Solomon on the line who let them know that he was on his way, and gave them the permission to call local law enforcement.

"Will someone please get Alonzo on the phone? Please!" She cried.

"He's ok." King Solomon said as he walked up. "Their two counterparts have eyes on him as we speak." He assures Yolanda.

"Are you sure?" Yolanda asked as she fell into his arms.

"FaceTime me." He says into the phone.

"Sure thing King." The underling on the Alonzo Wells protection detail said.

"You have eyes on Wells?" King asked.

"Yes sir. There he is, right over there."

"Turn your phone toward him."

Once King Solomon spots him, he hands his phone to Yolanda.

And just like that, she sees her husband sitting in the dugout cheering his team on to victory.

The sight causes her to smile, chuckle and the cry in relief. "Hi baby." She said into the phone.

"You know? This Wells kid had better be worthy of all that you go through because of him, because if he ever intentionally hurts you, I'm going to whack him out painfully and personally." King Solomon said to Yolanda.

He retrieves his phone from her and asks his underling. "Have you had eyes on him the entire time. Nothing threat worthy?"

"Boss, this place is locked down tighter than Dick's hatband. The only threat posed to our young friend is from an errant throw or a foul ball."

"Good work. Stay on him."

"I received a call about filing a Harassment complaint. Yolanda Wells?" An African American lone officer asked.

"That's me officer." Yolanda said to him.

"I'm patrolman Derrick Jefferson. Can you explain to me in your own words what's going on?"

Yolanda did her best to tell a g-rated tale of where prior events coalesced together to bring everything to where it is tonight.

If Officer Jefferson could sense that she was omitting crucial information, he never let on. He simply listened more than he talked.

After she had finished speaking, he took a quick look around and made a startling revelation.

"I'm sorry, but there's not much that we are going to be able to do here."

"What? But why not?" Yolanda shrieked.

"Because Mrs. Wells, none of this rises to the level of a threat. Pretending someone is already dead, or even wishing them dead is not the same as saying, "I'm going to kill you".

Besides, didn't you say that this Coach Kennedy is based out of AZ? These items were sent from Newport Beach California."

"What about credit card receipts? Shouldn't that show who sent them?" King asked.

"What about them? Even if these aren't ghost credit card numbers that were used, the same problem still remains. It's not against the law to fall in love with someone or to be an asshole.

And at best, that's all we have."

"That's fine Officer Jefferson. We will be down tomorrow to file the report." Solomon tells him.

"I can take it right now."

"Naw. Tomorrow works."

"You know?" Jefferson said as he inched closer to King Solomon. "I just realized who you are. What is your part in this?"

"Mrs. Wells is like a sister to me and I place a high value on family."

"Let's you and I take a look around the complex. See if we see anything." Jefferson says to King.

"Stay with her. We will be right back." King says to his men.

After the two men are out of earshot, King Solomon speaks first. "So what did you want to speak to me alone about?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on Jefferson. If you really wanted to "check out the complex" you'd have called for police dogs, men with flashlights and rifles and maybe even a helicopter.

Much more effective than you and me fumbling around in the dark.

So, what did you want me to hear that you didn't want her to hear?"

"She may be the one in real danger, not her husband."

"I agree. But why didn't you want her to hear that?" King asked.

"Because I'm fearful that if she knows that Alonzo Wells is free and in the clear, she will let her guard down. She's in no way concerned for her own safety, she's only concerned about his.

So someone is going to have to take the reins on providing protection for her. Whomever this person is that sent that stuff, they are fucking serious. That bag and jewelry alone costs over 40 grand.

The avg Joe isn't spending that kind of money on someone that he's not fucking, trying to fuck again, or planning on fucking and not taking "no" for an answer."

"She's my girl for sure and I love her. And I'm leaning toward, "trying to fuck again." King said.

"I was thinking the same thing."

"I'll double the guards around her. Triple them if I have to."

"She's lucky to have a friend like you."

"Naw, Alonzo Wells is lucky to have a wife like her. I'd give my left nut for that type of loyalty and commitment."

Carver back in the day. Dorm room of Alfred Wells.

"He had called her for six straight days without a reply. Since Easter Sunday to be exact. Not one time did anyone pick up the home phone.

He didn't understand. He just wanted to hear her voice. He missed her, he needed her. He needed her to help him make sense of the FBI coming to visit him.

What would it mean going forward? He was already tensed and stressed by her lack of response, and this just added to that.

He had so much to tell her. Maybe he couldn't become a pro football player anymore, but he could still be the provider that she could be proud of.

As an officer in the United States Army.

He bypassed a few steps by scoring so high on the entrance exam as well as his four years of ROTC in high school. The dice were rolled, and he was accepted into Officers Candidate School.

He knew that initially she'd be disappointed, but he would still complete his studies from Carver through correspondence courses.

If only she would talk to him.

There was a knock at the door. Probably the damn pizza guy at the wrong dorm again. What an idiot! He does this every weekend.

But to his surprise, when he answers the door. It's her. Standing in his doorway in a pair of shorts made from stretchable material with no visible panty lines. He could also tell that she wasn't wearing a bra through her t-shirt.

He wondered had she flown all this way dressed this way, or had she went to a motel, checked in and came back like this for his benefit?

Her suitcase told him that it was more than likely the former.

His roommates won't be back until Monday morning so they would have the entire dorm to themselves for the rest of the weekend.

He quickly pulled her bag inside and as he went to take her by the hand and bring her in as well, she instead leapt into his arms and they began to kiss. He slammed the door shut and locked it behind them and began furiously tearing at her shorts.

He ripped them in two and left them discarded on the living room floor as he went to work on her top. By the time they reached his own personal space, she was completely naked except for her flip flops that she kicked off as he laid her onto the bed.

There were no words spoken between them. There was no, "oh son I'm so happy to see you!" Or "mom I've missed you so much!"

He drove his cock into his mother's pussy as she oozed with pleasure while he futilely attempted to show some restraint and not cum too quickly after a week or more of pent up frustration.

His restraint wasn't her goal as she thrusted her pelvis against his as she fucked him although he appeared scared to fuck her.

Finally, she spoke. "You've got the rest of the weekend to fuck me son. Don't torture yourself right now. Cum in your mama. Give me your seed baby."

Three quick thrusts were all it took. The two kissed passionately; the goal being to drown out the other's screams as their bodies toiled in orgasmic turmoil. Tears ran down both their cheeks. Somehow, they both knew that this weekend would be their last weekend as lovers.

Somehow, after this weekend, they would have to master the trick of going back to being simply mother and son.

In a week, Alfred would ship off for a year of training. He would, at his mother's urging, propose to Darlene and she would accept it. They'd be married before he shipped off to his first duty station.

In the meantime, unknown to Alfred, his mother, pregnant with his child, would go through a high risk pregnancy and give birth to their beautiful and surprisingly healthy baby girl that would immediately be placed for adoption and given a very stable home.

Sheriff O'Hare did as the FBI agent Allan Detorrio had predicted and copped a plea deal. The Wells ladies would not have to testify. And now they'd have regular and steady employment with the federal government to boot.

But before this future came to pass, mother and son would spend a passionate and blissful weekend in bed repeating hours and hour of steamy incestuous lovemaking.

Germany Present Day

"Honey? Are you ok?" Captain Kathy King asked Colonel Alfred Wells while her newly arrived sister Amy McNamara completed her shower after her long flight over from the states.

"I've just been having a moment." Alfred assures her in regards to the dreamy and forlorn mood he's been in for the past few days. "I'm starting to realize that when Thomas Wolfe said that you can't go home again, there really is a lot of truth in that statement."

"Your wife Darlene was a blast! I didn't even realize that I was a squirter before meeting her."

"Darlene's been bringing out the best, and at times worst of me for over two decades. She's truly an amazing woman."

"I can't believe that you're really about to retire. What are you going to do? Maybe run for public office?"

"Too much baggage for that."

"Your mother and aunt?"

"Not to mention my son, his newly discovered birth mother, his new wife, and his adopted mother."

"You Wells men! Three at a time! Like father like son."

"But that's the point. He's not a Wells. At least, not in a biological sense. He's a DeLuna."

"My freaking Uncle Scott! What a small damn world."

"He's probably somewhere shooting his cum into my wife as we speak."

"It's amazing how you just roll with all of this."

"I've been in love with and fucked my own mother before Kathy. The only thing on the other side of that mountain peak is a downhill Tuesday slide."

"When Amy and I were 19, we tried to seduce Uncle Scott in the same way that Lot's daughters did him in the bible. But he got so damn drunk he passed out and we couldn't get his dick hard."

"Which I'll assume would have happened to Lot if the story wasn't poorly written made up fiction."

"Sorry it took me so long guys." Amy said as she emerged from the shower wearing a towel and house shoes. "Long flights always leave me feeling so dirty and disgusting." She explained as she joined them on the bed.

"I tend to forget that you two know each other, don't you?" Kathy said as Amy positioned herself on the other side of Alfred and dropped her towel giving him a perfect view of her red and neatly trimmed pubic hair.

"That's correct. His son Alonzo is going to be the catalyst to Raymond getting a job with an MLB team." Amy says in response.

"But we don't "know" each other in the biblical sense. At least, not yet." Alfred says to her.

"Well. Isn't all that about to change?" Kathy said. "But first we'd like to show you a little trick." Kathy grabs a pair of cloth black blindfold glasses and puts them on to cover her eyes.

"I'm going to turn my back to both of you." Kathy explains. "I want you to touch her anywhere you like, and I'll tell you exactly what you are doing to her."

"Really?" Alfred said as he placed a hand on Amy's wash board stomach. "This, I've got to see."

He takes his hand and lightly pinches one of Amy's breasts. He can see Amy react to it but he can also feel Kathy do likewise.

"Oooo, pinch the other nipple too." Kathy tells him.

"Sure thing." Alfred tells her as he sticks his Fingers into Amy's pussy.

"Cheater." Kathy laughs. "That's not her...ummmm, that's not her other nipple."

"How the hell are you doing this?" A perplexed Alfred asked.

She took off her blind fold. "It's a twin thing. You wouldn't understand."

"You trying to say that I'm not "woke?"

"No. What's she's saying Colonel is, "stick that huge black dick in my twin sister Amy and see it happen live and in color." Amy tells him.

"Can we label this as "white girl magic?" Alfred asks as he gets on top of Amy and slowly inserts his cock as she had suggested.

"Unnngh. Yes!" Kathy said as she laid beside them as her lover began to fuck her sister.

"That's it Alfred! Get this pussy! Own this pussy!" Amy shouted as Alfred pumped her snatch while sliding her toes into his mouth.

Kathy never touched herself yet seemed to feel everything that her sister felt although Amy was the one on the receiving end of Alfred's dick onslaught.

As Amy was brought to climax, once again, Kathy reacted as if she herself was taking dick.

"Fuck me baby fuck me!" They both said in unison.

Alfred began to speed up his strokes and the twin sisters responded accordingly.

"Oh God! I'm gonna squirt!" Kathy announced.

The first time he had ever saw her do this, was during the time when Darlene came to visit with him in Germany after he had been shot. The three had engaged in a frolicking threesome which found Darlene manipulating the clit and vagina of Kathy to the point that she gushed like a water spout.

"Ooooahhhh shit!" She cried as soaked the bed with her pussy juices.

"Oh my! What did we do to her?" Amy asked.

"Oh, you're not a squirter?" Alfred asked Amy.

"No. I'm just a "cummer."

"So am I my new friend. So am I." He said as he blew his load into the eager and oftentimes neglected pussy of Amy McNamara as both ladies again shared a simultaneous world breaker orgasm.

"Ahhh." Alfred exclaimed. "There's no sweeter sound under heaven or on earth, than two beautiful ladies crying out in hot passion as it threatens to engulf the entirety of their beings."

"So my love." Kathy asked as she recovered from her "squirter fit", "did you enjoy your "two for one" special?"

"Did I enjoy it?" He asked as took her into his arms and intermingled their tongues together, and then did likewise with Amy. "Having the means to satisfy two gorgeous ladies in a one stroke? Now that's when you are living large on a porn star trip."

Back at the college baseball playoff tournament. Local bar after the last game of the day.

"Can I get you gentlemen anything else?" The tall "blasian" waitress asked them.

"Anyone ever tell you that you look just like Jessica Dawn?" Coach Mac asked her.

"Who is that?" She asked.

"You don't watch porn?" Peter Kennedy asked her.

"Sure, but I've never heard of her." She said with an embarrassed giggle.

"Look her up on IAFD one day when you're not too busy. You'll see that I'm not bullshitting you. Even if it sounds like I am." Coach Mac told her.

After she walked away. Peter made an observation. "I'll bet she has a real tight pussy. You ever fucked a straight Asian before?"

"What the fuck is a straight Asian?"

"You know...a pure Asian."

"Then why the fuck didn't you just say that?"

"I don't sounds a little racist?"

"How the hell is know what? Never mind, yes I've been with an Asian woman before." Coach Mac admits.

"Tight pussy?"

"Tiny pussy was more like it."

"Blasian chicks are the best of both worlds. A black and Asian female all rolled into one. Tiny tight little pussy. Huge fat round ass."

"So, you say."

"I'll tell you this, Raymond my man. I'm breaking my dick off in her ass tonight."

"Who? The waitress? How the hell do you know that she's even into white guys?" Coach Mac asked.

"What's not to like? I'm rich, handsome, generous..."

"And you're married with children."

"Never stopped you before."

"And it won't stop me in the future. But here's the're..."

"Besides, it's how I got Yolanda. And it's how I'll get this chick tonight."

"Jesus Christ Peter! Read the goddamn room! You don't have Yolanda. She is married and pregnant and happy with the choice she's made."

"She married? When...when did this happen?" A visibly shaken Peter Kennedy asked.

"Son of a bitch! Janet and Darlene were spot on!" Coach Mac thinks to himself.

"Pete, you've got to let this go. This thing about Yolanda. It's not going to happen.

"And how the hell do you know?"

"Didn't you hear what I just said? She's married to Alonzo. Whatever you were planning is now too late. If you ever had a shot, it's now gone."

"Oh, you're just so fucking jealous Raymond. You always have been."

"Really?" And what am I jealous of? Be specific."

"Look at your life and look at mine. I coach the number one baseball team in the country at the number one college in the country. Your entire program's success hinges on the efforts of one guy.

I was a better pitcher than you ever tried to be. Your last season in the league you went 3-12 with a fat E.R.A. That same year I was second runner up for the Cy Young.

I've got more in my petty cash drawer than you have in your life savings so don't tell me you aren't jealous."

Raymond McNamara wonders if he should tell him what he knows? He wonders if he should tell him that he knows about the illegal performance enhancers that helped him to put him into Cy Young contention.

He wonders if he should let him know that he knows that a good deal of his "income" comes courtesy of him bankrolling the number one bookmaker in Arizona, even taking bets on and against his own team.

Opting, rather uncharacteristically to take the high road. Coach Mac simply replies, "all that you said could be true Peter and she'd still be a married woman."

"That's what they make divorce courts for."

"She'll never divorce him."

"Then that's what they make hitguys for." Kennedy said matter-of- factly.

"Stop...stop joking Peter. This isn't funny. I mean, What, are we doing here? You're talking about killing this kid?"