Connie's Betrayal


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Terri had cottoned on to what Connie was doing after several weeks and warned her friend to stop before she got caught. She had even rowed with her husband Phil over it and wanted him to put pressure on Tonty to stop before it all hit the fan. Terri had told Connie to cool it and that she had spoken to Tony as well as getting Phil to intercede too. Tony was unrepentant, arrogant and dismissive of Terri and his brother. Phil was torn between loyalty to his brother and that of his friend Sal. It didn't help when Connie started in on him at the restaurant when he asked her to stop seeing his brother as he was getting it in the neck from his wife. He was trapped between a rock and a hard place with no easy way out. The longer it went on the more difficult it was to find a way out without causing a major problem.

Connie knew it would have to end soon and she realised the risks she was taking were only adding to the attraction of keeping it going. It was dangerous, if Sal ever got to find out all hell would break loose. The scene at the restaurant was too close for comfort and with Sal asking what was going on it was definitely getting out of control. She sat sipping her coffee as her affair replayed in her mind, she felt her arousal at the thought of Tony, there was just something about him and the way he fucked her too. She knew he didn't love her or want her in any way other than as an easy lay but she was still drawn to him. She decided it would end tomorrow, it would be the last time, she had to call a halt to this but they would have one more night together. She felt better somehow that the decision had been made but of course she still had to convince Tony too.

It was late when I came through the door, I had been trying to kill time all day long, and the plans were all set. I had the papers from my solicitor in my car now, the official set would be delivered by registered post. I felt tense and headed straight for my trusty bottle of JD and poured a large measure. Connie was watching me as I took a large slug and poured another. I was in turmoil and I was sure looking at Connie she was dealing with her own problems too.

"You OK Sal?"

I didn't answer at first, taking another gulp of my JD. I turned and fixed her gaze with my own stare, I could see her reaction, she looked scared, uneasy, and a shiver went through her and was almost visible.

"Just a rough day is all love. I need a shower, then I have to get ready for this thing with Carlo tomorrow." I eased past her and was gone up the stairs before she realised I hadn't kissed her. She didn't like this atmosphere it frightened her, she knew why too but tomorrow it would be finished. What did he mean he had to prepare for tomorrow? She realised she knew nothing of what he was doing anymore.

I stood under the hot jets of water as my eyes leaked tears for my marriage, my wife, my future, everything was so fucked up. After thirty minutes under the shower I felt no better, albeit cleansed, my heart was breaking and I felt like I wanted to run away and hide. I was shaking and I wasn't sure I could hold it together much longer.

Stepping out of the shower I dried and dressed casually before going downstairs. Connie eyed me as I entered the kitchen, I had got a grip and pulled myself together, now I had my game face on. She relaxed a little as she got a grip on herself too, I could see that. It was odd we both knew something was wrong and were both doing our best to not ask the questions that would bring it all down.

"What's for dinner?" I asked as casually as I could manage.

"I thought we could order something in for a change, I don't feel like cooking tonight."

"Sure, no problem, Chinese OK?"

"Yes, that would be good."

I made the call and while we waited we sat in the lounge with the TV warbling in the background. Like two prize fighters we eyed each without either of us drawing attention or wanting to have the confrontation that was in the air. Dinner was quiet, tense almost.

"What time do you have to go in the morning?" She asked casually.

"I will be off out around 9am, we have a flight booked at 11 so we don't have to rush. Shouldn't take too long though problem is we don't get to meet with the problem until tomorrow evening. But will be good to meet Carlo's cousin at last anyway. You know what family is like."

It was already almost 10pm, I thought I saw her glancing at the clock.

"I need to turn in love. Will be a long day tomorrow." I got up drained my glass and set it on the table. I looked across at her, there was a hint of sadness about her eyes I thought. She stood and closed the gap between us.

"I want you to know Connie, I have always loved you like no other." I hugged her tightly. She felt him wrapped round her and her heart was filled with sadness and guilt. Tomorrow it would be over she thought to herself and then I can make it up to him. I was thinking the same thing, well almost.

I woke to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling my nostrils, something I had always loved first thing in the morning. It brought back memories of my Granma's home, there was always coffee on the broil. Strong and dark too, there was no smell like it. I floated down the stairs towards the strong scent of the nectar. Connie was waiting with a large mug in her hand. I grabbed it and kissed her on the cheek before sipping the oily fuel which served to wake me fully. I sat and ate some toast citing a rather full stomach after the meal last night.

Silence broke the air in the kitchen as we drank our coffees, we each watched the other but looked away before being seen. It was tense and we both wanted it to be over. I looked at my watch.

"I have to get going lover, I need to be at Carlo's to pick him up." I stood and placed my cup on the drainer after emptying it. I felt myself breathe deeply and a swell of emotion grew in my chest, I choked a sob back as I almost lost it. I looked at Connie and saw she was trying remain cool, fuck it was tense.

She must realise I know surely.

She looked up at him smiling as he passed her.

"Have a good trip and hurry back Sal."

She watched as he eased past her and kissed her politely on the forehead, again this action puzzled her. Grabbing his overnight bag he strode towards the garage. Breathing a huge sigh of relief I slid the key in and spun it into life, the car roared momentarily. The garage door raised and I backed easily out into the cool morning air. With tears slowly clouding my eyes I spun the wheel and gunned the engine down the road and away from my wife. I didn't look back, I couldn't my face was wet with tears, my heart weighed heavily with sadness. This was it, judgement day.

Connie picked up the phone a few minutes later and listened to the tone in her ear.

"He has gone, you still good for tonight?"

"Oh yes baby definitely. We will make it a good night too."

"I had to tell Phil to back off though Tony, he is getting on my nerves lately. Has he said anything to you?"

"Yes, but I told him to fuck off too and that bitch wife of his too."

"She has been going on at me too, she won't say anything though I know that."

"Well it isn't going to stop us baby, I am really looking forward to tonight. I got my mate to get us the same room as before so we are good to go, room 415 OK just get the key at the desk and see you there for 8 OK?."

"OK got it, I will call you later."

The couple hung up on their call and a man smiled. He tapped out a text giving the details of the lovers tryst before recovering his listening equipment and leaving his post. Carlo saw the text and smiled grimly to Sal. Sitting in the study he cringed at his wife's callousness before going over the plan for tonight.

"You sure you want this Sal? I have to ask before things go too far, you know where this will end don't you?"

I looked across at my lifelong friend seeing the deep concern behind his eyes and heard the warning in his words.

"Carlo, I loved that woman like nothing I have ever loved before or will ever again. I gave her everything I had and I can't let this go. I have to do something so she knows what she has done and that she will pay for ever as will her lover. I just have to do it Carlo, you understand?"

Carlo nodded sadly as he saw the pain in Sal's eyes and felt it in his words too. He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a revolver, he slid it across the desk in front of Sal. He looked at it, eyes wide as he took in the detail of the weapon that would solve part of his problem.

"Only take it if you really are sure Sal, we will do what is necessary to make sure he knows what he has done and to encourage him not to try anything like this again. The gun is to make a point OK?"

He watched as Sal nodded silently as he looked at the gun. Carlo retrieved a handful of shells and piled them on the desk next to the gun. Seeing the ammunition made it seem more real somehow.

"You need to load it Sal, if for no other reason than to reinforce in your own mind that this is what you want to do, understand?"

Sal reached out and held the gun, it felt lighter he thought as it brought back memories from way back. Carlo watched as his friend loaded the pistol with practiced eased before laying it on the desk again.

"Good to go Sal?"

Sal nodded.

"OK we have some time to kill so let's go eat and I will fill you in on the details."

"I was considering calling on Terri and Phil at some point to find out how much they knew and ask why they neglected to mention it to me."

"I would leave well alone, if they realise you now you will be giving the police evidence of motive before the fact. Leave well alone for now there will be time later don't worry."

They went out to the front of the bar and Sal was introduced to Carlo's brother Alfredo.

"Good to meet you at last Sal." He smiled and shook his hand.

The three men sat and chatted amiably before a waitress entered carrying plates of food that was obviously organised previously without a word. The young waitress smiled at Sal and before turning leant over and said.

"Hello Sal, my uncle Carlo has told me a lot about you, pleased to meet you, I am Allissia."

Alfredo smiled at Sal and ushered his daughter away.

"Sal, I am sorry for my daughter's impetuousness, she is headstrong the way they are these days."

"Alfredo, it is my pleasure to meet you and any member of your family, for too long we have missed out on getting together. Family is everything as I am sure you know. Please give my regards to your wife and the rest of your family too."

Alfredo smiled, "Thank you, I will."

Lunch was taken leisurely with the backdrop of customers filing in and causing a warming hubbub of noise behind them. Considering what they were discussing it was surreal yet weirdly relaxing as Sal felt at ease and safe.

His mobile phone went off just after three in the afternoon, he looked at the screen and saw it was Connie.

"Hi Connie, what's up?"

"I called to see if you had got there OK is all, everything OK? How is Carlo and his little problem?"

"We are both fine thanks for asking, we are here but just having a late lunch before moving on. What do you have planned for tonight love?" He asked the question as he would normally but he also wanted to hear her lie again.

"I am going over to see Terri, I think things are OK there now."

"That's good, I was going to give Phil a call later anyway."

"I think he will be out this evening with his brother I understand."

"I have never met him, what is he like?"

"Oh, well I only met him the once, he seems rather nice as far as I could tell anyway, bit like Phil really."

"I have to run here Connie we have a hotel to get into before our meeting this evening, so have a nice evening and give my regards to Terri."

"OK love, love you bye baby."


As he cut the call, Carlo looked at him and saw the pain but also something else, anger, a deep burning anger. Something he knew very well and the one thing that had set him on the path he had taken in life until he met Joanne and she did something to him that had never happened before, she made him fall in love and with her.

"OK Sal?"

"Yes, looks like we are set to go."

The men raised their glasses and toasted each other downing their drinks in one go.

"Time to get some rest before show time, let's go meet the guys."

They left Alfredo in the bar and headed into the private quarters. There they found a group of four men who all greeted them, shaking Sal by the hand and big bear hugs for Carlo.

"Sal these are very good friends of mine, I trust them with my life and have done so many times in the past. They will not let you down."

Looking at the men I could see they were all a few years older than me and appeared weather worn and all had the same eyes with steely glares and appeared strong and focussed. I felt a shiver run through me as the reality was starting to hit home.

"Still want this Sal?" Carlo asked coolly.

"Yes, I don't just want this I need it." I looked at the men who all gave me small smiles as if they understood the enormity of it for me too.

"OK guys is everything ready? All checked? Cars in place? The van? Access to the hotel and the escape routes? Disposal? "

For the next thirty minutes the plan and all the points Carlo mentioned were gone over until all were satisfied it was good to go. I could feel their eyes on me as I paced up and down the room, I was tense and could feel the anger building inside, I was not sure I could control it much longer. The knowledge that Connie was even now getting ready to meet Tony was twisting my guts, I wanted to hit something, somebody. Carlo stepped in front of me blocking my way and wrapped his big arms round me.

"Easy Sal, easy we will soon be on the move, it will get easier son."

Tears were forming in my eyes as the frustration and the anger mixing with the sense of betrayal and loss fuelled my mood. Carlo paced with me as the men looked on, I could feel their sympathy wrapping round me as if in some form of support.

They all took a turn at talking and pacing with me for the next hour as they needed me to play my part to the full too.

A phone rang breaking the mood, heads turned towards the stinging sound. Carlo picked up his mobile.


They all strained to hear anything.

"OK, good we will be moving in five minutes."

I looked at the clock it was past eight o'clock! The time had just flown past.

The men exited the room and headed for their car, they would collect a van nearer to the destination. Carlo looked at Sal, he was worried.

"Sal, last chance you don't have to do this you know."

"Yes I do, that bastard has disrespected me and my family, I need to teach him a lesson he will never forget and I fucking well intend to do just that."

"Good man!" Carlo slapped me on the shoulder with a meaty hand as we left by the back door and got in a parked Mercedes that had been arranged for us.

That brings my story to where I am now, parking the Mercedes in a side street not two hundred yards from the hotel. We sat in silence at just after 9pm a text pinged into Carlo's phone. He looked at it and nodded to me.

"They have arrived."

I felt my heart sink. Carlo saw my reaction, his hand on my shoulder now keeping me in touch with reality and trying to pull me back from the thoughts in my head.

"Let's stick to the plan Sal OK?" I looked across at him and nodded. I knew we had to wait at least another hour before moving in. Another text came through.

"The boys are here and are in position." Carlo smiled at me nervously, their role was crucial to getting us in and out of the hotel unseen, or realistically as unseen as possible. We sat and went over what we had to do and Carlo reminded me again not to let my emotions get out of control.

"We don't want to create a massive disturbance and get ourselves in the shit for those two pair of cunts, understand?" His cold eyes bore into mine as he looked at me, I got the message, and this was no time to fuck things up.

"OK Carlo, I won't shoot the fucker in the bed even I am not that stupid." I grinned at him as he slapped me on the head.

"Don't piss me around Sal, this serious shit, get your head on straight and keep a grip, got it?"

I nodded.

We sat in silence until his mobile lit up with another text.

We are in, exit is secured.

Carlo looked at the clock on the dashboard, it was almost time. My heart was starting to speed up and my breathing followed suit. Carlo pulled the brass knuckles from the glove box and eased the car door open.

"He saw me looking, just in case OK, let's go."

In a moment I was following him as he headed for the front lobby of the hotel. We strolled through the door and headed straight for the lifts acting as casual as any resident would but avoiding any eye contact. I tried my best to relax and stay cool but I was as tense as fuck. We stood waiting for the lift to hit the ground floor. The lift pinged and the doors opened slowly, we had to step aside as a couple exited the lift before we stepped inside and stood impassively as the doors closed. Silently we watched the floor indicator slowly climb towards the fourth floor. All too quickly we arrived and the doors slowly opened, my heart was pounding now. Carlo stepped out first and led me to the room, I saw the numbers 415 on the door and I knew my wife was on the other side of that door with another man. As we stepped up to the door the other four guys appeared as if from nowhere, they were dressed in hotel style uniforms it looked like and were pushing one of those laundry carts. There were subtle differences in that they all had woolly hats on that I knew would be pulled down easily so they would not be recognised and I also knew at least one was carrying a Taser. I looked around and saw no one along the corridor, Carlo also pointed out the CCTV that had been neutralised, and we had estimated we had about five minutes before anything was noticed as out of the ordinary. We stood back as the guys stood in front of the door, one guy offered the key card to the door lock and we all watched the light flash green and heard the door click. Slowly the door was opened, we knew the layout of the room already and that the bedroom was at the end of a short hallway and off of the lounge area. Quickly we moved towards the bedroom, as we passed through the lounge I recognised the underwear and the dress on the floor, my heart sank further and my chest tightened as I knew I had seen it all before. Silently we approached the open bedroom door, we could all hear the moans of a couple engaged in some energetic sex, my face flushed, the guys all avoided eye contact but I felt their empathy. They were professional and focussed. The plan was that the guys would enter first and remove the bastard from the room as quickly as possible, I would then confront the bitch.

Carlo led the guys into the bedroom, the lights were on and only dimly lit the room but from where I was stood I could see Tony pounding my wife into the bed and her legs wrapped round him as she begged him to fuck her harder!

The fucking couple did not hear or see the men enter the room, it was the rumble of the laundry cart that eventually did it. The noise caused Tony to turn his head slightly and his eyes bulged as he realised there were others in the room. That was when the Taser hit him in the ass, the shock make his body arch and jerk as he tried to get away from the shocking power surge hitting his ass and coursing through his body. Connie screamed as she felt him jerk and spasm on top of her, she didn't realise what was happening to her lover as she screamed and he kept spasming. He collapsed on top of her as two pairs of hands grabbed his arms and started to pull him off my wife. It all happened so fast, the guys were slick, as Tony was hauled off of and out of my wife she opened her mouth to scream and was immediately gagged with gaffer tape. She looked up, eyes wide with fear at the masked men bundling her lover off the bed and into the laundry cart. In less than a minute he was gone, wheeled out of the room and on his way to who knows where. Connie tried to get up but she found her hands taped tightly together as were her feet. I flicked the overhead light on and entered the room, I looked at my wife laid naked on the bed, and until a few moments ago she was thrashing in the throes of passion with that piece of human garbage that like Elvis had now left the building.