Cody's Awakening Ch. 01


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"I don't- why would you pick this movie???" she whined, her face buried in her hands, mortified at every other scene from the film choice the group had made.

"Oh come on, Annie! Relaaaax! This is fun!" laughed Derek, patting her on the knee. Although, to be honest, he totally understood why she would be cringing at the screen every 5 minutes.

On the screen was Anna Laurent, just about 8 years younger, starring as 'Minerva' in the one, shit-tier romantic comedy she had ever gotten roped into. Just some favor she owed to the casting director. The romantic comedy part she didn't mind, but it was opposite some loser "actor-comedian", who had never amounted to anything other than stoner comedies and b-list ensembles, and who spent the entire production hitting on her and planting made-up stories in the press about them being together.

And, of all the movies she'd been in, the Lange-Montgomerys had chosen this film to watch. It seemed on purpose, frankly... After all, she was a serious actress! She had a million better films, but they had chosen this one??? It was obviously to mess with her!

Worst of all, this stupid movie had done wonders at the box office... so she couldn't even pretend it was some minor blip in her career. And it was just so mortifying to see herself on the screen like this!

"Did you really have to carry around that ridiculous tiara all day???" asked Noelle, clearly concerned about the wrong part of her outfit. The tiara was the least of it. It was the long boots and the one-piece which were a complete pain in the ass to deal with.

The long boots were beautiful, and wouldn't have been an issue if not for the insufferable Moroccan heat she'd had to endure during filming.

The one-piece, however--other than making her boobs look even more like they'd bulge out of her clothes at any second--was stiff and uncomfortable and hard to go to the bathroom in and just so, so hot. ALL the fucking time! Even in the indoor scenes--where she'd be half cooked to death beneath her clothes, and half freezing under the air-conditioned sets everywhere else. Really, it was a miracle SAG even approved of nightmares like that to begin with. This is why she never wanted to do a superhero movie. "The Princess of Pomp-Aaayyyy!" was the closest she'd ever get to dressing up like that for a part ever again.

"You look super hot tho Anna..." said Jared, without looking away from the screen "and how hee-larious is Jeet Derrington tho?" he pushed through, cracking up at the Indian actor's 'leading man' antics. He was clearly a fan, apparently.

"He was such an asshole..." muttered Anna, to herself, shaking her head at the comment.

"Oh, was he?" jumped in Rory, helplessly trying to jump-in. He was clearly paying an inordinate amount of attention to the starlet. No one who wasn't would have heard that.

Anna sighed internally. Derek had scolded her about it before starting the film, and he had been right to do so. She really should have seen this coming. In an attempt to address the new problem, she'd gone out of her way to sit apart from Rory after their little photo session. And yet... it hadn't taken, apparently.

"Leave her alone, dude, she's not into you...!" mocked his brother Jared, from a full room away. So, it had become obvious, too.

Rory blushed, looking away. It didn't last long, of course, and before the moment was over he met her gaze a second time. Like every smitten teenager, he couldn't help but look for hope.

She smiled weakly at her brother-in-law's little brother before looking away again. She... didn't really know how to discourage this sort of thing without being mean. But she certainly didn't want to encourage it anymore than she already had! Rory was a sweet kid, and she should have known not to encourage his little... admiration for her. Now she had roped him into a full-blown crush!

She really, really should know better by now, she chastised herself, with a long sigh.

Rory, meanwhile, was stuck to his phone like he had been most of the movie. Just looking at his pictures with Annie, over and over again. Seeing the reactions from his friends, his acquaintances, at the much milder ones he had posted--at Anna's request--on his own instagram page.

"Dude holy shit" said Logan's post.

"wait what the fuck is happening" said Lucas' message.

"No fucking way dude" read Jeff's comment.

A ton of other accounts he had never seen in his life were suddenly requesting to follow. And then came the accounts he had heard of, but never ever thought would be on his page. Drama youtubers, small celebrities... a couple of big ones, even!

He was caught in the attention. Reeled in by the endorphin high. All over a couple of steamy-ish pics with one of the world's hottest celebrities.

But still no reactions from Leah.

Should he care? Maybe he did have some sort of chance with Annie, now? She wasn't... avoiding him exactly. And it had been her idea to begin with!

He would have to see after the film. Check how she was behaving around him. Maybe... maybe she could have been... curious about him? She wasn't being all doey-eyed with Derek anymore. After Annie and his brother Derek had left the kitchen together, she had settled down a lot. Maybe she had a real moment with him in-between the pretend ones?

Oh, dammit he had to know!

And when would this stupid film end, anyways?

He had to know. Ask her. No, not ask. Like she said. He needed to go after her with his fun and his boldness.

Just then, Anna's phone started buzzing, over the coffee table.

It buzzed one time.

It buzzed a second time.

It started buzzing like crazy.

"Oh god it's my publicist I'm sorry" hurried Anna, quieting the phone down but ignoring the messages and calls "she's going- she's just going nuts...!" she chuckled, nervously.

Derek shook his head.

"Are you sure you don't need to pick that up, honey?" intervened his mom, from across the room "we won't mind..."

"Oh no it's fine, don't worry...!" chuckled Anna "I knew it would happen, I can handle it..." she said, dismissing their concerns and placing her phone back on the table.

Rory's phone, meanwhile, kept buzzing away in his hand, where people didn't notice it as much.

Really, what had Anna been thinking, wondered Derek. Roping Rory into her madness. All because, what? Some story about Annie and his ex-boyfriend hooking up again would be coming out? What's the problem with just ignoring it?

And now, mulled Derek, poor Rory's feelings were actually confused over Anna. Properly confused, not some understandable, childlike infatuation on a movie star acquaintance--but, instead, yet another chance to get his heart broken over nothing...

Derek sighed.

"HWAHAHahaha...!" guffawed Jared, across the room, at Jeet--Randy, in the film--failing to stop Anna--Princess Minerva--from throwing the town's mayor across the room and into a giant cake with her Goddess-given strength.

The rest chuckled.

All but Derek, Anna, and Rory. They were each lost in their own corner of the world.

"Jeet's literally a genius...!" muttered Jared--to himself, possibly--but everyone heard it. And you could tell everyone did because Anna rolled her eyes, and she was at the exact opposite end of the large entertainment room.

"Gawd Jared can't you shut up..." moaned Noelle, interrupting the silence that followed her brother's guffaw "like, we know you're a douche already..." she rolled her eyes.

Derek laughed loudly now, not so much at Noelle's comment as he did seeing Jared's mortified face when Jared noticed Annie, too, had to hold in a chuckle at her sister calling him a douchebag.

"Sorry, sorry..." said the amused Derek, looking away.

"Annie this movie is, like, so dumb, but you look so hot in that dress... like, so incredible..." said Noelle, pointing at the screen.

And indeed, she did. It wasn't her costume anymore, but an elegant party dress as the third act of the film rolled on.

"Thank you, baby..." answered the movie star "I think I still have it, somewhere. Production had to fit me for it, so... I got to keep it..." she explained.

"Oh wow for real???" said Noelle, jumping from her seat a bit too excitedly.

"Shhh!" scolded Jared, uncharacteristically concerned with keeping silent now that the pressure had been on him.

"Oh you've been talking all movie and now I can't say a word???" complained Noelle--and she had a point.

"Children...!" their mom spoke up. And, hilariously, all the adults in the room felt the scold.

"Listen to your mother..." said William--Victoria's husband, and everyone but Annie's father--in his deep, gravely voice... and everyone felt that even harder.

"It's okay..." whispered Anna, with a huge smile on her face, leaning towards Noelle to try and make less of a fuzz around the room "...I hardly ever use it, to be honest--it reminds me of... ugh. But would you like to have it? I'm sure we can-"

"WHAT!?" screamed Derek's sister, way, way above the line of acceptability.

Derek laughed and grabbed his face, shaking his head at his rambunctious family.

"Oh, shut up already!" yelled Jared. And he had a point.

Anna cracked up.

BZZT BZZT buzzed another cellphone in the room.

"Alright kids please settle down..." said Victoria "...we're watching a movie...!"

BZZT BZZT sounded some cellphone, again, and as the conversation quickly settled down, this time everyone saw whose phone it was.

"Oh it's mine...!" said Victoria, with a startle, noticeably late in realizing as much. And just as everyone had settled back down, they went back to the laughter and the whispering.

Victoria just shook her head.

As the rest of the family went back to the movie, she reached for the guilty party in her purse, unlocking it and looking through it. She swiped through to wherever she was going, and... just stared at her screen, with a blank expression on her face.

Some time passed. She glanced up.

Victoria realized that the rest of the room was divided between their own phone--Rory--the film--William, Jared, and Noelle--and whatever was happening. These latest two were just Derek and Anna... as if meant to be.

She had been lost in thought--into her screen--for quite some time, she only just realized.

William was just grabbing her hand like he always did during movie night. Doing his best to enjoy the film, regardless of whether he was into it or not, bless his soul. He was a stickler for the rules, after all.

Derek was looking at her. Not worried. Just... curious. Amused at his mom being the one staring at her phone for once, she thought. It made her smile. So he hadn't gotten anything.

Annie was looking at her, too. Not so much out of curiosity as due to simple boredom. She was not into the movie at all, and anything was a welcome distraction from having to watch herself make goo-goo eyes at some skinny little twerp on screen.

Annie smiled at her. Victoria smiled back.

"Did you check your messages, Annie?" asked Victoria, in a deep but not-quite-loud voice. Below the volume of the film, even, but in a tone which traveled very well. Deep, and impossible to ignore. An authoritative tone, that her children were used to hearing, but not Anna.

"Oh...? Mine?" Annie answered, somewhat taken aback. She glanced at her phone, but felt compelled to meet Victoria's gaze once again. She looked... intense.

Victoria cleared her throat. She leaned towards her husband, and whispered something in his ear.

"I need to use the restroom, honey" she said, but--outside William--only Derek and Anna heard her.

She stood up, sprinted past everyone, and softly caressed Anna on her shoulder as she made her way towards the restroom, slowing down for the tiniest instant. In that instant, she took in a sharp breath, but made no note of it. Anna looked around to see if anyone else had caught it, but apparently not. The matriarch didn't address it, either. She just flashed a smile and kept walking, barely missing a step.

Maybe Anna would check her messages, after all.

Before Victoria had left the room, Anna had reached over to find her phone.

Rory, meanwhile, had never left his. His eyes were stuck in a loop between the Anna in front of him and the one in the pictures, specifically the one where she hung by his shoulders. Like a couple would when dancing.

God she was so beautiful. Even just sitting there, with her phone in her hand.

Anna, on her part, unlocked her phone and navigated to her message app. It was so filled to the brim with stuff, it was taking a minute to update all the messages. And even after it did, it kept bringing more in. From her agent, her friends, her lawyer even... and her publicist, of course. She just scrolled past the dozens and dozens of nonsense, ignoring the myriad of voice messages, regular messages, reaction gifs... none of which she could get herself to care about.

Rory looked at the scrolling starlet from afar, his heart aflutter. She was so delicate. So frail. Her long neck, her beautiful skin, her slim body...

And then she gasped.

A loud gasp. An unmistakable gasp. Like something grave and terrible had just happened.

But she was looking at something on her phone, still.

After a long pause, the movie forgotten, Anna realized what had just happened.

"Oh! Uh- just... stupid work- uh- message stuff..." she laughed, nervously.

"Is everything ok?" asked Derek, a bit worried.

"Yeah! Yeah..." jumped Anna "it's just- I should, uh..." she cleared her throat "I should probably... you know, answer- I..." she said, standing up and pointing to the other room, before making her way towards the kitchen, in a hurry.


Anna reached the kitchen, her breath hastened and short. Had she really seen what she thought she had? There's no way it could have been true, right? No fucking way!!!

She unlocked her phone again.

Her heart jumped.

She gasped, this time doing her best to keep it down.

Oh god. Holy shit.

What the fuck was happening, her brain screamed.

There, on the screen, was a picture of her sister, completely naked--naked! her tits squished against- against someone's legs--her ass was high in the air, as she sucked down on a column of meat. A veritable spear of a cock.

But that wasn't it. That wasn't the shocking part. Not really. Although the size of that cock really was the first thing she noticed, if she had to be honest with herself.

And she had seen her sister naked before. As teenagers, even. And she had even seen her... fooling around. Anna had even been... close to it. And maybe... Maybe...

But still, nothing like- just to outwardly go and- just going ahead and showing-

Shit. Holy shit.

She tried catching her breath.

Because even still... no. That wasn't even it. That wasn't even the worst of it. What had her completely in shock. What her brain was still refusing to process, much less accept was...

Well, first off--she was cheating on her husband!!!

Sylvia 'I have a Perfect Husband' Laurent!! She hadn't even cheated with Cade!! Or Chase!! Not even with Anna egging her on!!!

And now- and now-

But--Fuck!--that was the least of it-

Oh god this was overwhelming. Really overwhelming.

This shit was posted on their perverted fucking group, of all places. Their cursed fucking group, where they shared nudes of her nephew like he was another fucking nude-sending, brain-wormed, desperate douchebag.

Except he wasn't. He had never even suggested anything of the sort. He was a well-adjusted, respectful kid. It was a huge violation, that fucking group.

She knew it, but it got her so horny and-

And he just pushed so many of her buttons, that fucking kid and-

And- and it let her- it made her feel like a teenager again and-

And Anna had to wonder if her getting used to the shit they spewed on that place is what had urged the earlier mistake of letting Rory--a kid she barely knew! Just some kid, this... Rory, who she had only met today--let him play pretend at being her fuck-buddy.

God. Jesus. But then Sylvia now was saying-

She was saying-

Anna gulped.

-what Anna thought she was saying, right?

Fuck saying- She was showing them!

Holy shit. Holy shit.

Was that Cody's cock she was sucking???

It absolutely was, wasn't it? Was it her- them who pushed her to it?

Was it even legal???

God. She felt dizzy.

She knew he was--barely fucking legal--but... did that even fucking matter, here?

And she knew she had been sort of egging it on, with the way she was talking on that filthy fucking group. But this was her nephew.


It was- it should have been unthinkable!!

And she had his cock in her mouth! Not even just the tip but to the fucking root!!! And her eyes were fucking- she was all but-

Oh god she looked like she was about to cum. Just from sucking his cock.


She put her hand to her mouth, as she slowly came to realize this was, indeed, happening.

This was- This either was happening, or her sister had a SICK fucking sense of humor. And- and a fucking master's degree in graphic design and image re-touching.


She was trembling. Shit. She was shaking and gasping and...

She was horny.

JESUS FUCK what the fuck was wrong with her???

Oh wow, but she was so fucking horny.

It wasn't nerves that had her shaking.

She smiled.

Anna took a deep, shaky breath to try and calm herself--her big smile still stuck to her face. She didn't calm down, but she nonetheless realized something else: She realized she wasn't just horny, but ecstatic. She was about to crack up, laughing. But she shouldn't. She knew she shouldn't.

She giggled. Almost too loud. Probably too loud.

Oh god it was just so fucking hot! And her sister was so fucking hot. And just- holy shit is this why they were spending another night driving here? They wanted to fucking- they wanted to-

Would she and her sister...? Would they finally- would Sylvia and her finally...?

"OOOooooh..." she cried, under her breath. She bit on one of her knuckles. She felt- she didn't know how she felt.

That was a lie.

She felt horny. Hornier than she'd ever been. And excited. She felt... very excited. Anxious, really. So very, very anxious.

And jealous. Really jealous.

She couldn't believe herself.

She giggled again. She wanted to scream and run and laugh. This was unbelievable!

Was this really happening? Was this really allowed?

"This is what it looks like, when a mom swallows a cock" is what Sylvia's message said, underneath the picture.

Anna answered back.

And she giggled a third time, because she surprised herself once again.


"What was so funny over there?" asked Jared, as she came back from her little adventure.

"Oh, nothing just-" she answered, trying to come up with something on the spot "you know... message stuff..."

Oh my god. 'Message stuff'??? her brain chastised her. Was she an idiot?

"Can't be funnier than this next scene..." he said, pointing to the film again.

She knew the scene. It's when, after the big dance, her and 'Randy' try having sex but can't ever get to it because they keep getting interrupted by Hermes. Yes, Greek God Hermes.